HELOVIA || The Way to the Sun
[P] How far did I fall from that tree? [dream] - Printable Version

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How far did I fall from that tree? [dream] - NPC - 07-19-2015

Notes: For @[Déodat] and @[Nyx] - This is a dream thread. d'Arcy is aged roughly three years and is operating on the basis have having been born and raised in Helovia. It’s up to you how much your character will remember/recognize her in this dream and in the future. When born she will have no recollection of these events.

Family was such a strange thing. Allegiance to a group that one chose was one thing, but no one is able to choose their family. Whether by chance or some divine intervention, all are born into a group that, for better or worse, will shape and define them for the rest of their lives. It was a mystery that d’Arcy had often wondered on, fruitless as wondering might be. She and her twin had always been pulled together, each defined by the existence of the other, feelings and history bound with need and love and loyalty. To a lesser extent she felt the same of her parents, but there were moments that she wondered, were she able to separate herself from that attachment, if she would have chosen them at all. Logic aside, she didn’t feel right without her brother and he’d been gone far too long.

The bitter grip of Frostfall was tight upon Helovia, but there were times when even the winds relented and gave way to stillness. The skies were merciful today, and though the temperature hung well below freezing, the midday sun was enough to take away some of the bite. It’s rays sent the ice and snow glittering in a blinding display of white and blue that went unmarred save by a few shadows of rock and the figure of a red mare.

She stood where the empty bridge of land met the ocean, a bold slash of muddy scarlet against the pristine backdrop, and looked out over the ice. Even under the thickness of her winter coat, the young mare was long and lithe. Her mother’s muscle and her father’s height that made for an elegant frame, even if it wast’s the most suited for such cold. She was taking full advantage of the break in the weather to travel towards the Basin, as few would be happy to find themselves without shelter in this season. Still, there were others that lived farther to the north and she would not let such things keep her from her journey. From her position, she could see the rise of snow covered mountains that hid the Aurora Basin in their midst. She could only hope her father would be able to help her.

black heart's comin' she’s a cold machine
cuts like a knife, gentle and clean

RE: How far did I fall from that tree? [dream] - Déodat - 07-20-2015

- Déodat -
Déodat lurks in the brittle cold of the Basin. Odette wanders at his side. Each of them lost in some region of their minds. Not focusing on the particular sights in front of them. Completely detached when they should be in focus. The Blood Prince thinks of days past. Thinks of the future. Thinks of his daughters. Each of their faces standing out in his mind. Both of them far stronger than he possibly could’ve expected. Arya with her boisterous personality and determenation. Mirabella with her elegance and resilence. Each of them are precious. Off in the distance he can see a figure. Both of his ears perk forward, and he comes to a stop taking in the scent. Odette on the other hand waltzes right up to the figure.

She boldly reaches out and sniffs the mare. Déodat remains back one ear swiveling against his head in annoyance at his bonded. Part of him feels as though he should know this mare. Nothing comes so he dares to take a couple of steps forward. Odette barks and circles the mare, her tail wagging violently. Finally he stops behind the mare and glances at his companion for a brief moment before turning his gaze back towards the mare.

“I think she likes you,” he says a bit gruffly. There is no friendliness on his face, only annoyance at his daemon. Who’re you?” He demands. The mare isn’t familiar and he assumes she isn’t one of his herdmates. It makes him almost uneasy to have someone coming so close to his home.

I was promised
The glorious ending of a knight
But the crown is out of sight

very rusty so sorry for this trash ;-;

RE: How far did I fall from that tree? [dream] - NPC - 07-23-2015

If anything could be said of the red mare, it was that she did nothing in haste. The Basin had been her intended destination, that was true enough, but even with that goal so close, the red mare loitered upon it’s doorstep. All she had every heard of the Basin lent itself to caution, roomier had it they were not overly welcoming to strangers. Crowned as she was with a horn upon her brow, she might stand a better chance but the place was still well guarded. She might have stayed there for hours yet, watching, carefully considering how best to approach but she was saved that by the approach of an interesting pair.

Their scents were easy to pick up off the air. With nothing around but ice and snow and rock there was little to mask it. So, this barren landscape is not so lifeless after all. maintaining her gaze upon the frozen water, her ears swivel backwards listening for approaching footsteps. One approaching, no problem….No! Two. One on hooves and one on quiet paws… She prepared for battle, for when it came to anyone but her twin that was the only outcome. It could be the physical (her mother had made sure she was proficient enough to hold her own) or it could be mental (her own wheelhouse and favorite game), but life was a battle, no matter who the opponent was.

Almost unnaturally still, she waits for the approach and is surprised to hear this interested sniffing of dog. She turns her head, slowly, smoothly, watching the canine’s excited progress, eventually following with the motion with her feet until her body turns toward the stallion. It’s not until he speaks that she finally shift her inscrutable gaze to the stallion. It’s him… it has to be. She was surprised how similar they were, but for the horn and the placement of white patches the resemblance was marked. Blood or not though, she was determined to get the measure of Déodat before giving anything away. She held is gaze after he demanded an identification and for several seconds gave no expression and made no motion at all.

This was always her game. Watch. Wait. Listen. Learn.

Finally, she smiled. It was a pretty thing, so most stopped there before noticing that it lacked any warmth. “I’ve been told I’m quite likable. She’s a pretty thing herself, though keeping some strange company for one of her species.” Her tone is slightly strange if one pays enough attention. It seems friendly but she hasn’t yet mastered the forgery and once in a while a word or an inflection is still harsh and withholding. “My name is d’Arcy. It’s a pleasure to meet you, Déodat.”

black heart's comin' she’s a cold machine
cuts like a knife, gentle and clean

Sorry for the tense-shift, playing around with her :)

RE: How far did I fall from that tree? [dream] - Nyx - 07-27-2015

I've had Nyx sort of...remember her but not, hope that's okay!

She remembers pain, the familiar rasping inside her body that feels like a lion trying to eat its way out of her. She remembers the cold ground beneath her side as she tumbles, her massive sides heaving, contractions pumping. She remembers her tail lifting, arching high, making room for the warm, wet body that slips out from beneath it. She remembers a rush of agony, then numbness, as she stands and lets the figure fall fully from her. She remembers turning to sniff and clean her newborn, noting with delight that it's a filly. She remembers snuffling at red fur, blood-bay like the sire, but with her eyes of ice and her spiralled horn of deepest midnight. She remembers encouraging the filly to stand, to suckle.

She remembers pride, happiness, that motherly glow at the sensation of having a foal at foot again.

But that's all a dream. Isn't it? She hasn't had a foal for years. Hell, she hasn't even had a stallion come within a five-mile radius of her for longer than she can remember - if she's not careful, her virginity will grow back. But the dream is more vivid than any she's ever had in her life, right down to the smells and sensations of new child. It's really rather odd, but the silver soldier decides not to dwell. Perhaps her heat is due - she always feels broody at that time of the year, as is only natural.

The aroma of a familiar figure reaches her flared nostrils - Déodat. Nyx squirms slightly, but not in a bad way. In her dream, her daughter's fur had looked queerly like Déodat's. That must be because the blood-bay man is one of the only stallions she's been remotely close to since she came back to Helovia - the filly could just as easily have had spots like Mauja, a cobweb-face like Lace. Or so she tells herself. She's vaguely aware that she's into Aurora Basin territory, but the sight of her blood-bay friend has removed all sense of trespassing. Dominus is off hunting, so the silver is all alone. Perfect to spend some quality time with the handsome, brooding beast.

But Déodat is not alone. In front of him is a mare, a gorgeous thing who reeks of new womanhood, all curves and easy movements. A quite ridiculous stab of jealousy shoots through the silver's body, and she moves closer in a high-legged trot, just to show that she, too, is virile and womanly, despite her age. As she nears, the other mare's features merge into one, and Nyx's brow furrows into a frown. Red fur, black points, white markings...she looks familiar. Nyx's dream comes back to her, and her dark muzzle lowers so she can examine the stranger more closely.

She arrives in time to hear the red introduce herself as d'Arcy, and again the name sends odd stabs through the mare's heart. "d'Arcy," she says, rolling the name from her tongue. It doesn't taste like a name she's new to, all rough and unfamiliar. It slips from her mouth, like she's been saying it for years. "Have we met before?" That's the only explanation.