HELOVIA || The Way to the Sun
Cast from Heaven [open] - Printable Version

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Cast from Heaven [open] - God of the Sun - 09-26-2012

I'll never see any side of heaven
I'll walk for miles through a blazin' hell

Deep, scorched marks in the earth were left in his wake in the shape of cloven hooves. The permafrost was smoking behind him, shocked at the sudden heat that it had not felt in a very long time. The Sun God watched in amusement. Even his power had limitations, as he was not able to truly affect this land preserved in ice and snow. The Earth God had done well here, but he supposed only a few masochists would ever choose to go here.

Was that what he was? A masochist? A bitter smile crossed his lips, and he wrapped his feathered wings tighter around his body, enjoying the bitter chill of this land for the first time in a very, very long time. It brushed against his fur like jolts of electricity, and the snow that touched his face burned but not in his own way. He exhaled a breath of frost and watched a herd of caribou eye him suspiciously. The Sun God looked strange against the landscape - a burning sun in a snow storm.

Absently he wondered if any of the mortals would miss him? Cassiopeia had proven to be shockingly intelligent, and he was consistently proud of Kri's attitude. Ophelia... that such a mind could emerge from mortal creation was a gift. And they were currently battling against the Edge, his sister's land. That was most pleasing. Why was Ophelia not fighting? Why was Cassiopeia here? The Sun God was going to have to thank Kri personally, very soon. How frustrating to be cut off from omnipotence.

RE: Cast from Heaven [open] - Breeze - 09-26-2012

High above the icy plains a young heart was beating in the chest of a pegasus, it was pumping warm blood though the body of its creamy owner. It was a very faithful heart and it held many warm emotions. But this heart was also heavy, heavy with ha youth’s dark thoughts, heavy with the responsibility of holding another heart so close too itself. It was pumping unevenly, squirmed a bit under the weight its owner put on it. But the heart was a loyal one as well and it promised not to break under the youngling’s troubles, but even if it was working together with the boy most hearts often need external help to lift some of the load. Someone to listen to its fears and worries. However the heart of this young colt could not hope for that to happen with the company it was about to find itself with.

Cold wind brushed though white hairs and creamy fathers, combed though the tangled thoughts in the young stallion’s mind, cleared his head and made his lungs ache in a somehow pleasant way. But he could not shake the heavy feeling of his heart, could not ignore the fact that he was growing up - that he had responsibilities now that he’d made friends, now that he belonged to a herd. The herd thing was a big part of his troubles, he felt torn between two regions, he wanted to stay with the Throat herd due to, well, his responsibilities, but he preferred the climate at the Foothills. Then there was Lumina, his dark bay friend at the Oasis and Kiara a Qian daughter who could turn his heart inside out just by looking at him. Sure the Qian was welcome at the Oasis and sure if he left he could still visit Lumina, but what was the right thing to do?

Breeze’s black orbs scanned the steppe. He saw a herd of caribou midst all the whiteness, and there was something else… something fiery half obscure in white mist - steam?
The creamy colt started a descending spiral. He thought that anything that could keep his mind of things was welcomed so he zoomed in on the golden and white figure.

Small hooves touched icy ground a few yards from the object of interest which he couldn’t really see due to the light reflecting on the white snow. He landed in a trot and soon he stopped right before the… God! Breeze’s dark eyes widened and he almost sat down on his haunches. This was the Sun God, the God of light and Fire, the God who stood for everything Breeze didn’t prefer - warmth, daytime and rage amongst other hot feelings. The colt angled his ears back, he didn’t pin them too his neck, just turned them around and watched the God from under his forelock. Slowly he blinked and then swallowed. He ought to greet the God, right?

"Hail. God of Light and Fire" he mumbled and bowed his head mostly out of fear.

RE: Cast from Heaven [open] - Kanti - 09-26-2012

What a brilliant idea, was the grumbling thought as the painted fae picked her way through the barren iceland. Coming to the coldest past of Helovia in Orangemoon. Wonderful plan. Pale blue orbs cast a look at her surroundings as a sigh, laden with frigid misery, is released. It had been a great idea to begin with; the femme had set out from her herdland to explore her new world. She had heard of ancient, beautiful rock formations to the north, and as it wasn't far from the Foothills, she had decided to set out to see the sights. In theory, she would romp around in the tundra and return home, cheerful and full of glee at her wandering. Never having resided in northern areas before, the mare hadn't known to expect such cold. The Foothills were cooling down, of course. Orangemoon would do that to a land. But the temperatures there, which chilled Kanti in the night, were nothing in comparison to the Steppe. A shiver wracked her bodice; how she would hate to be here come Frostfall!

Normally a happy-go-lucky, naive femme, Kanti's current grudging mental state was a bit out of the norm. She supposed she deserved to be cold, setting out as she had, alone, to a place she'd never been before, the like of which she had never experienced. But a bit of her inner filly was pouting, feeling as though the gods might have smiled on her a bit. After all, she was a good girl - she followed the rules, was kind to others, was not racist or angry or hateful. Why shouldn't she get a bit of warmth on her exploration? Auds pinned backwards; eyes narrowed at the distant horizon. Irritability did not suit her well.

In the distance, a form emerged. It looked to be somewhat equestrian, though Kanti was nearly sure that there were a few added appendages. As always when encountering one of another race, the equine felt underdeveloped. It wasn't that she actively wanted wings or a horn, but she just felt so plain without them, when others around her looked so fancy. Another glance toward the figure registered smoke, and what looked like flames dancing beneath. In fact, the entire figure seemed to be on fire, or glowing, or something - but she couldn't quite put her hoof on it. She hesitated; what was this being? And besides, she wasn't quite comfortable around magic. It made her nervous. But he looked so warm, walking and smoking and flaming and all that, and eventually, the chilled paint's desire for warmth won out.

Hooves picked up a steady, rocking beat toward the figure. Naturally, in such a barren land, he was much farther than he appeared, and as she finally began to approach him, Kanti slowed again. Now she could make out details - the double horns, the massive wings - and she began to sense something of his power. But she couldn't turn back now - surely he had already sensed or heard her presence, as close as she had become. Suddenly, another mortal appeared - Breeze! She had to admit relief at someone's presence other than her own, and thanks to the Pegasus, she now knew the stranger's identity. A god! she thought, awestruck. Better not just stand here! And so, nervously, not quite sure what to expect, Kanti called out a greeting. "Good afternoon, sir," she started, intending to ask if her company would be welcomed but finding her voice failed her; she nodded briefly to Breeze, never taking her orbs off the god. And so it was that the young fae waiting, hoping not to get burned.

RE: Cast from Heaven [open] - Wuthering Heights - 09-28-2012

Cold. A shiver racked up her spine even as she moved forward. Every step was forced from deep within. She felt the need to wander. Even though Dragon's Throat was her resting place, no rest would find her body. An ache that was stronger than the cold against her skin. Now this was more like her homeland. She let out a short huff, watching as her breath seemed to crystalize in front of her muzzle. "What a mess my mind is.", she murmered to herself. Had she lost her mind? No no ... Just misplaced it somewhere. That's what she told herself years ago. She lost her self esteem and was just waiting for the right time to call it back into place.
The wind played with her forlock, making it dance around her slim jaw line. The sheer force of it was making a mess of her golden locks. They would be knotted by the time her climb was finished. But she kept moving, kept muttering that the cold would dwindle away ( eventually at least).

Her good eye settled on figures (too bad one eye is worse than having two), still a distance away. She could swear steam came off one when the snow fell on the distant ones hide. Run, run, run, no good can come of this. her head started to mutter its own incantations, pleading for her to make an escape. But she pricked her ears fully forward, angling her right eye so she could see better. Ah, she sighed, an equine filly yearling/mare, with a pelt of splatter tan paint. Nothing to fear there (or so she hoped). Next she turned her eyes to the creamy stallion, someone she swore to have seem in the Throat on a passing glance.. As she neared the paint mare, her steps faltered to stop. Those horns... Those wings. The air about him held grace and power. Something made her voice catch in her throat for but a moment (call it awestruck). Had she stumbled into a meeting? Would she be chased away? Her eyes flittered to the others, before calling out in a voice she hoped to be respectful but not holding fear, "Excuse my intrusion... Do you mind my company?" The words sort of fell out of her mouth, she was unsure if she said the right thing. A twinge of uncertainty danced across her duo colored eyes.

A God. A faint whisper flitted through her mind. It was the only explanation to this glorious stallion. If she wasn't welcomed here, hell would surely be to pay.

RE: Cast from Heaven [open] - Nym - 09-29-2012

let it go; you never need to know.

Abel and Nym gritted their teeth against the snowstorm, it seemed the extremities of the weather were coming out in full force. Still the little colts drove on, their growing hooves bearing the weight of their slender bodies. Fluffy white snow landing on painted pelts, tails that were once so short had now grown a little longer and offered more protection. Fur, heavy as strands turned into icicles, ruffled against the wind. The twins were beginning to understand what it was like to live out life as a block of ice.

A light, faint in the harsh weather, caught their attention. The closer they got the more and more it turned into a familiar form. Others gathered around this light too. Two were equine and one was a pegasus. Each looked older than they were and one of them was painted like they were. However, this wasn't the most immediate thing that captured their attention. Eyes bulged as they took in the form of the Sun God, staring at his flaming presence. Neither had seen a God before and each took comfort in one another whilst flashing curious glances his way. This was the being that had granted their father his power to heal, each thought the magic silly. It didn't go boom! Why couldn't they have a father who was a real fighter? A dragon usually accompanied them, but with the recent invasion the twins had been left to themselves. Their bossy mother had gone.

Nym was the first to step forward, although he left his hind brushing against the shoulder of Abel, trying his best to make his voice sound like that of a stallion and not of a colt. He managed it halfway, it cracked in places but would be loud enough for most to hear. "You're a God aren't you!" As soon as the young bucks exclamation left his maw Abel was there following up with his own comment. "Why are you here? Shouldn't you be up there?" The little colt motioned to the sky. He didn't know why he thought that, it just seemed logical to his young mind. Gods were not mortal so they must live high up, above all those they ruled.

Abel had moved forwards to stand by his twin, two curious faces standing side by side.


RE: Cast from Heaven [open] - Keahi - 09-29-2012

When the ebony she wolf had heard the news of her Heavenly Father being exiled to the Frostbreath Steppe, her heart sank. For many days and nights, she has been a prisoner of the World’s Edge, ever since she had luck setting the place aflame. A smile still creeps upon her maw when she thinks about it, but she will not have any of the infidels see. Like a true warrioress, her black hide has been decorated by fresh scars, received on the night she painted the night sky with orange destruction. The colder weather has rendered her fur somewhat less shiny as it has grown out to protect her bony figure, but when caught under the sparse sunlight, she still shimmered like the blackest tar. Long, disheveled tresses wrap around her nape like a ragged shawl, but they are poor relief for the cold that seems to gain strength for every day. Keahi knows that it must be a stroke of madness that makes her come here, to the Steppe, to seek out her Lord of Light. With the invasion in the Edge, she has used the disturbances as a cover for her escape; whoever thought to look out for a prisoner when their home had turned into a battlefield? Again that silky smile that she is so known for, but this time turned into a grimace as the first snow starts to fall, settling upon her back daintily before melting away. Only she does not know it will be much, much worse.

By the time she came within view of the gathering, there is absolutely nothing dainty about the snow anymore, now turned into a full-fledged blizzard. Snow is whirled up in front of her, at times seeming to consume her and turn heaven and earth into one. She knows that she can easily get lost, but when she spots the golden light ahead, she knows her course is right. The icy winds are howling through marrow and bone, feeling much like the times when she has had her blood frozen by that heathen Mauja. Her teeth are clenched tight, crystals forming on her back and in her tresses, glistening in the sparse light that grows as she moves closer. The banshee sees that she is not the first to find the light and warmth of her Father comforting; others have gathered as well, though they are merely children in her comparison. One is a Pegasus, a youngling that she does not recognize nor spend much energy on. Then there is a bicolored lass about the same age as the first, plain equine and not too memorable, Keahi finds. The cold isn’t exactly helping with her friendliness, so she merely skims the appearance of a silver tinged brown mare, slightly older but not by much, before moving her sights to a pair of colts, twins by the looks of it, that look way too young to be wandering around on their own. Well, who is she to judge; the whelps aren’t her problem, thank god.

Speaking of which, there he is in all his might, the Lord of Light, father of all living things. But, he is somewhat reduced, his grandeur not as impressive as it had been when she had seen him in the Vein of the Gods. Regardless, with his flaming body, he is still an overwhelming presence that she is instantly humbled by. The flames on his body reflect in her emerald orbs as she steps closer stiffly, kneeling in the cold snow before him to show her respects to his divine self. “Father, I have heard of your misfortune. It breaks my heart, that I shall have to face the toilsome winter without your glorious protection,” she speaks, her voice silky smooth, eyes not moving from his form for one second. “I have done as you asked. I burned them, I set the moon bitch’s land aflame, and I paid for it with blood. And they trembled,” she said with a smile creeping upon her silken maw. Everything else has faded away; she only sees his glory and feels his warmth kiss her face tenderly in the midst of the ice and frost that is roaring around them. If he was ever in doubt about her devotion, surely that would be put to death by now.


RE: Cast from Heaven [open] - God of the Sun - 10-08-2012

I'll never see any side of heaven
I'll walk for miles through a blazin' hell

The mortal swarm approached, but he supposed that he should be more grateful. A pegasus of his sister's kind landed nearby, and he raised a brow, wondering why he did not continue onward. With a flick of a golden wing, he released fire which instantly turned to thick, black smoke. Absently, gold eyes shifted toward the winged one, and the god grunted. "Hello," he grunted a little stiffly before returning to staring out in the distance, musing about his own life.

Others approached now. A golden painted filly from the Foothills, a chocolate mare who asked if he wanted company, two twins, and one of his loyal, faithful subjects. He inclined his head to Keahi, a smile twisting upon his lips. Her loyalty was commendable, and had he the power to do so, he would have granted her a gift. However, he was powerless now, and the reality of that fact was cold as the snow that swirled around their bodies. The question of the two foals seemed more prudent to answer first, and he snorted in amusement, black smoke curling from his nostrils instead of the white frost.

"I was cast out from the heavens by dear brother and dearest sister," he replied with bitter sarcasm, his golden eyes flashing with irritation. The god lowered his horned head to the children. "Why are you here?" he returned. "Should you not be with mummy and daddy all tucked comfortably away in the warmth?" he asked, his tone honest and not mocking. The god knew that he was often a cold hearted bastard, but children were gifts from the heavens. He was allowed to be concerned for their safety.

Keahi related her glorious adventures to me, and I approached her, touching my grey muzzle against her black one. "You bring me such pride, Keahi of the Fire," he told her. "Your loyalty is commendable, and it shall be remembered once my powers have been reinstated. For now, we play the ever irritating game of 'wait patiently'. Winter cannot last forever." But it could, and he knew that for a fact. During their battles as gods, the uninhabited land of Helovia had gone through many an ice age, but that was all in the past. Brother and sister would not dare kill off the mortals with such brutality.

The sun god eyed the others. "I do not mind company, but I shall await in the cold for a while longer. Soon, he will return and put things back where they belong, namely me." [/color]

RE: Cast from Heaven [open] - Breeze - 10-08-2012

[Feel free to act like Breeze left I am sorry but I have no time "/]

RE: Cast from Heaven [open] - Kanti - 10-13-2012

Others came. She suddenly felt immensely uncomfortable. Breeze, who she had met briefly in the past, had left, and she didn't know any of the others. And this was a god! What does one even say to a god? Much less an exiled god! Would this bring the wrath of the others, for her to fraternize with their banished brother? It was two against one, after all - what if they frowned upon those associated with the Sun God? She hadn't even chosen a god yet! And she wasn't sure if she would - how would one choose, anyway? Would it be based on what powers they may bestow? On race? Confusion filled the young filly's mind.

She could always just leave, she supposed. It would be easy to just wander off once more into the snow. It wouldn't even take that long to get back home. But it was so warm in the god's presence - smoke even rolled from his nostrils! - and that made it infinitely harder to escape. Perhaps it wouldn't be so bad, after all, if she stayed. She found herself wondering what it was like, to be a god: to have all these mortals clamoring for one's attention. How could he stand it? She found herself appalled at her lack of manners - he had not asked for her to come near, she had just appeared. What right had she to do so?

At least the unicorn mare had reason to approach! Kanti had nothing! For lack of words, for lack of ability to think, she remained silent, ironically praying that another would take up the conversation. The god did not order them to leave, nor particularly care for their presence, except for that of the foals'. That intrigued the painted femme. He was so nonchalant toward the adults, but seemed to care at least for the welfare of the younglings. Interesting. She supposed she might as well stay, silent, and see what happened next.

[W/C | 331]