HELOVIA || The Way to the Sun
[O] From dusk till dawn - Printable Version

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From dusk till dawn - Talion - 04-16-2015

Without a light I fear that I will stumble in the dark

The thick of the forest had dispersed, grass and moss giving away to the moving sands. Had Talion been by his right five he would have turned somewhere else, even a young colt knew that if the heat did not get to you first, the lack of nutrition would eventually. Yet, as he stood by the forest-line, the soft sands yielding to the weight of his front hooves, he did not turn away. If it was from curiousness or lack of judgement from the rising temperatures in his body, no one could say.

The fire rising within him now was nothing like the fire that had burned in the tar pits of his heart, as he had indulged in the chance play of his near-fatal clashes with the dark mare. This was fever, and Talion knew it for what it was.

Talion spent the last of dusk watching as day yielded to night, and all of night in a hazed state between troubled sleep and vigilance, until dawn heralded its arrival. Thousand arrays of color leapt through the horizon in fanfare, and even through the beckoning of an agonizing death, he felt weirdly consolidated. He would live to see another morrow.

Almost worried by own calmness he regarded the horizon and – there, what was that? His gaze swept back. He might have mistook it for the sun, or the spirits of the sands treacherous mirror images had he not known better, had he not recognized the flicker of movement across the rising sun. Fire. He took a deep breath, but even with the winds in his favor, the smell of smoke was oddly lacking. Though one could not say why he had stopped that night by the bank of sand, there was no misconception of why he crossed them.

A dying man’s last curiosity in the wonders of the world.

Word count: 310
OOC: He is between the Dragon's Throat to the south-west and Deep Forest to the north-east, heading towards the Heart Caves, venturing fairly close to the DT border.
@[Sikeax] @[Gaucho]
Art by hearttosoul @ DA

RE: From dusk till dawn - Gaucho - 04-16-2015


Gaucho had told his warriors to be on the look out - his healers as well. Whether or not the invasion had occured Gaucho still did not know. He was expecting to see either the wounded show up upon his doorstep, or a messenger seeking their aid. Gaucho would have preferred the former, but no small part of him expected the latter.

However the creature below was certainly not the one he expected. The Wildfire did not know Talion's name - only knew that he was some spy rank within the Falls. He had tried unsuccessfully to take from the Throat when the Falls and his homeland were engaged in harmless spy games, but that was the extent of the dun's knowledge. As to what he could be doing this close to the Throat's borders ... Gaucho was skeptical.

Descending from the sky in a flurry of blackened feathers and fire, Gaucho landed a few paces away. He stood taller than Talion, but that was of little surprise. Gaucho was taller than most. Though perhaps it was the equine's several compromised state that made him appear even smaller. Either this fellow had just gotten out of a rather rough spar, or the invasion had indeed occurred. So, had the triumvirate of the Edge really kicked everyone out without even bothering to heal them? The idea was shocking. Gaucho simply could not picture the Stormbringer or the Sunshower being so merciless. Archibald perhaps, but not those two. Was Talion a traitor? Denied healing by his own people?

Questions rose and fell within Gaucho's mind, but he said nothing. Raising his flaming wings, he cast a warm golden glow on the spy, regarding him with a stoic blue-gray stare.

"Why you here?" He inquired, his voice resonant and deep. The equine was close enough to his borders that his question likely wouldn't seem strange.
Image by Schwartze

RE: From dusk till dawn - Talion - 04-16-2015

Without a light I fear that I will stumble in the dark

A commotion of feathers and flame startled him, tossing his body in the opposite direction of the figure that had landed. Tightened chest, arched neck and ears slick against it, helped little to make him look bigger, more threatening. Perhaps nerves had gotten the better of him after all.

He looked at the feathery stallion for a few solid seconds; he could never get quite used to the presence of wings upon an equines back, before he realized the stallions identity. He was some leader of a foreign herd he had heard little about, except for the order to test their defenses. Talion snorted heavily, ears slowly shifting their focus towards him. Why you here?, his voice stentorian and orotund, making Talion’s head squeak in dissatisfaction. He did not answer right away, just stared at Gaucho (though he did not know his name as of yet) distantly as he spread his wings in what seemed like a bravado of dominance.

Talion was in a sorry state, the gaping wounds dry and cracked as his veins had retracted to minimize the blood loss. He had no wish to quarrel with the brute, it would only mean a faster end to him, but was reluctant to delay and discuss the events and politics of what had transpired. What did it matter to him anyway? He had not been there when the rest of the Falls had needed him the most.

The light glimmered temptingly in the distance and for a second his gaze flickered between them both. “We were outnumbered, the Falls has fallen.” He answered bluntly. “.. and I am leaving.” Leaving the Falls, leaving this wretched world. The words turned into an announcement as he gave Gaucho a last look, muscles aching as he began to move slowly towards the Heart.

He was so close, damn if he was not to be granted his last few days in privacy.

Word count: 321

Art by hearttosoul @ DA

RE: From dusk till dawn - Gaucho - 04-18-2015


An odd pang seized Gaucho's chest as Talion spoke. The Falls has Fallen. He was not glad, or relieved...Yet he did feel something indescribable. His thoughts flickered to Africa, Rasta, Midas ... plenty more that he knew. Many who had abandoned their home in the Throat to follow Midas to the Falls. A small sampling of pride bubbled deep within his belly, but it was ignored. That they had followed a leader to a home they failed to defend brought Gaucho no pleasure, yet he was proud of his home for continuing to stand against the world victoriously. Would they come back to him now? Would Midas?

"You will die." Gaucho voiced, his words just an observation. Clearly the ex-spy was hanging on by nothing more than a thread of life. Gaucho was sure that he wouldn't make it wherever he was heading.

Narrowing his gaze, Gaucho wondered why Talion was even in such a pathetic state to begin with. The Edge and the Basin together could easily overwhelm the Falls, but something told the Sultan that between Ophelia, Kaj, Kahlua, and Archibald, fair terms could have been struck. New leadership perhaps, but homes for all. Had Midas really told his herd to fight a battle that they would lose? And for what? Pride? Looking down at Talion, Gaucho thought the stallion needed more than that to keep him going.

Snorting, the Wildfire shook his antlered crown.

"Mara can help you, if death is what you want." In his antlers, the gunsteel coloured snake hissed a cool and low sound, her onyx gaze trained on the bleeding wounds of the injured. She could easily put the creature down, especially given how close he was to death. "If not, Dragon's Throat healers can mend you. You may rest on my sands. Then you can go."

Gaucho shrugged. It was of no consequence to him, one way or the other. But if Talion refused his offer now, Gaucho was quite sure he would die out here. Especially since he wouldn't be able to travel to the Throat on his own.
Image by Schwartze

RE: From dusk till dawn - Sikeax - 05-03-2015


"Please?" A hiss. "Let's not do this. It's just water." An outcry now fills the air, wincing as her ears cry out in pain as her brother, still young and ever fearful, repeatedly tells her of his fear of the water. The bridge had been simply. He'd taken up wings and flown across with her, seemingly oblivious to any of forms of terror that flying might of brought him.
But oh, no, when it came to the water, it was a whole different kind of thing, one that she couldn't get him to overcome. She wanted to swim and he didn't, the pair caught between two hard stones with little give. She was forced to listen to a child who cried and cried, driven by the hydrophobia of her dear, precious companion.
Finally, Sikeax is the one to crack. There could be dying souls on the other side of the water, and to abandon them out there, only to later be found as rotting corpses stinking up the borders, it would lead her to abandon her rank altogether. The bridge would have to be the way until she could win him over.
Their flight was short. She reminded quiet and worried, heavy hearted as the water swept beneath her blue eyes in a blur. Hobgoblin, instead of flying with his own personal wings, clung onto her body, wrapped about her neck as if to be a taboo sort of jewelry.
She touches the earth as orange sand explodes, settling into her coat about her cannon bones. Stumbling to regain her balance and searching for the right footing, Hobgoblin clutches tighter, holding on in fright as of what she could bring to him if they were to fall.
Control is finally gained and she begins their patrol, having asked Hobgoblin if he would go ahead and look for any beings he might see, regardless of their state. A battle followed her request, having to offer courage to the child in order for him to leave. He flees her in a flutter of feathered wings, soaring outwards into the night.
She trails the sea edge, alone for the first time since the white wolf had been kind enough as to give her the egg that would later produce him. A low hum vibrates in her mouth.
Her eyes are almost closed by the time a screech fills her ears and brings her back to reality, grasped by the talons her companion wears. They pull at her hair and try to drag him, fleeing out into the approaching day towards something she can't see through the distance.
Galloping, she arrives in time to hear Gaucho offer death.
"No! The harshness of her tone is brutal, frightening even herself at the idea of allowing a wounded stranger to die. So many had come to her dying and begging for safety, the chance to live, and yet when one came to her, well, should she say she came to them, dying and wanted to die, she couldn't find the strength to overlook it.
Now skidding, spraying sand outwards like a tidal wave, she collects herself before the pair and acknowledges Gaucho and Mara only through a simple nod of the head. Hobgoblin, intrigued by the sight of the snake, gathers himself back into the previous form, waving a small black and white head in a cry for attention, held about Sikeax's neck once more.
"You don't need to die. I can heal you." A softer voice spills from her now, pleading silently with weak eyes. "Please."
She is no beggar, but for the dying and the wounded, she would allow herself to crumble to wounded knees and plead, using every bit of emotion and need from her soul to bring some sort of life back into them.

OOC: Sorry for delays!
Hobgoblin's forms in order are: Blue-lipped Sea Krait(bridge crossing), Barn Owl, and then to a Blue-Lipped Sea Krait once more when he notices Mara. You're free to play him out discovering them if you choose to.
@[.Talion] @[.Gaucho]

Edited to fix coding error.
someday you'll see me buried in a fresh blanket of snow when we've grown very old
darkheart9595, lyotta & larfsalot @deviantart

RE: From dusk till dawn - Talion - 05-05-2015

Without a light I fear that I will stumble in the dark

You will die. A faint smile cursed Talion’s cracked lips, accompanied by a faint snort to shallow to be audible. Stating the obvious are we now? Mara can help you, if death is what you want. He halted in his steps as the snake made its presence clear in a low hiss, sliding its way through the stallions antlers in the corner of Talion’s eyes. The black eyes was fixed on him in an avid, voracious stare that nearly made him gulp at the notion. Poison. An effective way to put people out of their miseries, a method he was faintly familiar with, but a painful one at best. Had he not endured his share of agony?

No! Harsh words echoed at them, and this time his head turned towards the wielder. A peculiar mare, another impaler, sprinted to them and had he not felt like she was different from the others of her race, he would have lashed himself at her with the last of his withering strength. Horns like hers made him queasy to say the least, and with a good reason.

You don't need to die. I can heal you. Heal him? Talion stared ludicrously at the mare as she edged closer to him. Please. Her pleading eyes validated her words, but to him it all seemed distant, almost too hard to grasp. Why was she pleading for his life? For once, his mind did not race, did not grasp for the nearest strand of logic. For once, he went with his heart instead of his brain. He had ignored its tale for too long under the cover of reason and rationality, and for now, he did not question.

His heart told him that he was confused, curious, amused and angry, depressed and exuberant, that he was conflicted beyond repair. It also told him that hope rested within closed chambers and self-made cages, that he was not ready and far away from reconciled with death, despite what his mind had told him days ago. For a long while, he listened without speaking.

“Another time, Mara,” he smiled tensely at the snake, her name unfamiliar to his tongue. “I will take you up on your .. Second offer,” he replied to Gaucho’s proposal of resting on his sands. His words for Sikeax were less harsh, less manly, friendly almost. “.. and yours.”

For his heart were curious, and she was to heal its achy inquire.

Word count: 407
OOC: @[Sikeax], do you want to have an own healing thread? He might want to talk to her. :3

Art by hearttosoul @ DA