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[O] [welcome] skinny love - Printable Version

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[welcome] skinny love - Enna - 08-13-2015

something filled up my heart with nothing
“Watch your step, it can be dangerous here.” You are certain she knows. She does not seem to be the helpless type, blind to the dangers of the world, but you figure it is better safe than sorry. They are the first words you have spoken since Rohan had taken separate ways, veering off sometime before the snow got too thick. You had wondered then if it was something you said, amongst the teasing that had seemingly become habit between the two of you, or if he had disliked the idea of the place that you called home. You had told him of the lake that never freezes, of the strange mirror and the Haruspex that calls it his, of Lena and her songs and her heart, and all the knowledge that she has imparted on to you thus far and the greenhouse (what little you know of it) and all the herbs that you had learned to gather, of the lion-hearted girl made of the night sky, of how the Basin got its name and just how he had to see it for himself. You had also told him of Deimos, of Thranduil and the girl Hotaru that rules beside them. It had been short, saying only that they are competent leaders and fair rulers.

You didn’t––and don’t––have much else to say for them, for you hardly know them. It is a fact that sits sourly within the shadow of your heart, something that you had meant to amend a thousand times before but never found yourself actually doing. All the time the woman never spoke, and you never spoke to her, assuming she would ask if she needed something, speak if she wanted to. Even when he left and silence filled the distance between the two of you, you found she chose to say nothing. You supposed then that it was your job to spark conversation, but everything that jumped to your mind (Where did you come from? What interests you? Would you prefer crafting or healing or star-reading and speaking with our patron god or fighting? What even is your name?) all seemed too invasive or things that would resolve themselves in time, and so you kept your curiosities to yourself.

Soon enough the glint of metal from the half-hidden morning sun catches your eye, and you sigh quietly, relieved to finally be home. Like her, you are tired, your body exhausted both from lack of sleep and no less than foolish travels. “Sentinels. They were created for and tasked with keeping intruders out, and aid in the defense of our home.” It is only moments after passing them that you pause, reaching the end of the path before the decent into the Basin, fondly looking at the snow-covered valley that is your home. It is strange, being on the other side, welcoming someone in instead of being welcomed, though you do your best to remember the way that Arah had introduced you, all the things she pointed out from the tip of this little path. However, as always, you assume she prefers silence, or maybe that she had listened to at least some of your conversation with your sandstone man, or maybe that she prefers to do things for herself, (just like you might have if you were just a little braver, a little bolder) or a mixture of all three, and forgo giving her a verbal tour, instead simply smiling to her, pride and excitement each flashing in turn through your heart.

"Welcome to the Aurora Basin." It is so similar to the first words you ever spoke to her that you almost laugh, though instead your smile grows, more genuine than before. “Come; let me show you to the caves.”

so let's say it's almost midday on a slightly cloudy but otherwise generally pleasant morning~
sorry for the length and general blahness, first post ive ever done like this :D
ps, lyn kinda has her scared pretty good haha

RE: [welcome] skinny love - Ahvelyn - 08-18-2015

Long gone most beloved, the road has gone away

When we at last arrived in the Aurora Basin that the increasingly timid mare called home, it was at the end of a long and uneasy morning. Though I am sure now looking back that it was likely as kind a day as any other, I remember considering the clouds to be ominous at the time.

We had rid ourselves of the stallion whom I had, lacking all affection and only to myself, come to refer to as thick-headed three-horn. I had not given him the satisfaction of calling him this or anything other than you throughout the journey, and so when he made his way elsewhere I felt satisfied that he had gotten no pleasure out of my presence. My other company had tried so hard to persuade him to stay that I had lost some faith in her sensibilities, and as a result I had maintained a chilly, abstinent quiet for the rest of the walk.

When I become tired I become short tempered. You would have learned this soon enough, had I gone with you. Some consider such a cold hatred to be a lack of control, but I would think it is the height of the emotion's management. In that moment, unimpressed by my company, I was losing my patience with my situation and in desperate need of rest. But such a thing I would never ask for. I would never show such weakness, one never should. So as far as they were concerned this may have appeared to be my constant state of being.

I didn't plan on staying for very long--didn't expect to find anyone, find
her, there. I didn't see any problem in portraying myself in such a manner.

There at the border of the land were two great statues, impressive figures meant to ward off threats and fools, I suspected. After not listening or speaking to the mare for quite some time as a vague punishment for her poor taste in company, I decided to break my silence for that moment, if only so as not to miss an opportunity to comment on this herd's blatant insecurities.

"Impressive," I said quietly, my voice sounding stark and sudden after so long keeping my lips shut, exhaling heavily through my wide, dark nostrils. "I've never seen paranoia and exclusivity reach such great heights."

Perhaps a comment such as that was against my better judgement, son. It is never good to insult the lion in its den. But I did not, at the time, perceive this mare to be anyone of import. She was just a simple guide, shaking at the thought of me, guiding me through the cold all while knowing I didn't need her to lead the way. I would have found my own path, in this herd, alongside it, or somewhere else entirely. I think she knew that. But maybe it didn't matter, in the end, what I had said. Maybe she didn't hear me.

I had ceased walking, standing in the Sentinel's shadow as this mare seemed to impatiently encourage we go further. I hesitated, for a moment. I watched the dim, stray rays of sun shine off the metal equid towers erected by a herd either so powerful or so desperate that they had to show the world their strength. I felt the snow fill the cracks in my hooves and the chill freeze my triple-horned crown to something like ice. I thought about whether or not I should stay here, in this spot, and in the grander sense whether or not I should stay here, in this herd.

But in the end I walked after her, head low, body sloping and swaying with every step, veiling itself in cerulean sheets of hair. I thanked her, briefly, for the welcome--first with my bright blue gaze being devoid of disappointment, and secondly with a nod and vague upturn of my lips that would have been missed in a blink.

To the caves, then. To a home, until I found it was empty of all that I needed.

How little I knew, then.

image credits

@Enna, @Thranduil (Hawk called dibs,) All others who wish to join and welcome!
If any are interested in the music behind this post

RE: [welcome] skinny love - Thranduil - 08-24-2015


“And I’ve never seen an arrogance and ignorance wrapped in such a beautiful monumental fool.” It came from behind them. Cold and sharp as the winter wind still lingering in the air. The golden stepped up from behind the sentinel, Haldir beside him.


Really it was rather unlucky for him to find them today, his morning had started off in a fowl mood. One of the returning red birds had decided his cave would be the perfect place for a morning song. It had screeched its damn tune loud and proud, waking the golden from a long night of pacing and pondering. Quickly he snapped at the bird, but it seemed to refuse to leave. Growling and grumbling he grabbed his wolf cloak and satchel and stormed out just before sunrise. Haldir, having woken up to the shouts, trotting sleepily after. Having little sleep and little patience for the rest of the day, its easy to see why his temper was short.

He had planned to journey to the Steppe for the night, thinking perhaps the fresher air would easy his tension. But coming through the Arch he heard a voice. Reaching in his satchel he had pulled over his cloak, with Haldir under him. He had watched then from a crack in the ice, Enna and a new mare pass through. A tension though hung in the air. They were not talking, and there was little welcome. The sweet healer, very much like sweet thing, was acting most unusual. So it took little encouragement to follow. As the new mare dismissed his home the golden had slipped in his invisible state behind the guardians, listening.

So of course you see he couldn’t pass up the opportunity to put this insolent cretonne in her place. This was not some cave of cowards, this was the Basin. This was the liar of wolves and thieves. Of snakes and demons. It was told to children in fear. And he himself was part of the reason why. No foolish, naïve mare would underestimate the empire she had stepped into.

So he spoke his line, slipping off his cloak onto Haldir, and stepping up behind them. A beautiful fool indeed though. She was easy on the eyes. Her long blue hair trailed the ground, and carved dished head could please any man’s eye. But the golden was unyielding. He stepped up with head high and pinned harks. To say the least, she hadn’t exactly started off on the right foot. “Enna seems to be sweeter than I feared.” Tassled tail lashed at his flanks, and earth eyes narrowed at the newcomer, never taking his cold stare from her. ”Ganno mului [Play nice]” came Haldir’s voice through the steel wall. The dark deer was still masked by the cloak he bore, but he stood not far. One side of the golden’s lips curled most sinisterly into a smirk. “You must be new.” It came like an insult, the first dart thrown on her hide. He was just getting started.

Identities: Caleb, Cashmere
"talk talk talk"

Credits: Image by FROSTIE!

RE: [welcome] skinny love - Enna - 08-24-2015

something filled up my heart with nothing
I’ve never seen such paranoia and exclusivity reach such great heights.’ Despite the flare of anger that surges through your heart just then, the only inclination that you had even heard her is the grinding of your teeth, your ears pinning to the top of your skull, and the tension that suddenly settles all over your body. If you were braver, more bold, you might have told her to stick it where the sun doesn’t shine and chased her out of here, marked her as the frigid bitch that she is and left her for someone else to deal with. But you are not, and so instead of paying any more attention to her sheer ignorance, you simply continue down the little path, your progress slowed by the amount of snow.

It is only then that a voice slices through the tension that she had created, your heart jumping in your chest before you turn to face the wolf. You fight to keep the groan down, the look on his face causing your spine (what spine?) to tremble. He insults her where you failed to, and although you do not jump immediately to her defense, (how could you?) you do not think that throwing insults back will make this situation any better. And so you simply stand, wanting to run one way or the other, anywhere but here, because you fear what this situation will bring. Even as he addresses you, you remain still, your gaze, which had been focused on him since he came, sharpening just the slightest fraction, adding a feigned danger to your otherwise serene look.

You do not care for the golden lord, do not care for his sharp tongue or childish temper; do not care for the way that he seems to slink like a weasel through everything that he does. There have been times that you had thought maybe you have the wrong impression of him, that you are blurring lines between someone else’s opinion and yours that should not be blurred. But he would have to prove it to you, show that he is not the wolf that you believe him to be. ‘You must be new.

Instead of acknowledging yet another stab at the ocean-marked woman you sigh quietly to yourself, shifting on feet as to not let them stay still too long in the cold. “Thranduil, one of the Lords of the Basin,” Can’t you tell by the way he presents himself, with all the poise of a braindead log? "Under Deimos, and lastly, Hotaru, the Lady." Had you honestly emphasized that he is lesser than the the death-lord? Perhaps. That is up to his interpretation. “If we could be leaving, I was just showing her where she may rest; she’s had quite the journey.” You, of course, only know part of it – the part that she had given Rohan and you both a frosty shoulder, even after your sandstone man had taken separate ways. Where she came from before that you have no idea, and can only assume (read: hope) that a good rest will remove some of the frigid bitch aura that she has clinging to her.


RE: [welcome] skinny love - Ahvelyn - 08-24-2015

Long gone most beloved, the road has gone away

I learned quickly that my intelligence was to be underestimated, as was often the case. It would take time for me to prove myself in these lands, and given that I had no intention to invest much effort in them I didn't allow myself to be disappointed when yet another misjudged me.

The mare said nothing in response to my barb, she only looked ahead as if unfazed. But I saw her grow tense, I felt the anger in her footfalls even from where I stood.

I had done what you never should do. Use the world around you to your advantage, never let it know you are aware of its weaknesses. I found the shortcomings in that valley to be too great to go without mention, and this was my mistake. The lion could be a mouse, you should still always treat him as a lion.

Treat him as such until the day comes that you must conquer him.

Luckily, I was quick on my feet. I still am, your mother has not lost that talent. I turned my elegant neck to face the boyish grin incarnate, and found him to be exactly as expected: proud as a peacock, standing tall like an arrogant fool.

I allowed myself to look down upon him, ever so lightly, taking advantage of my elongated frame and the small height I had on him. But I was sure to do it without the same arrogance; it would have done me no use to try and match him, and I wouldn't have let myself stoop to that, either.

"I believe you misunderstood the remark," I said before the little one could pipe up in vain. "I said these guardians were impressive, even if I find them a bit poorly decorated. Many would take such qualities and snivel in the back of a cave, your cadre has put them on display and made threats of them," I said, doing my best to recover. "It's the wise ruler that allows others to see what majesty can be created out of a potential for weakness, and a powerful one that convinces others they lack the strength to do the same."

Even I can recognize when I have made a mistake, my son. Though that was a morning of many things, a foundation of sorts, it was not a mistake--nor were any of the actions I took, or any of the words I crafted so delicately. I hope that someday you will find yourself with such a practiced tongue, and without having to put it through so much pain as I did.

The young mare introduced him, then, as if he hadn't done good enough a job with his elegant and unnecessary stance. Of course he was a Lord, even someone as "new" as I was could tell by the smug look plastered on his features and the lack of care with which he spoke to me. I was disappointed in the herd's leadership, but was not so discouraged I wouldn't allow myself just to stay one night or so.

Besides, if the antlered mare spoke the truth he was the least important of this land's three rulers. I was just thankful that at least one of them was a mare, and I hoped in that moment that she had the wisdom the rest of this barren land's inhabitants seemed to lack.

"A pleasure to meet the Lord of this land, then," I offered, meeting his gaze with as much strength as he sought out mine. I paid no attention to the small pay who had brought me here; with power before me, she was no longer very important. And as much as I desperately needed rest, I had to sort out whatever problems this stallion was to place in my path. Two could play at his game, anyhow. My eyes narrowed and my stance stiffened. Where the mare belonging to this land showed hesitation and disrespect, I would level on a plane of equality and flattery.

If nothing else, and even if I hated it, I knew how to please a man. It was all about whether or not it would serve me any good to play such games. So if stroking the gold boy's ego would allow me a night of shelter, then I would be willing to concede.

image credits


RE: [welcome] skinny love - Thranduil - 08-30-2015


The problem with throwing darts, is that if you miss, they can quickly be picked up and thrown back. Though he didn’t expect who would pick it up. He first though distracted by that unfortunate point by the black and blue doll herself. She turns, her height coming up to hold herself. A hark twitches to see her change. The golden listens to her ramble on. It was a clever tactic, not really for what she said but for how long and slow she progressed through it. His trigger finger falls back, and arm lowers, he was finding little to draw the gun on. Not that she made much progress backtracking. He understood what she spoke in those twisting words, but her tact was, well humorous. Not that he was laughing. But he was thrown off into a much more pleasant track.

In the break through the dart had been picked up and was thrown back in the form of a sweet but cold voice. A first only a hark is given to the healer. His main attention still on the newcomer, the one he was still learning. But he shouldn’t have been so quick to assume this healer was anything like sweet thing. Under Deimos The dart stung as it hit. Crowned head snaps to her with harks pinned. His lips draw a thin line, and tail whips against his legs. Under? Under!? The Laurelin was under no one. Not as Lord especially. It was rather ironic. The very reason she though him under the Reaper was the very same trigger about to get him in trouble.

The healer though was quick, smart, and sly. Something totally unexpected, and very much unappreciated. Haldir, hiding still under the cloak, lets is worry seep into his bonded. With them turning to leave the golden says only. “Of course.” What is that? He wasn’t jumping on them? Wasn’t ready to challenge and pummel the littler healer? Either he had morals enough not to beat the herd’s healer, or Deimos’s words held more sway that might have been thought. Whatever the cause, he doesn’t pursue it. His jaws, tight for want of some satisfaction, but its clear it would slip away this time. Tail lashes around him, but in a sarcastic smile he turns to the blue mare, who’s name he didn’t even hear, not care for. “Take care.” Turning away he still grinds his teeth together and slips off and out of the Arch. So much for getting out of his fowl mood.

Identities: Caleb, Cashmere
"talk talk talk"

Credits: Image by FROSTIE!