HELOVIA || The Way to the Sun
SWP :: What's mine is mine (Part I) - Printable Version

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RE: SWP :: What's mine is mine (Part I) - Megaera - 09-05-2015

The anger and incredulity simmered in the Sunspear’s heart as she watched the violet harridan. Words dripped from her mouth but there was a simple kind of rage ringing that filled Megaera’s ears and all she heard from the Goddess’s lips was disdain and disgust. She hates us, hates mortals. She grinds us to dust and then scorns us for dirtying her hands with blood. And for one horrid moment, Meg felt quite alone on the sidelines, faced with a force she had no power to stop, but then Ampere was there. When the Gladiator pressed her side, Meg leaned in to press back; perhaps they knew little on each other’s past but there was the beginning of a deep well of respect forming between the two. I have your back if you have mine. And then Maren was beside them, and Aithniel too, and for a moment the four desert women stood, shoulder to shoulder, united in distaste and disapproval. In that one moment, Megaera might has done the wise thing and turned away, motioned to the other three and headed home with all their lives and bodies intact; but moments are only beautiful stills in the raging onslaught of time, and no one moment can define a life or save it.

The gathering did not stop. Body upon body crammed into the vicinity to witness the Goddess and these newcomers. Some were known and others new, some loved and some hated but one thing became very clear to Megaera; the number of faces that stared daggers at the Goddess. ”Damn, I hate her…” she heard Aithniel whisper and a thought flickered to life in the back of Meg’s mind, if so many were united against the goddess, maybe they could rid Helovia of her looming shadow. “You’re not alone in that…” Meg murmured darkly to the ashen warrior. Black eyes scanned the crowd, trying to count how many might stand against  her when a body moved. A gold-dusted mare charged forward, Aurelia the shit-starter, but the Goddess turned on her and she was gone, then within a matter of seconds a black mare was gone as well. Invisible? Banished? Dead? Meg could only speculate but neither option was acceptable. No, she would fight the Moon when the Sun was behind her, only his light would one day strip out her shadow, and today, she wanted none of her family to risk themselves for nothing. 

”You dare think you can take from me?”

The whispered words sent a chill into Meg’s heart, and her hatred was all but forgotten when the shadow the the great wolf loomed out of the darkness. The Goddess had been arrogant but the wolf was crazed. the Goddess was fearsome but the Wolf was terrible.

And then chaos reigned…

The surge of bodies from and in all directions left the Sultana momentarily frozen. This time, this one time where she had not wanted to fight, it had erupted around her. She was a warrior, a soldier but for the first time she could not immediately throw herself into the fray because she at once had too many enemies and none. For Megaera, there had always been a black and a white, a good and bad, a right side and a wrong side but here in the heat they melted together. 

The goddess she hated but still she was familiar the wolf and his spectral doubles were the foreign threat, the unknown.

The wolf was a likely target but the part of Meg that had raged at the Goddess wished it would cleave her in two. Meg should wish it well in it’s endeavor but she saw Tandavi bloom in a ball of light in its path. Faces that she knew attacked the Goddess, screaming revenge for lost loved ones, and in her heart she felt they were justified. She could fling herself with them, with Ophelia and her sister and Archibald, who she had met in battle so recently, but it was her friend Ampere that moved to block their path and how could she attack her friend? And though she still felt him, Gwaihir seemed the most distant he had ever been through their connection and though she tried to call our to him, to make him stay where the young eagle would beside, he would not respond. He soared from her shoulders to where he thought they both would go but she had not yet seen; to shield a tiny white figure that darted between a sea of fighting bodies. Megaera had no clear option when she wanted to attack and defend at the same time. When an enemy of your enemy was your friend but your friend was a friend of the enemy what choice was left to you but to lay down your arms and take the blade that aimed itself for you. Second after second she stood transfixed, her features and inscrutable mask of horror and rage. Here muscle in her body was tout and ready for action but her mind would not allow it. 

This was wrong. This was all so wrong.

A blade flashed through the air and it drew the Sunspear’s eyes like a moth to flame. There he was, that smirking golden stallion who had groveled so grotesquely and the Goddess’s feet. Meg had seen him do it. She had watched him jump to defend the bitch she hated. She had watched him try to steal Aithniel’s magic from the air and redirect it away from his mistress. And now she saw him swinging his double-ended blade like a hurricane and where he was is where they would be. Cera was falling from the sky and Ranjiri was running towards the goddess and Ampere was running at Ktulu and she saw flashes of Tandavi and of Aithniel beyond, all seemed like they would come in range of the golden man and his blade. Megaera latched onto that thought, that motivation, like dying man in the desert grasps for water. An immediate threat with immediate consequences.

She moved like never before, throwing herself into the kind of oblivion that only battle can bring. Black flints dug themselves into the earth and wings beat once, twice, three times. Anything to increase her speed and momentum and she threw herself towards Thranduil. Knock him down. Take him out. Stop his blade. Anything. When she reach him she did not slow, only raised her great wings to keep them out of her way as she threw herself almost sideways towards him. It was her leather to his metal, her bone spikes against his steel ones, and her body against his, and as she sailed through the air in her final leap, she reached his his weapon with her steelbound jaws. 

this also has been one of the dark places of the earth

Team Don't-Touch-My-Throatlingscause nothing else makes sense right now, seriously so much chaos

Mentions: @Cera @Ranjiri @Ampere @Tandavi @Aithniel @Thranduil @Erthë
Notes: Meg is wearing her armor
Summary: Meg is bitchfacing the Goddess hardcore then BAM! Wolf!! The battle starts and for a few moments Meg is frozen, feeling torn in every direction. Gwaihir flys to Erthë and follows her, trying to stay about a foot above her back to shield her. Meg spots Thranduil and latches onto the lack of moral ambiguity of him as an opponent. Attacks, trying to throw her body into his to knock him off balance or toward the jaws of the Wolf God. She reaches to try and take his polearm from him.

RE: SWP :: What's mine is mine (Part I) - Silas - 09-05-2015

The solitary stallion roamed the area. His graceful posture rivalling his rotting appearance. Cold air travelled into his nostrils. Many strange scents filled up his senses, activating his alert system. Pale eyes scanned the area but nothing could be seen. As Silas continued to roam the scents became stronger and noises began to corrupt the eternal silence. His rotten body was well hidden in the green tones that graced the labyrinth, poisoned with fog. Words began to reach his ears. It was strange. Hearing words brought out strange emotions from within him.

Once his large, graceful frame appeared out of the fog he began to notice them. Fighting figures, shouting and anger filled the air. Images from his past began flashing in front of his eyes, ripping open wounds hidden to everyone except Silas. He had heard only a fraction of the ongoing argument. But he heard enough.

Silas would not fight, he would observe. His fighting days were over. However, if he would be forced, he would not hesitate to shake off the rust that had gathered on his bones throughout the years of immortality. His features hardened as he became more alert than ever in his solitary life. If someone would dare close enough to the rotting stallion he would not hesitate to protect himself. Wherever this Goddess came from and whatever she spoke of, it sounded better than the greed spilling from the Wolf’s mouth. Silas had signed himself out of politics a long time ago, but whether he was hopeful or not, of improvement in his life, he would side with the newcomers.

Summary: Silas is just roaming around and observing, he does not participate in the actual fighting, however, if threatened he will not hesitate to fight.

RE: SWP :: What's mine is mine (Part I) - Torleik - 09-05-2015


He'd fought on the side of Helovia, saved his woman from harm, and received intimacy as a return gift from her for...being himself, he supposed. Everything in those moments had been perfect as they could be - and as life is wont to do, it barely lasted. Every step was painful, covered in these boils as he was and Torleik couldn't help but wonder if he had given this to Ophelia, or maybe she'd given it to him. She traveled so much, was gone so often...
A deep frown creased his lips. No; he mustn't think that way. They'd both began showing symptoms at the same time which means it whatever this was had been incubating within them equally. Was it punishment for even fighting when that bear demon clawed through the rift? Was it fallout from whatever foul magics the beast had used, from what the Time God had done? The Bloodskald just wanted it to go away. Irelyn had tracked Ophelia from the air once the mare had wandered off, yet again (they really needed to have a damn talk about this), so Torleik had followed, and found himself in another new place. 
This wasn't going to end well if the Helovian deities kept thieving lands from other gods. Make enough enemies and you're bound to be killed, he thought. But who was he, a mere mortal, to question their work? Some bitter sarcasm with his day was necessary, especially given his painful physical state. Thus it came as very little surprise to him that the Moon Goddess was here, and only slightly more of a shock that another foreign god seemed to rip itself through the very sky and try to attack Helovia and its inhabitants. Superstitious as he was, Torleik was a hardy adapter and having seen this once left him rather unimpressed the second time around. 
Repressed anger bubbled under the surface, wondering if he'd find Ophelia fighting at Mauja's side. Wouldn't shock him, since he'd found her surrounded by the Time God and the Polkadotted fuck last time. Seemed like every time he couldn't find her, all he had to do was set his soul to go looking for something with a dick and there she would be. A head-splitting screech rammed through his thoughts, Irelyn angry with him for descending to such dramatic, unflattering depths and his soul winced. His companion was right. He was letting his physical pain and his insecurities warp his thoughts into vile mis-truths. But weren't they grounded in some manner of reality? It wasn't untrue Phi wandered. Incessantly. It wasn't untrue that it was common he found her amongst other men, or with someone like Gaucho. It wasn't untrue that he found her with Mauja far more often than he wanted. 
Would she see any of it as valid, or would she dismiss him as an insecure little whelp? 
Didn't matter now. There was a goddamn wolf trying to murder them all. A flash of black and bronze, so familiar, caught his attention and the Bloodskald was shocked to see Ulrik in this fray. Ulrik hated the Moon Goddess. Right? Ulrik hated everything. Why was his cousin stationary? Glassy blue eyes, brain foggy from the pain, observed as best they could and a sudden flicker, a flash of Phi, and everything made sense. What was Phi doing? Was Ulrik...keeping her safe? 
A begrudging and deep love for his socially inept cousin shored up his senses against the agonizing boils and the Bloodskald picked his way through the chaos. He didn't care about anyone else right now. He couldn't. Let them fight their fucking battle with each other. He had a set of objectives to accomplish here, everyone else and their flailing loyalties be damned. 
"Woman one of these days you're going to wander into a battle without me, I won't be able to save you, and I will lose you," Torleik growled, truly upset, to Phi since he knew she could hear his thoughts. "Is that how  you would like us to end?" Drawing near to the Engineer, he neglected to touch him for fear of transmitting this foul disease. "Ulrik, thank the gods you're here to protect my woman when it seems I cannot," he snapped, glaring at the flickering apparition of Ophelia. She was bleeding again. And his temper snapped. Putting his muzzle on her neck he shoved, rather forcefully. "Stop it! You haven't recovered from the last time and you will do more damage than any healer I can find could mend!" 
Out of obligation to aid the goddess he had pledged himself to, but knowing he was physically hampered, Torleik turned his anger to his magic and summoned a violent ice storm directly over the interloping wolf god. Whether it did any damage remained to be seen. Irelyn wanted to fight and trilled at him mentally but he vehemently commanded her to stay in the sky. Wolves were dangerous enough when they weren't deities. 
That he was even here fueled the rage that kept his magic flowing, pounding wave after wave of ice down to the ground. At this point, he didn't care who got hurt. They all deserved it for one reason or another; no one was perfect. 



Team Fuck Everyone, I Don't Care Anymore (aka Phi stop this shit, thanks Ulrik, okay fine I'll help you out Moony)
Summary: Grumps to this gathering, grumps through the crowd of bitches fighting, grumps up to Phi, SHOVES Phi because woman wtf stop this shit, remembers some form of manners and thanks bro-Ulrik for protecting his woman, then says fuck it, sure, I'll pelt the Wolf God with ice. Why not. I hate you all. Except you Ulrik. And Phi I love you but I'm really mad at you right now. >.> 

RE: SWP :: What's mine is mine (Part I) - Isopia - 09-05-2015

Like Aithniel, for a moment Isopia was crippled by indecision. As the Goddess cried for them to work together, the earth child felt compelled - but quickly the voices of those who had been wronged and effected by the Goddess' actions crumbled her resolve.

What should she do?

Like her fiery cousin Isopia felt her duty was to bring balance to the world. She was not purely mortal like the rest of them, nor was she a God. That middle ground was her jurisdiction and duty - yet it wasn't prescriptive. It didn't tell her what she ought to do here in order to achieve the balance that she clung to. On the one hand, the earthen child believed that the Goddess' actions were not as wrong as most believed. Death came to all. Surely Archibald didn't feel such hostility towards his companion when she killed something to eat it? And yet the mice and other small creatures that she assumed Loretta ate surely had families of their own? Children and loved ones who grieved over their deaths? Yet the murder was necessary. Was it not so with the Goddess? But then ... perhaps their anger was also necessary. Surely the Goddess didn't believe everyone would just allow her actions to stand? Perhaps this was all apart of her plan too. 

As Aithniel cast her judgement (and a fireball) upon the Goddess, Isopia turned away. She had questions for her ashen cousin, but they would have to wait. 

Isopia hurtled a wall of earth after Aithiniel's fireball as it screamed towards the wolf. She wanted to intensify the heat by forcing it forward with the earth, but also to have the heat harden the mud and rocks which accompanied it. The resulting effect, she hoped, would be a more focused heat accompanied by scalding hot rocks.

TEAM GODDESS (ish) aka attack the wolf

Iso uses her earth magic to accompany @Aithniel 's fireball directed at the wolf. 

Image Credits

RE: SWP :: What's mine is mine (Part I) - Gaucho - 09-05-2015

With fire to keep us warm, and tools we made from rocks and bones

Gaucho stared lifelessly back at Archibald. He had had enough of the draft's seething stares for a lifetime. Either he needed to settle his score with Gaucho, or he needed to drop it. Frankly, Gaucho didn't care which he chose, so long as it fucking ended.

Still, Gaucho couldn't bring his gaze to find Ampere's. He had settled into a comfortable numbness since the last time he saw her - when she collapsed (at his own doing) into the sand at his hooves. He had been overcome with a tide of love for her then, and in it he had drowned. He had allowed himself to sink away from the light, into the cold numbing darkness. She had made it clear on more than one occasion, that he was not what she wanted. Yet uncharacteristically, he had gone back to her. Allowed his flame to burn brightly for her, time and time again.

But no more. For once, the Wildfire couldn't take the heat.

As magic erupted around him - much of it aimed at the Goddess, Gaucho snarled with disapproval. He had as much reason to want to seek revenge as the rest of them, and yet he knew where his priorities lay. Not for the first time Archibald proved that he wasn't the leader he claimed to be - he continued to place his emotions and personal vendettas above the safety of those around him. As his magic ricocheted outwards Gaucho turned away, mumbling something under his breath. The Goddess was a threat to be sure, but she could wait. Gaucho wasn't about to let his assembled herd, nor those around him, fall victim to the Wolf-God because he was too selfish or stupid to ignore the more immediate threat. 

But Archibald apparently wasn't the only one with unprioritized motives. Ophelia too seemed more intent on the Goddess - and even Aithniel cast an orb of fire in her direction (though sent another towards the wolf). Gaucho snorted, nodding approvingly. 

Fire bloomed from Gaucho. Three firey-wolves bleed from his antlers even as his wings beat an arc of fire outwards, all aimed at the wolf and its shadowy companions. 

Gaucho is team kill the wolf (aka get your priorities straight).  Throws lots of fire at the wolf. 

RE: SWP :: What's mine is mine (Part I) - Jaeger - 09-05-2015

you can't offer your poison to me
in your kingdom of filth

Lungs burn with effort as massive body crashes through the smogless arena, bamboo slapping against his hide as hooves thunder through the moist earth and kick mud up against his flanks. Lantern orange eyes are wild, ears disappearing backwards into the thick curls of his forelock and wind-tangled mane. Sweat flecks on his shoulders and flanks, threatening foam as he charges onward towards their meeting spot. It had been so simple, his mind agonizes, and he hates himself for how afraid he feels in that moment. This was never supposed to happen. This, whatever this was...Wrath was supposed to be there with Kratos if anything like this went down. His skin crawls with the undeniable allure of magic, and his nostrils are flared and tinged with red as his eyes succumb to ivory. 

Wrath does not love. Wrath is fury and carnage and strict, militaristic precision. He does not falter, his only weakness his mortality.

But Jaeger...Jaeger loves. It's a shitty kind of love, what he offers, and he's never deluded himself of that. But Kratos, the stubborn little shit, had somehow buried himself deep into the withered folds of Jaeger's heart. And he fears for the first time in his life, because this is something huge - apocalyptic. The thought of losing Kratos is terrifying, and he is roiling with his fear, so profound and alien to him. He'd risked everything to get Kratos away from their fucked up world, and if it had done nothing but lead him into danger...he'd never be able to forgive himself. 

He comes upon chaos.

It's sad to say he's used to it, that his body thrums with adrenaline and his mind sharpens as the battlefield writhes before him like a sentient being. And there amongst them, he sees Kratos get thrust through the air, seeming to collide with another pair of beasts. Jaeger's mind goes a little blank with fury, and in his eyes the Goddess is nothing but another disease ridden parasite, just like all the other Gods that he has ever known. He doesn't know anything else, he has arrived too late to be given the knowledge that she is actually one of the good ones. All he can feel is disgust, watching as the wolf god and its shadowy minions terrorize and spread throughout the land like an infection. "KRATOS!" he bellowed, momentary pause behind him as his legs thunder across the ground as if he draws the chariot of the finest hunters behind him into the battle. But he has taught Kratos everything he knows, or at least a decent part of it. It is a conflict, a warzone in his chest. Wrath wins out.

There are two of us and two of them. Think, Jaeger. 

He diverts from his path.

Wrath charges for one of the replica wolves, eyes flashing and head lowered to try and smash into its side, hoping to get it to the ground where his massive hooves could finish the job.

Let us get through this alive, he thought grimly.

Image Credit
Code: Time & Neo


Tries to ram into one of the wolf replicas with his horns

RE: SWP :: What's mine is mine (Part I) - Random Event - 09-07-2015

Team MG
DAMAGE DEALT || 9 = Slices a large clean wound across the wolf's stomach.
DAMAGE TAKEN  || even = is stabbed by Ode (minor would on haunches).

Team MG
DAMAGE DEALT || 4 = The hurricane unsteadies the wolf making it vulnerable to other attacks.
DAMAGE TAKEN  || odd = no damage taken

Team MG
DAMAGE DEALT || 9 = together Aaron and Alana succeed at taking out one of the shadow wolves who was also trying to attack the Goddess
DAMAGE TAKEN  || even = both receive superficial burns from the acid.

Team MG
DAMAGE DEALT || 3 = the wolf is able to avoid the attack.
DAMAGE TAKEN  || even = one of the shadow wolves knock him over as it races by to attack someone else.

Team MG
DAMAGE DEALT || 2 =Collides with Aviya due to the fog.
DAMAGE TAKEN  || even = Injures his shoulder.

Team MG
DAMAGE DEALT || 3 = Tries to block Ktulu's attack, but fails.
DAMAGE TAKEN  || odd = takes no damage

DAMAGE DEALT || 7 = Aviya's fog encases the battlefield. It succeeds in aiding aaron/alana blocking the wolf, but it also obscures many other attacks.
DAMAGE TAKEN  || even = Aviya collides with Ashamin, who was also trying to attack the wolf. Injures her shoulder.

Team MG - contest winner
DAMAGE DEALT || 10 - A shadow wolf intercepts Erthe's attack - however the pain that ricochets through it causes enough distraction in the main wolf, that three other shadow wolves explode
DAMAGE TAKEN  || odd - takes no damage.

Team MG
DAMAGE DEALT || 7 = Shadow succeeds in hitting the wolf
DAMAGE TAKEN  || even = acid sprays up and burns her forelegs.

Team MG
DAMAGE DEALT || 8 = The spike and chest-slam are successful!
DAMAGE TAKEN  ||  even = however acid from the wolf's jaws burn Volterra's shoulder.

Team MG
DAMAGE DEALT || 3 = Erthe remains unharmed, but the wolf avoids your attack.
DAMAGE TAKEN  ||  even = you stumble, injuring your leg.

Team MG
DAMAGE DEALT || 1 = The wolf has been knocked back by  Volterra's earth-spike. You end up painfully grabbing a clump of earth.
DAMAGE TAKEN  ||  even = your feet are painfully bruised by rocks.

Team MG
DAMAGE DEALT || 6 = Charges at ARCHIBALD's shoulder, knocking into him.
DAMAGE TAKEN  ||  odd= takes no damage.

Team MG
DAMAGE DEALT || 2 - ODE's attack for Naray is blocked by the icewall and hits you.
DAMAGE TAKEN  ||  odd = his horn slashes against your shoulder.

Team MG
DAMAGE DEALT || Will be successful in healing
DAMAGE TAKEN  || odd =  No damage taken.

Team MG
DAMAGE DEALT || 9 = Sun magic explodes on back and causes damage
DAMAGE TAKEN  || Even = the vapour from the exploded shadow-wolf causes excessive coughing and blurred vision temporarily.

Team MG
DAMAGE DEALT || 4 = bruises the back leg 
DAMAGE TAKEN  || Even = Receives minor burns from the wolf's acidic blood.

Team Anti-God
DAMAGE DEALT || 6 = Companion tears a smoke wolf to pieces. Ktulu's magic is ineffective against the Goddess as it is dark/wind (her elements)
DAMAGE TAKEN  || Even = Is cut on the shoulder deeply by THRANDUIL. Blasted backwards by the Goddess

Team MG
DAMAGE DEALT || 7 = cuts wolf's stomach with horns 
DAMAGE TAKEN  || Even = some of the blood gets on you and you burn

Team MG
DAMAGE DEALT || 4 = spark magic hits Loretta as she lunges to attack
DAMAGE TAKEN  || odd =  No damage taken.

Team Wolf
DAMAGE DEALT || 4 = stabs Elsa in the shoulder (minor wound)
DAMAGE TAKEN  || Even = you get shoved by Tembovu and kicked by Crystarius in the leg

Team Anti-God
DAMAGE DEALT || 9 = tremor magic upsets everyone nearby - causing three shadow wolves to spontaneously combust. Knocks into the Moon Goddess, but her magic shields her.
DAMAGE TAKEN  || Even = is kicked by KNOX on the back causing heavy bruising and lacerations. Blasted backwards by the Goddess

Team MG
DAMAGE DEALT || 10 = Stabs the wolf's left shoulder 
DAMAGE TAKEN  || odd =  No damage taken.

Team MG
DAMAGE DEALT || 3 = the wolf avoids your attack
DAMAGE TAKEN  || odd =  No damage taken.

Team MG
DAMAGE DEALT || 1 = Crit miss, you get knocked out of the sky by the wolf's tail
DAMAGE TAKEN  || odd =  You land hard and crimp wing feathers

Team MG
DAMAGE DEALT || 10 = pierces a lung
DAMAGE TAKEN  || Even = blood splashes your face and burns your eyes

Team MG
DAMAGE DEALT || 8 = Slashes open skin in groin area to expose back ribs
DAMAGE TAKEN  || odd =  No damage taken.

Team anti-god
DAMAGE DEALT || 7 = Invisibility fails since the rank magic is granted by the Goddess. Succeeds in removing only the memories the Goddess has currently focused at Ophelia: The Goddess temporarily forgets her anger and feelings of frustration towards Ophelia.
DAMAGE TAKEN  || odd = No damage - shoved out of the way by Torleik

Team MG
DAMAGE DEALT || 10 = attacks ARCHIBALD and kicks his back, causing heavy bruising and cuts, Manhattan grabs onto the Wolf God's flayed flank
DAMAGE TAKEN  || Even = When you land, you twist a fetlock, Manhattan is burned

Team MG
DAMAGE DEALT || 3 = Magic isn't successful in bolstering Vitani's attack.
DAMAGE TAKEN  || Even = Hotaru is thrown slightly by her own hurricane winds

Team anti-god
DAMAGE DEALT || 3 = Magic is hardly effective since it includes the Goddess' magic (dark). She only makes regular vapour.
DAMAGE TAKEN  || even = Is blasted backwards by the Goddess.

Team MG
DAMAGE DEALT || 8 = you shove ODE and slice open a deeper cut on the wolf's belly
DAMAGE TAKEN  || Even = blood rains on you and you get burned

Team anti-MG
DAMAGE DEALT || 4 = Ends up hitting a shadow wolf and partially taking it out - but also knocks into Ranjiri
DAMAGE TAKEN  || Even = Injuries due to knocking into Ranjiri.

Team MG
DAMAGE DEALT || Will be successful in healing
DAMAGE TAKEN  || odd =  No damage taken.

Team MG
DAMAGE DEALT || 1 = gets hit out of the sky by Wolf's nose
DAMAGE TAKEN  || Even = you land roughly and sprain a leg

Team anti-MG
DAMAGE DEALT || 2 = takes friendly fire from Aithniel's fireball
DAMAGE TAKEN  || Even = Burns on shoulder. Blasted backwards by the Goddess

Team MG
DAMAGE DEALT || 2 = tries to shove mooney out of the way and takes damage from Cera
DAMAGE TAKEN  || Even = is kicked by Cera in the neck

Team anti-MG
DAMAGE DEALT || 3 = moon god avoids your horn stab
DAMAGE TAKEN  || Even =Blasted backwards by the Goddess

Team MG/protect Phi
DAMAGE DEALT || 4 = Kirchoff manages a small bite to the wolf's foreleg, Haldir's magic affects Ulrik
DAMAGE TAKEN  || odd =  No damage taken.

MESEC (demi)
Team MG
DAMAGE DEALT || 9 = destroys the shadow wolf near Aviya
DAMAGE TAKEN  || odd =  No damage taken.

Team MG
DAMAGE DEALT || Will be successful in healing
DAMAGE TAKEN  || odd =  No damage taken.

Team anti-MG
DAMAGE DEALT || 7 = Slightly burns the Goddess, and also burns Kratos. Fireball shot towards the wolf hits a shadow wolf instead.
DAMAGE TAKEN  || Even = Is shoved out of the way by the Moon Goddess' blast.

Team MG
DAMAGE DEALT || 7 = Sends a shadow beast limping away with her kick
DAMAGE TAKEN  || odd =  No damage taken.

Team MG
DAMAGE DEALT || 8 = Knocks a leg out from under the wolf with his horns
DAMAGE TAKEN  || Even = the bruised leg  comes back down and steps on you

Team MG
DAMAGE DEALT || 7 = Natraj burns the wolf's feet and Tandavi's sun singes the wolf's nose
DAMAGE TAKEN  || odd =  No damage taken.

Team MG
DAMAGE DEALT || Does nothing
DAMAGE TAKEN  || odd =  No damage taken.

Team MG
DAMAGE DEALT || Will be successful in healing
DAMAGE TAKEN  || odd =  No damage taken.

Team MG
DAMAGE DEALT || 3 = the wolf avoided your attack
DAMAGE TAKEN  || Even =  The sun blinds you, so the wolf manages to shove you out of the way, causing bruising

Team MG
DAMAGE DEALT || 5 = Kicks ode in the leg
DAMAGE TAKEN  || Even = Gets caught in the fray and slips

Team MG
DAMAGE DEALT || 8 = manages to slice Ktulu's  shoulder with his weapon and Haldir's magic affects Ulrik, has polearm wrestled from him by MEGAERA
DAMAGE TAKEN  || Even = scorpion hits Haldir and zaps him

Team MG
DAMAGE DEALT || 3 = the wolf avoided your attack
DAMAGE TAKEN  || odd =  No damage taken.

Team MG
DAMAGE DEALT || 2 = takes fire from AITHNIEL as she tries to attack moon god
DAMAGE TAKEN  || Even = you are burned by aithniel

Team MG
DAMAGE DEALT || 4 = mists guard moon goddess from some of Aithniel's fire
DAMAGE TAKEN  || Odd = No damage taken.

Team MG
DAMAGE DEALT || 4 = stabs the wolf's hip
DAMAGE TAKEN  || Even = burned by wolf blood

Team MG
DAMAGE DEALT || 5 = grabs onto Thranduil's weapon and wrestles it from him
DAMAGE TAKEN  || Even = gets stabbed in the process in the foreleg

Team MG
DAMAGE DEALT || Does nothing
DAMAGE TAKEN  || odd =  No damage taken.

Team MG
DAMAGE DEALT || 6 = shoves Phi out of the way his ice magic rains on the wolf, freezing him a little
DAMAGE TAKEN  || Even = takes damage from wolf god blood being sprayed his way (burns)

Team MG
DAMAGE DEALT || 6 = Combined magic with Aithniel's fire damages the wolf
DAMAGE TAKEN  || odd =  No damage taken.

Team MG
DAMAGE DEALT || 9 = Gaucho's fire magic burns one of the wolf's eyes out
DAMAGE TAKEN  || odd =  No damage taken.

Team MG
DAMAGE DEALT || 10 = destroys two of the wolf replicas with his horns
DAMAGE TAKEN  || Even = skin necrosis starts to eat away at his face

RE: SWP :: What's mine is mine (Part I) - God of the Moon - 09-07-2015

Continuing here: http://helovia.net/showthread.php?tid=20678

RE: SWP :: What's mine is mine (Part I) - Random Event - 09-07-2015

@Cera has contracted the BFB from Ranjiri.