HELOVIA || The Way to the Sun
[O] three : stars seeing red - Printable Version

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three : stars seeing red - Cirrus - 06-07-2015

Cirrus the WindDancer
It was dark. And cold. Stars glittered in the trees above, but they also glittered below. Upon her hide the cloudmare had become a starmare, a walking constellation, a talking nebula. A soft glow rolled from her hide, the glow of starshine, silver beneath the naked branches of the Deep Forest, soft and simultaneously sharply defined against the midnight blanket that was otherwise strewn everywhere. The starmare wandered, as she was so prone to doing recently, wandering so that her thoughts could not keep up with her actions. For if she thought too much about it, if she allowed herself to become too involved, too depressed… she would never complete the tasks given to her.

Bitterness curled her lips into a snarl-like smile, her nostrils twisting with distaste. Nothing would ever make this all right.

So why am I still doing it?
Why do I bother, why not just stop, a carry on with my life?
Why do I need to kill in order to heal?

Was it mercy killing at all, if she gained something at the end of the road? Just because she preyed upon the suffering, the result was always the same.

Thoughts flickered to when Sitka would hunt. Did he not hunt to gain something? To live? Ah, but that was necessary - if he did not eat, he would die. If Cirrus did not kill, would she not keep on living, as she always had? Broken, soulless, numb?

Would the killing somehow help her mend the gaping hole within her?
Was the Earth God giving her that chance? To heal the abyss left behind when Sitka left her?

No, she knew, and yet still, she wandered.

For @[Phaedraa] to NPC in C:
& open for any!

eagle-cry-designs | larfsalot
on deviantart

RE: three : stars seeing red - NPC - 06-08-2015

Dissolve and Decay....

Decay shambled through the night, moving on instinct at all. The red-chestnut mare was emaciated though she ate and her skin was stretched tightly over protruding ribs. Something was eating her from the inside out and it had robbed her not only of her physical health but whatever wits remained to her. She struggled to breathe and as she exhaled something rattled sickly in her chest. She stopped, coughing to expel the feeling, and spit blood out. A thin stream of red ran down her chest as her mouth hung open limply, the effort to close her jaw almost too much. Her throat felt scratchy, dry and desperate she continued to move through the forest. She could only see a few feet in front of her and it seemed her peripheral was gone or perhaps she was so focused on the task at hand that she could see nothing else. Water, she could smell it, and then it appeared. It seemed so far but really she hadn’t noticed it until she was mere feet away. If only she could drink perhaps she could expel this demon that plagued her. Her head throbbed and it hurt to keep it lifted, her brain rattling in her skull and throbbing behind her eyes. Then she fell, just feet away, it was as if the world had been pulled out from under her and she was on her knees. Decay tried to scream but all that came out was a hoarse whisper of despair and then her effort ending in coughing, blood spraying from her mouth onto the ground in front of her.

RE: three : stars seeing red - Cirrus - 06-08-2015

Cirrus the WindDancer
The sound of death was one Cirrus had heard before. How many times had she used the healing powers bestowed upon her as a healer of the Throat to cure what ailed a soul? To purify, to replenish, to mend and cure? Countless - but those days were gone, lost to the time that passed via each beat of her hopeless heart.

Baby blue eyes lifted from the loam below her hooves to view the emaciated frame of the mare. Cirrus stopped, a starry blanket beneath the canopy of naked sticks and branches, and watched as the mare's rattling breaths shook her entire frame. Cirrus watched as the mare's knees bent and her bulk collapsed onto the ground. She watched as blood trickled from where it should not.

And she knew.

Not far away, was the pool. It's base was lined with ruby stones - funny how they seemed so similar to the dark blood that the other mare coughed up now. Cirrus approached her, not bothering to step lightly - she nickered a low greeting, but there was no pity in it. There was comfort, but there was also fact: this mare was dying.

Without a word truly spoken Cirrus sidled up to the mare and made to nudge and push her towards the water. The mare needed to drink, the water would provide her with relief, and then..

Cirrus knew what had to be done, even if she hated it. She did not have her powers of healing as before, and by the time she left to get a healer… the mare would be dead anyway.

For @[Phaedraa] to NPC in C:
Thank you!!

eagle-cry-designs | larfsalot
on deviantart

RE: three : stars seeing red - NPC - 06-08-2015

Dissolve and Decay....

Decay forced herself to lift her head as she felt a nudge, the sound of her coughing having drowned out any sound the other mare may have made. She tried to hold her breath to stop the wracking of her chest and it worked. She staggered up and dragged herself to the pool before throwing herself to her knees. She would have been knee-high in the water had she been standing but the pool hit her withers at this position. She lowered her head to the water and tried to drink, she got one swallow before her body rebelled and she aspirated on the water. Caye could feel the cool liquid slide down her throat and then a sharp pain as it flowed into her airway. She choked on it, spitting out water and blood and closed her eyes. She lowered her head enough so that her chin touched the water and exhaled, the still water rippling out with the motion. She had not forgotten the other female, although she had barely acknowledged her at first, she suddenly remembered and forced her tired body to find the other. She said nothing but stared at her, losing focus periodically but she always managed to bring her gaze back to the mare that had so urged her to the water. She knew she was dying, she didn’t want to die, she didn’t know what she wanted – really only for the pain to end.

[ooc] No problem. Decay was a character of mine when I was like 12 or 13 and I thought it would be fun to use her for this. I am helping my friend move and wont be back online until day after tomorrow so do what you want with her. I'll probably put up a final post when I get back :)

RE: three : stars seeing red - Cirrus - 06-08-2015

Cirrus the WindDancer
It was painful to watch, but Cirrus was sure it must be even worse to be living through it, as the mare was. Sad, cerulean orbs watched over the mare as she quaked and shuddered with the breaths, the sickness, the decay that riddled her body. Perhaps she should have been worried that whatever ailed the mare was contagious (certainly she wouldn't be drinking from this waterhole herself for a long time), but right now, it didn't matter. It didn't matter if Cirrus suffered alongside this mare, because at least then Cirrus wouldn't feel so damn bad for doing what she had to do next.

As the chestnut's eyes found her own, Cirrus held her gaze. She clung to it stubbornly, never letting it go, even when the mare wavered in consciousness, or coughed and spluttered as already the water found its way into her lungs. This is wrong, she cried to herself, why me? she asked, but she knew the answer had something to do with the gaping chasm within her soul, the broken bond that was her fault - this was surely just punishment for everything she had done in her life, wasn't it?

But why would the Earth God seek to punish her? Why would he do this to her, offer her his gift if only to torture her in the process?
End the suffering, she thought, as she watched the mare heave a breath that was mostly water.

"I'm sorry," her voice whispered, a breeze against the mare's ears. Cirrus hated it, loathed it, but still she did as she was bid - with a strong foreleg she leaned down on the weak mare's nape, and submerged the head that would likely thrash. With her other foreleg, she made to strike a blow against the mare's skull, to better speed along the process.

Cirrus bathed in blood and water tonight.

For @[Phaedraa]
I hope this is all right ;.; Cirrus just needs to take a token from her corpse, so she'll pluck a few strands of hair once Decay is officially gone <3

eagle-cry-designs | larfsalot
on deviantart

RE: three : stars seeing red - NPC - 06-08-2015

Dissolve and Decay....

I’m sorry Decay heard the whisper and for a moment she was there again and she knew what was happening. She was rotting. This would be the best way, all the pain would be over – she could finally have nothingness. A life filled with illusions, never knowing hallucination from reality, to this “I’m going to die,” she thought and she managed a hoarse murmur. ”Do it,” and though everything within her rebelled against the idea the tiny bit of sense that she possessed told her this was not the only way but it was the quickest and most merciful way. God was offering her this out, this escape, and she needed to suffer no longer. There was a pressure on her neck and she collapsed beneath it but suddenly not only her mind but her body knew what was happening and she was filled with a strength she had not had for months. She writhed under the water, her body thrashing although she tried to quiet it – she had no control. Then something sharp and the water around her turned red. Almost in slow motion she recognized her body was not moving, her vision cloudy then gray.
And then she saw herself, like she was standing outside herself, the Pegasus providing her mercy and her ruined body submerged. Then there was nothing.

[ooc] This is great, plus it gives me something to do while I'm waiting for replies. She may do whatever she needs with the body

RE: three : stars seeing red - Cirrus - 06-09-2015

Cirrus the WindDancer
The mare struggled. She flailed, and Cirrus watched through blank, almost unseeing eyes, keeping her weight firmly pressed down, striking true with her free leg to end the suffering as swiftly as possible. The starrymare wondered what it was like to die - but she already knew. The departure of Sitka from her soul was surely as close as one could get to dying without actually departing this world - she had felt as his soul slipped into the abyss, and felt the agony of its leaving as it stole parts of her soul with it. As Cirrus watched the light fade from this sick mare's eyes, she wondered where her soul was going.

It was a long time before she moved again, and when she did, she was surprised to find her face wet with tears and her nose crinkled with a sob. The starmare lifted her weight from the body, allowing the head to lift once more - corpses floated, she knew, and now this once-living, breathing creature was nothing more than debris in a strange, crimson pond.

Try as she might, she could not forget her task, her assignment from the Lord of the Earth, to collect a token from the corpse she had created. Lips curled back as teeth were bared, and charred lips closed around strands of mane. She didn't need to pull very hard - they were brittle from whatever sickness had riddled the dead mare's body during her shortened life - and she had her token in a mouthful of hair. Carefully, she tucked the strands in amongst the folds of feathers in her left wing, nudging them until they were safely hidden and unlikely to be dislodged. Sad, vacant eyes turned back to the body one more time, before the starmare gave a deep dip of her tiara, a final farewell, to one who would help her grow.

For @[Phaedraa]
Thank you so much <3
Shoot me a PM or nudge my plot thread if you'd like to do another one C:

eagle-cry-designs | larfsalot
on deviantart