HELOVIA || The Way to the Sun
[O] Daydreams and Deposits - Printable Version

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Daydreams and Deposits - Rhoa - 03-31-2015

Like ships in the night

[Rhoa and two NPC's are just dropping off some armor! They have left:

One metal faceplate with a horn, and one set of lightweight metal armor.]

I would have liked to have remained longer. Would have liked to remained curled up against the warm bodies of the citizens who accompanied me on this trip, but I knew I couldn't. Father would be able to do this trip in half the time and likely on his own. While it would be foolish to compare myself to his standards, I could at least try and complete my task in a timely manner. Forcing myself into a standing position, I bent my knees and twisted my neck to try and rid my joints of the paint that was already setting in. I did try to keep myself in shape, but would really could I do? I was still small and young. I could only attain so much.

"To the Edge." I ordered, my voice soft and boyish.

Into the air we rose, on silent wings that pulled our bodies farther to the west, but more south than we had been. As soon as we escaped the icy walls and expanses I could already feel the air getting warmer and I was so thankful. The thermals under my feathers made gliding much easier, and I felt as though we could easily cover more ground.

The fog of the Edge was quite the sight to see. Although I could not see their glass wall, I knew that it was somewhere inside. It had to be. Father had told me of it, and told me not to cross the line. We were friendly with the Edge, but there was no need to push our luck or draw too much attention. That was not the point of this journey. To simply leave the armor, that was all I had been tasked with. The duo I brought with my swooped low when I did. I would likely be seen - for my wings glowed with pulsing fiery light - but that couldn't be helped. Perhaps the Edge would think that I was my Father. What a thought.

"Down here-" I murmured softly, as I angled my youthful body towards the rocky expanses of the Edge. Deep within Father told me that there was a great forest, but I couldn't' see it for all the fog. As we landed, our hooves clacking against the stone, I indicated where to place the armor. Father had told Ophelia he would leave her a gift at the Basin, which we had. Had anyone told the Edge? I could only hope that they would find our gift in time, and that we hadn't come too late.

Was anyone even home?

"Leave it here." One of my companions placed the armor on a large rock where I had indicated. It was close enough to their border that I thought they would have no trouble finding it. Even still, I would let there be no confusion. Reaching back I plucked an embered feather from my wing. As soon as it was plucked that magic that made it appear on fire dimmed and dulled until it was nothing but an ashen feather. Leaving this with the armor, I nodded. "Let's go." I commanded, this fog gives me the creeps.

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RE: Daydreams and Deposits - Archibald - 03-31-2015

Carefully the king moved through his home. His trek from the Basin had been long and hard, but he was here merely to collect. What he would be collecting as adding up, but he did not quite know that yet. With his faithful cur moving at his side, Archibald stopped at the border of the World's Edge. In the distance the scuttling of hooves alerted him and he turned his shoulder, an earth shaking canter sending him towards the intruders. Three, winged pegasus flew off into the sky before Archibald could call them down. Had it been any other circumstance, Archibald would have cast their bones to stone and pulled them from the sky, demanded they plea for his mercy. No, today was different. As he stood where the pegasus had departed from his golden eyes fell over a set of gifts. Armor. A smile tugged at Loretta's lips and she yipped with pleasure. The Dauntless chuckled as he looked down at the gifts. Glittering, glorious remnants of war. A shudder of pleasure slowly shifted down his spine and Archibald collected up the gifts--even the feather.

Moving into the heart of the forest, Archibald and his bitch found the nesting place of Ktulu and Lakota, and called out gently for the roan mare. "Lakota, I have something for you." Archibald set the armor and the faceplate down, and nudged the faceplate towards where he assumed Lakota would emerge from. His face was warm as he presented the battle trinket to the Poisoner. As much as she was a healer, Lakota was a fighter, and he would need her to stand again at his side--strong, able, determined. Archibald reached up, hoping to touch his muzzle to her's. Loretta moved around Archibald to seek out Aodaun and greet her friend.

The world is a scary place
Now that you've woken up the demon in me

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