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| lark plots! | - Printable Version

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| lark plots! | - Sabriel - 08-28-2015

Seeing as I’m still pretty new around these parts and I have met a couple people in the cbox now, I’d love to start meeting all these cool characters I hear about (and secretly snoop upon)! Also my two gals need something to get their wheels spinning.
Six year old unicorn mare (soon to be) of the World’s Edge

Socially inept is at the forefront of Sabriel’s personality. Having been raised in near isolation most of her life with only her mother as constant company, the mare was never gifted the opportunity to understand social cues. She’s blunt without meaning to offend and entirely oblivious when she manages to hurt the feelings of another. In most cases she’s an awkward mess with a strong (stubborn) will and a messed up fight or flight mechanism that seems random at best.
friends, unavoidably, any outside contact will shell-shock her but it’s a necessary sacrifice for her personal development. she’s at least come to terms with the fact that she can’t go back to being a forest hermit, so that’s a start. gentle faces with feelings that are hard to hurt are well sought after, but patience is an added bonus as it’s a virtue sabriel often seems to lack. and lessons on social graces can only do her good.
enemies, aside from a few unintentionally hurt feelings, sabriel isn’t really malicious at all. all her enemies would have to be the aggressor, but she’s painfully naïve so if someone wanted to play on that weakness the ball is fully in your court. she’ll always fall for the wolf in sheep’s clothing so be cunning, for sabriel will lash out with blind violence at anything that moves too fast.
lovers, love is not something sabriel has ever considered and it’s something that will inevitably confuse her. she’ll be painfully awkward and it’s unlikely that she’ll ever be a conventional lover, but I’d love to find her a mate that can handle her. a child is also somewhere in sabriel’s future, whether or not it comes from her mate is up to the quality of the plot.
other, any other plots/ideas that don’t fit into the standard friends/enemies/lovers are also free to be tossed in! i’m really open with my plots and if it’s a fun plot that might push me and my characters out of the box a bit, i don’t mind some harm/damage/etc coming into play.
Four year old equinexviper hybrid from the Rift

Atheris was created to be the weapon of a twisted, corrupt god. Brainwashed into blind devotion she became his own personal assassin, killing many – including her own parents. She eventually became disillusioned but she’s haunted by her own actions and by the god that maliciously used her as a marionette. Plagued both by fear and body tremors, Atheris has become a pro at living in dark places. She’s got a natural tendency toward violence and a self-loathing disposition.

friends, it takes a special type to befriend the broken assassin. atheris will fight tooth and nail against companionship despite desperately needing it. she’s angry nearly all of the time that she’s not wrought with paranoia and friendship with her will be far from instant gratification.
enemies, i imagine there will be quite a few of these. while under the influence of the mad god in the rift, she killed quite a few individuals. i’d love to plot with other rift-based characters where perhaps atheris killed someone they knew – parents, siblings, lovers, friends, whoever – it’d make for some interesting enemy plots, i imagine. after the swp gets going, i’m also planning on atheris falling into a routine where she kills for hire.
lovers, loving atheris will be exponentially more difficult than befriending her. at this point in her character development i can’t imagine her having a happy ending. with that being said if you have a fun plot idea, definitely throw it at us!
other, like mentioned above, i would love to get some plots with other rift characters that atheris might have bumped into or hurt/killed someone they knew. i would also love to get a feel for if anyone might have a use for a girl that’s only ever known how to be a weapon. and of course, any other ideas are welcome to be offered!

RE: | lark plots! | - Thantos - 08-28-2015

-throws any of mine characters at-

There is Thantos, my dragon peg stallion that is a former Captain of the Guard of his herd in the Rift. He is respectful, blunt, honest, and I really want to get him out there.

I also have Morrigan and Jahzara, both equine mares. Morrigan is a healer for Dragon's Throat, and needs some more action in her life because she has been kind've boring lately, lol.

Jahzara is in the World's Edge and has the mental capacity of a yearling, and is schizophrenic and has various hallucinations. She needs friends right now, as she's been feeling lost in the Edge lately.

RE: | lark plots! | - Eden - 08-28-2015

Eden will be happy to meet either one of your characters ^^

RE: | lark plots! | - Mortuus Nox - 08-28-2015

You could meet my demonic voice hearing boy and I have adonné who is my swp girl ,that well she is her own needless to say lol

RE: | lark plots! | - Caleb - 08-30-2015

throws caleb the manslut at