HELOVIA || The Way to the Sun
[O] do you wanna build a snowman? - Printable Version

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do you wanna build a snowman? - Johnny - 06-08-2015

WINTER! Well melt me down and smother me on ice cream, if it wasn’t my favouritest of seasons. It was well past time for me to wander around Helovia and check it out, you know, and well this was just the perfect time to go exploring. It was a hell of a time getting out of the Basin though I mean they really gotta get those sentinels working clearing some paths like seriously. I should bring that up the next time I make it back there! Unless they already figured it out by the time I got back…

Or maybe there WERE paths but I didn’t know where they were. I had more fun leaping through the snowbanks anyway, you know.

Plus just in case some sweet honeys were watching I wanted to show off my super fantastic jumping skills.

There’s no missing me when the world is dressed up in snow! I stand out like you wouldn’t believe and I absolutely love it. I mean there’s like a dozen or fifty or a zillion reasons (I’m not so good with the counting) why I love winter the best and the fact that I look damn fine during it. Don’t believe me? Check out that avatar. It’s a wintry scene, boy is lookin’ good. Bet all the other boys think so too?

I sure hope so. I’m on the hunt, on the prowl, for some pretty faces to keep me warm this winter.

Oh MAN I’m so excited.

I’m taking my sweet time because hey, I’m exploring. There’s no rush. Most of this place seems pretty strange to me even though I had been this way with the handsome d’Art before the snows settled in. I didn’t realize how beautiful Helovia was until winter came! Did I ever make a great choice.

All this snow-walking is pretty tiring though so before I get too far south - the treeline has started and there’s these adorable evergreens popping out of the snow - I need a break. I find the biggest pile of snow I can find and I, well, collapse. Sideways. I just fold my legs and plop on down. Man is it comfy, the snow conforms to my body and makes for the perfect bed. Gorgeously green eyes close slowly, I’m about ready for a nap. Not to say I won’t perk right back up at the first sign of company - that’s preferable.

care for a little sugar?
image credits
table by Reli <3

for @[Badger], sorry it took me so long!

RE: do you wanna build a snowman? - Badger - 06-14-2015

sorry for the wait! Being vague on herd since I'm still not sure if he's in the Throat or not ;-:

The gelding's face is a picture of abject misery as he trundles through hock-deep snow, his ears slicked against his skull and head held high in a vain attempt to keep it away from the snowflakes. He hates winter. He hates summer as well, come to think of it. He loathes the extremes of either weather condition; too hot or too cold. Oh, for spring or fall, when the temperature is just right! Oh, for a snug, warm stable! His tail drapes into the snow, the tip growing moist and unpleasant and cold.

Damn the winter.

In the distance, he sees a flash of pink. Pink? He's reminded of little girls' jackets and hats, always such a vivid, vomit-inducing shade of pink. Once, they'd even put pink tinsel in his bridle, for shame. How the other horses had laughed! So the colour is not one Badger thinks he'd find out here in the wild, and he quickly shuffles towards it. Snow sucks at his legs and exhausts him quickly, but the flash of pink and sudden waft of delicious sugar keeps him going. He loves sugar. If the children brought him a sugar cube or an apple or a mint, he'd be extra sure not to throw them off at all for the next couple of weeks at least. Greed flashes in his warm hazel eyes and he puts a bit more gusto into his lazy walk, pushing through the snow with his broad chest like a plough.

There he sees it. A small unicorn, flopped in a snowdrift. His mane and tail are pink, and he smells...glorious. The gelding stomps over, peering down with healthy astonishment at the pony. "You're...pink," he observes, somewhat stupidly. Pink! The other male's apparent love of snow is also rather queer, but that comes second behind the fact he's pink.

b a d g e r


RE: do you wanna build a snowman? - Johnny - 06-18-2015

I was just rubbing my neck into the snow bank, relishing the feeling of the icy crystals, when there was a voice nearby. Now, I’m not that thrilled about my little snow nap being interrupted but, you know, if there’s going to be some company I guess I can’t be that angry. Not angry at all! Unless it’s that pesky, fire-obsessed mare again oh gosh I really hope it’s not. And it probably isn’t unless her voice dropped like a zillion octaves. I open back my dazzling green eyes and look for the source and realize that standing nearby is adorable. Oh my god would you look at that face? I scramble for a moment, trying to right myself, but I seem to have gotten myself a little stuck when I fell down so I just lean back into the snow and pretend like nothing happened.

Totally cool.

“Am I?” I smile back up at this adorable stranger, feigning ignorance on my own colour. Just kidding I totally know what colour I am. But then there is a worry that chases all of my other thoughts away because suddenly I couldn’t remember whether that was curiosity or disgust or something in between? Hopefully closer to curiosity. Maybe he has a thing for pink? Could I be that lucky? Oh man I don’t know but I guess we’re going to find out.

I continue, a little nervously, still looking up and wishing I could figure out how to stand up gracefully. Flailing my pink legs around did not seem like it would be a good thing to do… again. “Is there something wrong with pink?” I really hope that there isn’t because the fact that I have a bit of pink on me really isn’t the strangest thing about me. If he can’t handle pink then how is he going to handle the peppermint, the sugar, the raw personality that is sure to shake his entire being??

Oh man there's a total can of worms just waiting to be popped open.

A delicious can of sugar worms, but a can of worns nonetheless.

care for a little sugar?
image credits
table by Reli <3


RE: do you wanna build a snowman? - Badger - 06-27-2015

Am I? "Yes," says the gelding, studiously oblivious to the stallion's sarcasm. Surely he's noticed he's pink by now? Pink and delicious-smelling. Badger's nostrils gape wide, drinking in the sugary-sweet aroma of something he just wants to sink his teeth into. The pink one struggles helplessly against the snowdrift and Badger wants to offer his assistance, but isn't entirely sure how to do so without accidentally taking a bite out of him. So he simply stands, somewhat awkwardly, and watches.

"There's nothing wrong with pink," the black hastens to point out. "It's just not, uh, a colour you commonly see on horses." Then again, this is Helovia, where horses have horns and wings and flying dolphins and flame-stags and snakes and antlers and spiky plants and magic...is a pink unicorn really so far-fetched? He drags in a deep breath, and again his senses are assaulted with sugary sweetness. Where's it coming from? Logic tells him that, despite what he thinks, it isn't coming from the snow-rolling unicorn. Badger wants it. He hasn't had a treat like that for so long - all wild horses eat is grass, grass and more grass. No oats, no bran, no sugar, no mints.


"Where's that smell coming from?" he questions, extending his muzzle to sniff all around the pink unicorn. It can't be coming from him, can it? That just defies all logic. "I'm Badger," he adds as an afterthought, because he won't let sugar and pinkness ruin his manners! He fixes the stranger with his gentle hazel eyes, which are only slightly darkened by the only lust he's ever been able to feel - the lust for food.

b a d g e r


RE: do you wanna build a snowman? - Johnny - 08-08-2015

Alright, I’ll confess. I giggled. Outright giggled. I don’t think I’ll ever get tired of that question. Do I know where the smell is coming from? Why yes, yes I do. And I love that when that question is asked around me, it usually isn’t a bad thing. It’s not a “who left that runny, brown mess that you are all standing near?” sort of smell but a “is it socially acceptable for me to sink my teeth into you” smell. 

And the answer is always, always, ALWAYS yes. You know, for future reference.

Once the giggle subsided though, and thankfully it did not last for very long, I replied seriously. Or, I got out the answer without giggling again - I just grinned because I loved the answer to that question. “Why, that would be little ol' pink me.” This time, when I try to roll over to get my legs underneath my body I am successful… ish. It took a couple tries and got a great big grunt of effort but I was finally up on my feet and standing in front of this black and white cutie that introduced himself as Badger. There’s a Johnny-sized crater left behind in the snow, but I’ll save that for later if I need a nap after the excitement of meeting someone new. “Badger! I like that name. It’s very nice to meet you, I’m Johnny.”

And then I felt like giving him the basic explanation because you know what, Badger was cute and polite and I really liked the way his hazel eyes were looking at me right in that moment. I’m still grinning, you know, because that’s what I do and I’m looking up at him although our heights are a little more matched now that I’m not lying on my side in the snow. “Terribly sorry for being so tantalizing but I’m afraid I can’t really help it - made of sugar and peppermint you know.”

You are my lollipop
image credits
table by Reli <3

RE: do you wanna build a snowman? - Badger - 08-09-2015

Is that giggle at him, or just near him? The gelding isn't quite sure, and he tips his head quizzically. The little pink fellow manages to gather his legs and rise to his feet, and Badger idly notes that the other is actually smaller than him - a rarity, as the black is quite firmly in the 'short and portly' category. The pink compliments his name, and the gelding ruffles up slightly, pleased. "Thanks," he says, listening as the stallion gives his name, too. Johnny - it's an almost human name, and Badger gives a great, nostalgic sigh.

Johnny speaks again, and the gelding frowns. Sugar...peppermint... Dammit, he's drooling again. But, of all the hundreds of things that pop into his head, only one manages to fight its way to the surface and bubble out of his mouth. "Made of sugar? Won't you dissolve if you accidentally pee on yourself?" Because yes, Badger, that is the most pertinent question right now. But it is possible - you can't account for the occasional errant pee-drip, no matter how careful you are. Imagine accidentally dissolving your own leg! Come to think of it, how come the snow isn't melting him, as well? The only possible explanation is magic...but surely even magic has its limits.

There's more questions, too. "But...how? Sugar isn't...alive. Don't bits of you break off every time you move? What if someone took a big bite out of you? Would it grow back?" Can I try? His stomach gives a loud, obnoxious rumble, and he turns around to bite at his own flanks irritably. He's hungry, and there's a big talking lump of sugar with his name on it.

What's a boy to do?

b  a  d  g  e  r

RE: do you wanna build a snowman? - Johnny - 08-15-2015

I’m waiting for it, waiting for the look of horror or of ecstasy that I start to associate with my little confession. Most of them, you know these wild horses, don’t really know what peppermint or sugar is - they just notice the smell. And the taste, if they are so bold. I like to think that I’m here to remind everyone that there are some delicacies that they are just missing out on! When else would they get a chance to try peppermint, when it’s not in a very green and leafy form? That plant ain’t got nothin’ on how sweet I am!

What was a little surprising was what reaction I got from Badger. Ummm??

“You know, that’s the first time someone has asked me that particular question.” I got a lot of weird ones, of course, but this was definitely new. No one really thought about my pee before so, I mean, thanks for thinking about that general region but it would be nice if we talked about something other than my pee. He had a pretty good point though but I could assure him that I had managed to survive several years and not yet had my leg start to dissolve. Like, I did walk here. 

The questions don’t star tthere though, and neither does my smile. Oh! This is a fun game. He’s dancing around the question, that fabulous question. ‘Can I taste you?’ My favourite question ever. “Well I guess it’s all part of the magic, you know. I was cursed before I even slipped right out of my mama so there’s been a lot of opportunities to disintegrate and I never have.” Rain did not bother me, not any more than it bothered someone with actual fur and hair covering their body, and I could bathe if I wanted to though I never really saw a reason to bother. “Melt in the heat though so.” I guess there were some inconsistencies with how this magic worked but what, she wasn’t going to turn me into an actual sugar cube, I would die.

Much more fun to turn me in the closest thing!

I swear I just heard Badger’s stomach growl and my smile almost dissolved into giggles but I managed to get a hold of myself before it happened. Instead, I just blink those pretty green eyes of mine and talk about something else. “Not many of the horses in these parts know about how sugar behaves, it’s nice to meet a connoisseur.” As if we’re talking about fine wines and not a magical candy horse!

You are my lollipop
image credits
table by Reli <3


RE: do you wanna build a snowman? - Badger - 08-16-2015

He beams. "I like to be unique!" So very true. Magic, explains the sugary stallion, which certainly fits with Badger's assumptions. Johnny goes on to explain that he has been cursed - 'cursed'? Badger wouldn't call it a curse - since the day he was born, and that heat is his worst enemy. "Bet you hate summer, then." It certainly explains why the little man is so gleeful in the snow.

He puffs himself up at what he takes to be a compliment, about his knowledge of sugar. "Oh, yes. I know nothing about magic, or flaming deer or flying dolphins or big scary men with wings and antlers and snakes, but I do know about sugar. If the humans couldn't get me to move by using brute force, they could get me to do anything for a sugar cube." He hadn't meant to mention the humans, because he's doing his best to forget about them and how much he misses them, but it just slipped out. Badger is, quite literally, a whore for sugar. The humans could whip and spur and kick him until they were blue in the face, but he'd never move as fast as he would for a lump of sugar or a mint. He's ruled by his stomach and his taste buds, after all.

Which is why being so close to Mr Tasty here is really testing his none-existent self control.

He scrutinises Johnny again. "Has anybody ever bitten you before?" He tilts his head, and his stomach gurgles again. Would he object to just the tiniest nibble? I'm sure he doesn't really NEED his ears...

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