HELOVIA || The Way to the Sun
[O] And Then There Were Two (Open) - Printable Version

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And Then There Were Two (Open) - December - 08-11-2015


& this is Carl

The sensation was sweet upon her ivory frame; icy sharpness like lacerations upon her coat that sent shivers down her large spine. How welcoming it was to have the snow again, for it to embrace her in the cold and give her a sense of peace only the harsh weather could provide. In the howling of the wind she could barely register the shiver of her bondmate, whom plastered himself against her thick thigh, teeth chattering distastefully as they continued their descent deeper into the Frostbreath Steppe. Frostfall was in full swing, and the white dame lapped every moment of it up eagerly, ignoring the ripples that coursed through her body, all instincts screaming at her to find warmth, because she could never deny herself the delicious temptation of sub zero temperatures. With each step her feathered limbs became stiffer, steps slowing to a frigid crawl as the wind whipped into her dark eyes. To most it would seem to be a death wish; pure agony before one finally dies. But for her; it was simply divine.

It took a few tries, but her companion managed to get a few good nips into her skin, digging deeply to the point of drawing blood, causing them both to finally cringe in pain. It was enough of a warning to let her know that the llama was slowly weakening, and unlike she he had trouble surviving in the colder environments. With a reluctant sigh she turned whiskery muzzle to his side, breathing hot air upon his pale ashy hide to attempt to bring warmth back into his veins, before finally carrying herself forward to where she knew shelter was nearby. The wind was so harsh against her ears that when she finally entered the caves, a faint ringing remained as the sounds began to die down with every step further into shelter. Her breaths were ragged, limbs stiff and freezing to the touch, and after much effort the fem finally brought herself to her knees. The cave floor felt warm compared to her coat, which was now laced with ice and frost that caked her flesh with a few good layers. Her heart felt like a mere flutter in her chest, as if her body was ready to shut down from the intense journey of cold. She was probably dying, suffering form hypothermia or something of the sort, but all December could feel was contentment.

With slow, sure movements, her tongue found the hide of her companion, licking him vigorously to encourage warmth back into him. She ignored the numbness that began to overtake her hind limbs, and the constant shaking that became the norm for her body about twenty minutes ago; and simply continued to work on providing comfort to her beloved Carl. The babe had mixed feelings about his bonded's predicament, sensing the joy and contentment she had from being back in the cold, but also recognizing that her strength was fading, and she had most likely stayed out in the cold for too long. Soon he was standing, shaking his wooly frame and breaking free from her slowing motions, and moving swiftly on tiny hooves towards the cave entrance. Through half-lidded eyes the mare watched one, blinking leisurely before finally losing consciousness, as the cold began to take over.

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RE: And Then There Were Two (Open) - Miykael - 08-15-2015

i was made to keep your body warm
but i'm cold as the wind blows so hold me in your arms

Frostfall had settled in with a heavy hand; leaving most huddled together for warmth or hidden in caves alone. Even Eliana, the pretty star bird, despised leaving the shelter of their cave in the Falls. When Miykael left the cave, she couldn't let him go alone - not now. Not when he was, perhaps, the most alone he'd ever been. His relationship with Alysanne had become strained the second he told her that he was moving to the Falls after the invasion. Naerys, logically, had stayed behind with her mother. It didn't matter that the Edge and the Falls weren't far apart. What mattered was that Miykael had kept to himself, except for the hours he spent visiting Naerys. No matter how Alysanne felt about him, he would always be in their daughter's life. So, Eliana followed swiftly behind him - never once letting him out of her sight.

Despite his better instincts, he turned north - walking at first. The further north he traveled, however, the colder the weather became and the gusts of snowy wind grew. His lean, muscular frame wasn't as well designed for this cold as December's was, so to travel more quickly he ran, flapping his wing and quickly took off into the sky. He continued north, as he seemed so apt to do since his arrival. He hadn't gone any further south than the caves and that had been done out of necessity. His heart, it seems, is being pulled north. Miykael couldn't complain, though.

The frozen arches of the north were where he had met December.

He had been a mess then. Needy. Scrambling for the love and affection he longed for that Alysanne had been so reluctant to give him. Yet look how that had backfired. Miykael had pushed and pushed and pushed Alysanne and when she finally gave in - the two separated faster than he had ever dreamed possible. December, however, lingered in his thoughts. Not because of their explosive passion (though he'd be lying if he said that wasn't part of it) but instead that he hadn't seen her since before the invasion. He remembered her being a resident of the Falls and despair had entered his heart that fateful day when Kaj, Archibald and Kahlua marched the herd off to take over the Falls - simply to escape the God of the Moon.

The cold increased further, practically chilling him to the bone. It distracted him, sent him into the depths of his memories. He fought them, fought to claw his way back to reality but his vision had blurred. Instead, he plummeted down towards the ice and snow covered earth. Eliana shrieked at him, flapping her wings frantically to slow time and soften his crash landing. The combination helped to pull him back to the present enough to readjust and land more softly in the snow. He still fumbled, slipping and falling to the side. His breath whooshed sharply from his lungs at the impact. As he regained his footing and stood, the night dark bird fluttered down to land upon his shoulders. Poofing out her feathers, she huddles down to buffer herself from the cold. With the shared warmth and the connection, Miykael's blue eyes peer through the snowfall - seeking some sort of shelter.

That's when he sees something. A creature. It wasn't like anything he had ever seen before but it clearly had four legs and hooves. Whatever it was, it stood at the entrance of the cave nearest to where he landed. Tall and lean, Miykael moves towards it, doing his best to keep his posture peaceful. Once he is within range for communication he calls out. His voice louder than usual due to the winter wind. "Hello. May I join you in that cave?" That was when his blue eyes drifted past the creature and into the cave. There on the floor of the cave was a familiar gray figure - one that he would be hard pressed to forget. "December..." he whispered, surprise clear on his features. Ignoring the much smaller creature at the mouth of the cave, he stepped forward to get a better look at the mare. Ice and snow clung to her coat and though he could see her breathing, her eyes were closed. "December!" he said again, louder this time. More urgent. Concern furrowed his brow and panic grabbed hold of his heart. Please don't be dead... please...please respond...

[hope you don't mind! I read this post and Mikey insisted... xD]

my heart's against your chest, your lips pressed to my neck
i'm falling for your eyes, but they don't know me yet
and with this feeling i'll forget, i'm in love now
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RE: And Then There Were Two (Open) - December - 08-15-2015

& this is Carl

As if his prayers were answered a figure approached; tall and lean and masculine, closing the gap between the llama and him, before asking entrance into the cave. Before Carl could even attempt to respond with a bleat, the man's attention was now to his bonded. Swiveling pale ears in the direction of the stud as he worked his way towards the half-conscious mare, he heard her name escape his lips. Flattening his ears he charged forward, skidding in front of December protectively with brown eyes filled with the utmost fury. Saliva glands working the best lougie they could muster, he was ready to strike, until a feeling of surprise and warmth overcame him.

The dame had heard him, had heard the man she had met so long ago and recognized his scent upon the chilly breeze. Her dark eyes opened slightly and she looked to him and smiled, it weak and pale in her frosted complexion, but evident nonetheless. With stiff joints she lifted herself into a more upright position, looking the dunskin up and down before letting a soft sigh of greeting escape her smoky lips. Swishing her ice crusted tail she could only do so much as look, for her entire body felt numb. She hadn't been paying attention, hadn't been thinking about her survival, for she had been too enthralled with the snow and its cold to even consider the consequences of being out in it for too long. Though that didn't seem to matter now either, for here was the man she had become fond of, the one who swept her away in the heat of passion, and left her thinking of him daily. It had been almost a year now since their last meeting, and she was certain plenty had changed for both of them.

Dark eyes glanced to Carl, a blink signalling for him to be at ease, before she finally found her vocals and spoke in a hushed, raspy tone," I was out in the cold too long. I needed the snow." That was all she could muster before bursting into a fit of coughs, her lungs seeming to be chilled to the bone just like everything else in her thicker frame. She realized she probably looked half dead at the moment, lying still and barely conscious, a llama pacing the cave as if waiting for their inevitable end. This wasn't exactly how she wanted to be reunited with the pegasus that was often on her mind, but she would take what she would get. Feathered forehooves worked themselves beneath her bulk, mustering whatever strength that remained to attempt to lift herself, a grunt escaping maw as she managed to lean forward and up partially, only to collapse a moment after. Her forelock fell over her eyes, causing her to lose sight briefly, and she did what she could to ignore the heat rising in her.

He had seen enough of her weak side, of the vulnerable, broken mess she was when they first met. He didn't deserve to see more of it, to see her in such a state because of her own idiocy and foolish desires. She didn't want to become his pity project, the woman he had found endearing because of her antics that often got her into trouble. No, if she were to have anything with him (which she still didn't know if that was even in the cards), she wanted to be someone he could rely on, love and cherish and to hold close to him forever. She would be his rock and he hers, and that was how she had assumed it would be if she were to ever have a relationship.

Of course, she had presumed that they wouldn't become an item simply because they had had relations in the heat of the moment, but to her it was still something special, as it had been her first time. She was only glad that it had been Miykael, and no one else. Soon grey eyes were looking into blue ones, the softness evident within them as even in her stoic features, you could still see the fondness she felt for the painted beauty before her. After a moment to recollect herself from her clumsy fall, she weakly tossed her heard, clearing her throat and speaking once more, " Miykael, I'm fine. I just need time to warm up. That's all." She knew he was worried, perhaps even terrified, but she was certainly not going to let herself die anytime soon, not when she had finally found him again.


 [UM. NO. I of course don't mind!!! EEep I'm so excited for this, forgive the text but I got like all teh musez from that! Forgive me as well for her being a little different, I'm still rusty and trying to get back into her groove again.]

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RE: And Then There Were Two (Open) - Miykael - 08-17-2015


'He worried, he protect her.' Eliana's voice is soft through their bond, more gentle than it typically was. She was cold, and no amount of fluffing her feathers was helping to warm her. She needed shelter, even if it meant enduring the assault of December's companion. 'Protect her, like me protect you..' she adds, and the words cause a smile to curve his lips. The night-dark bird had been his first saving grace in Helovia. December was, and is, the second. When the llama bolted in between him and December, ears back in clear anger and distress, he paused - not out of fear but out of respect. "It's alright. I can help her." he speaks gently, with warmth. After granting her companion a bit of time, his blue gaze returns to the mare - just in time to catch the smile on her pale face and the slight opening of her gray eyes. Stiffly, she shifts to a more upright position. Her soft sigh tickles his ears and after a moment, she speaks and without warning bursts into a coughing fit. Before he could react, however, she attempts to lift herself - only to collapse again. "Hey, hey... it's okay." he says softly, attempting to make his voice as soothing as possible. Hoping to keep the worry in his heart and out of his voice.

Moving towards her, he circles around to stand parallel to her. Facing the same direction, he lowers himself carefully, hoping to press his side against hers and drape his wing over her back - his feathers would help block out the cold. Eliana balances on his shoulders during the whole process but doesn't budge from her place - needing his warmth almost as much as December needs it. The cold seemed to radiate from her, furrowing his brow in concern. "It's alright, December." his voice is soft, almost a whisper; the warmth of his breath against the flesh of her cheek. He too, felt chilled from his travel but, fortunately, he hadn't been out as long as December had. Pressed against her as he was and sheltered by the cave, he could already feel himself warming.

With a toss of her head, she clears her throat and her voice - as she speaks once again - is as he had remembered it. He can't hold back the chuckle bubbling from deep within his chest. "Of course you're fine." he agrees with every ounce of sincerity he could contain. December isn't weak. Miykael had no doubt of that. "We'll get you warmed up in no time." he adds, roguishly - a smirk curving his dark lips. Then adds, more seriously, "I'm sorry I didn't find you sooner." So much had happened since he saw her last, so many things that he should have handled differently. His heart couldn't help but to rejoice at this lucky turn of events, however. Miykael had made a lot of mistakes but he could only thank the gods for sending him north when they did.

[Seriously...I <3 them.]

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RE: And Then There Were Two (Open) - December - 08-19-2015

& this is Carl

How hesitant Carl was to budge, even at December's okay that he was no threat. His eyes shifted slightly to look over the painted beast, before snorting and walking to the corner of the cave. There he placed his rump roughly on the stone, his standard pouty face on as he watched with stoic expression at the couple before him. The mare never let her gaze leave him, too afraid that he would vanish on her again, and that was too soon for her liking. How soft his voice was, so intent on trying to calm her when she knew he was nervous and terrified, and this couldn't help but make her eyes shimmer in delight. She watched him patiently, with her standard stoic expression as he approached her, slipping to her side and curling down next to her, soft feathers tickling her chilled hide. Shivers ran along her spine and she sucked in her breath slightly, definitely not used to anyone, let alone an attractive man, being so comfortable with making such intimate contact. With his wings upon her flank and his body pressed to hers, she couldn't help but grow hot, her heart beginning to thud in her thick chest with a sudden intensity.

Her eyes shifted to him almost anxiously, as if to ask if her was actually okay with this, if this was what he truly wanted, before finally melting into his embrace. He was just so warm... she couldn't deny it. Her body wracked in shivers from the cold, and she longed to seep up all of his body heat to stabilize her own temperature. She normally didn't like the heat, didn't like feeling warm at any point of the day at any time, but if it meant Miykael snuggling up to her and offering her a wing blanket, how in the names of the Gods could she refuse? When his breath was upon her cheek she only grew hotter, looking away suddenly in uncertainty, breaths coming quickly as she didn't know to respond, and yet she didn't mind any moment of it. After a moment of collecting herself, the mare finally turned her gaze to him, watching him with those intense eyes as he agreed with her, reassured her, before speaking in a roguish way and letting a smirk grace his maw. She blinked, not sure how to respond to him. Was he... flirting?

She had never flirted before, even their first encounter had been rather straight forward, she had wanted him and made it clear, and he had obliged. There had been no coy smiles, winks and witty banter, simply her being her, and he had still stayed, and had still accepted her. Was that what a relationship was supposed to be like? Before she could even stop herself, her lips her finding the curve of his jaw, pressing there tenderly before her head slipped beneath his, bringing her skull against his chest and the curve of his neck. She took in a deep breath and smelled only him, enjoying every minute of it, and with time she began to forget just how cold she was. His next words caused her eyes to open briefly, staring at the dark wall of the cave blankly as she let the comment sink in, before finally breaking free of the sweet embrace.

Letting her dark gaze explore him, his body, eyes, and dark lips, she couldn't help but realize how much she had truly missed him, how much he had been on her mind since their departure. Did he think of her every day like she thought of him? Did he wonder where she was? Did he miss her like she managed to miss him? How smitten she had become, so attached and dependent on the man she had only met once and fucked in the same exact meeting. Yet it was so much more than that, so much more than a meet and bang, or even a meaningful conversation. Something had sparked that day in the cold that they were in now, something grew and began to swell within them both that made her wanting more, and she only hoped he wanted more too. Letting her eyes finally meet his again after much exploration, she spoke in her standard tone,  " Where have you been? I've... thought of you often. Was it okay for her to say that? Were they on that level in this... whatever? She only hoped so, otherwise she truly was an idiot.


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RE: And Then There Were Two (Open) - Miykael - 08-23-2015


The young creature's hesitation and distrust didn't slip past him or Eliana. But he wouldn't question, degrade, or blame her companion. The bond of companions runs so much deeper than the bond of friends or lovers. The llama has a closeness with the gray mare that Miykael could never have, even if he wanted it. Regardless, his blue gaze momentarily sweeps over to the llama, perched against the stone with a mixture poutiness and stoicism upon his face. The youth, it seems, holds some similarities to the gray mare by his side. Her slight and sudden inhale of breath drew his attention back to her. As much as he longed to hold her more tightly, he knew that warming her too quickly wouldn't be doing her any favors. If she really was suffering from hypothermia, the best thing he could do for her now is to warm her gradually. Fighting the urge to hold her closer, he remains still against her.

And he wouldn't leave her this time.
Not without a fight.

He held her gaze with his whenever she looked at him but otherwise he remained silent. They didn't need words. They just needed each other. Miykael didn't feel any awkwardness here, curled up with her with the blissful silence of a winter storm just outside the cave entrance. Instead he felt only comfort. It was profound, really. It wasn't a sensation that he was privy to - not even with Alysanne, at least not to this extent (especially not after they'd had sex; everything really had gotten awkward then). Miykael noticed when she finally melted into his embrace and he couldn't stop himself from smiling. As she pressed herself to him, her shivers became more noticeable - and though it sent a pang of anxiety coursing through his veins, he hid it well behind a mask of calm and tenderness.

Abruptly, she turned her face away when his breath fell on her cheek. The gesture puzzles him but he gives her a moment, blue eyes watching her carefully. Miykael didn't entirely know how to react, didn't know if maybe he'd interpreted things wrong again - like he had with Alysanne. Before any doubt had any real chance to settle in completely, she returned to him and the doubt was gone. Her soft lips press into the curve of his jaw and then she lowers her head to press against his chest. With a soft sigh, he gently rests his head upon her neck.

Pulling her head free from the embrace, he finds her steely gaze upon him once more. Silence still envelopes them but he longs to hear and know her thoughts. Her stoic expression never falters, however, and he is left in the dark. Miykael waits patiently, keeping his mouth shut for fear of pushing her away with some stupid remark or simply saying the wrong thing at the wrong time. So when she finally breaks the silence, her dark eyes locking with his, he feels only relief (and it shows - he has always been more expressive; too expressive at times). Her question didn't startle him, though. In fact, he almost expected it. So much time had passed without them seeing each other, she was bound to have questions. Especially since he could have found her if he had only gone looking.

She wants answers and he has every inclination to give them to her. The truth; even if it might hurt her or his chances with her. "At home in the Edge, mostly. Though it's...more complicated than that." His voice is gentle and warm despite the husky depth clinging to his words and with a soft sigh, he continues. "When I came to Helovia, I came here with a dear friend of mine. A friend that I honestly thought I loved. The truth is, I didn't. Not like that, anyway. I still don't." He had been stupid. Confusing her kindness and easy comfort around him  (and her willingness to friendly touches) as love. He had saved her, healed her wounds and he really truly had believed that what he felt was love. Meeting December, however, had opened his eyes to his mistake. Perhaps that was why he ran to his daughter instead of Alysanne when they all believed the filly to have been stillborn. That wasn't a good excuse for his actions, though. But dwelling on it and living with regret does more harm than good. "Anyway, when we parted ways last year I returned to the Edge only to find her waiting for me. She told me she loved me, that she always had. She wanted me to make her a mother again."

He pauses for a moment, allowing his blue eyes to search hers and hoping to hell and back that he didn't scare her away or shattered whatever delicate thing had blossomed between them. Whatever the risks, telling her the truth is endlessly more important, more valuable than lies. "I did as she asked." and then his blue gaze shifted towards the falling snow just outside the cave. "But it never felt right. Nothing felt right. You... you filled my dreams. You even began to take over my thoughts. Everything I saw... everything I did... reminded me of you." he swallowed hard, then, biting back the swirl of emotions lumping in his throat and making his heart race. He breathed deeply, steadying himself. Then he returned to her, endlessly searching her face and eyes for any hint. His wing held her more tightly without him even realizing it, his body giving in to the fear that she might bolt any minute. "When the filly was born, she took over my days and nights. Then, during a herd meeting, we learned of the leaders' plans to... invade the Falls. When they met with success, I moved to the Falls to find you." he explains, fighting to keep his concern hidden in his heart. That had been far more lengthy than he could have ever imagined but every bit of it felt necessary. With hope in his baby blues, he gazes into her dark, steely eyes. Whatever it is that they have, it is only just beginning and he hopes, down to his very core, that he didn't just fuck it all up.

[holy wall of text, batman! sorry about that. he's apparently feeling a bit chatty tonight. D:]

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RE: And Then There Were Two (Open) - December - 08-24-2015

& this is Carl

She had begun to grow concerned that he wouldn't answer her, wouldn't acknowledge her question in fear of saying something wrong. There was never a wrong answer for December, there was only truth and lies, and she only hoped that he would only speak the truth. That seemed to be his way as it was, honest and noble in all of his actions, a royal knight meant only to serve his Kingdom, and he did his job so well. She couldn't help but admire his loyalty, his compassion and desire to help all, even someone such as lowly as her. She felt like the pauper in the alley, begging for scraps and wishing for something bigger. When she was with Miykael however, she felt like a princess, a Goddess that was worshipped every second of the day, and it made her feel so happy, that she didn't know how to even handle it. Carl didn't either, for he snorted and twitched an eye, giving her a standard murderous glare for his complexion, before circling the ground and curling up in a ball.

"Carl," she breathed suddenly, taking advantage of the silence to summon her companion to her. She knew he was cold, though he would never admit it, and he needed the warmth just as much as they all did. He proceeded to ignore her, ears swiveling in any direction but her, facing the cave wall and letting his stub of a tail lazily flick behind him. Ashy ears went back slightly, eyes growing hard as she snorted, staring holes into the babe's back as she spoke once again, "Here. Now."

The male relented, refusing to budge, but when he felt the fire begin to quell within her he finally relented, slowly working himself to his feet and finally facing her. He made his approach, albeit in an excruciating slow and leisurely pace, while chocolate eyes stared down the mare, daring her to say something. He was moving, just at his own pace, and this was a small victory for him, and she couldn't even argue. Once he did happen to reach the group, he didn't hesitate to spit a missile at December's stomach, splattering it in mucus, before he finally curled up in the nook of her legs, resting slender head upon her knee and closing his eyes.

She was completely unphased by his actions, having grown quite accustomed to them in the past five months or so, and thus only looked at him fondly, before turning back to Miykael and pressing her head against his cheek, closing her eyes and patiently waiting for him to finally respond. When he did, she listened, ears pricked in the utmost attentiveness as he told his story of why he was gone, and why he hadn't come find her. Her face never changed during his speech, only her eyes would open and close every so often, and when he was done she lifted her skull to meet his, looking at him seriously. She knew it must have been very hard for him to tell her the truth, and all of it at once for that matter, and she couldn't blame him for keeping away for so long when all of this seemed to eat at him. It warmed her heart to know he thought of her, in almost everything he did she was in his mind, and it even helped eased her own concerns that her thinking of him just as often was somehow taboo.

After taking a gentle breath and an easy exhale, the mare finally responded to him,  "I am not upset at you. I don't think I could ever be upset with you. You loved her first, you were sorting out your emotions and it just happened to backfire. You have a child, that's a large responsibility, for you to look for me with a newborn would be highly irresponsible. You have done nothing wrong, though I'm sure you are aware of that. You are here now, and you are in the Falls now, where we can be together and-" She faltered, looking away briefly at the realization at what she was saying. "Loved her first"? That would imply he loved her... and he certainly can't love her... can he? Not only had she spit that out, but she had managed to assume and plan for them to be together... to be a couple. Was that even accurate? Had she overstepped an invisible line her clumsy feet had not managed to avoid? Suddenly her heart was racing and she grew anxious, averting her gaze nervously in hopes she had not said anything wrong. She had to think fast, fast enough to make it seem like she knew what she was doing (as if).

"I mean... Not that you love me or... well um... It's not like I would assume you would want to be with me, I don't know how you feel and for me to assume you wanted to be with me and love me is highly-" she couldn't finish due to the extreme pain in her ankle, causing large crown to turn and find Carl biting into her ankle, drawing blood almost immediately. Hissing from the pain she knocked him aside, snorting in displeasure and beginning to lick the blood away. She hated it when he did that, it was more painful than any other injury because she felt it twice, it radiating from him and from herself. Yet the little shit still continued to do it. She had a feeling he somehow got off from the pain. Steel eyes looked to him, and he only glared back with those brown ones, ears flat as his whole expression seemed to read, "You're fucking stupid." She snorted, daring him to try to bite her again, before looking to Miykael awkwardly,  "Carl has a tendency to bite me... and spit at me, and also kick me. He has yet to learn his manners, though I doubt he will." This earned her a disgruntled snort from the llama, who then went back to curling up in the warmth of her belly.

OOC: PFFT, Like I mind. I love this all so much rkjgnrjrngjknj <3 Also, please forgive the wall of text, these two just give me all the muse!!!


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RE: And Then There Were Two (Open) - Miykael - 09-05-2015


Despite the frosty chill in the air and the snow falling heavily down outside their little cave, he felt warm. It was as though they were in their own little world; somewhere that wasn't frozen from winter but rather delightfully temperate like spring. He'd almost forgotten that it wasn't Birdsong yet. He'd almost forgotten exactly why he was so closely huddled with the grey mare. The silence that had enveloped them like a cozy blanket in the depths of winter, is suddenly broken. 'Carl.' she breathes 'Here. Now.', instantly jolting him back to the present. His bright blue gaze drifts to the mouth of the cave once again and he frowns. The grey mare, soft and supple against his side, not only needs warmth but food as well. Nourishment would help to warm her up, replenishing her body's resources to warm her blood. Their cave, however, is barren with it being so far north. Leaving her here was not an option he could risk, nor could he send his companion out alone. Reluctantly, he realizes they are stuck and that he's doing all he can. Knowing that she is as coherent as she is, softens the guilt and feelings of helplessness within. He wouldn't be Miykael, if it erased those feelings completely.

There is no reason why this mare doesn't deserve the very best but he simply cannot grant her the best in this particular situation. Not without risking any or all of their lives. And that is unacceptable.

Movement catches the corner of his eye and he turns towards it, noticing the slow approach of her companion. He can't help but smile at the young male's blatant display of stubbornness, though he says nothing. As the llama curls up on December's other side, he returns his attention to the grey mare. Her head presses against his cheek, calming the frantic nerves in his gut. She didn't deserve lies, words spoken just to ease the worries on her mind. She deserved the truth. Everyone did. So, no matter how anxious he was that she'd be upset with him; there was only one choice. The truth. What happened with Alysanne would always be his fault, at least in his mind. He certainly wasn't lily white in the whole affair, but neither was the moon doctor. Alysanne had lied to him - a white lie, with the best of intentions. A lie, however, is and always will be a lie. Miykael couldn't stay angry with her, though. He had lied, too. He'd messed with things, blocking negative memories from Alysanne's mind without ever telling her about it or asking her if that was what she'd wanted. He and Iona had made up her mind for her. That was wrong. So very wrong.

He and Alysanne would work things out. There is no doubt of that, but they will never be anything more than friends. They never really were.

After he finishes explaining his lengthy absence, he shifts and gazes into her steely eyes. His breath catches in his throat without him realizing it. His heart stutters in his chest, gently aching. The pessimist in him awaits the explosion, while the more rational part of him attempts to remain hopeful. They hadn't declared themselves an item, after all. They'd had a fling, they hadn't known whether it would go beyond that day. As she speaks, he exhales softly in relief. She isn't upset. She understands. The stallion doesn't even balk at her words. Instead, he takes note of some of the things she says. Loved her first and can be together? So, it wasn't just him? His lips curl faintly in a soft smile. His blue eyes sparkling with just a hint of mischief. The grey mare grows visibly flustered, glancing away anxiously before she starts backpedalling. At least it wasn't him, this time. With a great amount of effort he stifles the chuckle building up in  his chest, biting it back and swallowing it down.

"I came to the Falls to be with you." he responds, hoping to calm her nerves. His reasoning had nothing to do with the Moon Goddess. Nothing to do with whom had gone where. It did, however, have everything to do with December. He had to join the Falls, to be where she was and to explore whatever he'd felt sparking between himself and the grey mare. Suddenly, she whips her head around and shoves the llama away. He waits patiently for them to work it out and within mere moments, December's attention is back on him. He offers her a tender smile when she speaks. In fairness, he hasn't the slightest clue what that would be like. Eliana hasn't ever outright attacked him. She was a gentle soul, most of the time. The zephyr rarely ever resorted to physical attacks but mental attacks were not beneath her. "Fortunately," he begins, moving forward to attempt to press his lips to her cheek, briefly, then pulling back once again. "you have me." He concludes then shifts his gaze to the wound on her ankle. Blue eyes focus intently as he pulls forth the light in his heart. A ball of warm, glowing light forms over her wound. After a few moments it dissipates and he returns his attention to the mare. The stallion remains silent, finding little use for words in that moment. Instead, he simply awaits her response, hoping the llama wouldn't simply bite her again. Huddled on his upper back, Eliana fluffs her feathers in an effort to warm herself a bit more and her silver eyes glare daggers at the llama curled against the mare. Silence once again covers them but it isn't uncomfortable. These silent moments with December weren't awkward. They were just comfortable and easy, bringing a lightness to the stallion's heart that has been nonexistent since his youth.

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