HELOVIA || The Way to the Sun
A long time gone - Printable Version

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A long time gone - Najya - 02-24-2015

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How long had she been walking?

Najya had lost count after many cycles of both the sun and the moon. She knew it had been many months now, but it was hard to mark the passage of seasons in the desert. The desert only knew heat and cold; night and day; life and death. There was no variation in the desert. But eventually the desert gave way to unfamiliar lands. Shifting sands gave way to a new world.

Najya continued forward.

She had given her promise not to stop until she had found a place to make a new life – somewhere far away and unfamiliar. Najya did not know what had happened to Shahan when she had honored his promise and fled. But when she awoke the next morning the smell of blood and death was thick in the eastern wind. Her thoughts turned to her family – to all she left behind. But her future was her own now. She was Najya – “free.”

Her eyes hardly recognized what was around her any longer. She functioned more like a machine than a living being. When the sun rose in the sky, she continued her journey forward. When it sank below the horizon, oblivion took her away once again.

Until the day she stumbled across this land. The day when the scent of other equines burned in her nostrils and she breathed it in and allowed it to fill her with life once more. Gone was the mechanical woman hell bent on survival alone.

Najya was here.
And she was alive.

Green. Everything here was so green. It was so unfamiliar in comparison to the burnt oranges and dusty browns she was so accustomed to. But perhaps this was just what she needed. Perhaps this green could help purge her memories of golden sands soaked in crimson blood.

The redwoods were something of an enigma to the little mare. Najya, having spent her whole life in the desert, was familiar only with desert grasses and arid shrubs that required very little to survive. Najya never knew trees could grow so tall – tall enough to puncture the bellies of the heaviest clouds. Is that why everything was so green here? Did these trees rip open the bellies of the clouds and spill life-giving rain on this place?

She moved slowly, for she was equal parts overwhelmed and enthralled by this place, wondering what today would bring. Was this the end of her journey…or was this just the beginning of the next chapter?


oh the desert dreams of a river that will run down to the sea,
like my heart longs for an ocean to wash down over me

image © National Archives | HTML by Kyra

RE: A long time gone - Thor - 02-25-2015

The comforts of home no longer felt as comforting as I’d once thought. Once again my mind was in a constant state of turmoil, seething and spewing and boiling, with thoughts of love and life. Perhaps I was a man more meant for bachelorhood and loneliness… It appeared a more natural existence than whatever road I’d decided to walk down with Evangeline. It was a mottled route filled with ruts and bumps that served to deter us at every turn. Yet, somehow I’d found a way to stay the path… fight for what I believed to be the truth at the bottom of our dirty well of secrets. No matter how hard we tried to evade our own questions and pretend the answers were always available, the more we suffered the consequences of our differences. I was tired. I was not youthful anymore… I was not accustomed to toiling in the heat of my own desire only to be burned by it in the end.

The mists of the World’s Edge had followed me to her borders and though I’d come to be negligent of her as of late, I was still grateful to the land that had allowed me the freedom of choice and the opportunity to grow and thrive. However, I had much to escape and much to contemplate and no time in which to do just that. Perhaps it wasn’t that I’d not the tools in which to deal with my grief, but more so that I simply had no want to… It was an awful, insufferable mixture of doubt and anxiety that allowed me no reprieve, no compassion or ambition.

Away from the home I shared with Evangeline, I sought to replace her image with fresh air and conversation. I had no friends on which I could lean because I had effectively removed them from my life so long ago. Whatever closeness we’d shared was now a mere formality that kept them observant and kind. Civility was and is the only glue that kept the man I was and the man I’ve become intact. Perhaps the monotonous routine of visiting the Threshold would allow me to push through the uniformity of my life as I now lived it… Perhaps it would allow me enlightenment, insight?

Heat still plagued Helovia after the merciful flood that had eased the worst of its grueling effects, but its presence was still noticeable. The Edge was naturally cooler since it was situated along the seaside and at times it was tough leaving her familiar luxuries, even if I feared running into Eva within her depths. However, the claiming grounds were a fairly short distance from the only home I’d ever known and they promised momentary relief- temporary distraction.

Upon wandering rather aimlessly throughout the trodden dips and swells, I was surprised to stumble upon a rather catching creature with gold situated between her ears and eyes. The distance between us prevented me from identifying the crude object, but it was enough to snag my curiosity and lure me from my daydreaming. Dirt and dust bloomed in my wake upon approaching and though I was sometimes seen as a formidable guest, I hoped that this mare would be able to look beyond my heft and see the amiability in my stare. “Welcome to Helovia my fair friend… I’m Thor.
image credits


RE: A long time gone - Ophelia - 02-25-2015

Ophelia the Forsaken
I'm a princess cut from marble, smoother than a storm
they used to shout my name, now they whisper it

Tallsun, hot and thick with moisture, welcomed the bright light through the boughs of trees. Dapples danced across her pale hide as she walked, no breeze reprieving the sweat on her sides. Ophelia was a creature of the north where snow and mountains welcomed her as old friends, and she missed the icy chill and haunting breath that cooled her to the core. Alas, moisture thickened in the corners of her body, and she puffed with flared nostrils as long, slender limbs padded softly between towering trees. Memories of this place were so varied, and she wandered through her thoughts, thinking on all those she had rescued, lost and abandoned, into Helovia.

Tinek, the silver dragon, bounded from limb to limb overhead, knocking loose a leaf here or there, and Ophelia's strange, two-toned gaze shifted upwards, a wry smile crossing her mousy, gray lips. He was forever a child though well over a year old now, and her smile shifted, deep affection crinkling the corners of her eyes. The beast was her dearest friend, a reminder of family and a another set of thoughts to make peace in her troubled, broken mind. "Find anything?" she asked softly through their mental bond. "Nah. Hunt." Politely, he kept his meals away from her, though she had no qualms about blood or gore.

Every tree was etched into her memories, and she knew her path well, even without thinking. The sounds of voice ahead pulled her from her own thoughts, and two, delicately shaped ears tipped forward, hooves carrying her toward the pair. One she recognized easily, his large form having greeted her in the World's Edge once when she had warned Mirage about the assassins. That had been some time ago, and she had been a leader of a different wold then. Ophelia smiled softly, observing the smaller mare, her height much smaller than Phi's, and her frame rather thin. Golden bangles adorned her form, and the pale princess nodded deeply, respectfully.

Tinek scrambled overhead, curling his long, scaled tail around a branch and swinging downward, horned head craning to watch the conversation. "Yes, welcome to Helovia," she replied with a smile, greeting Thor. If he was still part of Kahlua's herd, then we were close allies. "My name is Ophelia, and I am from the Aurora Basin - a herd in the north." The mare's voice was soft, twinkling like chimes and belying the dangerous creature beneath. Ophelia was kind, but as the crimson of her hair suggested, she was not innocent. "I have not seen you for some time, Thor," she said brightly. "How are you? Have you seen Mirage?"

Credits: Image by Araxel @ DA

RE: A long time gone - Najya - 03-01-2015

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It seemed that more than just the trees grew to great sizes in this strange new place. Thor was the largest equine she had ever set her eyes on. But if experience had taught Najya anything, it was to reserve judgment. The outcome of her life would have been far different if she were as quick to judge as some of the others in her herd had been. She would have met her end along with them on the edge of the desert. She never would have gotten the opportunity to meet the true Shahan – the one who was so veiled in cruelty and rumor that the whole of the kingdom had grown to fear him. No, Najya knew better than to judge. There was simply too much to lose. And regardless of how things ended up, she could not regret any moment of her life.

She often found herself wishing that the course of events had unfolded differently. Wishing that she had more time to spend with her family and the stallion she had come to love. But the past was something concrete and untouchable. The future was uncertain, but also undetermined. All that she had was the present. And paying too much attention to the past or to the future would rob her of that present moment. So with this in mind, she kept her thoughts from straying.

“Thor,” It was the first time she had heard her own voice in many months. The sound of it was unfamiliar in her own ears – somewhat horse and scratchy after such an extended period of disuse. She offered a small smile to the large bay stallion and she cleared her throat before continuing. “It is good to meet you. I am Najya.” It was only then that such a profound sense of relief washed over the little mare that it nearly stole the breath from her lungs. She had done it.

She wasn’t alone any more.

“Helovia,” she mused, aloud, testing the name of this place she had stumbled into. It was not a name that had come up in any of the stories passed between her people, nor had it come up in any of the legends told by the elders. A new place. A fresh start. Out of reach of those that who would wish her harm.

And it was only the span of a heartbeat before another echoed the name. Najya turned to find a tall, pale mare with mismatched eyes and hair that looked like it was dipped in blood. The little desert mare had never met a unicorn before, though she knew very well that such creatures existed. However seeing and believing were two very different things.

Najya dipped her head in greeting. “Ophelia – I am Najya. It is very good to meet you as well.” The desert mare was happy to find that her two new companions seemed to be acquainted with each other. Having fled from a place of war, she was eager to leave behind the conflict and the bloodshed if at all possible.

Something that Ophelia mentioned, the name of her home, stuck out to Najya. Aurora Basin. Was this the place where the lights in the sky touched the earth like in the legends? Were other legends born here? Was that why she had found this place? It was more than enough to pique her curiosity. However, she decided to hold her tongue for the time being. There were more pressing questions to address, and perhaps Thor and Ophelia could assist her with them.

“If you live in the north, Ophelia – where is it that you live, Thor? Forgive me, all I know of this place is what’s visible from where we stand and I’m very curious to learn more. I know nothing Helovia, yet I intend to stay here.” Her gaze flicked between the two, hazel eyes alight with something for the first time in many moons.

She had forgotten how it felt to live.


oh the desert dreams of a river that will run down to the sea,
like my heart longs for an ocean to wash down over me

image © National Archives | HTML by Kyra


RE: A long time gone - Ophelia - 03-04-2015

Ophelia the Forsaken
I'm a princess cut from marble, smoother than a storm
they used to shout my name, now they whisper it

Ophelia watched the mare's surprised reaction, pleased that she seemed at peace here already. Hazel eyes were bright and curious, and the pale princess smiled softly, paying little mind to Thor at this point. She took a deep breath, trying to cool off from the sweltering heat of the sun. The northerner was unused to this weather, much preferring the chill of her mountains and the soft sighs of winter winds. The pale princess smiled nonetheless, trying not to let her irritation with the weather emerge too much, especially since this stranger seemed so full of hope and eager questions.

A question was directed to Thor, one which Ophelia took a few moments before she replied. "Thor is from the World's Edge - a forest on the edge of cliffs in the West," she replied simply. "The Dragon's Throat lies south, a beautiful desert land ruled by Gaucho." The pale princess did leave out the Falls. If asked later, she could feign forgetfulness. Besides, how could she lead this stranger to the Falls not trusting those who resided there herself? Ophelia smiled. "I can show you any of these places, for the Aurora Basin is friends with all those in both the Throat and the Edge."

She paused for a moment. "You could choose to forsake the protection of a herd and wander as an outcast, but such a life is lonely." She smiled sadly, knowing it very well. Ophelia paused, regarding the mare curiously. "What is it that you wish to do? Perhaps I can help you make your decision this way?" she asked, thinking about the uses she could be in the Aurora Basin. Certainly she could help Lena with her herbs and be a healer. The herd was lacking those keen on those particular skills.

[[I didn't want to hold you up anymore so I skipped Thor D: ]]

Credits: Image by Araxel @ DA

RE: A long time gone - Thor - 03-08-2015

Try as I might, I was not a perfect man by any means. I missed conversational cues and I often failed to conceal my fascination when it reared its ugly head. Perhaps that was how I’d managed to become completely consumed with Ophelia’s presence in the Threshold, given the Basin’s preference to those with an obvious horn. How many times had I encountered such a thing? The idea that the Aurora Basin Lady spent any amount of time frolicking through the claiming grounds just because of the conversation was improbable. Whatever our newest allies had hidden up their sleeve, I wanted it shared… upon equal ground. However, it wasn’t my place to speak out turn without a little more discretion. Besides, Ophelia had never given me reason to believe she meant any harm… so far.

Inside my own head, I pondered just about every possibility a male of my caliber could feasibly imagine about the motive of females. However, I was left feeling speechless and maybe a bit surprised by the way the pale Northern Lady was able to man-handle an introduction. It was positively delightful… or insightful. She certainly had a way of easing her way into just about any situation. Perhaps she would agree to provide lessons on the matter; maybe it would give me the opportunity to tweak my own personal techniques. That was until I realized that I’d completely ignored any and all techniques in favor of gawking at Ophelia and her passive aggressive methods. It was inspiring to say the least.

What a womanly way to do things.

Of course, I deserved a gold medal for the inability to concentrate on one subject at a time. Phi certainly earned my admiration in that respect.

It is good to see you well Ophelia, thriving in fact,” I smiled demurely. The Edge had called for peace with the North, but my heart still questioned whatever loyalty stemmed between us. As I leaned back onto my haunches, I fixed Najya with a knowing gaze. Did she belong in the Basin, as full of racism as it was? Surely not every resident was compelled to loathe those without the sacred horn, but what of those who did? What did that mean for equines Ophelia planned on recruiting- if that’s what her intentions truly entailed? I couldn’t be sure and I certainly wouldn’t make any assumptions, but I did have regain my footing if I wanted to show Najya the kind of peaceful home she would find in the World’s Edge. “Ophelia forgets only one herd land, an exotic oasis if you will, called the Hidden Falls. You’re certainly more than welcome to do what you like, but each herd is composed of a certain Zen. I like to call it diversity, but in some regards… personality is diversity’s only representative,” I noted on mildly contemplative sigh. “The World’s Edge is located by the sea and cloaked in mist. We are led by Kaj the Stormbringer and Kahlua the Sunshower and we are a home based on peace and equality. I’d be more than happy to show you around should you decide a tour would be most beneficial,” I offered easily.

It was simple for me to talk about my home, because it was a place of comfort… but unlike Ophelia, I had difficulty highlighting the wonders just beyond my own misty borders. After all, how was I supposed to know what the Throat was like? I’d never even seen the beginnings of sand along their threshold. "I don’t know much of those lands outside my own, but I would be more than happy to accompany you to wherever your heart desires. It wouldn’t be polite to leave a lady unattended…” I concluded softly. My heart was taken by Evangeline -that much was certain- but I still quite the gentleman as far as humility went. It would have been wrong of me to abandon Najya to do her own bidding anyways… This was still a foreign place to her after all.
image credits

@[Najya] @[Ophelia]
ooc: I'm so, so sorry that it took me so long. I hope that I was able to write around Phi appropriately. If there are any problems, please let me know! x.x

RE: A long time gone - Najya - 03-13-2015


Both Ophelia and Thor’s words echo in her head. She can’t help but think how fortunate she was to have been welcomed by two individuals who were so willing to come to her aid, especially after such a long journey. A journey that was made even more taxing considering all that came prior – fear, blood, vows…

She blinks away the intrusive thoughts, and jumps into answering Ophelia’s questions.

“I come from a desert people. I was something of a storyteller in my old home. I’m not sure if any of your herds here value someone with a penchant for stories and legends.” She doesn’t go into specifics. Her penchant for stories had, truthfully, spared her life. It had granted her the title of queen consort of an entire kingdom. But none of those things were important in this decision. She would carry them with her, yes. But there was more that would define her going forward. She had to adapt to best suit herself to this new place. She had to evolve to continue to grow, to thrive, to live. She had to keep her promise.

“My mother was a priestess was also our primary healer. I did pick up a few things from her during the years I spent with my family, though it wasn’t ever something I became particularly adept in.” While she wasn’t unskilled with the methods her mother used, it was not something she was particularly passionate about.

“I…” She pauses, continuing carefully with her words, “I’m afraid I’ve lost any taste for war.” Her gaze flicks between the two She did not her journey from one place torn apart by blood to simply end by delivering her at the doorstep of another land seeped in blood. If the opportunity for a peaceful life was available to her, it was an opportunity that she couldn’t afford not to take. However she does not elaborate. Not now. Not yet. That is one story she would prefer not to repeat. “A peaceful place would be…important to me…” …to recover, she adds, in her head.

There was so much variation here. All Najya has ever known is desert sand, hot split earth, sunbaked stones, and sparse vegetation. Here everything was different. Here all the lands from the legends seemed to come alive – the lands at the edge of the earth; the lands where the sky touched the earth at night, the lands where the rivers fall from earth all at once, and lands built on the throat of the dragon. She found herself in unfamiliar territory. Did she go to one of these new places? Or did she err towards the familiar in the face of an overwhelming decision? It was the second life-altering decision she had ever faced – and the decision to go with Shahan hadn’t seemed like much of a decision at all. Indecision was a foreign, uncomfortable feeling. But the opportunity for peace…Najya couldn’t shake the idea.

“I think I would like to go to the lands at the Edge of the World.” She looks to Thor, for she felt safe accompanying him to his home. His gentlemanly demeanor and general helpfulness made her feel comfortable enough to follow this relative stranger home.

“Do you think there’s a place for someone like me – someone who’s known little aside from sand and stories?” She poses the question primarily in jest, but there is a hint of genuine insecurity in the sentiment.

She then turns to the pale mare, “I would like to thank you, Ophelia, for your kindness. I hope this isn’t the last time that we see each other.” Najya offers the pale unicorn a kind smile and a small bow and she truly does hope to meet again sometime. Until then she will carry fond memories of the kind pale unicorn who helped welcome her to this strange new place.

Lines By: x || Tags: @[Ophelia] @[Thor]

OOC: Now it's my turn to apologize! I've been without power and then was sick as a dog. Sorry to keep y'all waiting!

RE: A long time gone - Thor - 03-15-2015

For a moment the silence is deafening. Is it the softest of sounds, like a feather against the skin, which delights and excites the senses. There is something fulfilling about this moment that slows my heart and calms my mind… My breath is bated and perhaps a bit heavy with anticipation because this is the moment of truth, of decision. Though monotonous and a bit repetitive, the Threshold has forever been a guilty pleasure for all who experience its grandeur. Those who come seeking introduction strive for exhilaration in the welcoming and those who come looking to rip the rug of greeting from beneath oblivious hooves are certain to face the obligatory moment. This singular moment of time provides not only the inevitable rise and fall of one’s chest, but also the unavoidable idea of success or defeat. It is thrilling and undeniably heart wrenching, an addiction of sorts.

However, each story woven through the fabric of life came to inspire and enchant me. As Najya was not the first woman to woo my opinions with ideas of desert Queens and ancient tales, I was still content to revel in the images that came to mind when she spoke. Her voice seemed to jilt over the words in a way that suggested her foreign upbringing, but the silk she spun was beautiful nonetheless. I liked to imagine the many eclectic fantasies that bloomed from the heat of the sun and the warmth of the sand underfoot in her native lands. Yet, I questioned the mare’s ability to adapt to the montane forests of the World’s Edge. Would she truly be able to find comfort in the incessant rushing of the ocean’s waves?

I believe that you’ll find Helovia most accommodating. It’s not often that we are graced with those able to garner the ability to tell a wholesome tale,” I smiled. I spoke nothing but the truth as I’d come to know it, because I lacked the good sense to fabricate any sort of falsehood. Perhaps it was something I’d learned through the years or maybe it was my mere inability to speak out of turn, but I was certain that a woman with skill would be more than suited for any capacity of life in Helovia… Of course, I sought to see her cloaked in the mists of my great Lady, the Edge.

As the seconds ticked by and conversation burned through the warm rays of the summer sun, I began to succumb to the spell that was so often associated with the claiming grounds. Impatience began to take its toll and toiling through the heat that stagnated in an out of the trees made me placid and distracted. Somehow I was able to retain Najya’s accounts of her mother and their tendencies for healing, but it soon became a story I’d come to know too well. However, I wasn’t well acquainted with Priestesses or their prominent role in society, if in fact they served as such. That was something I’d have to inquire about on our way to the Edge… if she agreed to as much. But, the question still remained… did that mean that Najya was as religious as her Priestess mother? Or was the term more secular than I’d imagined?

With a tilt of the ear and the slight of a smile I was suddenly more compelled by the sparsely decorated desert Lady. At last my words appeared to stick in a more permanent fashion… considering not everyone was meant for peace and a life spent securing alliances and lasting friendships. I hoped that I’d somehow come to sway Najya’s likenesses toward the Edge and away from the questionable Basin. But, I still had difficulty soothing the anxiety that stemmed from Ophelia’s presence in the Threshold… I silently promised to pay the Basin’s Lady a visit at some point in time, when the time was in fact right, but until then my suspicions would have to wait.

After all, the way ‘the Edge of the World’ sounded coming from Najya’s lips made thinking about the North a serious afterthought.. Now this was becoming something I was more adept to deal with. For a moment my eyes stray to that of the pale Lady until I am finally forced to face Najya and the singular moment I had been waiting for since encountering her. “I know that your stories will find only eager ears for their telling. Please… when you’re ready, I’d like to introduce you to your new family,” I breathed lightly. The World’s Edge would no doubt require transition considering Najya had come from the Desert, but I still fully believed that she would find nothing but happiness within our midst.
image credits

Najya- Tag removed for edit.
ooc: Hopefully this will make up for the waiting and the horrid posts I've been making lately. x.x I will try to get something up for you soon in the World's Edge, but if you want to to start a thread I will make it my top priority and reply ASAP. Spring break is next week so I will be able to post freely very soon!

EDIT: I'll get your rank changed to outcast and once we get her situated into the Edge, she can claim a starting rank. <3