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Plot with Phyre - Printable Version

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Plot with Phyre - Ophyreia - 08-19-2015

This here is Ophyreia, or Phyre!
(click the beautiful pixel for her profile)

I'm looking for some beautiful plots for my rustic girl, in the following areas of interest! She is going to be a member of the World's Edge, she's 4 years old, and she's looking to obtain the magic that she lost in the transition into Helovia. 

HUGE DISCLAIMER: I am the type of writer who likes to tentatively plot out storylines with others. That means I like to set up a vague overview of what we want to happen in the end, and then we progress through the plot completely ICly. This ensures that our characters mesh (or don't mesh) the way we want them to, and that the plot works with them!

Looking for a few lovers - maybe a purely physical fling where they just find each other super hot but can't stand each other for more than an hour at a time, maybe a baby daddy who will end up taking care of the foal more than she will because she will have no idea how to handle it, and I definitely want an end-game monogamous mate for her. Phyre isn't the type of gal to have her heart broken very easily... as much as she's a sucker for some romance, she's also very independent and prides herself on not "needing" another. For the mate, I really want their relationship to be more like life partners, give a little take a little. She will not stand for a knight in shining armor, nor is she a damsel in distress. If you try to coddle her, she will strangle you. I have no requirements for the random loves, but if her mate could end up being a member of the Edge, that would work out well.

Friends! Phyre has an alluring, somewhat intoxicating personality where you just never know what her reaction is going to be. At times she's completely unexpected, headstrong, and utterly frustrating. At other times, she's very understanding, extremely loyal, and even protective. A best friend (must be in the Edge), many "let's hang out" friends, and tons of acquaintances would suit her. She used to be a Chieftess back in her home land, so she's well-versed in socialization. No preferences for genders!

I don't like to use the word enemies, since for a true enemy, there has to be an epic reason... and I can't think of any epic reasons for Phyre to really hate anyone in a land that is so new to her. If you can think of an awesome way to set up an archenemy/rival relationship, please share!!! Otherwise, I'm thinking Phyre could use a few relationships with a lot of tension. Maybe their personalities don't mesh, maybe your character doesn't like unicorns with antlers, maybe Phyre gets jealous of your character's magic abilities because she lost hers... lots of options, throw them at me!

Anything else you can think of that doesn't fall in the above categories? Let's give it a shot!


• LOVER: mate - @Kaj
• CLASH: mutual dislike/grudging respect - @Hotaru
• FRIEND - @Roux
• FRIEND: tentative - @Artorius
• FRIEND: annoyance - @Tiamat
• FRIEND: mutual attraction - @Rohan
• LOVER: baby daddy (maybe?) - @Ilios
• FRIEND - @Jahzara
• FRIEND - respect/trust @Ophelia
• CLASH - @Gull
• CLASH - @Kratos
• OTHER: leader/respect - @Mauja
• FRIEND - @Leeka

RE: Plot with Phyre - Ilios - 08-19-2015

He would be a great friend if the lover part doesn't work out for them <3

RE: Plot with Phyre - Kaj - 08-19-2015

Definitely interested! Kaj would be your best bet for friendship/romantic interest :) but he's very monogamous so it'd be slow going if anything. But he'd love to meet her and at least get to know her!

Hotaru could always meet her for a clash?

RE: Plot with Phyre - Artorias - 08-19-2015

I'm up for throwing Artorias at her :3 I've no clue how they'd interact together, so that's definitely a thing to see? Idk, i just wanna steal her away for something -grabs and runs-

RE: Plot with Phyre - Tiamat - 08-19-2015

I've got two chars to throw your way.

First there's Tiamat, who I tend to have more muse for. She believes herself to be the daughter of the ocean and sky, she's bubbly and upbeat, always happy, and looking for the good in everyone. I feel like Phyre could either enjoy her sincerity (not like a lot of the world) or be completely annoyed by her brightness, or a combination of both! xD

The other is Rohan, who I still enjoy. He's a super flirt, and I see him fitting into the first category...have their fun and be on their way until next time xD he's going to the Edge soon and might stay there long-term, so they'll be close. I'd like for him to fall in love eventually, but I don't really want to plan that out. It'll be a very, very slow process I think haha.

RE: Plot with Phyre - Ophyreia - 08-19-2015

Y'know... I think Ilios x Phyre would make a DANG sexy baby, don't you? I don't know if a long-term relationship would work, since he's two years younger (she may find that annoying) and he's in the Throat while she's in the Edge. And the baby-daddy thing wouldn't work unless you think Ilios would be willing to take care of the baby once it's past weaning... I don't think Phyre is the type to ever get a hang of the whole mothering thing! This is just an idea haha, otherwise they could have a mutual attraction that turns into friends? C:

Oh my goodness Kaj is so handsome! I also think Phyre would be drawn to him because of the position he holds... not because she's a "gold digger," but because she was once in that position and respects the tenacity needed to hold it. Since he's more of a monogamous character... would you wanna tentatively try for them being mates? It would definitely be slow going, since she's in the Edge and he obviously can't leave the Falls... but maybe, if they got to the point of love, she would leave the Edge for him. It'd definitely be interesting to play out...?

Ooooh clashes are always so fun to play out! The friction definitely makes posts interesting to write and read. C: Reading her profile - they're both "firecrackers" so maybe we can find a subject for them to disagree on, and then have a mutual dislike/grudging respect for each other? Ooooh!

Okay so reading Art's personality, I can see them being great friends / protecting each other... once Phyre gets past his appearance, lmao. She comes from a land with mostly earthen-toned horses, so seeing someone who looks so... unnatural... will definitely be a test of her open-mindedness. I do 100% think she'd get past it and then come to really enjoy his company! What do you think?

I think you are spot on when you say Phyre would be a very frustrating mixture of annoyance and appreciation! She could be Tiamat's friend until the point where she buckles and snaps at her, and then a few hours later they're friends again - bubbly personalities tend to be contagious, even to Phyre! <3

Oh wow, Rohan is very handsome! It would be such a fun, refreshing experience to have them be physically attracted to one another, but not be able to stand each other for more than an hour or so at a time (especially with their personalities! it seems as though they may be very similar in that sense, which could cause some tension and headaches). Maybe their attraction could just be the type to cause heat and friction in the air, and then eventually they just have a candid convo with each other and decide enough's enough, and at that point they become friends? We could totally try a long-term thing too, if you're interested! I like slow processes C:

RE: Plot with Phyre - Kaj - 08-19-2015

That's such an interesting point of view! o: I'd definitely like to try that out! He'd definitely make an effort to see her as much as possible despite the distance, so threads being in abundance would be more believable too :) also ahh thank you! She's very beautiful too :D

Once she's out of the Threshold they definitely need to thread!

RE: Plot with Phyre - Artorias - 08-19-2015

@Ophyreia I think the #1 way for us to find out is to thread :3 I'll be posting an open thread with him soon if you'd like to drop in?

RE: Plot with Phyre - Ophyreia - 08-19-2015

Oh man oh man oh man I'm so excited for this. Yes, once she's out of the Threshold I will make a thread for them! It can be her traveling her new world and stumbling into his lands! I'll tag you once my threshold thread is finished and I've got the post up C:

Sounds like a pretty solid plan! I'm in the Threshold right now, so I can't do more than one thread, but after that I'd love to thread with him. Would you wanna make the starting post? I'm already going to do one for ^ Kaj and I suck at them xD

RE: Plot with Phyre - Jahzara - 08-19-2015

I think her and Jahzara may make good friends, shall we see how they hit it off with the Threshold and then back in World's Edge? Jay has been feeling incredibly lonely, all her World's Edge friends have pretty much up and left her, but her loyalty to the Edge keeps her there.

RE: Plot with Phyre - Ilios - 08-19-2015

Dude, he could be 'that guy' that has a baby when he is just a baby lol! He would SO take it for sure as soon as she would let it go he'd have it forever.

RE: Plot with Phyre - Gull - 08-19-2015

If you want clashes, Gull is at your service ;)

RE: Plot with Phyre - Kratos - 08-20-2015

Kratos might be a good one to 'clash' with? :D I can't post him until Green Labyrinth opens up, though, but I'm up for anything!

RE: Plot with Phyre - Mauja - 08-20-2015

Edge means you're bound to run into my boy sooner or later :) I'm a bit of a no-plotter, I just like to set up meetings and see where they go!

RE: Plot with Phyre - Leeka - 08-20-2015

I offer Leeka. From the sounds of it they could get along, but who knows for sure. Since she's going into the Edge I can toss her into your introduction thread and see where it goes from there. If things go well Leeka would be game for giving her a tour of the place afterwards or they could just bump into one another in the woods. Leeka is always exploring and studying the Edge, often making her own hideouts and whatnot.

Leeka could also quest for magic along with her as both their magic require dark.

I'm totally open for whatever, though, so be not afraid to suggest otherwise.

RE: Plot with Phyre - Ophyreia - 08-20-2015

Oh of course they can be friends! I can see their friendship being very... tentative as Jay become more comfortable, Phyre wouldn't want to offend her by accident. It's also kind of sad though, because of things work out between Kaj and Phyre, she'll probably end up going to the Falls, which would mean yet another of Jay's friends leaving ;_;

Hahaha it would definitely be interesting! I'll put it down for a tentative plot C: it definitely depends on whether or not Phyre can see him as mature enough or not, but we'll see how it plays out ICly!

"Reckless" and "pigheaded" - just those two words from his personality lmao, Phyre would get so frustrated with him, if they get to the point of arguing! I'd love to play that out C:

I could definitely see Phyre clashing with him, especially if he's as impassive as his history suggests! She likes excitement and passion about life, and being around him might just make her blood boil lmao. We can definitely try it out!

Oh man I'm completely fine with no-plot! hahaha. I definitely want Phyre to meet her new leader(s). I would also love for her to maybe spar with them/learn from them? She has a high respect for those in a position of power, as she used to be a leader as well.

Yes, it does sound as though they would get along! The introduction thread seems to be heading to a closure, so if you wanna just wait and have us have a thread in the Edge? Otherwise you can totally join the intro thread, it's completely up to you! <3

RE: Plot with Phyre - Mauja - 08-21-2015

Sparring's cool! I'm also eligible to do OOC teaching in case you're interested, otherwise a regular spar is juuust fine ;D