HELOVIA || The Way to the Sun
[O] The title you come up with when you can't think of a title - Printable Version

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The title you come up with when you can't think of a title - Astrasza - 05-15-2015

Fatty, fat, mc. fattison, fatser, fatterooni!
The gagging this mare made pleased Astrasza, still there was no appreciation to being sat on. Granted, she'd felt the mare try to get up, and she'd prevented that. But she shouldn't even be in this situation in the first place!

Astra bit down a little harder, her ears flat against her skull.
She tried to roll over, to get her legs underneath herself so that she could get up. But nothing was working. Alas she was forced to release the mare's throat from her hold, at some point she stopped caring anyways. They were both on the ground, in the soft sand. Astra's legs hung limply to one side, her tail scattered in a mess across the sand. Her injured left wing sprawled out over the ground, while her other wing hovered over the ground, falling back behind her shoulders in a lazy shrug.
She wasn't sure which part was more uncomfortable, looking up to see a stranger's chin looming over her or the burning sting in her left wing. Her jaw hung open slightly, she no longer tasted blood, but the dull aching wasn't going away for a while now.

Still, she can't let fatty think she's won. She has to convince this bitch that she's messed with the wrong peggy, even though she's on the ground. Astra puts on a tough act, trying to make it look better than what it really is.
"You've got some fuckin' nerve, fatty! Some fuckin' nerve! What business you got attacking strangers in a place like this?" Astra growled at the mare.

fuck this shit's hard, why'd fatty have to come picking a fight? What was there to gain? Nothing but cuts and bruises.
"You think you're a fuckin' champion or something? Or maybe you're out lookin' for small creatures to bully." The words flew from her mouth without much thought to them, she didn't even hear herself speaking them.


RE: The title you come up with when you can't think of a title - Roskuld - 05-16-2015

….y’know something, Chico?

You an ass. Hole.

Furreal tho.

Like…you were just…laughing at us. Zooming through the air, back and forth, laughing your ass off. And you could see how I was struggling to get my ass up and off of her, how I sort of flailed in the dirt together, and you made no move to help. You just let us wiggle in the dust like maggots and you were sittin’ pretty in the sky, dying with the hilarity of it all, and, hey, maybe I was right to push you away from the fight because now you had a front-row seat to these gut-busting antics.



She finally let go of my neck and a vein was throbbing in there and I felt dizzy for a few seconds—and I flopped about (you shut up) for a second, falling onto her all over again, my chest crunched with her and my limps tangled with hers and it was really gross because I didn’t know her like that and I wasn’t trying to get that intimate—

--but then the bitch started smack talking.

*"You've got some fuckin' nerve, fatty! Some fuckin' nerve! What business you got attacking strangers in a place like this?”*

“The fuck you callin’ fat? I spat, indignant by many things but this one rubbing me in all types of nasty ways, “Fuckin’ Chubs McKenzie flat on her ass callin’ me fat. Who the fuck you think you talkin’ to? Talkin’ bout ‘I got nerve’—bitch! You got some nerve stompin’ about with them big-ass feet of yours wakin’ people up and talking like they got some ‘nerve’ to be pissed about it! The fuck.”

*"You think you're a fuckin' champion or something? Or maybe you're out lookin' for small creatures to bully."*

“Bitch, I’m a beast,” I growled, my chest and my ass swelling (okay maybe she had a point about the fat thing but we’re not talking about that--), “And who you think you is callin’ yourself small? Bitch, please! They can spot your ass in orbit!” I was stumbling to my feet, getting a good grip and finally I was gonna be able to unwrap myself from this annoying asshole—

--but then I thought worse better of it—

--and then I was crashing back down on her again, my chest shoving down into her stomach and my ass falling much, much too close toward her face. “Kiss my ass if you think it’s so fat,” I bit at her, a wild, irrational glint in my eye.

RE: The title you come up with when you can't think of a title - Astrasza - 05-17-2015

Astrasza was flabbergasted (who the fuck made up a word like that? Seriously, it can't be real) as the white and black bitch commented the attack was provoked from disturbing her sleep.
"All this shit--GGUUUUHH!" Astrasza squealed as the mare landed on her gut again, their legs tangled together like a pair of stag antlers that can't find a way to rip free from each other, "This is all---hhhmmmgh! Because you're a light ass sleeper! HNNNNGH!!" Astrasza complained, it was almost like this bitch was doing this on purpose. "Fatty getcho ass out of my face before it sucks me in!" Astrasza commanded, which of course was followed with the opposite reaction.

“Kiss my ass if you think it’s so fat,”

This girl made Astrasza laugh inside, thinking that seeing her wrinkly little butt hole was going to make Astra cringe. If there's anything this fight was proving to be, it's definitely a battle between Helovia's two most stubborn horses.
Astrasza coughed from the weight of fatty on her sides. But when she saw those open cheeks falling for her face there is, of course, only one reaction to be given.
"Have it your way!"
With teeth bared Astrasza chomped down on the mare's soft butt hole, she wasn't prepared to fuck around. She didn't the leisurely warning of a nip on the cheek, nope. She went strange for soft, delicate, and sensitive, and she didn't hold back. She hoped to hear the bitch scream, feel her fly off of the ground and watch her walk around bow-legged unwilling to crap for a few days.

She smell wasn't too pleasant, and she kept her tongue as far back in her throat as she possibly could. She didn't want to taste it as much as she didn't want to look at it. But it had to be done, and she wasn't afraid to do it.

OOC: This shit is funny as hell

RE: The title you come up with when you can't think of a title - Roskuld - 05-25-2015


I learned a crucial lesion that day. Once upon a time I learned not to ask questions I didn’t really wanna know the answer to.

And today, I learned not to tell people to do shit I didn’t actually want them to do.


…I don’t even know what to say.

Cuz everything that was happening then was a blur, a daze of mixed disbelief and even more disbelief and the pain of having your asshole—


I don’t even wanna talk about it.

And it’s a good thing you can talk cuz you’d probably be all over that shit, going around to anyone and everyone you could find, shouting the news from the balconies and the mountaintops. As it was you were could barely fly you were laughing so hard, and it would serve you the fuck right if you crashed into the dirt and broke something you stupid-ass, disloyal piece of—

(no, please don’t fall, I didn’t mean that, I swear I love you, I promise, I didn’t mean to be a dick like--)

So I don’t even know where to pick the story back up, though. I’m…pretty sure there was a moment in time where I blacked out, or maybe that’s just my memories trying to repress some major traumatic shit way deep in my brain or whatever (good work, brain). I don’t even really remember the moment I got bit; I just remember the idea that this bitch was biting me straight in the asshole.

I just remember being away from her, like I had flopped my ass right the fuck off of her and over but my knee was still fucked up so I was still slumping on the ground like a beached fish or whatever. I just remember yelling at her, mixed things like “WHAT ARE YOU FUCKING?! because I guess I wanted to say “What are you doing” and “What the fucking hell” and your brain can do weird shit with your words when it’s super tired.

I growled and the growl turned into a howl into the sky as I rolled around in the dirt, all sorts of done, so done, fucking hell I was just so done with everything. Why!? I was screaming at the sky. Whyyyyyyugh!?

I just wanted a nap.

I didn’t want teeth in my asshole.
