HELOVIA || The Way to the Sun
Blurred Lines [Verlaine's Crown to Bucephalus] - Printable Version

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Blurred Lines [Verlaine's Crown to Bucephalus] - Bucephalus - 03-28-2015

Don't descend into poverty my dear poet
With no hearth to call your own
Shameful for one of such old blood
It is because you cannot carry new life onwards?

HF: 0/2
AB: 0/3
WE: 0/4

RE: Blurred Lines - Volterra - 03-28-2015

Volterra protects himself.

Don't descend into poverty my dear poet
With no hearth to call your own
Is an outcast
Shameful for one of such old blood
Has ancient Isilme lines on both sides
It is because you cannot carry new life onwards?
Too young to reproduce

RE: Blurred Lines - Nymeria - 03-28-2015

Nymeria is also safe.

Don't descend into poverty my dear poet
With no hearth to call your own
Is an outcast.
Shameful for one of such old blood
Has ancient Isilme lines on both sides
It is because you cannot carry new life onwards?
Too young to reproduce

RE: Blurred Lines - Bucephalus - 03-28-2015

Bucephalus snorts. "I do not steal from children."

Nymeria and Volterra are safe

RE: Blurred Lines - Abraham - 03-28-2015

Abraham protects himself (because why not).

Don't descend into poverty my dear poet - Outcast rank
With no hearth to call your own - Refuge in Throat, but its not his home
Shameful for one of such old blood - Archibald son
It is because you cannot carry new life onwards? - Golden dragon

RE: Blurred Lines - Bucephalus - 03-30-2015

"I don't steal from guests either!"

Abraham is safe

RE: Blurred Lines - Aurelia - 03-30-2015

Aurelia is safe

Don't descend into poverty my dear poet
-has attempted many stealths. Stealths could be considered poetry, thus making her a poet

With no hearth to call your own

Shameful for one of such old blood
-she's mostly mustang, a very old breed

It is because you cannot carry new life onwards?
-lesbian mare, thus cannot naturally give birth/her companion died showing her flaw at parenting and raising any sort of life

RE: Blurred Lines - Bucephalus - 03-30-2015

"Tch, be at peace."

Aurelia is safe

RE: Blurred Lines - Bucephalus - 03-30-2015

Verlaine's Black Crown was sought!

Don't descend into poverty my dear poet
Verlaine was a famous french poet who, in his final years, fell into alcoholism, drug abuse and poverty.
With no hearth to call your own
Outcast status
Shameful for one of such old blood
She holds a noble lineage, thick with inbreeding hence the 'old blood'.
It is because you cannot carry new life onwards?
She is infertile, incapable of 'carrying new life'

RE: Blurred Lines - Blu - 03-30-2015

All great clues, pass from me!

RE: Blurred Lines - Tamme - 03-31-2015

Concur with Blu!

RE: Blurred Lines [Verlaine's Crown to Bucephalus] - Sevin - 03-31-2015


RE: Blurred Lines [Verlaine's Crown to Bucephalus] - Odd - 04-01-2015

Just for clarity since there was confusion regarding Zuno's absence.

Zuno modified her absence thread:

This post was last modified: 03-28-2015 12:09 PM by Sikeax

Bucephalus' stealth was posted at: 03-28-2015, 05:16 PM