HELOVIA || The Way to the Sun
[O] To fuel the song that's underneath - Printable Version

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To fuel the song that's underneath - Isopia - 03-05-2015

Consider your origin. You were not formed to live like brutes but to follow virtue and knowledge.
The girl had started out life bold an adamant that everyone was doing things wrong. In her naivety and her too-clever mind, she had labeled those around her idiots because they didn't think the way she did: they didn't connect her dots and didn't move at her speed. However little by little life interfered and corrected what was quickly becoming a narrow view of things. On more than one occasion her ideas were challenged and she ended up the loser: Kahlua had proved to be more wise than the girl had originally thought, and the demi-child had believed that she found a friend, even though she thought the idea was impossible - to name just two.

Now the world was simply one heaving, breathing mass of confusion. There was so much that the girl didn't understand, and even more that she was ignorant of. Hell, she didn't even know the limits of her own blindness! She had discovered that she had family that she didn't know about, magic that she didn't know about ... how many more surprises was she in for?

The girl was quickly learning that she did not like surprises.

And so, in a body that was aging far too quickly, she had fled once again from the misty shrouds of the Edge. The inhabitants there knew her, judged her for her odd speech, her persistent golden gaze and her pesky questions. Her skull markings and blood splotched shoulder clearly marked her as anything but just one of them.

Rather than hiding away from the world in her raven form as she often did, today she decided that she would sink, and just disappear. If only for a little while.

Something about the brine and the crashing waves called her to the ocean. Perhaps it was simply in her blood, and there was no greater explanation for the weighty and adrenaline-fueled high she got from looking out across the sea. Whatever it was, the girl genuinely liked it. Although Tallsun blazed overhead, the water was still refreshingly cold. The girl inhaled sharply and her eyelids fluttered as the first spray crashed against her forelegs and up her chest. A smile of delight parted her dark lips as she waded in further, trying not to laugh out-loud.

The girl was happy. It felt new and exciting.

Closing her eyes, the girl lifted her chin to the sun, welcoming the rays that fell upon her. Her mismatched wings spread from her shoulders and extended outwards, warming themselves. As soon as she stopped moving, her magic began to take hold. Her hooves, dark and reddish began to fade to a grainy peach colour and melded in with the sands upon which she stood. From her knees down seemed to become almost transparent - but were clearly there ... they just appeared ... composed of fluid. The girl had never used her magic in such deep water before, and although she didn't look down to see the transformation, she could feel herself blending in with her surroundings.

Becoming one with the earth.


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RE: To fuel the song that's underneath - Kaj - 03-10-2015

Count your blessings not your flaws

Like a Leviathan from the legends of olde, from scriptures the man would never have laid eyes upon, the world had yawned its massive mouth and sucked him into the vortex of its sinful natures. A king with a crooked crown and a painted face, a clown in regal robes. He was tired of the strain, of the twitch that grew and strained in his cheeks with every gentle smile forced to his face. The visages of his citizens got him by through days where hope seemed thin and lost. Even in the blistering heat, the moon rose with a steady ascent every night, mocking the king as it boiled his rage hotter than the sun could ever imagine. It forced upon him a famine, a starved hunger for revenge, for justice, that he'd never cared for previously. So long as others left him and his alone, so he would for them. The Goddess had not touched any of his flock, whether out of oversight or some twisted love for her obedient slaves was beyond his at times primitive mindset. When the heat grew too much, when even Rue could not calm the fiery tempest in his heart, the king fled.

It was not his job nor his habit to flee, but it seemed more often as of late it had been the penned ending to his narratives. It was a fate seen plentifully in Kahlua's book, her sagas of life like a thousand silk spiders spinning tantalizing webs of adventure and abandonment. And though she had accused him of desiring only to remain within the borders, Kaj had often stared down at the pages of his own life, despairingly blank and creased only with the horrors of blood and blade in terms of interesting developments. So he had thrown the leatherbound tome, screamed to the air in the silence of his solitude and shed free the shackles that bound him, home and earthen.

Still, in days of absence, of flight and nomadic wandering of hooves through forests he'd never been allowed to appreciate, he had begun to heal. If only in halves and splinters, but still. A band-aid upon a gaping wound was better than letting it drip and fester, attracting predators to feast upon his westbound flesh. The lapping, rhythmic waves of the Edge had long since imprinted themselves inside the veins of his body, until his heartbeat echoed their useless raging against the bleached cliffs. It was an attachment to the land, to the family it had deigned to provide him, and to have it corrupted so easily by the Goddess he'd held a distant respect for drove the king to solace in the only other body of water he could recall.

Sands glittered cream, near white beneath the vengeful rays of the solar heat, the water glimmering in its cerulean beauty. Unforgiving, beguiling those who thought her heart lay easy and unguarded at sea. It reminded him of eyes too bright for a world too dark, and yet with a dagger he'd never anticipated. For a moment he shut his eyes against the onslaught, allowing the winds to carry him, never fearing for a moment that he would falter or fall. A child of the skies knew best their limits, after all. For a while he circled endlessly, no real purpose or method to his floating, no reason to embark upon the soft granules below. At least, until a familiar ghost fell beneath his radar, flickering just like the wraith his mind compared her to.

With a smooth banking motion he dipped his left wing, allowing the wind to whistle past, stroking through newly growing hairs from his encounter with Valiance. Kaj descended slowly, eyes upon the nameless babe, the one he could never mistake. He hadn't been there to attend her birth, though he'd lingered on the outside of the group, a shadow in all intents and purposes. She'd not deserved to have awoken for the first time to the tension still apparent between he and Kahlua. And though he still longed to fulfill his promise, to help in the rearing of the babe, she'd come about in a time where his shoulders were burdened and his time whittled away unfairly by important matters. The golden stag swore to himself that the day would be hers, however she desired to spend it. With or without him.

As he lands he strides toward the child, her mannerisms whispered about unfairly in the mists, a preparation for their first real meeting. At first he feels mildly queasy, to see her disappearing - or so he thinks - into the water of her surroundings. It's disorienting, but as he rights himself, he finds that it's...enchanting, almost. Finally he spoke, a voice like soft thunder reaching for her ears, allowing her whatever space she desired if she took the time to leave the Edge to find her version of grace and solitude.

"Naamloos," sprang to his lips, soft, unobtrusive. Nameless. "Your magic...it is enchanting. Does it bring you peace?" He was curious to know, though she did not owe him an answer he soon realized. She likely didn't even know his name. "I am Kaj. May I join you?" Would she recall him? Had anyone spoken to her about him before, or was he merely another face in the crowd, his desires to bond with her too late in their budding?

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RE: To fuel the song that's underneath - Isopia - 03-11-2015

the girl

Consider your origin. You were not formed to live like brutes but to follow virtue and knowledge.

The girl didn't even flinch as Kaj landed. It was actually something that she had been working on - her body as of late had been betraying her. Sounds in the night would cause her heart to race, and voices that seemingly came out of nowhere forced her flesh to jump from her bones. The girl hated the way her body seemingly made decisions without consulting her first, especially when her rational mind knew that there was nothing to fear from noises in the dark, or a stranger increasing their proximity to her. And so when her body stayed still, the girl silently praised herself.

Her head turned slowly towards him. As she did so, a light breeze caught and tugged at her mane, playfully cascading it on the breeze. The girl's golden gaze never faltered - it was almost as if she wanted to be thought of something whimsical and not entirely concrete, as already thought of her as. The word he spoke was foreign, although it sounded different from the dialect that Volterra had used. His language had been Hungarian she had found out. What was it that Kaj was speaking? Instead of feeling anxious or jealous as she had the day with the dark colt in the woods, now she merely felt small, but full of potential. There was so much in the world which had not revealed itself to her. So many hidden truths to discover.

"I know who you are." She offered, before turning her gaze back to the ocean. She watched and rise and fall of waves so far off that they looked like mere smudges against the horizon. She envied them, and their freedom. "Kahlua said that you were going to help raise me." Her voice was clinical, sterile, soft. "She said you two got into a fight. She apologized to Brisa and Aly about it-" Frowning, the girl pulled her gaze from the sea, to regard Kaj. Her stare narrowed slightly as she tried to understand, but found that she could not. At the time she hadn't understood why Kahlua needed help raising her. Now, she understood even less. The girl had worked hard to become as un-reliant upon Kahlua as possible. She had weaned herself remarkably early (probably due to her rapid aging), and had never asked for anything more. What was it Kaj was supposed to do? And even more curiously, why should a fight between the pair prevent him from doing it?

Did anger discharge one from all held obligations? That would certainly be very odd. Especially given how easily angered everyone around her seemed to be.

"-I don't understand why." She concluded, her searching gaze giving up and returning to the ocean.

The girl inhaled deeply, smelling the salt and picturing the invisible life harbored within the mysterious depths of the ocean. She lowered her nose to inspect her legs and chest which had become almost completely indistinguishable from the water. It made her smile, to watch her simply disappear into something so much larger. She had fought to distance her mind from her body - to remind herself that what she was, it was not synonymous with the body she inhabited. Disappearing into the ocean helped her see that. "It does not bring me peace so much as it helps me to understand. I can better see how I fit into the world, when I see myself as being part of it." She voice, answering one of Kaj's earlier questions.

"Sure." She concluded, her voice much more meek when it came to offering him permission to remain. The idea seemed entirely odd and foreign. The girl understood that Kaj was likely just being polite, but his question struck her as so bizarre. She didn't own this land, and he could easily over power her. Why was it up to her whether or not he stayed? Still, many had acted annoyed when she voiced thoughts such as these. You're just supposed to say yes. She reminded herself silently.

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RE: To fuel the song that's underneath - Kaj - 03-20-2015

Count your blessings not your flaws

Nary a hair flinches or stirs upon her hide as he descends, unobtrusive though his movements had been her control was simultaneously concerning and respectful. For a moment he merely allowed his eyes to lay upon her, a canvas of curiosity. Was it forced, her solitude? Her stillness? Were they fundamentally connected, in a way his simplistic eyes could not see? Having her so far from home made him tremble inside with the pangs of worry and wariness. Over years of bloodshed and violence, peace and the good of man had erased itself from the books of his life. Trust was a hard thing to come by in the realm he'd ended up in, powerful though she undoubtedly was with celestial blood strong and possessive in her veins, he could not help but see her as the child she was. Regardless of her growth. He mused over her reaction were she privy to his thoughts, she was odd in ways Kaj had never found in foals, her speech perhaps most contrasting. It did nothing to dull or dwindle the love he already had for her, small and tender though it was with their lack of interaction.

Eyes like molten gold and sorrow flickered between his countenance and the endless expanse of the ocean, words concrete in opposition with her flighty gaze and whimsical mannerisms. Kaj made no move to near any further than his hooves had already trailed, giving her the space she so seemed to desire. There was a clarity of understanding in him, a smooth pearl of wisdom in his mind that gave his subconscious what it needed to allow her to open up. There was always a reason behind Isopia's actions, that was something Kaj had come to understand from the whispered tales of his people. Her seclusion was no accidental, and so he would allow her the room she needed to find herself, her center. It was not within his realm of power to intrude upon that space, regardless of what she thought philosophically.

It was understandable that she would know him, but it nonetheless erased the quiet fears lingering in the back of his mind. Kahlua was not so cruel as to keep from her that knowledge, for even if he was not her father he was still her King, and a matter of importance even outside of intimate reasoning. The child's frown was contemplative, piercing down upon him as if he were a stubborn piece of a puzzle, frustrating in the fact that he had no real place yet seen. It was endearing to him, in a way. Her lack of understanding lit a fire beneath his paternal desires, and Kaj tilted his regal head to regard her even as she turned her eyes away from him to the clouded expanse above.

"What part of it do you not understand? Perhaps I can explain it to you." It was an offer, nothing more. He craved and desired her trust, and though Kaj often thought little of himself in terms of intelligence, he would give all he could to supply her bank and library of knowledge. In his own way. He was easily an unreliable source, so driven by heart and primordial instincts as he was, but he prayed she would not condemn him for that.

Her voice was like mysticism and martyr complexes woven together, inspiring pride and worry in the stag at changing intervals. Nonetheless he smiled, private and a little understanding. "I believe what you are saying...it is how I feel when I am flying at high altitudes, looking down upon the earth. It makes me see how small I am. A little piece in a big structure." Laughing softly to himself the king shook his head, imagining with some fond amusement what Archibald would have grunted in response to his wistful musings. "Or maybe I'm assuming I understand what you mean." She was so much deeper than he was, yet another who made him realize how stunted he was, how useless in some ways.

Nevertheless he took her singular word as permission, giving her space even as he strode into the water, embracing the coolness that spread throughout his body. Chasing away the spiking temperatures of the season. Still, he could not help but hear the tremor of her voice, the lack of surety. Gazing at her from the corner of his eye, he wondered who it was that had taught her that meekness. "Did my question unsettle you, or my actions? I implore you to not always conceal your thoughts from me. All I desire is to help," Kaj murmured softly, trying and failing to word his sentence properly. She'd likely only be more upset by him sounding like he was demanding she do one thing over another, reveal her innermost workings where others would find that the highest offence. "I never wish to make you uncomfortable." Was it that she had not desired him to be so close? To partake in the water with him? Or was Kaj simply over thinking everything in his worry for her?

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RE: To fuel the song that's underneath - Isopia - 03-24-2015

the girl

Consider your origin. You were not formed to live like brutes but to follow virtue and knowledge.

The girl listened to all Kaj had to say. She let it percolate in her mind silently, her gaze remaining resolutely on the sea. It wasn't that she was ignoring him - quite the opposite in fact. By allowing the waves to take up the entirety of her stare, it allowed her mind free reign. Her gaze blurred, the sea becoming a froth of white and blue, as she slipped into the rhythm of Kaj's phrases.

"I don't understand why Kahlua would need help. I ... I was her first offspring, and so perhaps there was an uncertainty regarding what it would be like - perhaps it was her expectations of difficulty that necessitated the need for assistance. But I have caused her no strain that could be shared by anyone else. The pain of childbirth could not have been born by you, and nor could the unfortunate need to nurse. However once that part of our lives was over, what assistance was there?" The girl fumbled for the words to voice thoughts she had had since literally the day she had been born.

For a moment the girl considered pulling her gaze away from the sea, but she did not. Instead, she exhaled softly and closed her eyes. The water which had enveloped her legs had now risen to her shoulders and flanks. Where her feathers were touched by the pulsing water had begun to disappear just as her lower limbs had.

"Then there was her apology. To Aly and Brisa. Why would she apologize to them if the two of you fought? Is there some four way bond between you? Does your relationship with Kahlua give you obligations to the rest of the herd?" Opening her eyes, she blinked hard. She was now coming to a topic that was more than just a little far out of her understanding. Love. "I have heard that you and Kahlua have ... a relationship." The girl emphasized the word so that she would not need to further qualify it with adjectives that she didn't understand. "But what I don't see, is how that relationship between the two of you extends to any of the others. Whatever it is, it is not because you are King and she is Queen, and so it should be no business of the herd. Even if Kahlua and Aly and Brisa are friends, I still see no reason for the apology."

The only explanation the girl could think of was that Kahlua was irrational. Perhaps Kaj would be able to shed some light on the subject.

"No, that's right." She confirmed, a small trace of a smile gracing her lips. The girl had never actually flown as high as the King described. The highest had been when she had found Bucephalus trying to capture the wind. The girl thought his description was fitting - from the sky, once could see so much more. That was as apt a metaphor as anything she could think of. Nodding, the girl smiled further as she pictured the King, alone and small. It was endearing somehow. "Everyone thinks of themselves as important, or special. And they are ... just not in the way they think. It is the structure that is special. Not the individual parts." Although her words might have seemed cold or hostile, they were uttered with warmth and appreciation.

The girl wrestled with Kaj's final question. Already she had formed the hunch that he was cleverer than the others, that he understood. Part of her thought that he would not be dismayed or repulsed by her odd questions or ways of thinking - he hadn't bothered to ask her if she had picked a name yet, after all. That was a good sign. But there was still doubt. For so far, the only ones who seemed to truly understand her - or at least act as though they did - were children. Aithniel, Volterra, Zero.

"It is not inherent to you, your questions, or your desires that makes me uncomfortable." She began after a pause. Her golden stare had refocused itself on the waves, and the smile had gradually fallen from her lips. "I feel as though I am different from everyone else in some ... hard to specify way. I don't think it is because of my heritage, although perhaps it is. I never knew Hototo...maybe he was the same. I don't feel things the way others do. I have no desire to make friends (here, her mind briefly flashed to Aly, and how the gentle mare had told her that she considered almost everyone a friend) and I find the topics of discussion that come up when I stop to chat with others rather boring. They aren't interested in things that are important or meaningful. They talk about the weather, or a quest that they are on.." Sighing, the girl shrugged. Maybe she had already said too much, crossed the line. But it was true! If they were only smarter they would understand it. It was like the way that adults thought children were only interested in childish things, and yet to the children their concerns were of the utmost importance. She had seen foals wail and scream when they fell down, only to be distracted by the promise of some prize, and immediately forget their woes. But to them, when the tears were streaming down their faces, their concerns were important and real, yet for the adults who watched, they obviously were not. That was how the girl felt, and yet because of her age she was never taken seriously. "I like nature better than people-" Swallowing hard, her gaze shifted to Kaj, full of innocence and guilt. "-but I think I'm not supposed to be this way."

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RE: To fuel the song that's underneath - Kaj - 04-11-2015

Count your blessings not your flaws

He held no qualms with how she kept her gaze from his, allowing her to mull through his words as she desired. Kaj had already figured that she was unique (never strange, never weird, he would never call her something so horrible, something he knew would stick in her psyche no matter how special she was), and he would happily, patiently, wait through whatever systems she had to digest what he'd given her. He only hoped that it was something of value, something more than the awkward, stumbling phrases his family might have offered her. He knew they meant well, knew their hearts almost as well as his own. But that also meant that Kaj was well aware of how their words could stumble, their meanings lost in the awkward emotions they couldn't traipse through elegantly. He also knew how much it could hurt, those blurted accidental phrases. Had she been wounded by them, as well?

Finally she began to speak, giving him pause from the worries that had begun to breed and fester in his breast. He hummed softly, contemplating them, trying to find the right angle to explain it to her. Once upon a time, he had stripped from himself and blocked off all entangled emotions. Perhaps he could see it from an impartial, mechanical view. Or perhaps he would end up confusing her ever further. Kaj vowed to at least try his tongue against the subject, for her sake.

"Kahlua is scared of foals, of children of any intellect. She is terrified of being depended on, and this is not merely speculation, she's told me so herself," he made sure to clarify as he went on, not wanting her to dismiss him with a psychological analysis done by someone not in the right field or with the right amount of skill in the area. He tried to stick only to facts, to not let his own row with Kahlua bleed into what he was telling her. It would be unfair to them all. "What I think she needed wasn't a physical support, nor anyone to help her with you in the way that you think. You are a very independent soul, Namloos. Not most foals are, as I'm sure you know. She likely needed help emotionally, to help her heal from what she would see as a traumatic experience - giving birth to you, having you supposedly chain her down." God, if she had found words hard to find when asking him the questions, then Kaj knew exactly how she felt. His tongue felt thick even when he carefully thought out his words, but he simultaneously attempted to keep her from waiting too long for his answers.

"Also, most equines are emotionally dependent upon friends, family. No, I could not have shouldered the pain that the physical birth would have put upon her. But having another there would have made her feel less lonely, given her courage through whatever physical pain there was." Taking a deep breath, he realized it was easier than he had expected to think of, even speak of, Kahlua in an objective way. Perhaps the child really was wiser than he or any others gave her credit for. Life, at least, was simpler without those qualms. But Kaj had also known the beauty, the strength that could be given with those emotions. It was a double edged sword. He had cut those feelings from him once; would he ever be tempted to again?

"After the birth, it's also an emotional problem. She does not see herself as a fit mother, she would want the herd and those close to her to help her raise you into a fine young mare, which she did not believe herself capable of. Others to love and nurture you, rather than reject and isolate you as she might have, which would have horrible effects on most foals who are born underdeveloped and malleable." Was that even a good explanation? Kaj remembered how Aniela had been, when she had first been born. Even the most basic of sounds had been a challenge for her, and words hadn't cropped up for even longer. She had been weak, pitiful, and not nearly as brilliant as Isopia was the moment she was born. Yet they had both turned out to be so amazing, Isopia had just hit her stride far earlier. Why was it that so many others found her to be odd, then?

His brow furrowed the moment Alysanne and Brisa were brought into the situation, the conversation. "I'm sorry, Namloos. I don't know why she would apologize to them, I can't give you an answer to that." Though he felt mildly as if he had failed her, he let it slip past him to give him room to focus on her next words, strained and uncomfortable though they were. Instinctively they drove him to desire, wanting to move closer and wrap his mighty wing round her ever-sprouting frame. But it was not a discomfort that he could chase away in that manner, and he regretted that in some secretive part of himself. "The relationship extending to Alysanne and Brisa is the only thing I understand. If you are close with someone, you desire to know more about their life. Those three are very close, and because Kahlua and I were once involved together, they likely spoke of me because I was suddenly important to Kahlua as well. Because they are friends, they are privy to information about Kahlua and I - not as King and Queen, but as Kaj and Kahlua. But as for the apology...as I said, I have no idea. If it soothes your mind any, it seems odd to me, as well," he offered with a light smile and a soft chuckle aimed her way.

It was returned, though on a different matter, and Kaj inhaled the salted air gratefully. It reminded him of Thor's accusations, that Kaj was so absorbed in his status, his title, that he was no longer the man he supposedly once was. And it took the poison from those words, one little girl's ramblings, and gave him a little bit of peace to cling to. "Yes," he agreed on a delighted breath. "You are wise in a way even old stallions are not," he laughed softly with a wink sent her way, seriousness wrapped in a joking end. The workings of the cosmics that he could never understand, world, the continent, the region, the herd...the importance dwindled with each denomination, and they were merely little specks that temporarily aided a machine that could easily go on without them. Though, that was also why Kaj believed in doing his best with what little time he had, enjoying everything he could, feeling so intensely that others frowned upon him. But why not? With such a small importance, why not go a little mad?

And then they were back to the waiting game.

But Kaj had raised Aniela, and helped with various other foals born before Isopia in the Edge. Dithering, hesitancy...it was something that even the brilliant star before him could not help but fall prey to in her youth. So he waited, until like a clam believing itself safe she pried herself open again to reveal her pearl of truth. And he saw in her the same scared, fearful question that so many other foals asked their parents; am I normal?

"No, Namloos. You are not normal. But hold no shame to your heart because of that," here tone of voice turned stronger, pressing deep into her, wanting to brand that one sentence deep into her mind if nothing else. "Foals, and equines in general, have a very large dependence upon their emotions. It consumes them, it drives our hearts and muddles our minds. You have a distinct distance, I believe, from what a supposedly normal heart feels. But it means that you see things clearer, that you cannot fall prey to things that would manipulate or fool you. It is a good thing, in some ways." He was careful not to phrase it as 'normal' directly, to make her feel as if she was somehow not. She was simply divergent from what they were used to. And what they were used to was not always right.

"But it is a double edged sword, Namloos. Emotion can be a beautiful thing, and I do not know you well enough to know how deep you feel, how often. But even if you feel only inklings, child, that does not make you any less special. To see with such clarity is something many, myself included, would envy. We all seek balance. You merely are tipped on the other side of the scale. We feel too much, you in contrast we believe to be too little. But what we're used to is not always right, Namloos. And the current that we ride in is always capable of change." Whether or not she found any comfort in it, or whether she needed comfort at all wasn't information Kaj was privy to in that moment. But he tried his best, mortal man that he was, and hoped that he had done her some sort of good.

"Nature has no emotion. Not truly. It is a machine, it could live with or without us. It is uncomplicated." He cast his eyes across the horizon with an appreciative smile, then directed it to the lost soul at his side. "Why wouldn't you like it better?" he laughed quietly, hoping to settle her mind, draw away her guilt like a siphon. "We are all crazy creatures, otherwise. Horribly complicated. I'd certainly like nature better to; in fact, I do. That's why I ended up here, alone." Until he had found her, of course. And he was grateful that he had.

Oh god so sorry this was late, preparing for Spain and then the trip ate me!

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RE: To fuel the song that's underneath - Isopia - 04-24-2015

the girl

Consider your origin. You were not formed to live like brutes but to follow virtue and knowledge.

It helped somewhat to hear that the aid her Mother required was based off of incorrect assumptions. From what Kaj had explained, it seemed that all of Kahlua's fears were based on the dispositions of other foals. The girl was the offspring of a God. If nothing else, that should have suggested to Kahlua that her child would be different from the others. Although perhaps part of her fear did stem from her paternity. Was Kahlua worried about offending the God by her poor parenting? Did she think he would be around all the time once his child had been born, and thus Kahlua would have to consistently and constantly bear the oppressive stare and judgement of a deity? Her lips twitched as he mentioned having the herd to love and nature her - was that why Aly said they were friends? Is it why she introduced her to Far? Is it why Kaj was here now? The girl felt unsettled and undecided about this new information.

It wasn't bad ... but it didn't make the girl feel good either.

She shrugged off his description of Kahlua, Aly, and Brisa and their complicated relationship. She had asked out of curiosity, but the more she was hearing the more she was able to write off the confusing things her mother did as mere emotive responses.

But it means that you see things clearer, that you cannot fall prey to things that would manipulate or fool you

In this, the girl felt the greatest compliment and consolation that she had ever experienced before. Her golden gaze shifted abruptly to Kaj, as her listening became more rapt and attentive. He reiterated to her what she already believed of herself, and yet for some reason his endorsement solidified her own judgments. The girl had never thought she needed approval, and yet here she was ... relishing it.

"I agree. Nature moves on impassively ... but that does not make it cruel. Tornadoes and hurricanes can cause devastation, but we don't think that they are evil, even when they destroy lives. I like being a part of the machine. I have a job to do, and I shall do it. I do not fault others for misunderstanding my job, or when they break down ... and yet I understand that they might fault and judge me just the same. They don't see the machine, not like you and I do. They don't understand."

The girl was surprised to admit, even to herself, that she felt better. Her mind felt elated and lightened by Kaj's words. He had given her the encouragement and reassurance that she had needed to solidify her beliefs. She did have a purpose. They all did. And even when others could see or understand her, or her part in this world, it was okay. They were all a part of the machine - and some cogs were simply not made to understand the entirety of what they were apart of.

The scale of it was reassuring and calming. As the girl shifted her gaze back out to the sea, she inhaled deeply and held onto the air. She tasted the salt and the brine, and it was good. Exhaling slowly, she smiled.

"Thank you." She mumbled softly. It made her feel awkward to express her gratitude, and yet she felt compelled nonetheless. Still, she couldn't pull her gaze away from the sea to accompany her words. It would have been too intimate in her mind, and the girl was simply not capable of that. Still, she thought Kaj would understand.

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