HELOVIA || The Way to the Sun
[P] Tinker Tanner - Printable Version

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Tinker Tanner - Bucephalus - 03-26-2015

Life Is a Dance You Learn As You Go

OOC: For @[Ulrik] ;3 I totally forgot what you wanted crafted, my bad xDDD)

He couldn't resist, honestly. Shortly after the journey from the Basin the black had left the group, doubling back to soar over white peaks. The air here was cool, cold even, a welcome change to the brutish, oppressive heat that baked it's denizens into sturdy beasts. Azeeza took a liking to it as well, gliding along the icy air with her bondmate. Together they soared, until finally the black dipped down towards the ground below, intending to land, forage for lunch, then begin the trek homeward.

Yet the keen eyes of his beloved Azeeza spotted something of interest, a dark figure standing in stark contrast against the snow. Curious, Bucephalus tilted his wings and changed his direction, landing near the dark figure. A horn curled from his brow, and he looked every bit the traditional unicorn(or what Buce had learned was 'traditional' as far as horned, furry horses could go).

"Good-day." He called, shifting from foot to foot slightly, disturbing the snow closest to his prancing feet. Something caught his attention however, and it was not the odd canine companion. No... it was the pile of metal and gears that littered the ground in front of the unicorn. His ears pricked, attention snagged.

"Mind if I ask what you're doing? By the by, Bucephalus, crafter of the Dragon's Throat at your endearing service." He grinned, Azeeza landing on the ground and peering at the hound curiously, her head cocked to the side, fearless of the much larger companion, and took a hop closer against her bonded's warning.