HELOVIA || The Way to the Sun
[JUDGED] Can we go back before the storm came raging? [Gaucho] - Printable Version

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Can we go back before the storm came raging? [Gaucho] - Ampere - 02-15-2015


Maybe their differences could be traced to their foundation. Where Gaucho saw it unforgivable to ever leave a herd, Ampere found it bizarre to even be part of one, much less one as fortified and unforgiving as the one he dictated. Had she any notion of just how strong a grip he held on the herd, she might even have considered walking away from it all in this moment. There'd be no denying the awkwardness of their continued life forced together, expected not only to routinely look and speak to one another in civil, detached manner, but to frequently work alongside one another. Luckily Gaucho was not the only string tying Ampere to the Throat, else she would have.

Instead she stood strong and rigid beneath the blows of his words, unafraid to face the challenges he provided - his were not her first. Yet, it was not easy. Never had an opponent in this been him, and with each word she felt a part of her inwardly crumple, wounded by the ease with which he tossed it all around, like it was so inconsequential and she was crazy. "You think it was easy?!" she demanded of him, incredulous. Her wings flared with visible outrage, the thorn of his tongue sharpened by the dry delivery as he listed off only a fraction of the bonds she had to suffer through daily. "Why do you think I broke apart in those damn caves? It was the first time I saw your bond." She grit her teeth at the memory, tearing her gaze away from him in an effort to make the survival of reliving it easier.

"There are so many bonded in this, place, that I had to learn to accept it. Otherwise I couldn't survive, couldn't help." She shook, her anger rising as he dug from her all the suppressed (even if poorly) feelings she'd been holding onto for a year or more. It was like living in a den of wolves, trying to pretend it was fine as they tore into horseflesh while she watched with a mouthful of grass. "I even left because of it (among other things), but I couldn't just pretend it wasn't here just because I wasn't." She talked about it like a disease; for her that's precisely what it was. It rotted the soul and infected the heart, and everyone was of the mindset that it was okay.

She turned back to him, her eyes almost glowing they were such a vibrant blue, the intensity of it all pouring out of her features which gradually wrinkled with fury. "Yet now you, you have TWO! For fuck's sake Gaucho what do you need with TWO lives?!" For her, it was unforgivable.

Unable to contain herself any longer she burst, much in the way he felt he would. She lunged towards him, the gap short, though it had grown the more they bantered. Needing to take hold of something realm something she could feel and crush beneath her rather than this ambiguous idea of wrong she aimed a bold bite towards his nose, careless of his antlers, unyielding to his height as she reached up with the strength of her haunches. Her forelimbs were lifted in the act, sand flung by her sudden movement, and she beat them out towards his chest, even if her strength paled compared to his, the speed of it all might be enough to surprise him and send him away. It would be a small, brief victory, but one she was eager to claim in a long list of defeats.

She screamed as she moved, the violent keening of a warrior's sorrow. Ampere wept for what they had become in the only way she knew how, blood. She loved this man, dearly, deeply, singularly. For that reasons he wondered when she would start to love herself. That she could still feel for him after everything he had done, everything that had been said, everything that was, she simply couldn't understand why she couldn't just hate him.

"I will do more than watch," she promised with a low growl as her hooves descended to the sand, dark wings flaring at her sides to hold her balance. She had reacted so forcefully she was barely able to keep up with herself, but she waded into that storm willingly, happy to lose herself in its throes. Around her the sand she kicked up sparked into the light of her righteousness, while a darkness was sent towards him and the bonds he kept. Something had happened before, could she do it again? Could she silence him, them?


A: 1/3
D: 0/1
W: 799

Regular timeline. End of birdsong, midday at the Dragon's Throat. Magic and companions permitted. 3 attack posts each.

Continuation of this thread.



RE: Can we go back before the storm came raging? [Gaucho] - Gaucho - 02-15-2015

I'd bring you further roses but it does you no good.

Her words meant nothing. Ampere was far better suited to a battle of vocabulary than he was, and regardless of who was right, Ampere would prove the victor. Still, it didn't matter. Gaucho was becoming more and more sure that this was not about companions at all. This was an excuse, a way to be pushed away.

And it was working.

Ampere made excuses for others, had learned to live with the companions of others (by her own words), but would not make such exceptions for him. He had saved Mara. Had saved the weak and sickly looking pheonix. He had offered a part of his soul to them so that they might live. Gaucho's intentions were on the preservation of life, not satisfying Ampere's distorted moral compass. But he had not done this to spite her. He wasn't culpable of the crimes she believed him to be.

Did that mean nothing? Did he ?

She was slipping away from him, both physically and emotionally. The Blue was beyond reach now. The Wildfire had lingered in the eye of the storm for so long now that he forgot what its winds and rains brought - how they burned his skin and chilled his bones. He wanted to dive into the depths of her gaze, to drown in the tense sexuality that still buzzed around them. Ampere had dug this grave for him long ago, and the dun knew that should her words and eyes turn sweet again he would happily fall into it.

But her eyes did not turn sweet. They were like daggers of electricity inflicting wounds that proved that she was capable of causing burns as well, even if hers did not require flames.

In the precious seconds that it took her body to bridge the gap towards his, Gaucho felt the regret and despair that had been slowly building within begin to overflow. He had wanted to go back, to erase what had happened between them, to fall into and against each other as they had done before. But the critical point had been missed, they had each in their love and hatred of one another blown past the point of no return without even a second glance. Now that it was too late, hindsight made it all appear so easy. This was easily avoidable and yet they hadn't. The absolute despair and painful outrage that accompanied such epiphanies burned and bled through Gaucho's soul, causing the flames that burned on his wings to flare up. He hated her for not caring for him enough to overlook whatever mistake she charged him with.

He hated her almost as much as he hated himself for not stopping this.

As her body collided with his, he would not retreat. Black hooves pressed against the bloody sands, yielding a few inches due to her force, but never actually allowing a step to be taken. Her teeth found the black skin of his nose, but he didn't care. He breathed in her ragged breath, greedily accepting her warriors kiss even as blood ran down his lips. He forced himself forward, accepting of the hooves that struck his chest. He craved the pain, and in his blood lust and heart-hurt, mentally criticized her for not being stronger.

Her screams mingled with his own as his wings shot forward. Gaucho wanted to grab her, to force her to stay close to him if she would not do so on her own. The urge to break her was white hot within his veins, pounding against his thoughts and better judgement. He was reckless in his despair, drunk on thoughts of her electric gaze, clinging to the cooling coals of their love.

Vaguely he was aware of the phoenix chick behind him - the newborns mind a mess of imagery and confusion, and so Gaucho shoved forward to distance himself from the life that had ignited this fight.

Mara was his only link to sight, and as that connection diminished for the second time in a matter of minutes, Gaucho was once again thrust into a solitary darkness. He could not see any around him, and could not hear those bonded to his soul. His flaming feathers initially sought to grab onto Ampere, but as darkness descended around him once again, they were like a blind man's fingers, groping in the dark.

Another beat of his wings sent an arc of fire outwards. Without Mara's assistance he could only place Ampere by the way the sands swirled around her hooves and how her shadow danced upon the ground.

Where love had failed, fire would succeed. If he couldn't make Ampere burn from the inside out then he would make her burn from the outside in.


WC: 787
Attack: 1/3

Image Credits

RE: Can we go back before the storm came raging? [Gaucho] - Ampere - 02-15-2015


She couldn't win.

This singular thought tore around her mind, bouncing off the inner hallways of her cranium to shoot like ice into every space of her body, chilling every fiber of her being. Her heart ached with that knowledge, feeling the unyielding need to be close to Gaucho, relishing the sensation of her skin coming into contact with his. Will this be the last time? she asked herself with a shocking grief. Unable to have him, unable to help him, unable to stop him. She couldn't win, he was too strong.

Pitifully her hooves coasted down his chest, sagging like the rest of her in the disastrous aftermath of their brokenness. She wanted to beat him, wanted to crush him to return every bit of hurt he had given to her, unknowing or otherwise, but she couldn't. She couldn't scrounge up even crumbs of resolve because instead she relished being next to him, coddled by the warmth that he embodied and radiated out like a personal sun. She fought back a sob, her breath instead holding tight in her throat, strangling free with a gasp as he pushed back into her, unwilling to submit, to leave, to give up.

Damnit Gaucho, just let her have this, just this once. If he would just leave, this would all be over, and it would be easy. It would be cold, but it would be over, wasn't that worth something?

Still transitioning back to the sands his forward momentum skewed her balance. She stumbled, the loose ground tripping her hooves as they fought for a hold, her wings fluttering to catch her, but she was tilted, and she just didn't care enough. The ground had felt nice before, it was soft, and warm, and hurt so much less than this. Her flesh rippled as muscles worked to hold her upright, hocks whispering over the dunes, but it wasn't enough and she faltered back, sinking like a ship to her left. Her haunches gave way, her wings twirled in the air, reaching for something to grab onto but she had already ripped everything out from under herself and given it all to him. No! she thought in frigid desperation, a plea to stop this, to go back, to stay!

Her wings shot back to her sides, unable to help her and not worth sacrificing. Her neck slung to the right, slowing the inevitable thud of her body as she sprawled into the sand on her left side. A twinge ran along her left stifle, having taken the brunt of her weight as she tipped over, but nothing hurt so bad as the wall of flame that kissed her skin in light of his lips. At first she smiled, thinking that he had come to her, that he had pushed past her defenses and sunken back into her heart, pooling her with that same inner fire that had always excited her.

Quickly though it hurt, and like watching a photograph burn at the edges, distorting a favorite memory, so too did his assault ruin her fantasy. Her face contorted with pain and she cried out in pure agony. Blisters rose over the right slope of her shoulder, the skin raw and angry and exposed, just like her. The acrid smell of burning hair choked her as she sucked in another breath to scream. Somewhere in the midst of it all tears sprung to her eyes, dripping dark rivers down an already shadowed face. She felt she was dying, that the absence of his love, the failure of her crusade, the weakness of herself, was all enough to bring her demise. She was eerily okay with it.

NO! some stronger part of her hollered, enraged. She twitched in the sands, writhing with torture of body, mind and soul. Dust stirred with her flopping defeat, and in the entropy of it all her steely stubbornness summoned the last shreds of her might. Blue light sparked into existence, shifting the organic matter into its true form. Lightning swirled like a shield around her, while bone and metal shot from the depths of her wings, seemingly born from her body. They hummed quietly with electric energy, guided by the emotional hand that Ampere so often worked her life with.

The two daggers hurtled towards Gaucho, their honed points the manifestation of Ampere as they aimed to drive into Gaucho's chest, right where his heart should lay. Each came from a different, though frontward direction. Meanwhile Ampere scrabbled to her feet, cocooned in a maelstrom of energy, breaths ragged and heavy as she grit through the unyielding torment of his touch. She stood before him, barely, feeling his fire in honesty for the first time.

She still wanted it.

A: 2/3
D: 0/1
W: 798/800



RE: Can we go back before the storm came raging? [Gaucho] - Gaucho - 02-15-2015

I'd bring you further roses but it does you no good.

He couldn't see her as her bruise-coloured body hit the sands, but he could see the way the bloody granules parted and flattened with the weight of her. Perhaps had she not silenced the bond between he and his companions, in looking down upon her he could have changed. Overcome by the desire to drop to his knees as well, cloaking her with his wings and forcing the fight from her body, his fire a panacea. He would bleed her hatred from her, ridding them both of whatever infectious disease had poisoned their hearts and minds. Perhaps the image of Ampere appearing so weak would be enough to shatter whatever internal barrier stopped Gaucho from ending this fight.

But he couldn't see her, and so he did not drop. Ampere had cast him into darkness, and in response he had cast her into his light.

He could both hear as well as smell that his attack had been successful, and a bittersweet feeling of victory reared its ugly head inside of him. Gaucho wanted to conquer her, but not like this. He wanted - needed - to feel her raging against him, to validate the hostility he felt, not to reduce her to ashes before him. He couldn't entertain the thought that Ampere was somehow as filled with longing and loss as he. If the Wildfire failed to maintain the precarious delusion that this was all simply some effort to push him away, he would crumple just as quickly as she had.

As pain overtook the Blue her magic faded away, its hold over Gaucho's mind and the two lives it was bonded to reduced to nothing. In his antlers Mara's gaze fixated upon Ampere, revealing the tear tracks that snaked down her cheek. Gaucho wanted to drop his head, to tear or nuzzle or mar the wetness with his blood if he had to - anything to erase the pain that was etched onto her face. He felt tears spring to his own eyes, painful pinpricks that caused his long eye lashes to flutter trying to reduce the pain. The tears in his eyes hurt more than the blood dripping from his nose caused by her bite, for the wound to his soul was so much deeper.

He felt betrayed, punished for a crime he unknowingly committed, still unsure if it was a justified crime. Ampere had taken what love he had to offer, that he gave her freely and in abundance, and thrown it to the wayside, preferring her idealistic world to the one in which they currently lived. She could have brought him there with her, tried to make him understand and forgiven his mistakes, but instead she abandoned him and then just gave up.

Gaucho watched Ampere rally, expecting her to rise, but she did not. Instead, her wings flared from her sides, hurtling daggers towards him. Briefly his mind considered trying to evade the daggers, though at this range there was no point, not really. Besides, to retreat would be to put the pheonix chick in danger of being squashed by his hooves. More than all of that however, was the need to have the pain that bore through his bones be overridden by pains of the flesh. His mind couldn't handle the thoughts that were no longer reconcilable: the need for her - for them - to turn back time, the desire to hold her close and feel her flesh hot and pulsing against his own, and push her into the ground; his hatred and love.

And so he remained still and accepted her attack, but it wasn't enough. He felt pain radiate on either side of his chest, felt his flesh part to allow a new type of pain to flood his system, and yet his mind still clung fervently to its heartache. The tears that bled from his eyes seemed stronger than the blood that dribbled from identical wounds on his striped chest, and indeed continued to hurt more.

In a haze of hate and desire, Gaucho saw electricity dancing upon Ampere's skin like a shield. But in his haphazard need to somehow diminish his pain, he didn't care. Lunging forward, he aimed for her - all of her, all at once. He needed to swallow her, to burn clean their wounds and simultaneously distinguish this wildfire that was engulfing them. His wings sought to hold her in place by wrapping around her neck and trying forcing her into the darkness of his embrace, smothering her with his being. Teeth aimed for her neck and wither like a lovers bite that had gone too far.

He was losing her. Ampere was slipping away from him, as damage was irreparably dealt on both sides.

But at least she was close now. At least he had that, one last time.

WC: 800
Attack: 2/3

Image Credits

RE: Can we go back before the storm came raging? [Gaucho] - Ampere - 02-16-2015


The world blurred as she blinked, the sadness caught on her lashes distorting the light. It wreathed him in a halo of illumination, as if he were an angel, but she knew better.

She wasn't any agent of heaven herself. She had led him into this state, purposefully ignoring things which she found distasteful about him in a delusional effort to make him as she needed him to be. At the time it was how she was able to confront the world, and she never could have guessed that he, they, would have gotten so close. She wasn't supposed to love him for gods' sake! Yet I do, she realized with a sinking horror, and yet equally she didn't, because she couldn't let it go - his crime. He had already made himself a monster once, and she had resisted him then, in the dark glow of the wraith haunted caves, but beauty had transformed the beast... at least until he mutated again. She could only look past so much, and this, this was her line in the sand.

He had her, but it hadn't been enough, and he pulled in one soul too many, shoving her's out. Whether Gaucho knew the breadth of that action or not didn't matter, because either way he had still made the conscious decision of who he wanted to be closest to. It wasn't the girl decked in blue, it was the pale snake and the fire chick. Loudly, she took her leave of his being, but not without this one last farewell.

Gaucho came for her, a violent attempt to conquer her back into his dominion, but it was as much her choice as his. She pulled away, stepping abruptly to the left, relying on the good portion of her haunch on the right side. It was enough to shove her out that little bit from his reach, but then the pain engulfed her as if Gaucho's touch had a ghostly extension, keeping her closer to him than she wanted. His right wing brushed past her side, harmlessly gliding beneath the massacre of burns her right shoulder sported. The sensation sent her skin to life again, like their stolen closeness. No! To stave him away, the electrical armor she bore was shoved away roughly, its blue sparks congealing together to create a lightning eagle that shot after Gaucho's right side in two wing strokes of chaos. Her knives had not done enough to satisfy her, so she yanked them back, re-sheathing them in their place by her wings.

Ampere faltered in the sand, distracted by him, her grace lost in the screaming aftermath of her cracked, bleeding skin as her shoulder was forced to stretch and open fissures in the fire blisters. She sagged her balance to her left, but the sore stifle protested and her head heavily hung down like a counter weight to keep her upright.

Stay back! she wanted to yell at him, blue eyes blazing with the vibrancy of their romance, it's light like a dying star, most brilliant in its last moments. Yet she did not continue, she did not leave either, she lingered. Ampere was hesitant to step into that new place where he couldn't be something she had and they didn't exist in that way any more. It had been so brief, after all this time of chasing, it should have been beautiful. He ruined it! she reminded herself petulantly, and with outrage she turned towards him, hysterical with the consuming need to love and hate him simultaneously.

"WHY DID YOU TAKE THAT EGG!" she sobbed, the words which were meant to be hard, instead were strangled by a deep ache that could have equally come from her inner being or her burnt body. She already knew his answer, and it fueled her with a rage that set her head thrashing, tears flicked free from her lashes and black mane adrift in the wind of her pursuit. Relying on her endurance Ampere forced herself through the limitations of her body, teeth clenching with a forceful clack against the rebellion of her muscles, her ruined skin, her shattered heart. She dove towards Gaucho's right flank, seamlessly following in the wake of his missed assault, needing to keep close to him, to feel him again. Her head lifted to open up her chest like a battering ram for his hips, fore-hooves raking out blindly for his hind legs, while her teeth pursued the feathers of his burning wings in an attempt to grab hold and yank them free.

If she couldn't have him any more, she wanted a part of him to keep forever, be it a scar she'd see every day, or a feather for her mane.

A: 3/3
D: 0/1
W: 800/800



RE: Can we go back before the storm came raging? [Gaucho] - Gaucho - 02-20-2015

I'd bring you further roses but it does you no good.

Perhaps he had been foolish for thinking that she would not pull away. That his over-inflated ego would just expect her to allow him to continue to have her when he pleased was perhaps one of the things she silently faulted him for, but it did not soften the blow that her retreat struck. As his wings closed upon nothing but an empty space, Gaucho felt the overwhelming expectation of her touch shatter his thoughts like a thousand shards, his flesh crying out in bitter agony for the lack of her that he felt. Her absence swam over him, blackening his thoughts and fueling a self-important entitlement.

In previous spars fought under these questing conditions, Gaucho's attacks had missed. He had chalked those up to the tenuous connection between his mind and Mara's, and how easily the strain of battle could cause the eyesight he borrowed from his companion to become compromised. That Ampere had twice severed the connection entirely in the past 10 minutes alone might have served as an appropriate justification for why he had missed, but it was not an excuse that Gaucho would utilize now. That his haphazard flailing towards her might have been unsuccessful because of him hadn't even been considered.

Like everything else, he would blame this upon Ampere as well.

She had pulled away, evaded what might have fixed this. Fixed them.

Gaucho felt a blue-white pain radiate out from his right side. It caused his muscles to contract, and his body reflexively curled in to the right, as if compacting the space she had electrocuted would somehow reduce the pain. The dun felt his breath hitch in his throat as his ears flattened against his skull. In the seconds that followed the area grew hot as the burn set in. It was not anywhere near as bad as the wounds he had inflicted upon her, yet he could smell the hair as it fused together as well as feel the tightening of his skin.

Would it scar? It would be hard to tell. Though likely when his hair grew back it would not be the same dark shade as the rest of his body. It would be tainted by her touch, just like the rest of him was.

"WHY YOU NOT TELL ME NOT TO UNTIL IT TOO LATE." He bellowed back, fumbling for Mara's eyes so that he might properly glare at her.

If this cause had meant so much to her, then why had she not tried to help him see things her way sooner? Why did she only mount her soapbox when it was too late? She lectured those with companions about the deeds they had already committed, and yet nothing that she said could be applied retroactively. Once a bond was created there was no going back. So why had she let him make this mistake in the first place? If this truly meant so much to her, why did she spend her time with him fighting and fucking? If she ever loved him, if she ever wanted this to last, she should have tried harder.

As she lunged, Gaucho swung his hips to the left, trying both to evade her assault but also to limit her ability to strike his right side which was still reeling from the effects of her electrical attack. However he couldn't avoid her entirely - she was far too close for that. He felt her shoulder grace his thigh painlessly as his hind right leg screamed out in pain. From his chestnut to the top of his hoof felt as though it had been scraped with a razor blade as her hoof dragged downwards. A pinch of pain - entirely minor compared to the wounds Ampere had already inflicted - tugged at his mind, emanating from his wing.

Shifting his body even further left to try and take the weight off of his throbbing right hindleg, Gaucho retaliated. Surely Ampere was far too close to evade him now. His teeth snaked forward, aiming for her loin, as his left wing shot forward aiming to knock into her ribs nearer to her flank. In his antlers Mara's steely body snapped forward. There wasn't much venom left in her body at this point, but she would happily expel what little she had left. Whatever heartbreak existed between the blue and Gaucho was not her concern. However having her mind silenced, was. If Ampere hadn't learned her lesson the first time, she would learn it now. Mara would have preferred to have been closer to Ampere's head, where thick veins ran down her neck. But the companion would be happy with what she got. Instead she aimed for Ampere's spine, happy to simply tear away skin with her fangs if that was all she could manage.

Just a note since this spar continued from the earlier thread: Ampere used her silencing magic once then, and Mara bite her/used her poison. I wasn't meaning to imply that Ampere had used her magic twice in this spar :)

WC: 798
Attack: 3/3

Image Credits

RE: Can we go back before the storm came raging? [Gaucho] - Ampere - 02-21-2015


His bellowing response was like a hot brand that he wielded, striking a permanent mark into her being. Because I'm always too late! was the shouted response that rattled inside of her, furious at the injustice of everything that surrounded her, be it the affairs of the world and its companion bonds, the tumultuous relationship that spawned between them on borrowed love, or the internal clash of her own selfish stupidity. Why hadn't she tried to convince him? Out of everyone she'd ever shouted at, lengthily lectured, or in any way accosted, he was the one that mattered most, but for him she had done the least. In the cold dusk of the caves she had raged against him, had let him go from the tight grip she'd seized at the expense of a friendship, and then... silence.

He just, left.
She'd walked away first though, even if her hooves hadn't taken her anywhere.

The reality of her failure in this was not lost upon her. Ampere felt it in the weight of the chain that bound that chick to his soul, as she did in the tethers that connected all those she had confronted before him. Each of them was like lead in her heart, weighing her down so much she wondered how she even managed to fly. After so many failures, so many attempts, she had given up mostly. Ever since her debate with the Earth those seasons past, she had been hollowed. His words haunted her, chased her into the sands and kept her there where things were easy. She had stopped squabbling with the hungry souls that stalked the abandoned eggs, had given up explaining her glare to every bonded horse that bore two shadows, and she had even grown indifferent to the hatched bodies that tumbled fresh from the fires of their bond-forge. In all that time though she had never lost her anger, simply buried, until now.

Now, Gaucho received the blunt end of her undying wrath for all the wrongs she suffered through, venting upon him each wound she had sustained in her self made prison of indifference. She turned a knife upon him, only so that she wouldn't have to stab herself. Either way, there was blood on the handle.

Abhorred by him and all that he stood for, both her failures in him, in herself, and in her namesake, Ampere shied away from him with all the remaining energy she had left. Only moments prior she had sought him out for this final touch, this one last embrace to have and to hold in her memories. She was going to fondly recall their blossoming love and the warmth it had always brought her, but now he scalded her and set fire to all that they had ever shared. "LEAVE!" she cried out suddenly, horribly; he was the epitome of her defeat, and she could stand it no longer. It hurt to have him go, but it was more painful to let him stay.

Her wings shot out, balancing her as Ampere wheeled back, shoving forcefully into the sand with the right side of her body the moment her hoof finished raking down his leg. Her teeth clicked together with the force of the momentum, just finishing the reach for feathers on his wings; such was the haste of her removal from his proximity. It had come in just the right moment, preceding his counter attack, though his wings still batted at her retreating frame, managing to strike emotional harm if not physical. Her evasion was aided undoubtedly by her natural affinity for speed and agility, but also perhaps an unconscious decision to slow the electrical processes of his body, and thus, him. All of it was a self defense mechanism, in which Ampere once more walled herself away from that, or in this case whom, might have most been able to save her. The itching need to run filled her up again the way the wind did her wings, but she was rooted by exhaustion, and she hoped, a stronger morality.

The sand settled back into a quiet stillness as she halted beside him, sagging on her legs as her muscles groaned and her chest roared in fire that had long stopped burning. Pain washed over her, heightened with every passing squall and shifted step. He had taken everything from her, in all ways possible, and she was done.

They, were done.

She quivered, overwhelmed continually, but unable to express it in the wake of the black hole of her implosive self destruction. "Just, go," she managed to force out from between her teeth. Her gaze traced the patterns in the ground, interrupted occasionally by a drifting strand of dark hair.

A: 3/3
D: 1/1
W: 800/800

Aud <333333333 thank you for this amazing fight. Also I wanted to confirm she did pull one of her feathers out? Gonna have her put it in her mane back in our other thread if so :D



RE: Can we go back before the storm came raging? [Gaucho] - Official - 03-11-2015

By my verdict: GAUCHO is the winner!

Realism [+4]
:: Since most of her magic has similar outcomes, I would have been less confused if there was more detail given to her abilities.
:: Excellent use of the stifle injury later on! I like seeing "full circle" battles like that
:: I thought it was great the fact that you incorporated her wings in every aspect of this fight! Additionally, I appreciated the fact that you wrote your attacks sequentially and clearly - and devoted the word space to clarify direction and severity.

Emotion [+2.5]
:: Poor Ampere, raging against such a helpless cause. I enjoyed every moment of this fight and appreciated the internal struggle you outlined for the reader.

Prose [+3]
:: "Quickly though it hurt" - this read a little awkwardly to me
:: "Stay back! she wanted to yell at him, blue eyes blazing with the vibrancy of their romance, it's light like a dying star, most brilliant in its last moments. " - Since "it is" is both subject and verb, these sentences should be separated. If you think that they cannot exist apart, you can separate them with a semi-colon! For example: "...their romance; it's light like a dying star". (If you meant 'its' which is the possessive form, then the sentence is fine!)
:: There were a few more instances like that above where sentences should have been separated, hyphenated, etc.

Readability [+2]
:: I had to go back and reread a few things for clarity. Magic is hard to visualize when it's not outline, and I think it would have helped if you used greater detail in your posts for how the magic was functioning.

Finally tally: (11.5 * 2) + 54.5 = 77.5 HP


Realism [+3]
:: I think you took too much damage in your first post! A 1 is just one step above a miss, but you had him bleed from his lips and have her run into him. She could have just bitten him and just left a mark!
:: I feel the too much damage thing again with taking both daggers to the chest and having him bleed with only the roll of a 2
:: I loved feeling like I was really in Gaucho's body and appreciated him bringing in his other battle experiences! It made his actions very real and tried and true.

Emotion [+2.5]

Prose [+4]
:: Obviously very carefully edited and well written

Readability [+2.5]
:: Very readable!

Finally tally: (12*2) + 57.5 = 81.5 HP