HELOVIA || The Way to the Sun
Hot Like Wasabi When I Bust Rhymes - Printable Version

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Hot Like Wasabi When I Bust Rhymes - Roskuld - 03-01-2015


But there was no stopping the inevitable and I was sliding in the surf and falling to an early grave and when I finally bust my ass little plumes of sea foam splashed upward and there was a wave of sand particles flying everywhere doing everything it could to escape the heavy thud my ass was making against the sand.

“Shhhhitfuck,” I hissed angrily, my jaw locked in reaction to the pain that was lancing up my whole right side. I was all covered in sand, too, from my shoulder all the way down to my ass-crack, and I was pissed before I even knew which way was up. My eyes were rattled; I blinked them open and closed a few times to try and blink away the falling, but instead I was blinking in little white flecks of saltwater and it was beginning to burn and I kind of flailed in agony (screaming “AWHAGHWAGH” all the while). Then I gave up trying to make sense of gravity and I flopped back down on my side, disgusted with the sand, the saltwater, the sea and everything.


What was even the point of coming back here? What was I trying to prove? That sand wasn’t that much of a bitchtitty as I believed it was? (Funfact: Sand is one hell of a bitchitty.) That Assfart wasn’t as big of a huge boogie-man than I had originally thought him to be? Was I trying to conquer some dumbass fear I had?

I mean, whatever right? Because I had been running across the beach, minding my own business, trying to make it a magical moment, what with the morning sun shining pale yellow and the breeze wafting gently around me in a way that wasn’t blazing for once and the sea rocking back and forth, easy like Sunday morning—

--but I had slipped and bust my ass in the surf and it was turning out to be a shitty day anyway.


Might as well roll in the storm clouds. This sunlight was pissing me off.

What’chu lookin’ at!? I spat suddenly; for something shifted in the corners of my vision; I was panicking too hard to try and settle my vision and see who it was, or even if it was someone to react to. But I was in no mood for a witness to my misery; I was already scrambling to my hooves, and before I was even standing something was CRACKLEing from my horn and a bolt was leaving me, shooting for the thingperson where I thought they would be.

And when I got to my hooves—I charged, no questions asked.



Setting: Endless Blue; mid morning, before the heat has settled. Fairly dry, calm conditions. Fairly close to the shoreline.

3 attacks + Closing defense for both.


ATTACKS: [1/3] ]


Like stars burning holes right through the dark
Flicking fire like saltwater into my eyes</style>

RE: Hot Like Wasabi When I Bust Rhymes - Sevin - 03-25-2015

Zenobia defaults to Roskuld, +0.5VP