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Help my Muse? - Printable Version

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Help my Muse? - Elsa - 03-17-2015

So for all four of my characters, I just really need to get into them a little more (Cerin and Elowyn more specifically). This meaning I just want some random threads to happen with them, so I can see where it goes. I have some ideas so i'll post them below. Also, for a little bit I might be slow to reply, so if you guys are okay with that, awesome. <3

* Since Cerin is an outcast now (cause I fails at time) I think it would be a good time for him to go explore other places. I'm not saying he'll join anywhere specific, but anyone from the herds who wants to give him a tour is welcome to.
* Cerin would also love details into healing, if any healers would like to do that. He kind of wants to just go around and find some herbs and learn what they can do. ^^
* Cerin is also up for meeting other young in's, or those with disabilities similar to him (or any disability for that matter) he'd think it was cool.

* Elowyn is at the Basin currently, she has a welcoming thread going on but outside of that I'd love to just get any experiences with her. Since she's supposed to be a little sweetheart I think it would be nice for anyone who wants to pick on her or use her a little bit to do so.
* Elowyn I also think needs someone to teach her to fight. (For help with me, this could come in as a teaching spar if anyone who wanted to do that would like) or simply they can have a regular spar, or just a normal thread where she learns to move.
* Elowyn also wants to help out, or be a listener. Ellie's the kind of one that basically will cry if you need to cry. So if you want a shoulder *hurls her at you*.

* Auriel is Auriel. So at the moment, meet all teh babies.
* Auriel would also like to experiment her magic more on others, especially if they wanted to test it on her in return. She's fine to be beaten up a bit, just no like taking limbs off with it or anything.
* Auri would also think it was pretty badass if someone showed her some kung-fu moves.

* Elsa needs all the threads. Basically, she's kind of in a rut for me. Not that her character is, but just my writing for her in general. I feel it's rather monotonous, and it's just not fun for me. :?
* That being said, she would like to baby any babies.
* She's also up for crafting lessons.
* Spars. All the spars.
* A FRIEND. GUYS SHE NEEDS ONE. She barely has any ;-;
* Maybe someone to piss her off again? Her getting mad seems to make her character feel a little more bold and confident, which is much more fun to play than her being "normal". This could also lead to a spar/fight.

NOTE;; Because I am really forgetful, if you are currently waiting for me to respond to a thread and I have forgot, just PM me on the characters account i need to be threading with. I promise I'm not ignoring anyone, but I tend to lose things sometimes.

Any other ideas are welcome also, so if your characters could use one of mine to do something, i'll be happy to let you use/thread with em!

*wipes brow* hopefully some of that made sense. I just got the weird like urge and what I wanted to do, so I figured I'd at least get something somewhat coherent down.

RE: Help my Muse? - Mauja - 03-17-2015

Elsa and Mau? :)

RE: Help my Muse? - Glacia - 03-17-2015

Well. So. Okay. I need threads for Soren, so maybe he could meet Cerin? Also, when Glacia discovers her magic in the near future, and after all the drama's goes down with her and Archibalds twins then maybe she and Auriel could practice magic on each other?

Also, Sialia is open to doing spars with Elowyn, and being a hard ass if you want her to! So, maybe making her cry during a spar or something, or basically being a total bitch and but is really just trying to toughen her up?

I hate those ruts! I'm in one with Sialia a little bit right now... But, I'm wanting Ash to go to the Falls, so maybe they could have a meet&greet?

RE: Help my Muse? - Elsa - 03-17-2015

Neo;; Totally! I can start (or you can if you'd like) a post whenever you're free to start. :)

Nessie;; I think Soren and Cerin would be an interesting pair, if anything so if we want to get a thread set up for that, i'm ready. Yes to Glacia to, just lemme know when she's ready for that! Auri will be totally happy if she lets her try everything out. ;)

Also Sialia Ellie might be good to.. there could be a potential also if Sialia isn't completely against having a friend or anything that Elowyn would probably

For Ash, Elsa could meet her at the Falls and bring her in/introduce her to the Falls. :) Or if you would prefer her to meet Auriel instead that is fine.

RE: Help my Muse? - Himitsu - 03-17-2015

I would love for Rei to meet Elsa for a chat about crafting and maybe for Himitsu to meet Cerin!

RE: Help my Muse? - Elsa - 03-17-2015

Tier;; Yes to both! Im up for either anytime. :) I think Himitsu and Cerin would be especially cool!

Also, if anyone does not want to start a thread now just tell me. xD I'm just excited to try a little bit of tweaking to characters and posting. -rolls-

RE: Help my Muse? - Mauja - 03-17-2015

Just start and tag me. <3

RE: Help my Muse? - Ash - 03-17-2015

You can go ahead and start a thread and Tag Soren if oyu would like (: He is an outcast as well, so anywhere is fine! (: I will let you know when for all the other stuff <3

RE: Help my Muse? - Hawke - 03-17-2015

Cerin and Rue, mayhap?

RE: Help my Muse? - Zahra - 03-18-2015

I offer Africa to be Elsa's friend <3

And Zahra as Cerin's Falls tour guide and/or for a thread with Auriel. I offer all of the threads especially with Zahra because she has all of my muse's attention :3

RE: Help my Muse? - Elsa - 03-18-2015

Tribs;; that would be wonderful! I can thread whenever you are already, although if you want me to start it may take me a while to get one up. :)

Riven;; :o Zahra and Auriel would be fun if you are up for that! Like I said, whenever you're ready but if you want me to start it may take a bit. -rolls-

Thanks everyone so far! :D

RE: Help my Muse? - Argen - 03-18-2015


RE: Help my Muse? - Elsa - 03-19-2015

S'DO IT TIME. could you possible start it though D; I don't know if I can pull out another starting post but if you need me to I can, just make take a bit for me to get something decent up. xD

RE: Help my Muse? - Bellisma - 03-19-2015

Bellisma wants to be Elsa's friend! :) I know they already have a thread, and Bell wouldn't be very good at pissing anyone off... but she does really like Elsa ^^

RE: Help my Muse? - Elsa - 03-19-2015

:o maybe we could kind of do an extended welcoming thread, and they could like talk and bond for a bit? That would make Elsa feel a lot less awkward and be awesome at the same time. ^^