HELOVIA || The Way to the Sun
[O] Ashes to ashes - Printable Version

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Ashes to ashes - Cathun - 04-03-2015


Warmth. It soothed and eased the child's hulking sobs, calmed him and doused the raging flames of his being in a way the darkness never could. Not the searing heat of a fiercely burning fire, nor the sultry air convoluted with sacred incense and charring coal within the smoke-filled temple, but the kind and loving warmth of a mothers smile. It was radiant, compassionate, forgiving, yet for all that it eased the pain and guilt it could not erase the memories of fear, nor the taste of rage upon the tongue. Neither was Mother able to make the burned bodies on the floor go away. Their ashes lay strewn across the polished marble in a disgusting mess of soot and fat and pieces of charred bone, life erased from existence by his wrath. It was all consuming, demanding, hungry, like the flame from which he was made was hungry. Feeding it was his soul's purpose, the reason for which he existed, and when the small, feeble soul of a child was not enough it would always reach out, always seek to devour those that dared linger in his presence. Again, and again, until all those he loved were gone and the world stood ablaze and the essence of his being winked out of existence, once and for all...

* * *

A flash of lightning tore through the blackened sky with a sound of tearing cloth, for an instance dousing the clearing and its ancient ruins in a cold, blue light. Cathun woke with a start, shivering and damp with cold sweat. His breath came in pained gulps, desperate and needy as though he had been running for days on end, and the eyes that stared wildly about for a few disorientating seconds held a weariness to match.

But it wasn't the fatigue of long travels that weighed on him. Nor was it the weather, even though it was worrying. Stifling hot and damp with black storm clouds circling up ahead, the landscape lay deserted, holding its breath in wait of the trial to come, the raging delight in the first true autumn storm. Pregnant with the promise of a downpour the clouds kept taunting those trapped beneath with their majestic menace, teasing with hard bursts of wind and rolling thunder without ever letting loose the blessing of long-awaited rains.

No, it was the dreams. Memories, things he had been striving to forget, past events no one ought to dwell on; every last one of them came bubbling up as soon as he closed his eyes, as though to haunt him in his sleep. It was easy enough to forget and think about other things when the sun was shining and company came aplenty, but when he was alone the smiles didn't come as easily to his lips.

Perhaps it was just the natural order of things; buried corpses always begin to smell after a while, even in the graveyard of the mind. The stench just took on different qualities.

With a sigh the young equine rolled up from the stone cold floor, unfurling the long legs until he was able to rise in a (not so)swift motion. Shaking out the excess of hair until it hung in loose curtains around shoulders that mimicked the storm in darkness and hue he descended the marble steps - ah, how they reminded him of that temple from the past - and raised his head into the wind. Inhaling deeply, the colt let out a heavy sigh and shook himself violently, wishing to shrug off the oppressive sensation of misery, confinement, death that clung to him like a second skin.

Had he not come to Helovia to change that? Was he not here to carve a new path for himself, so that he might escape the fate capricious gods had placed upon him?

How he longed for the rain to fall so that he might douse the fire within, stave it off and cool the hungry flame with the cool touch of pouring water...

But no rain fell, and as if to spite him a small crack appeared in the clouds just above him, letting down a single golden ray of afternoon light. He stared at it for a moment, then snorted and turned away, disappointed.

@[Roskuld], @[Syrena], open to all :)

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RE: Ashes to ashes - Roskuld - 04-06-2015

And you were doing this jive-ass lil’ dance on my nose as you looked up into the sky, you lil tail wiggling to and fro and your head bobbing to a nonexistent rhythm, and I didn’t even have to see what was going on inside to know how excited you were for the thunderheads. But I did see what was going on inside; the bubbles, all the bubbles of sunshiny happiness, like frothing champagne, spilling over into me and making me grin like a dumbass because even though I didn’t really care that much for storms, you clearly did, and that’s all that mattered to me, right?

“Okay, shit,” I murmured with a little giggle as you did your shimmy on my face, “I get it, you’re excited, jeez.”

We were going back to your favorite place, which didn’t really help with controlling the bubbles; the scene was set just right for you, and even though the temperature was falling (you didn’t like that much, I found out) it didn’t matter too bad to you as long as we kept moving and you saw things that made your heart soar and my heart to ache in its soaring shadow. And—somehow—you saw something before I did, something that made you almost jump with excitement, your thoughts cascading into mine with such a quickness that I couldn’t understand most of it.



Chico, slow down--


Fight? What? What’re you talk--

But then I saw a shadow stir and suddenly rise from within the stone thing that we were walking towards, and I suddenly understood what you wanted, what you wanted from me and this stranger that we had sorta stumbled on.

Cheek,” I said exasperatedly—and with a grin, too, because I understood your little guilty desire, your craving to see me fight someone again. You had enjoyed it so much the first time, and hey, could I blame you? The lil’ guy shit my shadow. You can’t just go up to random people and fight them, I explained in my head to you, getting better at these thought-talk things. It was weird and easy all at the same time, sharing my thoughts with you. If anything, it made us closer. The last bro I fought asked for it, and everyone before that usually ticks me off in some way—but you can’t just, I dunno, shove someone in the river or whatever and not be a dick about it.

I paused.

No, I ain’t gonna be a dick, Chico. And you sagged a little bit on my face.

So I wasn’t gonna be a dick. Which left me kind of clueless as to what I was gonna do with myself. You were still all set to look at the guy, though, so I wandered closer to the dusty grey stud while you stretched yourself off of my face weirdly, reaching out, as though anyone and everyone was like Mesec and they wanted to touch your smelly little ass—

--while I—um—sorta…stood there. Awkwardly. Because Chico was the one who wanted to be here and if I wasn’t fighting a strange bastard then—well. I was sorta at a loss of what to do.

…..say hi maybe?

(HA no chance bruh)

RE: Ashes to ashes - Syrena - 04-06-2015

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Perfect. A storm, a fat and bountiful rainstorm, was just what Syrena needed. She was wading through the river on a stroll when she noticed the dark clouds gathering, a small smile playing upon her lips. Though, perhaps the river would not be the best place to welcome the storm - if there was lightning she’d be completely unprotected. Ahead, she spied the odd structure she had only seen from a distance before and began to angle her pathway toward the bank, wishing for rain the entire time.

But the smile died away when she glanced at the bank near the stone structure. “Oh.” Syrena let the word fall from her lips with no attempt to mask the disappointment. Not only was the sky teasing her with the promise of rain, sweet wonderful rain, but she had accidentally found herself with some company. The half-colourful mare paused where she was in the river, the water now reaching just beneath her legs. She had been planning on exiting but now she lingered, clearly uncertain about getting any closer to the odd pair before her. Her body still dripped from the deeper water - everything from her belly down swirled with reds, pinks and oranges where it had been touched by the river while the rest of her coat remained the usual dark, slick iron.

A fin on her cheek twitched as she stared at the odd pair before her, her gaze judging and wary. In this ridiculous land, they were almost as much of a threat to her as she was to them.

The young male was almost attractive, the fire-glow of his eyes rather intriguing. The equines of Helovia were rather unusual compared to the ones she was used to - where the plain became dominate. Flashy colours attracted sirens and the other monsters, those with brilliant coats usually did not see many winters or fled to other lands for safety. Oh how she wished she had all her powers! This one, in another year or two, might make her a fine child with fire-eyes. She wondered if his soul would feel warm as she devoured it.

And the other, well. Syrena could not decide whether the mare was ugly or not. And was that a little lizard on her face? “You have something on your face.” She decided to say as a way of initiating conversation until she decided exactly what to do. Retreat into the water and find a less conductive spot to wait out the storm? Or try and get past these fools and continue on with the original plan.


let the water take me

image credits

RE: Ashes to ashes - Cathun - 04-08-2015


While he had been busy staring at the clouds, unexpected company had drawn in close behind him. Cathun turned and stopped dead in his tracks, because what was now ahead of him was a stranger. A rather dirty, stocky, black and probably white... mare? (though the definition of the word seemed somewhat misplaced here) with a peculiar thing on her nose. The stallion blinked, for a moment questioning his sanity as he regarded the odd sight, but when a voice from the river drew his attention to a second stranger he had to resign himself to the oddity of the situation.

"Mmh, it's true. You do." He nodded absently, attention mostly occupied with the second arrival.

Now, that other speaker.... if that was not a mare then he was a toothless rabbit. The equine felt a jolt of something hot and interested and awkward sizzle down the spine as he eyed the creature in the water, fascination poorly hidden behind a facade of attempted calm and maturity. Luscious, elegant, curves that swept languidly in and out in all the right places and a coat that burned in fiery hues where it had been dampened by the river water. She was beautiful and it was impossible not to stare.

"Such a pleasant surprise" the colt purred, unconsciously straightening himself up and puffing the chest out so that he'd look bigger, stronger, less like an overgrown foal. Tiny silver bells rang softly as he shook the neck and threw the excess of tied up curls back, donning his best smile as he addressed the water lady - and the scruffy looking lizard person too, he supposed, though with markedly less enthusiasm. "I didn't think there were other people around still. Are you perhaps seeking shelter from the weather as well?"

Cathun didn't mind the company. He liked people, felt best when there were plenty of life and activity around him to fill his mind with more pleasant thoughts than his own situation. Like snow in Birdsong he felt his gloomy mood melt away, soon replaced by a look of genuine curiosity as he gazed between the mares.

"My name is Cathun. Who might you be?" Blazing, red-hot eyes swept from horse to horse in casual demand and finally settled on the little lizard thing as it reached out towards him. He hesitated, habit and reflex urging him to pull away so as not to harm. Then a memory flashed past his inner vision, of a golden girl that slumped her head with tears beading in the eyes as he rejected her comforting touch, and after a moment of hovering in indecision the colt resigned himself and reached out to meet the gesture.

Imagine that. It wasn't everyday he exchanged greetings with a lizard - if that's what it was.

@[Roskuld], @[Syrena]

Image Credit

RE: Ashes to ashes - Roskuld - 04-12-2015

…..so. There was a fish lady. That was kinda weird.

No foolin’, she was a fish lady son. Fins ‘n everything. The way the water rolled off her sides—sort of glistening in a way that horse bodies don’t actually glisten when they’re wet—you could almost say there were scales hidden somewhere along her body, except I wasn’t the one who was looking at her so hard (I’ll get to that part in a minute). What I did was back up one step, jostling you a little bit on my nose with my movement—but I couldn’t help the slight roll of shock over my shoulders and face as I watched this fish lady approach. You’d think I’d seen it all by now (a flash of headwings in my mind’s eye--) but I guess weird shit didn’t make other weird shit less weird. Weird doesn’t measure that way.

*“You have something on your face.”*

And like pow my ears were pinned, my nostrils flared. “He ain’t a thing,” I said roughly, the bite in my voice apparent and all-inclusive, cutting both at the fire-eye’d guy and the fish girl down in the water. “I know where he is--I put him there, shit.” I was the only one offended (by what?), because you were just this little ball of cute happy on my nose waiting for someone to notice you, craving their attention, their affection, like tokens in an arcade (I don’t understand that reference but whatever).

Fire-eyes started talking about….I dunno, some dumb cordial shit probably. Blah blah surprises blah blah weather blah blah blah. No, I wasn’t listening to the words—I heard the brightness in them, the little rays of sunshine that lanced out of his tongue, hurling and focusing towards….fish lady? I cocked an eyebrow, watching him; watching the way he stood and how it got a little more square and strong, like the bastard was showing out, letting us (her?) see how handsome he was. Like…big whoop, the fuck can you do with handsome? I dunno, I guess some people liked that, like it mattered or said something about your inner personhood or whatever. I suppressed a snort, feeling something stir in my legs; the impulse to bolt, to turn away from whatever I was seeing, because that shit’s gross and I don’t understand it but this was a thing I wasn’t trying to understand. Not ever. (not yet)

But then the bro turned to me, started walking towards me--no, towards you. And I stiffened and the impulse to leave got even stronger and it went to war with your own little ticking excitement in your chest and you begged me to stay because you were having fun with Fins and Fire and I was like “ughghghaghaghghg” in my mind’s eye but I ended up standing still anyway, damn near holding my breath as Fire-eyes came close enough to touch you.

“’is name’s Chico,” I sorta mumbled, as he reached for you—but the words hadn’t even really left my mouth yet before you jumped at the bastard, doing your damnest to climb onto his face, and see if faces were the same the world over.

Nevermind I freaked out. Fuck my feelings, I guess. Cheek! I shouted, as you sailed through the small space between us.

@[Syrena] @[Cathun]
[I didn’t put Chico actually landing on Cathun because I figured that you would want to determine that outcome!]

RE: Ashes to ashes - Syrena - 05-05-2015

<style type="text/css">.border{position: relative;z-index: 1;width: 550px;padding: 20px;border-radius: 300px 300px 0 0;border: 1px solid #06061E;background: #06061E url('http://i21.photobucket.com/albums/b278/ruinedecho/Patterns/tileable_midnight_blue_grunge_pattern_13_zpsff7712a1.jpg');border: 1px solid #06061E;}.container {position: relative;z-index: 1;width: 550px;background: #06061E;border-radius: 300px 300px 0 0;box-shadow: 0 0 4px 2px #446576;}.container p {margin: 0;}.image {width: 550px;margin-bottom: -70px;border-radius: 300px 300px 0 0;}.gradient {position: absolute;z-index: 5;top: 370px;width: 550px;height: 200px;background: -moz-linear-gradient(top, rgba(6,6,30,0) 0%, rgba(6,6,30,0.12) 12%, rgba(6,6,30,1) 100%);background: -webkit-gradient(linear, left top, left bottom, color-stop(0%,rgba(6,6,30,0)), color-stop(12%,rgba(6,6,30,0.12)), color-stop(100%,rgba(6,6,30,1)));background: -webkit-linear-gradient(top, rgba(6,6,30,0) 0%,rgba(6,6,30,0.12) 12%,rgba(6,6,30,1) 100%);background: -o-linear-gradient(top, rgba(6,6,30,0) 0%,rgba(6,6,30,0.12) 12%,rgba(6,6,30,1) 100%);background: -ms-linear-gradient(top, rgba(6,6,30,0) 0%,rgba(6,6,30,0.12) 12%,rgba(6,6,30,1) 100%);background: linear-gradient(to bottom, rgba(6,6,30,0) 0%,rgba(6,6,30,0.12) 12%,rgba(6,6,30,1) 100%);filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.gradient( startColorstr='#0006061e', endColorstr='#06061e',GradientType=0 );}.message {position: relative;z-index: 10;text-align: justify;font: 12px 'Times New Roman', serif;padding: 20px;padding-bottom: 8px;color: #446576;}.name {position: relative;z-index: 15;padding: 0px;bottom: 5px;left: -20px;font: 32px 'Nothing You Could Do', serif;color: #557F95;text-shadow: 6px 6px 7px #263948;}.quote {position: absolute;z-index: 20;bottom: 3px;left: 230px;font: 12px 'Times New Roman', serif;padding: 0px;color: #384F3F;font-style: italic;}</style>

The… mare? Was that a female? It was hard to tell, and Syrena didn’t really care to take a closer look because well, male or female it wasn’t very pretty. And it seemed to be just fine with the idea that there was a creature on its nose which just didn’t make any sense at all. Why anyone would let anything willingly touch their skin was something that she just could not comprehend. But the explanation that she got (somehow the big ‘it’ trying to explain that the little ‘it’ wasn’t a thing) was ignored because she had gained the attentions of someone else.

Syrena smiled graciously at the youth as he straightened up, as he smiled at her. She knew she was beautiful and she so appreciated when others noticed as well - even if they were young. “No, I’m quite fond of this weather.” She had been seeking shelter but she felt compelled to lie now, though she could not exactly say why. “It’s only rain, after all.” She hoped that there would be rain soon, the sky was darkening - and her skin was begging for it. She wanted to feel the little droplets lace down her back, leaving little trails of colour wherever they touched, but for now the splash of colour was still just around her legs where the river touched it.

“My name’s Syrena. It’s a pleasure to meet you Cathun and…” Blue-grey eyes slide to the big it and she allowed the sentence to trail off meaningfully. Well there had not been any introductions what else was she going to say? She had already stretched the truth by calling it a pleasure, after all.

But suddenly, the conversation and attentions had slipped uncomfortably away from her. The little it that had been on the nose of the big it was suddenly taking a leap and trying to land on Cathun who was supposed to be paying attention to her. The entire situation was revolting but Syrena found herself taking a step closer, feeling the curious need to still be a part of the interaction even if it was not focused solely on admiring her. Was the little creature the poor-horse’s equivalent of the wolf companions that the mares in the Falls had? She would much rather have someone like Romul keeping her company than a creepy critter.


let the water take me

image credits

@[Cathun], @[Roskuld]
idk if you guys want to continue this thread since it has officially taken me forever to reply BUT HERE AND SORRY