HELOVIA || The Way to the Sun
[O] two : drown the doubts - Printable Version

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two : drown the doubts - Cirrus - 06-07-2015

The Grove.
The place of love.
Of fornication.
Of secrets and lust and mystery.

The place where the cloudmare wandered, her coat reflecting the overcast sky above, her thoughts decidedly dour. The pond held her shimmering reflection, her moody posture, her frowned façade. She did not like this task put before her, this quest bestowed upon her to give her something she didn't even know she had wanted. What if she didn't want it at all? Who said she had wanted to heal again?

The Earth God.

Try as she might, the cloudmare could not recall whether she had ever seen him before. The Lord of the Sun, she had seen many times, she had worshipped him, bathed in his light every day of her life - and yet now she was tasked by the Earth God to do these things, these horrible things that would prove her worth for his power. But what did the power to heal have to do with the power to kill?

Used. She felt used. Why should the Earth God send her on this mission, this assignment, to slaughter those who were 'suffering'. Wasn't he all powerful, and better able to sense when a creature was done with its life? Why did he bestow this responsibility upon her, this decision that should surely only be made by a god, to deem when another was unfit for life?

It bothered her, haunted her, frankly; she hated it. Hated the idea of it. Snatching at a strand of yellowed grass from between the snowy drifts to keep from grinding her own teeth, the cloud mare wandered still. Naked strands of willow limbs stretched out, rubbing against her hide, gentle like a lover's caress, yet cold and icy, a reminder of the task she must complete.

@ [Calypso] - NPC thread for Cirrus' quest C:
& open for any too!
@[Aithniel] - want to make this their Patrol thread? C:

Cirrus the WindDancer

larfsalot on deviantart

RE: two : drown the doubts - Official - 12-20-2015

unarchived per request

RE: two : drown the doubts - NPC - 12-21-2015

Never a predator and yet always the prey...

Slowly, a gaunt fox with a tattered tail worked its way into the grove. His black lips were curled away from his yellowing teeth and yet somehow he still managed a sly smile. Ultimately he was on the prowl for mice or a weasel of some sort, but his staggering gait suggested that even small game was a challenge. With his head dipped toward the forest floor, the haggard creature tilted his ears, listening.

There was a small pitter- patter some yards away and the fox paused, his mouth opening and closing as he drew breath through the widened gaps of his teeth. He crouched down into the dry soil and gathered himself for an attack, but his hopes were short-lived and soon whatever he’d been tracing simply disappeared.

Again, the fox was out of a meal and again his stomach rumbled against his gangly ribs. How long could a creature last without food? How long would he be able to survive? Instead of following the presumed whereabouts of his moving feast, the fox turned away to approach a nearby stream. When he arrived at its banks, he moved downward toward the water, his black lips still pulled away from his rotting teeth.

He drank, long and heavily, until his gullet was full. It was an attempt to hide his hunger and his imminent demise… Yet, he was still fighting to avoid the truth. When the footfall of another creature, far larger than the fox himself, rounded the bend, he faltered. His fear caused him to turn and run, but his running was not enough to remove him from harm’s way, especially with his jilted gait.


RE: two : drown the doubts - Cirrus - 12-22-2015

Why was it, before she was tasked with this grievous task, she would never have noticed all of the death and suffering around her? Why was it, when she longed to be able to ignore it, to pretend it didn't exist, that it seemed to leap up in front of her, to parade out daily or more, with banners waving and horns trumpeting. It was so obvious that it felt like an insult now, for every new sufferance she saw, she seemed to feel it herself, to know the pain others were going through and reflect it on her own body. Fortunately this was hardly the case - but now, knowing that she was so close, so close, to being able to help those in need, her frustration only grew even more.

The hobbling, limping, awkward gate of the fox made him easy to spy from afar. Cirrus watched him with tired, numb eyes, watched as he bent to drink, only to lay his eyes upon her and try to flee. "Don't," she called softly, trying to sound reassuring. "I won't hurt you," she added, such an easy lie to tell. Not so long ago, it would have been the truth - maybe that was what made it so easy for her tongue to craft it.

The mare lowered her tiara, even as she walked with her wings drooping slightly from her side, towards the pool of the Grove. As she did, she could better see the critical state the fox was in, and she almost wept for hopelessness.

Why did she have the kill, before she could heal?

Cirrus the WindDancer

larfsalot on deviantart

RE: two : drown the doubts - NPC - 12-23-2015

A creature spoke to him- one of the permanents as he liked to call them. They were them and he was just part of the others. The fox hissed on a hefty exhale when she spoke and turned his yellow eyes toward the winged equine. She was much larger than he and more than capable of crushing his very skull with a single hoof… but the fox only smiled.

I won’t hurt you,” she’d said. It appeared to come from the depths of her soul, but her eyes were too hard for the fox to believe the sentiment. Or perhaps it was not evil he saw her eyes, for everyone was evil to him, but something else… The fox wanted, no, needed a closer look.

On a whim, the creature fell back onto his haunches and beckoned the mare forward. He tilted his ears toward her in a gesture of curiosity, but wondered if that old saying “curiosity killed the cat” was as accurate as everyone said. Only time would tell if the fox had mistook the mare for someone kinder, someone more apt to heal him of his wounds.

But will you really?” the fox questioned doubtfully as he studied the equine’s posture and the way her wings hung so sullenly at her sides. He was no expert when it came to the permanents, but he’d watched them enough to know that this was some form of distress… or sadness. Did she pity him his woes? “I wasn’t always like this you know…” he stated proudly from between black lips. As if to further strengthen his cause, the fox turned his head upwards to look the mare directly in her electric, blue eyes.

He truly hadn’t always been like this.

RE: two : drown the doubts - Cirrus - 12-23-2015

He stopped.

She wished that he had kept going. Kept running with his limping gait, kept running on his cobbled and crooked legs, so that he would not have to linger too long about her, with her Reaper's task, her deadly promise, her final gift. But maybe, just maybe, he could be saved. Cirrus had studied the arts of healing before, she had been filled with the Throat's fiery powers of healing before - she missed its touch now, just as she had when her beloved Sitka had been taken from her.

He asked a pointed question after her intentions, and she is unsure of how or what to answer, so she simply nodded in response, a silent agreement - is it still a lie when she had not spoken the words?

Sorrow filled eyes watched the fox, remembering the vixen she had so recently taken a token from as well. And again she cried internally; why? Why does the Earth God seek so much death, only to grant me with supposedly healing gifts? Why does he require this sacrifice? She could not understand it, could not see it - and maybe that was why the God required this task of her, so that she might one day understand it, see it..

Haven't I seen enough of death in my life already? Frustration blossomed in her heart, as she thought on all the death and destruction her eyes had captured since her birth - her father, her companion, why did anyone else have to die while she lived on?

"Tell me," she asked of the fox, as he spoke of different times, stronger times, times when such misery did not plague him. Maybe in his memories, she could get lost, and forget the task set before her.

Cirrus the WindDancer

larfsalot on deviantart

RE: two : drown the doubts - NPC - 12-28-2015

He watched with unabashed fascination, his golden eyes narrowing from time to time if only to study the great Pegasus in all her glory. She was beautiful, disturbingly so, but the old fox knew better than to voice such opinions… he only longed for the life that was slipping too quickly through his fingers. Even as the mongrel watched his visitor quietly, entertained by the subtle shift in emotions as they rolled across her face, he could not blame her for her curiosity.

At one point he had been as orange as the sun and his eyes glimmered with the mischief of thieves. He sighed in remembrance and cocked his slender head when the young mare demanded to know more of him. What had piqued her interest? What had made her look beyond all the creatures in the forest and decide that he was of any great importance?

It didn’t sit quite right with the fox, but he shook his head deciding that he was too eager to share his woes than to worry about the repercussions. “Well, you see, I used to be quite handsome. I used to be able to hunt and run and laugh young one. But as you can see, age has robbed me of even the simple joys in life- I am old,” he stated, as if the fact could somehow fall short on her. “I used to be like you.

Even though they’d never been anything alike, the fox wanted nothing more than to be able to pretend… He wanted to project his fears for dying onto the roan mare and see them flutter and parish. Yet, the honest truth of the matter remained-he would pass long before she ever did.

One day you’ll feel this too…


RE: two : drown the doubts - Cirrus - 12-29-2015

Why did she linger? Why did she want to learn more of this fox, when she knew the inevitable would occur - she knew she would be the one to deal its ultimate fate? Cirrus was the Grim Reaper of Helovia, tasked to take the lives of so many - just one is too many and I was tasked with five, haven't I done enough? Haven't I caused enough death, and destruction?

Why? Why??

The answer wouldn't come, no matter how many times she asked it, how many times she pleaded and shouted and cried, it would not come. Cirrus could not understand this task, this quest, she could not fathom why the Earth God would make her do it - was he not powerful enough to do it for himself? He was a God - why did he need her to do his dirty work for her?

Who the hell said I ever wanted to heal anything anyway?

But the Earth Lord must have read something within Cirrus that she herself did not even know about, for when she looked at the broken and beaten fox, she wanted nothing more than to give him life, not the death she was tasked with.

I used to be like you, the old vulpine said, one day you'll feel this too, he murmured. Cirrus nodded, her countenance reflecting the sadness and regret she felt. "You are still handsome, to me." She spoke softly, knowing her words would make little difference to the fox who had already decided he was broken. He was already walking towards death, even if he denied it by trying to run from her earlier.

"And you can still laugh, if you want," she kept speaking, if only to fill the void, fill the silence, for the quiet spoke of what had to happen, what would happen, even if Cirrus did not want to partake.

"I can help you," softer and softer still, her voice whispered the words, the promise, the lie. How was delivering death in any way a help to this poor creature? "I can help end the pain.. But only if you want me to."

"You just need to drink from the pool. Drink, and I'll take care of everything else."

Cirrus the WindDancer

larfsalot on deviantart


RE: two : drown the doubts - NPC - 12-29-2015

He wished that the mare spoke of truths she knew something about, but there was no reason to believe that any creature would find him a treasure in a world of gold. He rocked back and forth, contemplating. Handsome, she’d said, to her. A rakish laugh erupted from deep in his lungs and the sound came bellowing forth in between violent wheezing. How wrong she was… How wrong she’d always be to soothe the discord of the dying. “You’re a funny one,” he choked uselessly.

As if by magic, the mare allowed him his insults, and instead of taking her advice, he smiled. “Funny, but kind.

However, the energy expelled from his laughter left him weak- his body still recovering from his lack of nourishment. Yet, nothing was quite as humerous to him as the mare offering to help him in his time of need. Would help honestly give him his years back, his youth? She seemed so sincere, so concerned for him, that it was suddenly nice to be cared for… How long would it last?

Okay,” he breathed, resolute. The girl asked him to drink from the stream once more and the fox, though hesitant, moved toward the embankment again. It was slow-going and his hips seemed to bow with the effort, but the old fox finally managed to scale the banks until he was again at the water’s edge. Curiously, he dipped his face toward the rippling brook and he drank slowly until he was full. Now he had only to wait… for her help.

RE: two : drown the doubts - Cirrus - 12-30-2015

Hate. Loathing. Disgust.

Cirrus' inner turmoils revolted around these emotions, these afflictions, as they each took a lash and attempted to slice open the fragments left of her soul, to leave her with nothing but dust and memories. The cloudmare felt nothing, and everything, and just wanted to cease existing as she watched the fox hear her, watched him process and assess her words. Cirrus, the broken mare, the demonmare, the liar, watched as he believed her words. Why, why do you believe me? I am nothing, nothing and I cannot help you, I can only end you, kill you, destroy you… she plead with her cerulean eyes, silently she begged him not to believe - she willed him to run and hobble away from her. She gave him his choice and he was choosing wrong, he chose death, he chose it, and now she had to deliver it because she promised..

The cloudmare didn't want to . She didn't want to, but she knew she must. He, God of the fucking Earth had told her to do this thing, to end the suffering, to purify them, and to pluck from their corpse a token for his own, twisted collection - it was his fault, surely, not hers, even though it was her hooves lifting from the loam, her weight crashing down over the fox, her aim ensuring the creature's spine would be shattered, so that it felt no pain, even as its nose stay beneath the water and it drowned itself into oblivion. It wasn't her fault, it couldn't be, because if it was then that made her a monster, a demon, a reaper of nothing but death, a harbinger of destruction and misery - she didn't want to do it..

But she did.

Peace be with you, she whispered in her mind, praying (though there was no-one left to pray to anymore), wishing the vulpine godspeed to a place where pain and old age did not exist.

Time passed.

Death took the fox, and Cirrus took the ruined paw that had led to his downfall from his body, her bloody, grisly reward for her obedience to a God she barely knew, and wholly hated.

Up to you if you want to post again - again, THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THIS you have no idea <3333
Cirrus the WindDancer

larfsalot on deviantart