HELOVIA || The Way to the Sun
[P] Blood Moon Dare - Printable Version

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Blood Moon Dare - Knox - 06-04-2015


The hunter runs on.


He runs fast, too fast for his companion to follow.


Every word falls on deaf ears.

The night drips with an acrid air and the darkness takes over everything. This is not the night he remembered running beneath years ago now. This night is something different.

He is too reckless to cloak himself but not foolish enough to rid himself of a disguise; under cover of Zekiah he is quick enough to run from his companion and leave her in the dust.

At a certain point, Manhattan stops running. After what seems to be hours, after his days of journey have stretched into aching stride and long night rides, she cannot follow him further. She has begged him to cease, to consider his reckless derailment and his anger, but she can do nothing for him now.

Would you listen to Aylin, the dog thinks to her bonded, the distance too great for the message to reach its mark, would you stop if you saw the truth--that this is why she left?

Knox doesn't hear her. Knox hears nothing. He takes over the night with a horrible drumming song, a deadly clamor of hooves in frost coated dirt, hooves carrying him over great distances. He doesn't stop, not until he reaches it--not until he reaches the North.

And there, he changes. For the first time since the night he lost his light to his own darkness, he senses Dovev's mind and lets it turn his heart.

The moon has abandoned you, Knox

Knox looks up at the black sky. The empty moon, the barest sliver of its white arc left behind, and shadow overtaking it. Shadow overtaking it like the dark has conquered his soul. Is it true? Has she really left him, forsaken him, and forced him to live in this wretched world alone?

He has no one. He has nothing. And this time, Manhattan is not here to correct his greed. His body shifts without him even realizing it, cycling through his forms as the snow begins to fall. He is so utterly and completely alone.

The hunter's body appears as the first's, lingering on the rough, old, white coat of the perlino. Here, in this massive expanse of ice beneath the dark cloak of night, he seems invisible.

But the faintest of sounds at his back and Knox is someone else.

The hunter's eyes flash to black and the body threatens to change entirely. His face snaps back to find the source of the sound and the mind of Dovev whispers darkness into Knox's once loved heart.

It isn't her. It will never be again. She's left you alone, you worthless colt, he says. And Knox knows it is true, and he feels in his heart a rage for all he gave his Goddess, and how little she gives him now.

That bitch.

[[Muriel only. Full permissions granted by Brit.]]

ave mortuite salutat

RE: Blood Moon Dare - Muriel - 06-04-2015

He snored.

It was a tiny little thing, mere snuffles, really. But in the silence of the night, the downward blanketing of the snow, it is all she can hear. Leliel is silent in his slumber, and she watches them, clutched in the arms of Morpheus. Faces smoothed, lines eradicated, stress and curiosity alike washed away into blank slates of breed and composition of bone. She loves them, her heart a swaddle for their souls, keeping them cherished and warm even in the coldest of nights. Muriel had wanted to show Brigand the Northern Lights, the ones that had guided her when Leliel was gone and she had not known what to do next. Though Leliel could not see them, he went where she did, and the family had journeyed north to see the lights in all their beauty and glory.

Had Muriel known what would await her beneath the sky that would not hold them that night, she never would have journeyed out.

Instead, she breathes to the rhythm of her son's breathing, that cute little snore that made her heart ache with love and affection. She was a pure creature, too innocent for a tainted world, overwhelming any pain dealt to her with further forgiveness. Small, a whimsical creation of the gods, unloved by those of Helovia in her ignorance and foreign nature. But she had built something small - something broken and imperfect but good in her life. Late though it had appeared, she clung to it with surprising fervency, desperate to keep hold of the one piece of lasting good she'd been awarded.

Multitude of wings came forth, and she rustled into them, bringing the bridge of one over her nose much like a cat's tail. Nesting, the only one of the trio standing, primordial law taking hold. It was easier for her to be the one to watch over them, so boundless her energy, and with the only other adult in their little group blind. It was easy to let her eyes slip to a close, to fall into a half-slumber to the tune of her son's delicate breathing and the odd shuffle of feathers. They were all little monstrosities, quad-winged and vibrant. It was only right that they should end up together, cradled beneath the cold stone architecture.

From outside came the sound of hurried, racing hooves. It pervaded her mind slowly, the thumping of hoof against hard-packed snow, the swoosh of it as it was kicked into the night air with each passing. Grunting softly as she fell into a more awakened state, the bird lowered her wing and creaked open one lilac eye towards the shelter's opening. Waited, until she heard the heavy panted breathing of a newcomer. Her heart sank with worry for the soul - had they been chased, hounded, corralled into the northern reaches as they prey animal they still were? And then came the worry for her family, for if that was true, then they were also in danger, incapable of escape with the roost they had chosen.

Muriel had never considered herself to be brave, but a mother's love could do so much, and she shook out her feathers and quietly escaped into the snow. "Hello?" she called, eyes searching for whomever had disturbed the night. It took a moment to place, flickering against the snowline as the figure did, perfectly camouflaged. Advancing further into the snow she spread her wings, stretching them idly, trying to keep warm. And she can't tell if it's the lack of sleep or something else, but she gasps quietly when his eyes seem to go black - surely a trick of the light? - as he snaps to face her. "Are you okay?" It's a little shaky, trembling against her teeth as it falls from her mouth, chattering as if the cold has wormed its way into her bones already.

And I will love you, forever and always
Image Credit

RE: Blood Moon Dare - Knox - 06-04-2015

So much more than cold will strike the mare tonight. Knox's heart beats with intention, faster than is healthy and harder, harder, harder than he has ever known.

The mare appears before him like a flake in the snow. She is a pretty thing, painted in feathers and innocence, but that is not what he sees when he looks at her standing there before him in the shadow--not for long.

When was the last time you ate? Dovev's sinister tones are brilliantly sharp in his mind. Knox finds himself regretting his actions. How long has he suppressed such brilliance?

And the ancestor's query leaves the hunter wondering. He realizes just how parched his throat is, now, from the long journey. And he feels, now, as the adrenaline dips for a moment, the hunger burning in his chest and shaking his legs.

The hunter feeds his ancestor an answer: Before Helovia, great grandsire.

Dovev snorts in Knox's mind. On the outside, the stallion's head flashes up and the long mane of Cem is tossed in the air. When it lands, it lands on a steel gray neck and its tresses have turned from silky to coarse. The shift is completed before Knox can even realize it has taken place. The stallion standing before this innocent mare, now, is the ghost of Dovev: the murderer.

When was the last time you really ate? the wicked one thinks as he steps forward, concealing no threat, refusing this strange mare an answer.

Knox does not need to consider the question. Dovev pulls him closer and his hunger rages in a flash of memory. He thinks about blood. He thinks about teeth and the tearing of flesh. Why, why had he ever given up such a taste? To separate himself from his family? To shun the memory of his mother and the years of training she cursed him with?

Your mother was a bitch, but she had good taste, Dovev whispers. Knox cannot bring himself to deny the fact. He stands before the mare and stares. He thinks about the taste of blood. He forgets the moment he was forced to swallow his father's last life and the seconds before he knew what it was to drown, the seconds where he thought he would drown in such an evidence of death.

Knox steps closer to the mare. In the shape of Dovev, in the mind of Dovev, he tosses his head and reveals his scars, long, mythic gashes crossing his neck. The bridle slaps his features gently.

The hunger strikes as delusion. For a second, Knox sees the wings and thinks of the Goddess he has so long worshipped. Deprivation of food, water, and sleep cloud his vision.

This strange mare, this innocent creature, becomes a vision of the mistress of moonlight.

Knox does not hesitate. He feels the hunger and he feels the fire--the burning of moonlight and the twisting of his passionate anger. He rears on his ancestor's hooves for the first time in so long and aims at the mare's shoulders with precision.

He has given her no response. There is nothing to say. She is the unfortunate soul, the one standing behind his starved vision of a Goddess, and she is nothing but the one who has left him alone.

In that moment, what is left of Knox blames the stranger for everything. And as he lets his mind and insecurities strike the cold night wind, he thinks of all who he has lost, and screams into the night.


ave mortuite salutat

RE: Blood Moon Dare - Muriel - 06-04-2015

He is silent, a mythical being of the Steppe, staring at her with dark eyes that make her insides tremble. She doesn't move. A part of her feels like she can handle this, she lived alone in the wilds for so long, has seen far worse than this strange stallion staring deep into her soul. Muriel longs to give her family peace and silence in their sleep, feed them hours with which to rest their bodies. So she stares right back, not sure how to react, what to do, how to feel or proceed. Her wings shuffle, her feet prance awkwardly in place, watching him watch her. Suffers, unsure, distraught suddenly. The wind howls on, a hungry beast tearing across empty snowfilled fields. They face one another.

He shimmers. Morphs. Dissolves into something wholly new, and Muriel cannot contain the breath that leaves her, feeling like she's been kicked in the ribs. Muriel knows magic, knows it in many variations, both gentle and gruesome. This is nothing she has seen before, and she stands before it uncertain and a little fearful. Why? Magic has place, has meaning and purpose. It only unfolds to reveal itself when the time is most necessary. She has done nothing to persuade him to flash his cards, his aces and jokers that grin and leer down at her in a way that makes her skin crawl. Something archaic in her bellows, screams and chants its cries to run, to save herself from a danger she can only assume but that she somehow knows is there. Something far, far older keeps her rooted. Protect. Child. Die for him. Die for them. Fight.

He lunges for her, and she chokes, for though her soul is ready her body is not. She sways back on long limbs, easy, but his mark is true. It crashes down upon her body, a little off its original intention with how she careened away. Snap! It echoes in her head far louder than the atmosphere, and her eyes go white with pain, dizzy with shock and adrenaline as her hollow wingbone snaps beneath his weight. It jerks her wing down, and she follows it, going down on the corresponding foreleg as she stumbles in the unforgiving snow, little droplets of blood blooming on its washed out surface. And as she sucks in a breath, unbidden, she can't help what comes next.

She screams.

Fire eats up into her shoulder as her wing spasms uselessly, furthering the damage. Instinctively she reacts, craning her long neck up with teeth bared and brutal, eyes white and scared in contrast. Aims for his neck, his throat, any skin and meat she can reach to make him stop, stop, please stop, it hurts! Muriel had never been a fighter, but suddenly she can sense just how close her son is, just how delicate his body. How easily he will fold, will bleed, will break. And with a new vigor she struggles back to her feet, lunging forward with teeth bared anew, however her last attack may have landed. A new scream tears from her throat, this one angry, protective, vicious. She won't let him hurt her baby, not without giving it her all, not without breaking every bone in her body, bleeding out in slow agonizing death. She doesn't know that's exactly what he has planned for her.

And I will love you, forever and always
Image Credit

RE: Blood Moon Dare - Knox - 06-04-2015

The crash of his hooves on her back is satisfaction incarnate. He feels the snap of her wingjoint and the twist of her fall, and the hunter smiles.

How rare it is, to see a killer grin. And rarer, still, to see a good brute fall to such wicked whims. But he has fallen and he falls still, deeper into a pit of unsearchable blackness. From here, he will not be rescued. From this ancestral commandment, this order, he can hear nothing but a need to create beneath his hooves a soul residing with the dead.

Thou shalt kill.

The white mare's fate is sealed when she falls. Knox's body, sharpened with the skills of Dovev's many murders, falls with her and his hooves aim for her tender nose. It is gravity's task to land the blow, now, for as the mare jerks and sputters, her wing askew and hanging crookedly from her flesh, he sees her head resting perfectly beneath him. And how much weight is in the body of a 10 year old stallion, bulked and bloodstained, bearing down with the memory of his own death?

But one blow means nothing. Should her features be crushed beneath his hooves--should the skull snap and the teeth shatter as they force themselves into the frost--and the beauty be wiped from her image, he will only have hurt her once. The murderer has more to do, more places to hurt.

There are always more places to hurt.

And through it all Knox sees a purple body at his feet, majestic and wicked. Where Dovev aims with accuracy for the face, Knox seeks out the horn of a God that does not truly reside against the ice. And when the mare lifts her body to fight back, Knox sees a Goddess rising and lifting in size. How starving he is, to be seeing such madness. How wicked his thoughts, to strike out at the one he so long loved.

Dovev's mind is present enough and Knox's vision clear enough to match the motions of the imagined Goddess with that of the innocent. Knox feigns forth like a viper, neighing to intimidate and clashing his teeth towards her neck. She is nothing compared to his size, nothing in the face of his power. When she bites she grabs the base of Dovev's scars, but the pain there is too known, too remembered, to cease the stallion's strike. How many days has Knox lain still, unable to move for all the pain of his ancestor's death and injuries?

This bite, this pathetic attempt at protection, is just one more scratch to keep him up at night.

She deserves this comes the thought of the wicked as he starts to turn his back from the mare in a practiced turn.
She has abandoned me, mourns the hunter in his rage.
Her blood will be your patience rewarded, commands Dovev as his back legs kick with force, striking out towards the chest of the mare and aiming to knock her back to the earth.

And Knox is too maddened now to know what is real and what is not--to separate the mind from reality. His words, a cry in his mind, ring out into the night. His voice is deep, his sentiment clear to him alone--surely madness to the mare at his back. "Tonight, we drink the blood of the Gods!"

Tonight is a night of murder, beneath the Blood Moon Dare.


ave mortuite salutat

RE: Blood Moon Dare - Muriel - 06-04-2015

It is a hopeless battle. She is slim, she is weak and delicate, a flower beneath the might of his ripping fangs. Something in her whispers quietly, and she wonders if Reapers are real, if they are there to herald her into heaven, to comfort her in her last conscious moments. Be still. Stop fighting. Save yourself the pain. But she has been reduced to a singular desire, to protect. So she jerks her nose free from his aim, and when her teeth meet his neck she wishes she had fangs, wishes for once in her long life that she could tear and ruin him. Kill him. Muriel had never wished harm on another soul, but in that moment she is vicious, she wants him to bleed out and suffer for his sins. He is too practiced for she to be the first, and she wonders why, of everyone the Goddess deigned to kill, this monster was not on the list. He deserved to be put down like the rabid dog he was.

Life was never fair, especially not for the innocent.

One evasion means nothing, she is blinded by pain and he is advancing on her still, a flurry of disaster that she yields beneath bit by bit. If she can even hold him off for a few precious moments, Leliel can grab Brigand and run. Escape. The Gods have done nothing for her, but she prays to them. Prays neither of them will be stupid enough to try and save her, to try and stay to see her graceless crumble beneath his blows. Prays further that Brigand will not have to see this, this ending that she does not have to flip to the last page to know is already scrawled there in bloodied ink.

It's an ending she can live with, can bear, if only her son can see another day.

He rips free of her, and she stumbles, falls right into his blow as he kicks her down to the earth. Her chest rattles and she wheezes in the snow, wings fluttering spasmodically, creating macabre snow angels beneath her fallen form. She sneers at him, the ugliest expression to have ever crossed her face, vibrant as she burns out into an inevitable death. A shooting star blazing its way into nothingness. He crows his words, his victory, senseless and mad in his lyricism. It is a sick game he is playing, the mere idea of him ingesting her blood is disgusting. But she fears for her loves, and wonders if he will find them better targets now that she has been kicked down. Struggling to her knees she snaps her teeth in his direction. Me, pay attention to me you bastard!

As many moments as she could earn them, she would. It would be agony beyond anything she'd ever experienced, but she needed to do this. To die knowing she'd let them live.

"Don't play with your food!" she snarled, more beast than beauty in her dwindling moments. Face me. Let them live.

I'm so sorry.

And I will love you, forever and always
Image Credit

RE: Blood Moon Dare - Knox - 06-05-2015

Once again, the killer feels contact. Dovev smiles at what he has become: alive again. Alive and at last, once more, a killer. And he knows, too, that in the end he will go free. It is Knox who will have to bear this burden and taste her blood on his lips for the last of his living days. The descendant will live on, tortured. And perhaps it will mean Dovev's last moments in this state of half living are now, but still it is worth it. This prison break, this weak link in the chain, broken at the right moment, can never be mended.

No matter how hard the hunter tries, there will always be a part of him that let the murderer win.

That smile crosses again upon the steel gray features. The last streaks of moonlight highlight Dovev's white markings climbing up his sides, but the red already on the earth, his blood and hers, seem to reflect and cast a shade of crimson across the white patches of the murderer's coat. He listens with old ears forward as the mare, this anonymous fool, speaks to him for what he thinks will be the last time.

And he turns back to see her just as he expected her: prostrate on the frost, her knees buried in the thin layer of snow beneath them and her expression brave.

Let her, then, die a protector. Let her then die as Dovev's son, Knox's grandsire, did. Let her die without mercy.

The steeled stallion lifts himself in a rear. Somewhere, lost and no longer a part of the waking world, Knox's mind swirls with a second of doubt. He sees the image of the Goddess he thought he fought flash away, but it is too late. One body lands and the other snaps.

Here, the stallion should stop.

And here, the stallion is just starting.

The process is a slow repetition. A striking once, twice, three, four, God how many times, even the hunter now cannot count. Dovev's hooves strike like an axe at the base of a tree, freeing the mare's wings from her body by the bones, bit by bit, until he feels the last one shatter into nothing.

With midnight eyes staring into the last moments of his victim, Knox leans down with the body of his ancestor. He looks into her gaze, seeking a sign, a reason for her fight in these last moments, and that small piece of the hunter that remains wishes he could take mercy.

It is too late, now, to blind the mare and hope her pain will be brief. She bleeds slowly and the red that stains the earth stains his lips just as red. For without thinking, Knox has pressed his face to the open wound where her wings, now resting in a pair, attached by a scalped section of the flesh once above her spine, once were.

And Knox drinks in this blood, this blood of the innocent, and feels nothing.

[[@[Muriel]. Permission to powerplay from Brit.]]

ave mortuite salutat

RE: Blood Moon Dare - Muriel - 06-05-2015

There is not much to her, in the end. She did not achieve much in her life, nothing that others would call awe-inspiring or courageous. Muriel had always been quiet, complacent, resplendent. Content in herself, the few that loved her enough to stay around. But to her, she had found Elysium itself the moment she'd looked into her son's eyes. And so she spit and cursed and carried on, what fight she had left burning like a solar flare inside her tiny, wretched frame. Doomed to nothing more than death and a snowy burial, forgotten. Because nobody had ever gotten to know her, and she mourned the fact that those who had would have to suffer alone in their grief. Mourned in those moments where he descended upon her all the events she'd never get to experience, all the little moments she'd miss out on. Brigand growing up, finding love, settling down. Grandchildren smiling up at her with big eyes and lanky legs.

It hurt her more than he ever could, to know that she wouldn't be there.

She screams beneath his blows, but she never begs for mercy or for an earlier ending. Perhaps it is her pride that keeps that away from her, no matter how delirious the pain makes her. She spasms and seizes, coughs and wails as he rips away from her the one thing that had always made her special. Her identity and her past rolled into one. He rapes, pillaging and plundering her body and her soul, but she never gives up that little pearl at the very heart of her being. She keeps it with her even as her blood gushes in hot, unending streams from her spine and shoulders. It melts the snow with how quickly it escapes her body, hot and disturbingly beautiful in colorful contrast with the snow.

As she begins to numb and fade away she is sickly pleased with the number of her wings, if only because it is sure to keep the beast's attention for longer. Though she is dying, she is victorious. Her head lies pillowed on the snow, untouched by his brutality - and perhaps that is a blessing, for if anyone is to return for her body at least she will not be too horribly mangled. She hopes it will make it hurt just a little less.

Everything goes a little fuzzy around the edges, the pain slipping away into a euphoric kind of apathy. She sees Leliel, his bandage gone and eyes aware and full of sight and beauty, smiling down at her with that shy lopsided grin. I love you, Muriel. And she sees Gull there beside him, that adorable look on his face, all recalcitrant child as he reluctantly admits that he cares for her. She feels their wings upon her back, goes through a dizzying spiral of every day she ever spent with the two of them. It's weird, they're walking with her, but they're leading her somewhere. And at the end of the line she hadn't known she was walking is Brigand. And she wonders what's going on at first, but she revels to see him, painted in the most beautiful and familiar of colors.

"Let's go, momma." She wants to ask where, but he turns and walks and she follows instinctively, and together they are swallowed by an intense light. At first she wants to turn away, but it fills her with warmth and love, and she cries to feel it flood into her. All her life she'd chased love, had followed it from Janat to Helovia in the form of Leliel. But she'd never gotten the chance to experience it, shy as the two stallions were. She cries in the face of it, and when she opens her eyes...

Far away from her, in a world too cruel to have harbored her innocent soul for even a moment, her heart stops beating.

But she's home.

And I will love you, forever and always
Image Credit

RE: Blood Moon Dare - Knox - 06-05-2015

She is dead. Before Knox can even comprehend what he has done, she is leaves the land of the dying and submits to the world of the dead. He can feel her heart slow in the way the blood pushes out from her wound. First a pulse, and then, slowly, just a spreading pool. There is nothing alive in her now, he realizes, and he wonders if there is anything alive in him.

The hunter is only allowed a moment of horror. Dovev's mind is stronger, and paired with his own body restored, he dominates the dapple-necked stallion with ease. The body of the mare, white, red, pink and gold, is a joy for the killer to see. He has always been a killer and he always has been. But is the same true for Knox?

The hunter has managed, at least, to pull away from the body and look down upon her in full. He watches the white of her feathers rustle in the cold tundra wind, as if they were still of the living, as if they were still flying.

No, no. I can't have done this.
Welcome to the ranks of the killers once more, descendant.
You made me do this. You did this.
No, the murderer speaks into the mind with a silencing, horrifying grip, this was you. And this was right.

And there is something about the hypnotizing way that the great grandsire speaks to his progeny that lulls Knox into submission. Is there not some note of Mandrake's voice, lingering in Dovev's? Is there not that same wicked hypnosis, beating in his heart as if a command?

Knox steps over and around the corpse, lowering his lips to brush once more against the outpouring of her blood. It is sweet and hot on his lips; it slides easily between his teeth when he sucks in like an inhalation, and gently coats his throat. It is the comfort of childhood--his only mother's milk.

This was me. This was right, he thinks, as if there is nothing else that could be true. And he pushes that horrible, lowered face beneath the canopy of the wings of a fallen angel, and slides his neck between the remaining portion of the stranger's back that connects them. And he bends and arcs and slides and maneuvers until at last the four wings, staining his coat with blood and being heavier than anything else he has ever carried (and carrying too, the weight of his crime,) lay delicately over his own shoulders.

The hunter looks away from the dead body and up to the sky. For a moment, he thinks the moon is gone for good.

And then he turns and walks from the scene, his body entranced even as the shadow of his cloak passes over it and carries him into the next land.

[[@[Muriel]. Permission to powerplay from Brit.]]

ave mortuite salutat

RE: Blood Moon Dare - Gull - 06-08-2015

these nights never seem to go to plan

As dawn breaks, the tundra is still, the silence only disturbed slightly by the rustle of your feathers as you glide overhead. A fresh blanket of snow has fallen overnight, and everything is perfect: white, unmarred, pristine. It’s beautiful. The illusion is only shattered by the bloody, tattered corpse that lies motionless amidst the drifts…and by the haunting echo of your strangled roar as you see her.

Everything is a blur. You don’t know how you make it safely to the ground, for it feels like you’re still falling out of the sky as you stand over her, white legs stained red by the blood still seeping through the snow. She is barely recognizable, for she has been savaged, and you weep uncontrollably as you see the gaping tears in her back where the four magnificent wings once rested. Her crowning glory has been stripped from her, taken as a twisted trophy by the bastard who murdered her. You are vaguely conscious that you are screaming, but the only word stamped in your mind and seared across your heart is NO. Not Muriel.

Even in death and despite her broken body, her expression is eerily peaceful. Roughly, you press your muzzle to her face, willing her to wake and speak to you one last time. But it’s useless, and even your most desperate prayers are in vain; the stiff body has been dead for hours.

Though her wings are gone, Muriel’s feathers are scattered about from her struggle, half buried in the snow. Carefully, you collect the bloodstained mementoes, the motion hauntingly familiar as you gently tug the last remaining feathers from her withers.

There is no question in your mind as to who the killer is and how they could have done it, for you know exactly who is responsible. Streaming eyes look north, narrowed in grief and hatred, and though your throat is already raw from your cries, you let loose a wordless bellow. You promise vengeance. The horned monsters will pay ten times over for what they’ve done.

And then you remember, with a sense of rising panic: the kid. What have they done with the kid? Surely Muriel wouldn’t leave him, unless…your heart constricts. You can never be sure, but you can only guess that she died protecting him. Had he gotten away? The snow doesn’t tell you, only stares silently up at you, refusing to yield the secrets and tracks that it has covered.

“Brigand?” you call, raising your head. “BRIGAND?”



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RE: Blood Moon Dare - Brigand - 06-08-2015

I hear a mare's scream in the night. I wonder if it was her in her sleep, as I have once done once before. I peel my eyes open, expecting to see the sun, my mother silhouetted by it as she gazed at me adoringly. There is not a light behind my eyes, and as I open them, I realize she in not there. It is nighttime. Darkness surrounding us.

Mum is gone.

I wonder if she's only playing with me. But why would she be doing that? Why would she be kidding me into fear? She would never do that. "Mum?" I whisper into the darkness, my breath folding out before me in a faint shadow in the night. I look over to Leliel, who is fast asleep. I wonder if Gull is asleep.

I push myself to my frozen legs, a wobbly upright position. A blinking of blinding light in the darkness flares up over the slight slant of the white-blanketed hill. I couldn't see what was going on from this angle. I needed to get closer. Was Mum out there?

There is a silhouette of another, maybe Leliel's size. He stands over my mother, the light on her wings is a fire, and she is clearly fighting back. The flames burn in my eyes like the fire of the gods as I watch her snap and bite at him, pushing herself to her feet one last time, a vicious, throat-ripping scream echoing out over the endless rolling white plain. He steps upon her, and I rush forward, but not soon enough as I hear bones crack. My legs go wobbly. My eyes close as he goes on, I can't bare it. My mother was dying right here. Right in front of me. A curling, twisting, horrid acid seeps from my mind to my stomach, invading and making camp there. I scream, my cries small above her own.

I don't open my eyes as he screams out undeniably untrue words. "Tonight we drink the blood of the Gods!" The words don't come out as anything more than a few yells. I don't understand what he is saying. I am on my knees, burrowing my legs into the cold snow, my eyes hurting from my eyelids fighting for dominance. I burrow as deep as I can at the time, try to muffle my own screams. They are acid-ripped, just like my mother's. She is being crushed beneath him. I can feel the light in her eyes fading, just like if they were my own.

She screams something into the night. She has never, ever said anything that vicious to me. Never. I scream back, but I only get a mouthful of snow. My goal.

A few moments later, I hear only silence. And maybe it's not silence because I could hear it. Maybe I was just imagining it. My shattered soul trying to put back together the pieces of what I'd just witnessed. My mother's brutal murder. A sin on the scene. A bloodbath of types, ending in a broken, brutal, and bloody death. He is turning to the sky, in which there is no moon. And then he walks away like they were having a polite little chat. What a bastard! What a FUCKING bastard.

An eerie calm washes over me as I wait, knowing he could come back for more if he wanted.
If he wanted to beat the living shit out of an innocent that was already dead.
He could come back.
My mind is riddled in thoughts of her. And why she would ever deserve it. A mother like her would never do anything so horrible to deserve a death like that.

An hour later, I still sit there, expecting the murderer to come back and kill me as well, my body shaking from the cold and the bloodied body not six yards away from me. My cries muffled once again by the tasteless snow, my eyes long dried from tears. Now I was just screaming.

I quiet as I listen for the crunching sound of his hoof steps as I have many times before. I can still hear them as he walks away, mother's once vibrant wings balanced on his back. I hear nothing, yet I scream into the snow once more. Nothing could prepare me for what I was about to see next.
I push myself to my hooves, finding a footing after so long. I stand in the snow like a statue for a few very long moments as I asses her from afar. She is bloodied and bruised, gashes at her shoulders, the ground beneath her stained with blood.

Not once did she cry for mercy. Not in my memory of the whole ordeal. I walk to her, the eerie calm washing over me for the second time. I stand over her bloodied body, broken bones and all, but her face is calm. Untouched by the vicious horrors that were laid upon her. I could almost imagine her heart still beating, her eyes wide with light and worry for me as they always are. Or maybe soft and still alight with some happiness she has whenever she looks my way. I don't smile at this, because a dark memory has taken over my heart, the brutal killer, still a silhouette against the dark sky is stalking my mind. Even if he doesn't know it.

Someday he will die because of what he's done. Someday he will fucking die. I shake my head in a tedious way, my eyes falling back into my head for a brief moment before the acid came swirling up. Taking over my brain, making me want to faint beside her. Lay beside her for all eternity.
That won't happen. I look at one of my many wings, my gaze harsh as I reach over with a snapping maw, plucking a rusty feather from my still-growing wings. A hiss escapes my teeth as I nestle the feather in with the remaining ones around her broken and empty body. Her cold eyes. I cry out once more for the loss that has ensued on this bloodied plain.

A hiss in my gut of the pain I was feeling. A yelp from my mouth as I walk, tumbling down a snow slope and away. I walk for a short while longer before falling unconscious in a snowy white drift.

[Image: fxtQz6O.png]

When I awake, it is to screaming once again. But this is not the kind that I was hoping for.
I was hoping for my mother, calling to me from the place we'd called home for the night. Wondering why I'd crept off during the night.
But it wasn't her. It was him. He'd come back and was calling for me. I yell at first. For him to shut up I was right there. I was right here. I stumble out of the drift and towards the sound of his yell. "Calm down! I'm..." I think of her blood-soaked body once more, laying there alone in the snow. He is standing over her. A splash of rust and cotton candy in the middle of the frosted slopes. I choke on the words as I near him and her. My steps are reluctant as I watch them, guilt splashing over my gaze.

I did nothing to help her.

And how could I, believing that I would die as well as soon as I stepped into the battle. I'd been frozen in place, in time as I watch my mother being brutally murdered, bit by bit he had kicked her wings out of their rightful place. Out of their beautiful, RIGHTFUL....PLACE.
A huff in the morning light. I stare at Gull like I am something different. Someone different. "He killed her, Gull." I say. I feel the guilt rising up like the acid in my stomach. I push it back down.

As I speak his name I feel a deep understanding in my body. He has come to look for her, only to find her dead. What would I do in this situation? What would I do? I would scream and yell and panic. I would probably scratch my eyes out if it wasn't for the calm that had washed over me like a wave and somehow flattened my emotions. I feel mature as I call him by his true name. No more Da until I regain my innocence.
No more Da.
No more Mum.

@[Gull] - wholly shit muse overload and wow I'm sorry.
Wishes are all we are
credits :: table

RE: Blood Moon Dare - Gull - 06-09-2015

and deep down I know this never works

It is only a few moments before the little form stumbles out of the drifts, but it feels like an eternity. “Calm down!” the tiny voice pipes, “I’m…” Right here. “Brigand,” you choke, “You’re…” Alive. But you cannot bring yourself to finish the sentence, not while you are covered in blood with his mother’s battered body between you. Instinctively, you step around the corpse, in a weak attempt to shield it from his view. You know that it’s too late, and he’s already seen what has befallen her, but you feel an urge to protect him from the worst of it. Gods knew, you still had the nightmares, and your mother’s death had been nowhere near this gory.

But the kid only stares back at you, barely moving, his face eerily calm. You return his gaze, face contorted with grief and confusion. How can he just stand there? You’d have expected explosive emotion from the kid—crying, anger, desperation, anything but this. Instead, he looks on quietly, features stony as he murmurs, “He killed her, Gull.”

And your heartbeat hammers in your chest. “Who did?” you demand, drawing yourself up to your full height. “Who, Brigand? WHO?” The last word comes out as a roar. You hadn’t meant to shout at the kid, but his testimony is your only clue to the bastard who killed Muriel. Perhaps it is not an appropriate reaction for a father—Muriel would have wanted you to comfort the kid, to tell him that everything would be okay in time, but Muriel wasn’t here right now. She had never seen the darkness in anyone, and it was that very darkness that had extinguished her life.

Besides, the kid had called you by name. You almost don’t notice, but you realize it as you stand there waiting for him to condemn the one who has done this to you both. Gull. He says it like you are equals, and it surprises you that you feel a weight lifted from your shoulders, a burden you hadn’t fully known you were bearing now taken away. Maybe one day you will miss the brief time he had called you Da and marked you as his own, but on this awful day, it’s fitting: you are the same in your loss.



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RE: Blood Moon Dare - Brigand - 06-09-2015

My heart is beating slow and deep. I can feel it in my chest, because seeing him again is making me realize things I thought I didn't have anymore.
I had someone else. Leliel wasn't there. He didn't awake as she was killed. He didn't help her. And for that, he would forever be shoved out of my life with a forceful push.
Mum was dead because no one did anything to stop the silhouette from taking her life away. I didn't stop her. Leliel didn't stop her. And we all regret it now, letting our heartstrings bleed the blues. Our souls fall one by one.

Mum saw nothing dark in the world. Perhaps that was her downfall.

Gull wasn't there when it happened. He got the warning.
I was. I was there. I got the beating. I got the beating for the rest of my life. I swallow as he picks up his voice, yelling. I could almost see the fire in his eyes. A longing for answers. "I don't know who he is, I just saw him..." If it weren't for the horrifying memories that were plastered all over my brain like advertisements, I would probably be stuttering horribly right now. I would probably be crying and screaming like I was back when I saw it. But a calm has told me I needed to stop.

On second thought, maybe I didn't.

"She's gone, Gull!" I yell, a mix of anger and upset colliding on my face for the first time after I'd stopped. "The fucking bastard killed her." I spit, my eyes lit with a new sky blue flame.
I look up at Da Gull ruefully.

"I was there, I saw it." I hold his gaze firmly.

Wishes are all we are
credits :: table

RE: Blood Moon Dare - Gull - 06-10-2015

the saints can't help me now, the ropes have been unbound

“I don’t know who he is, I just saw him…” comes the reply, and you’ve never had to try so hard to hold yourself back. You want to shake the boy, demand answers, but you cannot. You feel yourself tremble from the effort, intense blue eyes searching his own. Is that all he can say?

But you must remember that the kid is grieving too, for as you watch, his face changes. You feel your heart twist at the expression that must mirror your own, the anger and hurt contorting his young features in a mask of pain. “She’s gone, Gull,” he screams suddenly, as if a dam has finally burst inside his heart. Venom spews from his mouth and you flinch—not that you have any problem with vulgarity, but it cuts into you to witness the boy lose his innocence so young. We all have to grow up sometime, you know, but you find yourself wishing fate had spared the kid a little longer. Why this? Why Muriel? Your eyes burn at the unfairness of it all.

And then Brigand’s eyes find your own, and he speaks again, slowly, deliberately. “I was there,” he tells you, “I saw it.” You tense, forcing yourself to suck in a long, rattling breath. “Who did you see?” you ask again, voice low and hoarse. “What did he look like? What direction did he take? How long…” –Here, your voice breaks—“…how long since he did this?” Wide wings open, gesturing at the chaos and blood spattered in the snow around you. “Tell me, Brigand,” you finish, tone nearly pleading. Please.” You swear you’ll have your revenge.



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