HELOVIA || The Way to the Sun
[O] Across the Sea - Printable Version

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Across the Sea - Thranduil - 05-08-2015

They all needed a break. A moment of calm to clear their heads. So much had happened in this season, so little rest and ease given It was not like him in the slightest. The golden son, though skilled as can be did was not his usual self in such states, and it all seemed like an eternal blur now. A blur which dragged and weighed him down. Sleep had finished that unease time, though it was still a fitful sleep with images and sounds of the previous days echoing throughout it. But sleep it was. It gave him a spring in his trot, and an attentive, elegant curl to his neck. He made him attune to the world again, and he noticed the world was moving on. So he must to if he were to be a part of it. But with winter coming the Basin was not the place to be. So the gold moves out. His soul in very much a restless state still. It was hoped the sea and a distraction could ease that. With Orangemoon it was far too cold already to dive in, but a pleasant walk, and perhaps a distraction was all he needed.

Poor little Haldir needed it too. The deer trailing the gold had also seen a great deal in this past season, and he had grown concerning quiet over it. Not that the gold was concerned of course, but he had thought it best for the deer to get out as well. Best for them all to get out and shake off the dull cloaks. It was beautiful Orangemoon after all. The season where golden leaves fell on their twin’s back. Where a cool breeze blows through the hollows with a gentle kiss on the nape. Where the last of summer’s bounty is enjoyed before the winter. It was not hard for the little deer to get the distraction he needed by looking and enjoying the seasonal changes. His little light heart still low but his body picking up at last. The golden hid a smile at seeing it.

Trees gave way to sea oaks, and shrubs, and flat forests to the rolling hills of sand. Now Haldir knew where they were going and his little tail began to wag, and his legs to move him much faster. He, unlike the golden had always enjoyed the sea, having swam in it each time. The dark deer now dashed over the dune to its crest and wait impatiently for the gold to catch up before dashing about to the next. One the last dune, coming up to see the beach spread wide before him the small creature could not wait and he dashed towards the ocean’s edge. Shaking his head the gold, remembering what predators walked the beach, rolled himself up and lunged into a center behind the deer.

Down the beach he came, with flying sand, but silent step. How different this was. He had forgotten the ease of working muscles when not under strain of war. He had forgotten the power his body still possessed in its prime. Contained canter, with each step expanded, and unfurled to a gallop and a spirit. Crowned head tossed and a low call rumbled to the deer in front of him. Haldir, coming to the water’s edge turned and saw the golden running up the beach. His little face lite up, he had never seen the golden in such a mood! Instantly the deer takes off as fast as his little legs could carry him. Stretching, pulling, and contracting the golden ran. His body sweating away the constrictions it had felt over lately. His lungs purified from their half hearted breaths with the gasping for air, and heart from its dead pan beats with the pounding of a rolling drum.

Haldir of course did not have a very easy time of it. His little legs kept up going, but they were not long enough to keep up. Faster and faster the golden ran the more the deer was left behind. At last his gait breaks, and he, panting and trembling from the excursion must stop. His pale eyes watch the gold continue to tear down the beach, and his head drops a little. But look! He glances back up to see such a sight he could not have ever hoped for! The golden had turned! He was coming back. Strung out gallop was now an easy canter again, and he had turned into the water. Hooves letting it splash up onto his sweaty hide (though of course no sound was made). The dark deer jogged to meet him, and the golden did at last slow. The bright face of Haldir looks up with tail wagging to the golden. The twin horned notices the deer’s expectation but his mind chides him for even turning back, and this certainly was too much. Heart still pounding, and nares still clawing for air he ignores the small deer and instead shakes his golden body, spending thousands of crystals of water into the air. Haldir jumps at the water and dashes about in the shallow waves. Coming out from the water’s reach the gold lets out a slow exhale as he watches. For the first time in a long while he is content. And for the first time in a long time, he is ready for some new mischief.

OOC :: @[Sikeax] or Ver =D Apologies for the double tag....
Wardrobe:: Circlet, armband, hawk necklace, satchel (golden cloak, dagger, polearm)
Identities:: Ampere, Cashmere ( I think....)

Image by the AMAZING Vossity

RE: Across the Sea - Sikeax - 05-20-2015

"You will miss it soon enough." A look is given in response that tells her that he doesn't understand what she is trying to hit nor does he want to, watching on drier land as she stands mid-cannon deep in cooling waters. Waves caress her skin in a loving embrace as he jumps, leaping up into the air to avoid the coming attack. "If you keep this up, you'll never get to see how wonderful the world is down there."
Hobgoblin could care less. She was fully aware of this fact and he didn't waste time in letting her know. Each plead slowly worked into his impatientance and angered him more. Attack after attack left the champagne mare marks of battle, and as of recently, she'd begun the risk of counting the seconds, minutes, hours, sometimes days between his attacks, trying to figure out what pleased him and what would rescue her from abuse.
All she wants to do is live her life, but that's a request even God himself laughs at.
A long, lonesome sigh pulls from her lips and drags itself out over the waves. Ears perk up and meet the noise before swiveling around to something else, tail snapping in and out of positions as a symbol of his annoyance and anger. As long as the water held her, she was safer than she was on land, unless he decided to build up his wings and soar to her.
They unfold before her eyes, watching in almost silent terror as her brother of soul, mind, and emotion spreads his wings as if he is the Devil himself, preparing to strike down the souls of the damned to their, no, his fiery home of damnation. Weak blue hues remain glued as he flaps once, twice, many times more as sand sprays about him in a circle and tries to rest atop the bodies of their neighbors, finally coming to fly away from her.
She's smart by this point. If someone is near, he's likely to want to know who they are through his special sort of investigation.
Within her chest, she apologizes in preparation for whoever that person or creature might be. It may just be food that he's heard, but as her legs push against the waves, moving parallel to the coast, she doubts he'd show that much interest in food.
It ends up being a waste of energy. Sikeax's mind is filled with the image of a horned, golden man, prancing about the waters with a rather large deer. Hate punches her in the throat when he cannot swing down to get them.
Inside, she dares to smile but fears the end result, leaving her to do nothing more to do than watch the world through his set of eyes, listening to the sounds of his internal rage as he dives back to her. Claws scramble over her back as a cringe decorates her face, shivering at the wet, slick sensation of snake skin against her hide as he climbs her and wraps himself about her neck, now switching roles as she becomes his life line.
They meet the pair with a slow pace, watching from knee-deep waters as they play and enjoy the time together.
We could have that.
A hiss fills her ears and she knows these are all dreams that aren't worth chasing. Hobgoblin was a monster that cared only for himself, her opposite til the end of their shared days. They watch like strangers who make their dreams off of others' lives, grasping onto a shred of torn hope that maybe there was a chance that that could ever be them.
The golden walks from the water, Hobgoblin urging Sikeax onto doing the same. A longing to feel ground beneath her feet twisted itself about her mind, pleading to escape the false of trust. The grip about her neck tightens.
She shatters and abandons, groaning in the same fashion that a child does when they have been turned down their favourite toy or a trip to the playground. Salt finishes licking her legs by the time she's touched the sand, shedding the excess from what remained of her torn mane tail.
"Do you not like the sea?" It pushes from her lips to both Hobgoblin and their company. Their lingering was odd enough, and to carry the appearance of stalking with a lack of words could only further her risks of being attacked.
Not that he minded the idea, that is.

OOC: Apologies for making you wait so long! I'll get a better post out next time once I get a feel of the thread going.


sam howzit

RE: Across the Sea - Thranduil - 05-24-2015

The gold, for a moment, had not seen the figure in the waves. It was a very unfortunate and rare moment, for had he known another watched her steps and moments with the deer, it might have turned it off like a switch. He had never been prone to showing his feelings to the deer before others. He had a hard enough time showing them at all. So it wasn’t until the mare spoke that he noted her presence. This might actually have been a rather good thing as well for this meeting. Caught as he was the gold was off guard, and was playing defense. As harks stood straight and head turned round he takes in this intruder. Processes fire off quickly. He had met this mare before. Though her name escaped his memory, her presence in a particularly embarrassing threshold moment caused her herd to be remembered. She had belonged to the Dragon Throat. That was all he could remember, and it did little to aid him. The gold chided himself for not getting out more lately, the busy seasons were slipping by quickly.

Of course it wouldn’t do for the golden to seem so impolite, especially, he remembered, if he wanted any chance at a bit of fun. So his sharp eyes quickly soften and a grin warms his features. He adds a dip of the head greeting as a nice touch. It was amazing to him out easily he slid back into this role, and into these lies. Oh but he couldn’t deny they felt so damn good. Even the lie of a smile had some sort of small satisfying whim.

Haldir too had been caught off guard by the sound of the voice, but his reaction was much more in welcoming. The small dark deer froze to look at the new comer. He was frightened at first, remembering the consequences of horses he had never met. But this one spoke without tragedy, and from his bonded he could feel the most loved, but lost feeling, happiness. The deer’s tail begins to wag and he trips out from the ocean’s waves. His small face turning bright to see the newcomer had a small creature at its side. Haldir jogged closer, ever curious. His light mood not last, but he too was glad for the distraction.

The golden was a bit more reserved, but was enjoying playing his part as well, even if it was a lie. “I’m not like your friend there, but I do prefer not to frolic.” It wasn’t actually a lie. The golden did enjoy the sea mostly, especially after a run. He had not enjoyed such a feeling in so long, had she not come along he might have went for a second go. But he was not exactly at Haldir’s level. From that the golden had always reframed…he had never frolicked and he never intended to, no matter who it was. Of course, the simple lies of a normal conversation were so oddly refreshing that the golden, smiling and warm from the outside, did not mind continuing them. Looking to her and speaks, “The waters do the soul good.” Now wasn’t that such a lovely thing. A lovely, short, wholehearted lie. “Did you enjoy your swim?” Now look another? Oh it was so addictive! In the throws of massive courses of plans, such a simple respite as this was most enjoyable.

Where were his manners though! Surely one such as he had to have nicer manner than this? His smile drops for a second as he speaks, “Apologies,” but it is quick to return, “Thranduil, at your service.” And the greeting! Traditional, known, and the tell tale sign he was not telling the truth. Indeed what a wonderful simply little distracting lie this was proving to be. Not to mention, in looking over her more, this mare, despite being a bit roughed up around the edges, was not a bad picture have next to you at the sea.

OOC :: @[Sikeax] We'll get this rolling soon. XD Also, what creature is Hobgoblin now, I think I keep missing it lol
Wardrobe:: Circlet, armband, hawk necklace, satchel (golden cloak, dagger, polearm)
Identities:: Ampere, Cashmere ( I think....)

Image by the AMAZING Vossity

RE: Across the Sea - Sikeax - 06-13-2015

She is scared, but won't allow herself to admit the feeling. Hobgoblin scolds her. Hatred hits her like a wave that she can't escape, drowning in his feelings when she still can't figure out exactly how to breathe beneath them. It would take time, yes, but for now, the punishments were endless. Together, they take swings at each other's mind, battling, waging rage-filled war when Sikeax's drive to do selfish acts is beaten down by her depression, soon enough gathering up enough strength to reach out to Hobgoblin's end of the thread that resembled their sacred bond, where the exact opposite stood brave and proud, sword in hand, prepared to slaughter for raw power and ultimate control.
How was she even to battle that?
Her eyes can't leave the man's presence, glued to him as if he was some beast thinking out the next move that would finally lead to her demise. I need to think more than I need to act. Maybe then this wouldn't happen.
Muscles tense up harder as his features morph, painting a facade that she couldn't find the strength to trust. Who changed from alert to welcoming within seconds? Did they not know that there was barely anyone worth trusting in the world, that someday all of your actions would come back to bite you as they had done her? She blinks and tries to filter them through as Hobgoblin extends his head outwards, forked tongue sliding out as a hiss spills again.
Annoyance sways them in a rhythmic motion. For once, she allows his part to stay separate, desperate to remain calm(if she could even manage that) in the presence of someone so foreign.
Words finally enter the arena, and she can finally feel herself try to relax. Hobgoblin's act keeps up, driving her to keep the search for the signal that tells her he's about to do something that will lead to regrets in the future, something where he's made a mistake that leads her to take the punishment when he can only laugh at her misfortune and ensure that more and more of that will rise out of the mix.
An invisible bucket of water is poured over her body. Parts of her crawl that she wasn't even aware could crawl, but the light weight and tightness about her neck is relieved.
He pleases himself in the idea that the playing field is now equal. Sikeax could fight the golden man and he could defeat the deer, pawing the sand with cloven hooves and antlers down as if to beg for a spar.
She only saw it as a masculine display of power and nothing else, allowing him permission to do as he pleased as long as she could feel she could trust him.
The stranger asks about her swim, leaving her to think of how she could run back to the sea and go under, to forget all of the rules that she had written out and meet the nighttime underworld. She could forget this whole meeting had ever happened. There would be no golden man, no dark deer that Hobgoblin attempted to keep himself busy with, never a night out on the beach with the moon heavy in the sky.
None of that.
But wasn't that a rude act? Something selfish? Hobgoblin might enjoy it, but there would be the consequences that hit her long after the performance was over, mentally destroying herself for something so bad.
The decision to stay is made and the thought of leaving is scrapped as a whole. Conversation would lock her into her jail cell.
"I prefer the water more than I prefer land. I could live there, but I don't see myself doing something so rude to a family that needs me."
She now thinks of herself as ruling the conversation, for being self-centered for speaking so much about herself, and reminds herself that others need attention. "What about you? Did you enjoy your swim?"
No rudeness is intended with her question, unintentionally mimicking his words.
A name is offered next. Thandruil. Something fresh, something new, something she's probably heard in the past but can't find the inner strength to dig through all of the memories to place him somewhere. Maybe somewhere, he's blurred and faded like an old picture, but was that enough to even give out priceless, important information? Did everyone in the world need to know every detail in her life, given the ability to pick into her secrets and find their true meanings?
It'd be rude to make them wait, but now she was expected to do so. Bucephalus had made it clear in the past that she was indeed rude for not giving out a name when he had done so in a blind, ignorant fashion.
She sighs on the inside and breaks down her walls, just for tonight, possibly in the chance of rebuilding something she didn't want back.
Courage was a stupid thing, anyway, and what did healers need it for if they never would go to war? Courage could drive her into doing something stupid and killing a patient. Courage could lead her into her own death.
In the end, courage wasn't worth it, but she had to make the leap at some point.
"Sikeax, but a lot of people call me Sia." Her horn sweeps in the direction of her companion, who was still caught up in the idea of a short term playmate. "That would be Hobgoblin." No attention is given in their direction from the Rougarou.
"What brought you out to the beach so late?"
Well, if she'd made the choice, then she might as well make the commitment.

OOC: Hobgoblin is Blue-Lipped Sea Krait in the previous post and then turns into a Red Deer.


sam howzit

RE: Across the Sea - Thranduil - 06-24-2015

It was a wonderful enjoyment. Selfish yet complete. Though it did strike him as curious that the mare seemed to draw back. She remains quiet and still. Her companion on the other hand was quite the opposite. The gold watches in a bit of discomfort to see the creature slither from her neck. He ignores it as their conversation continues, but Haldir of course could not. The deer steps back a few paces as the creature pools to the ground, and then transforms. Ears fall back and another few steps back are taken. He was not sure about this. He had seen creature change shape before, but coming from a snake he worried about what was to come. The golden was no help of course, he was far too engaged in the discussion, though he glance once or twice.

The creature had shifted to a deer. A giant deer. Though Haldir’s dark little ears come forward again, he still hangs back. The creature swayed its horns and pawed the ground. Threatening. Haldir, most confused looked up at the gold, but he was no help. The golden had given one glance to the transformed creature and grumbled it off as being nothing be another overprotective, instinctive companions. Haldir then turns back, his head tilting to look with most curious creature. Ears come forward slightly as he leans in to look closer and smell of the thing. Still most unsure.

The golden, as said, was still enjoying himself in the conversation. She speaks up at last and he listens with a most pleasant look. There wasn’t much to add, so he only nods. The question she tacks on was most welcome then. For it the golden shrugs it off. “I enjoyed the run more.” For once he wasn’t actually lying. Though he did love the sea and its cool refreshing waters, that run had been explosive. His head even, in the silence that follows for a moment, turns to look at where he had raced. As engaging as the mental exercise here was, he thought upon the release that run had given.

Haldir wasn’t having as happy of thoughts still. He watched the deer, looking with envy on the creatures horns. His pale eyes watching intensely the motions of the creature.

The golden’s gaze at the beach was ended as he spoke his name, and the girl returned it. Sikeax, of course that had been her name. The golden lets his warm voice roll through. “Well met.” That wasn’t a phrase he had spoken in a while. Tasseled tail flicks at a steady pace by his hocks. The conversation was dragging though. No plot twists, not drama. Even her question of his purpose here could not be pooled to have an interesting reply. Fighting dragons? Nope. Looking for ladies? Nope. Waiting for a giant octopus to wash up and ask him the meaning of life? Definitely not. “I was passing by, and the allure of a run couldn’t be ignored.” Trying to stir something up the golden shifts. “And you?” He smiled as he spoke, sincere. This time though, he was distracted by the small dark deer at his side.

Having watched the antlered deer the smaller dark one, was growing bold. Like children copying their elders the small deer had begun to sway like he. In a bound of energy like the other, he paws at the sand, kicking it up with such force as to make it more comical than serious. The poor deer’s bare head lowering and swinging. The golden’s eyes narrow, looking between them. “Haldir….”

OOC :: @[Sikeax]
Wardrobe:: Circlet, armband, hawk necklace, satchel (golden cloak, dagger, polearm)
Identities:: Ampere, Cashmere ( I think....)

Image by the AMAZING Vossity