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Help Needed - Printable Version

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Help Needed - Ciceron - 08-17-2015

So lately there has been a bunch of things going on and it seems like Ciceron is going to be losing his mate/2 kids pretty soon which is everything to him. I am really at a loss of what to do with him should this happen and I am needing suggestions/directions on where he could possibly go. 

Essentially his mate loves another and not him anymore. Finding this out will likely crush him beyond repair so I need ideas to try and prevent him killing himself off after all is said and done. His past has a major part in causing this to happen so I want to try and find an alternate solution as I really do love my boy and his companion Kiara. I'm not quite sure how badly this will affect his caring/loving personality so he may essentially be a completely different character if he finds something to pull him through it. The one thing I do know is that he will not be staying in the Fall's should this happen so he will be an outcast.
Any suggestions are welcome

RE: Help Needed - Blu - 08-17-2015


And then eventually realize that doesn't make him happy with the help of some sweet new lady who heals him

RE: Help Needed - Areli - 08-17-2015


I'm not sure how things will work IC, but I really want things to at least work out with Are.

RE: Help Needed - Destrier - 08-17-2015

Destrier can try and comfort him D: He lost several people near and dear to him in a tragic way.

Crowley can tell him to man up and be evillll~

Or there's Kratos, and who knows how that would go <__<

RE: Help Needed - Dovahkiin - 08-27-2015

@Ciceron He could hang out with Dovahkiin and be friends? She's pretty selfish most of the time but she has a soft spot for cheering up sad guys. Maybe she could help him find a new direction?

RE: Help Needed - Rikyn - 08-27-2015


I will also try to think of something else because I really like Ciceron. D:

RE: Help Needed - Zèklè - 08-27-2015


He could get really sad, have a near-death experience, and then come out of it determined to hurt Parelia as much as possible (emotionally of course).

Orrr he could join the Plague? Offer himself up as a slave to someone? Fly off the handle and start shocking the world? Turn to the gods and become a super religious hermit?

RE: Help Needed - Mauja - 08-27-2015

Anything with Mau/The Edge is always an option too. ^^

RE: Help Needed - Tamme - 08-27-2015

He's welcome to have threads with any of mine :D

RE: Help Needed - Roux - 08-27-2015

He's free to meet DeStefano, who is joining the Falls, or Cheveyo who is also joining the Falls. They could both use friends!

RE: Help Needed - Ashamin - 08-27-2015

-throws in vote for the plague-

He could make it about Pare's species or something, use that as justification to tell himself he didn't really love her. Even if he isn't racist the plague is a good family base for a lot of unicorns, I know Kou wasn't like a violent racist but she had a family there and friends and whatnot.

RE: Help Needed - Thantos - 08-27-2015

He is more than welcome to meet any of my characters. He could try and be a heartbreaker to my mares, or they could help him change herds, Thantos could tell him to man up and find a different purpose in life that doesn't revolve around a mate...

RE: Help Needed - Caleb - 08-27-2015

I second Jen's option! Racist is fun!!!! :DDD or not but basin is open for anything! If you're going to make him become a suave dick stallion, him and Caleb should tag team ;DDDD

RE: Help Needed - Archibald - 08-27-2015

Archibald can tell him to suck it up <.<

but for realz they should thread because (oddly enough) Archi can give some sage advice.

RE: Help Needed - Ciceron - 08-27-2015

Thanks Everyone <3 I love all the options suggested and will try to turn him down the right direction as I love him too much to kill him off. More than willing to thread with anyone at this point with him as I am trying to build back some muse for him.

I will attempt to get up a open thread or two when I can but if anyone else wants to start one just tag him so I will know it's there <3

RE: Help Needed - Evaneska - 08-27-2015

Ahh - I'll help in any way I can. I've stalked your character too much to have him die on me! -coughs- I mean..

Anyway, I have Evaneska (my rift horse) and Nuray. I'm honestly open for anything. So.. use them as you see fit because I am bad with plots? :3