HELOVIA || The Way to the Sun
Babe? - Printable Version

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Babe? - Ilios - 08-26-2015

So I have this idea for Ilios that will not leave me alone xP I want him to have a baby. For the mother, I'd like her to wean it early and maybe not want anything to do with it. She can live in the Throat or not. If it's aThroat lady she can love the baby and him or just get along with him I don't care <3 If you want it to be a secret feel free to pm or hit me up on skype!

RE: Babe? - Ashamin - 08-26-2015

No Regrets

In all seriousness I have no one for this plot but I wish you the best of luck

RE: Babe? - Ilios - 08-26-2015


RE: Babe? - Mortuus Nox - 08-26-2015

Well if he has something to offer adonné she would be more than willing to do that for him :) she kinda will do anything to get something that she needs :)

RE: Babe? - Dovahkiin - 08-26-2015

-shoves Dovahkiin at-

RE: Babe? - Ilios - 08-26-2015

He doesn't have anything to offer and probably wouldn't ask. I just assume it would happen. Maybe could get a hold of some locoweed by accident and become super casanova xD

Now, would anyone want to play an Ilios baby?

RE: Babe? - Areli - 08-26-2015

Cue freakout by Areli ahaha

But if said babbeh happens, can Nasreen awkwardly third wheel around? She's been feeling so useless lately and I need some new plots for her!

RE: Babe? - Dovahkiin - 08-26-2015

Haha, Dovahkiin probably would go for it. She also would be okay with not dealing with the kiddo for very long (would be seen as a burden). She's a rogue, only loyal to herself, and a huge flirt (in a fairly masculine, blunt, in your face sort of way). Obviously she needs a few more posts before she can get pregnant (haven't posted her enough) but that shouldn't be a problem.

As far as playing the baby, my heart says 'YES' but my head isn't convinced. I'd hate to not be active enough with it. D:

RE: Babe? - Mortuus Nox - 08-26-2015

It's up to you :) she could find seething for him to offer ... She has a way of making others addicted to her :) she is a SWP character btw :)

RE: Babe? - Evaneska - 08-28-2015

Depending on when the baby is born I'd love to give it a shot. Unless you find someone better! Let me know <3

RE: Babe? - Zünden - 08-28-2015

O.O Pretty.... From Ilios, "Oh yes, you're shorter than me! Finally!" He would really get a kick out of her <3 I would love if they could meet at least! She would have to have 40 posts before she could breed though. I have to, for the sake of Ilios, make sure they at least kind of get a long. I refuse to force him into anything xD

P.S. I'll take one more mare request before that part is shut down. I do need a player though! If anyone would like to play and Ilios baby please let me know! It'll probably be a month or so before this would happen. It would have all kinds family ties from Ilios's side; Parelia, Areli, Ciceron, Kaj(in Ilios's mind anyway) If we wait until he can get his quest, and get it done, Ilios will have magic to offer. Pare and Ciceron both have magic, one passive and one has active blue fire.

RE: Babe? - Evaneska - 08-28-2015

hi okay i'm claiming this baby. ;D

RE: Babe? - Ilios - 08-31-2015

Any other mare's that might want my stud muffin!?

RE: Babe? - Ilios - 09-22-2015

So I'm poking around for someone that might want to play the foal! It looks like we'll be rolling for stats here before birdsong ends(anyone know when it ends?) and we need a player!