HELOVIA || The Way to the Sun
[O] On the Dust of Heaven we Set Sail [Patrol] - Printable Version

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On the Dust of Heaven we Set Sail [Patrol] - Maren - 03-15-2015


" Can you help me remember
When we were all flying free
We were dust from our bodies. "


Along the steep, rocky path that winded up around the mountains, Maren rose along with it above the earthly levels, which got left behind far down below. With every step and every leap, her breathing fastened. She did not mind, however, for she had been reunited with her mountains and never - never had she felt as much reminded of her filly-home as here; in these high altitude valleys, where clouds embraced the mountain tips and skies were large and winds were the ruling element, through day and through night. She felt its power growing as it rushed through her long ivory mane as the pathway narrowed and air grew thinner. Small stones rolled down as she strongly pressed her hooves on the rocky surface and moved her weight to her hindquarters to perform another jump. It was the last one, for before her widening eyes the mountain side suddenly vanished and flat lands arose; a plateau of lush grasses that stretched a long way before the mountain went straight down again. Moving her legs into the long grass, the winds welcomed her. The mare smiled as her always silent eyes overlooked the grand mountain valley.

As her attention wandered she remembered views of her traveling times, some years ago. When she met with a dying culture that lived of the energy of the world. They had also set home in mountains like this, and the winds had been under their control, using it as their life-force by making energy out of it. Their mountains were easily recognized as they wore stark white constructions on their plateaus, which arose even higher than the tallest trees, with wicks attached to the highest points. Their engineers called them wind turbines, for they caught the forces of the element - which they believed were provided by their God: Wind. Their religion had been remarkable, unique as how it came to be. But it still followed the usual rules that most religions unknowingly followed - which was unlike that of the Helovian religion, where Gods were a fact that did not make you have to choose if they... were or not. A discovery that had simply dumbstruck her in an exciting way.

The mare started to trot around, feeling free and childishly boundless by coming up here; where the blue sky looked so large and mighty as if it ate her whole. The tigermare's view got swallowed by the endless sky when she looked up, at the same time halting her steps. She wondered if the ones she was supposed to meet here would be able to find her through the low clouds. Isara and Amaris where both Pegasi, so she would assume that they'd skipped the whole climb up the mountains and would alight sooner or later on one of these mountain tops. Wherever they were, she would not mind waiting. For the touch of her mind had never felt so vivid and its voice had seldom felt so clear. Had it to do with the closeness of heaven, she wondered? But alas, they would have to start their assigned patrol sooner or later. So Maren breathed in strongly through her widened nostrils, touching her Gift, before she let the mists clear out to make her mountain top more visible through falcons' eyes. This would be her first patrol since her arrival in the Throat, so she could only guess what would happen next. In the meantime, she closed her eyes, simply stood with letting out a sigh as the wind caressed her cheeks.

@[Isara], @[Amaris] || Notes: Patrolling! c: -amIdoingthisright?- ; v ; || Wordcount: 591 || "talking" ||

RE: On the Dust of Heaven we Set Sail [Patrol] - Amaris - 03-24-2015

The dragonmare flew.

The concept of patrols was foreign to her, but she understood their necessity. Just as her new rank was foreign to her, she would still embrace the custom of this realm, her home, and hopefully, eventually, gradually make it less foreign, and more familiar. The Sun's kiss upon her scales felt right, her cousin's presence by her side felt right, it was simply a matter of time before it all became ordinary and expected. For now, it was still a thrill, a pleasant surprise to awake each morning and find herself belonging.

Now all she had to do was learn how she could contribute to her family.

The spar with Ampere had left her with some bruises and food for thought. The Gladiator had encouraged her, congratulated her even on apparently natural ability on the battlefield - all Amaris felt now was a resigned sense of guilt and some aching limbs. Though she was a huntress when it came time to feed the carnivorous side of her genome, she did not like what she viewed as unnecessary bloodshed.. And yet she knew the importance of being able to hold one's own against a foe who thought otherwise. A sigh left her lips.

Today was to be the day they patrolled the Fields, a land she had not visited frequently and so vaguely looked forward to venturing towards. With her rank and presence in the herd, she really ought to know more about those within it - it was as good a time as any to mend her broken knowledge, and hopefully make a new friend or two out of it. Maren and Isara, she reminded herself, hearing Tandavi's voice give her the names of those she was to venture out with. But with nothing more than a name upon her mind, she had little else to go on as her golden frame finally looped over the lush expanse of loam and grass.

A figure below came into view, and with ease she directed her lean body towards it, landing gently amongst the grasses that were so tall, they caresses the underside of her soft, pelted belly. Breathing deeply, for she had just flown quite a distance, the dragon-girl peered through golden lenses at the creature that had caught her attention, and allowed a soft smile to curve her lips. Bowing her tiara as she made to approach the figure, she wuffled a low greeting, feeling somewhere within herself that this was one of the figures she was hoping to find today.

"Hello," her sweet, low melodies reached out from velvet lips, as her scaled, leathery wings settled by her sides. A pegasus she was not, but dragon's blood flowed strongly through her equine body, lending her the ability normally reserved for those of pegasus blood. "I am Amaris, of the Throat. Who might you be?"

ooc :: wahhh sorry it's so late, things will be quicker no I promise!
lol it's my first patrol thread too, we just basically thread together exploring the land :)
I'm thinking posting order is a lie as we're obviously all busy, so let's just psot to each other whenever xD
@[Maren] @[Isara]
Daniel Schiersner @ flickr & larfsalot @ deviantart

RE: On the Dust of Heaven we Set Sail [Patrol] - Isara - 04-01-2015

Patrol? Me? Alone on patrol? How did Hector feel about all of this? What was I even supposed to do? Just imagine little old me, the yearling with huge ass wings and not a clue to fly, traversing the countryside looking for any signs of trouble or danger.

Pft, Hector surely wouldn't be happy about any of this. He was probably already flying about searching for my whereabouts within the confines of the Throat. But luckily for me, I was able to sneak away over the magical bridge while someone else was using their pass key thingy. Hector wasn't going to find me in the Throat that was for sure.

For the longest time I wandered about by myself, unsure of where to even go for my very first patrol by myself. Sure it was nice to be alone gallivanting about this world, but it also worried me. Being alone meant no protection and I didn't exactly know how to protect myself yet. Hopefully Hector would teach me soon.

Swiftly, my legs carried me to a place in which a mare ahead of me had gone. Though I don't think she saw me for I was behind her and hid whenever she grew close to looking in my direction. This was a perfect time to watch and....ummm spy on others. I think that's what it's called. Spying? Sneaking around and listening and watching others from a distance? Yeah it sounded right in my head. Spying it was then!

I had just hidden behind some bushes when the mare up ahead seemed to start looking around. To be honest, it seemed like she didn't know what she was supposed to do. Not that I...ummm felt the same way, but what kind of grown up doesn't know what to do? Then I noticed something. Her ears....they were...wings? No. Images flashed within my mind as I remembered catching quick glimpses of this particular mare within the Throat a couple times. She had wings near her ears but they weren't her ears. That much I did remember very clearly because it was...weird.

My wings shuffled against my body as I hunkered down at the sight of someone else approaching from the sky. Ears pricked forward as the newcomer introduced herself. Amaris of the Throat, I think she said. Another Throat person? Funny how three of us were all in the same place. Wait...wasn't I supposed to be in a group of people on this patrol? I tried to remember but couldn't remember any names of anybody. But maybe these two were them? So I revealed myself.

“Umm...hi there,” I speak just loud enough for the two to hear. My voice was a little shaky as I knew that Hector wasn't here to help me if there was to be any trouble. Damn. My first patrol and I was probably sounding like ninny. I sure didn't want to appear like that so I did my best to compose myself and continued on to my introduction, “I'm Isara of the Throat.”

"Isara's speech"|"Isara's thoughts"

TAGGED;; @[Maren] @[Amaris]
OOC;; sorry about my super lateness guys.

RE: On the Dust of Heaven we Set Sail [Patrol] - Maren - 04-04-2015


" Can you help me remember
When we were all flying free
We were dust from our bodies. "


In the time she waited, she had moved her hooves to stroll around the edges of the plateau, forging her gaze into the soft-colored landscapes in the faraway. Watched clouds hoovering silently with their natural motion as gloomy mountains split them without a care. It seemed all untouchable, yet, she knew from experience that within a day's walk she could be walking there, too. Then the flapping of wings fell into her ears and she turned her winged head to locate the source. Maren's eyes caught the golden sparkling gleam that the creature's equine body illuminated in the hazy sunlight as her dragon-like wings carried her down. With a graceful thud she joined her in the fluffy long grasses of the mountain plateau. Whoever this was, she did not look like a pegasus at all. Heh, such stereotypes her mind had broken in to, even after all those years; had the wrong impression all together. The tigermare wanted to ask what she was exactly, for her guesses were running astray and hid themselves somewhere she could not get a grasp on them enough to voice them out loud. So she was left both unknowing and knowing, for the scales that replaced a part of a soft coat could be anything.

"Good day", Maren answered her greeting, eyes silently scanning but corners of her lips moving up as the dragon-girl confirmed she was from the Throat. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Amaris." she said. "You seem an intriguing mare", for she couldn't help wonder what stories this creature hold in the embrace of her heritage. Then, to Maren's distracted surprise, a small, slender filly with contrasting markings came down from the clouds, too. Joining them and introducing herself as Isara. She seemed young, and Maren's unreliable motherly senses activated a little worry in her. The filly seemed a bit shy, though, which Maren did not mind at all, to be fair. It was, after all, many times better than the arrogant loudmouths and knew-it-all's that she shared her generation with, so the tigermare's smile did not faint - even slightly deepened. "I am the Sun's Disciple, Maren", she said with the tongue of an out-lander. A sigh left her lips. Splendid, got that out of the way, too. She wasn't that fond of these overrated formalities, after all. (And it didn't help that she simply forgot about them, half the time) Maren's wings spontaneously decided to flutter softly into the wind as her gaze turned in the same direction, ears being filled with its rush and a heart excitingly pitching it's voice. But a heart could not speak outside a body, so she took the responsibility to her pinkish grey lips. "Shall we take this walk now, then?" Totally aware of the two winged creatures she shared her patrol with. Would they, after all, really leave her grounded as they enjoyed their flight; all alone? For a moment her thoughts were replaced by only three dots; thinking and not thinking at the same time. Then, having found her conclusion, she shrugged inwards. Ahwel, for the answer was no; She did not really mind the lack of necessity. It would,after all, leave a window for her to sink down in thought if the two would indeed prefer to flap their mighty wings - And if the filly, Isara, decided to crash down, someone would have to be her pillow, yes?

So Maren's smile turned away from the wind once again, glancing at her companions with eyes that were already not seeing them anymore, but rather the grace of the vast mountains and the roaring of the winds. Then the rust-stained striped mare started walking as the wind did with her, wings enjoying their time slicing high-altitude air. After all, they rarely had that opportunity.

@[Amaris], @[Isara] || Notes: c: || Wordcount: 633 || "talking" ||

RE: On the Dust of Heaven we Set Sail [Patrol] - Amaris - 04-07-2015

It would seem the dragonmare was in luck - no sooner had she introduced herself, did another arrive. They were all from the Throat, and Amaris took this as a token of good fortune for the fate of the patrol, for there was no point in patrolling alone, was there? Her scaled façade softened as she smiled at the curiously haloed pegasus, not seeing the glowing halo that would appear in the shade, but rather, the unusual ruffle of wings that protruded from just behind her tiara. At Maren's reply, the girl (for she felt very much like a girl when in the company of the Sun's Disciple) simply tilted her tiara, a question behind her eyes. It was difficult to remember that to so many she was strange - difficult, and yet, harrowing, and irritating, to be constantly reminded of that fact.

Looking at the wings atop Maren's nape, Amaris had to wonder if the striped creature ever felt the same way.

"Likewise," she murmured in reply simply, not unkindly, and with genuine warmth, albeit not much enthusiasm. The striped one's accent is caught by the dragon's keen ears, but Amaris was used to hearing the words beneath an accent - her own mother's tongue held an unique, exotic curl to it, even after spending most of her long life away from her birthlands. The memory allowed a small half-smile to tug at her lips, though it was disguised as she greeted Isara, the youthful painted girl who joined them. "Well met, Isara," Amaris nodded her tiara to the girl, not used to being 'stuck in the middle' when it came to years lived, though certainly not minding the rather settled company.

In fact, it was all a bit too settled.

Surely they could have a bit of fun on their patrol?

At Maren's query that highlighted the need to walk, Amaris pouted, an overly dramatic sigh slumping her shoulders. "Walk?" she intoned, her voice quite different to the soft lyrics she had applied earlier. With a snort, her tiara was tossed, sending caramel locks waving down her nape, the movement cascading smoothly down her spine so that even her leonine tail swayed dramatically. Through the movement, she turned and trotted, attempting to sketch a circle around the duo that would be her company for the day. With a gentle, angelic laugh gracing the air, she summoned her friends, the dragon spirits of the neverworld, a red and a blue, their lights bright in the Sun and their songs melodic and playful.

"I was so hoping to go for a run." The girl paused her steps when she came to a graceful halt before the striped and painted duo, winking her left eye mischievously as her spirit friends danced above her, weaving their way through her half-opened wings, crooning their invitation to the others to join their beloved golden child in a merry dance across the Fields.

ooc :: woop Amaris got bitten by the play bug
@[Maren] @[Isara]
Daniel Schiersner @ flickr & larfsalot @ deviantart