HELOVIA || The Way to the Sun
[O] There's no place like home. [JOINING] - Printable Version

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There's no place like home. [JOINING] - Areli - 09-08-2015

Do you still believe in love, I wonder?

Eveleen. That’s what the angel mare had called herself, and as she trotted along the narrow deer run, passing back through the less friendly shadows of the Deep Forest, Areli was glad to have her along for company. Traveling with another, especially one larger and older than herself, set the filly at ease, and she had no difficulty chattering away as they moved towards home. It was unclear how much Eveleen could hear or understand, for most of the deer trail only allowed one pegasus to pass at a time; and since Areli was leading the way, most of her conversation was called back over her shoulder. Much of her talk was trivial anyway, as the girl liked to flit from subject to subject with wild abandon, often assuming that poor Eveleen would know what she was talking about. But the mare seemed so quiet that the filly took full advantage of the situation. These days, it was rare that she had someone’s undivided attention, and Areli spent the better part of the hour’s journey babbling on about Bee’s quirks and her excitement about flying.

As they drew closer to the Falls, however, the girl’s train of thought shifted and the monologue turned to more useful topics. Picking her way along the familiar trails of the steep border cliffs, she smiled to see the herdlands spread out in the valley below when they reached the summit. From all around came the sound of the water roaring, and now she had to shout to be heard. “This is it,” she told Eveleen, gesturing with a wing to their surroundings. “Mama should be around here somewhere, but maybe we’ll run into someone else.” Brightening, she thought of the gentle king who often patrolled these borders. “Kaj might see us,” she mused, looking over at the snowy mare. “He’s one of our kings. Sometimes I see him around here—I think he likes to be where he can see everything, too.”
OOC: Joining thread! Open to anyone who wants to say hi or who can accept her c:


Image Credit || coding by Tamme


RE: There's no place like home. [JOINING] - Brisa - 09-08-2015

If Love Were Food, I Would Have Starved On The Bones You Gave Me.” .

For most of the morning so far the white mare's time had been preoccupied trying to figure out what on earth to do to the remaining pieces of rooms that the past herd had started. It was difficult to tell what they were supposed to be in the first place but from what she had gathered it had been quite the project. Her limited Helovian history remembered vaguely the rumour of something otherwise known as a sensory deprivation room. While she could see the useful points of something like it she also could see the torture it could provide to those who entered its confines. Uneasy with the whole torture chamber kind of idea she chose to focus on it being just a room for now until she was forced to dig deeper into the concept. Parts of the walls and floor seemed to have been finished but there was still much to do in order to complete the project. It was too bad that there had not been any plans or blueprints sketched to give them a rough idea as to how it should look when it was finished. Maybe she would have to track down some of the prior crafters to see if they remembered anything she mused turning away from the unfinished piece of Fall's/Foothill's  history. Now if only she could track down her son maybe they could begin gathering some stones and such to at least get some materials together.

As she walked her eyes scanned for the ever so familiar figure of her baby, well he wasn't really a baby anymore but she would always think of him in that kind of sense. Pricking her ears at the sound of voices she headed in that direction hoping that it might turn out to be Aeolus and a friend. Emerging from the brush her eyes fell upon a young pegasus and another she did not recognize as being from around here. If she was correct the vibrant energetic girl was Parelia's daughter but she could not recall her name as per her normal forgetfulness when it came to names. Faces she could remember with ease but putting names to them.. ya that took a lot longer. Nickering a warm greeting to the girls she moved forward to meet them rather than just acting as if she had not seen them. Parelia's daughter was around Aeolus's age perhaps she might know where he had gotten to. 


Credits: Whit's tables were an inspiration | Coding by Schwartze | Image

@Areli , @Eveleen

RE: There's no place like home. [JOINING] - Eveleen - 09-08-2015

Three figures moved through the thick foliage in a single file line. The smaller silver dapple was leading a slightly larger and obviously older white mare, and a small wolf pup was following both of its larger companions. The white mare seemed to be concentrating on both the smaller filly and her surroundings.

The filly had officially won her over. She had talk non stop on their small journey, and where some would find this annoying, Eveleen thought it charming. She smirked at some of the topics Areli decided to talk about. She had grown to like her and Eveleen kind heart couldn't help but find room to let her new friend in.

Eveleen even found herself relaxing and trying to travel by her own gait, and not the one her mother had deemed to be a more 'perfect' walk. The white Pegasus couldn't remember the last time she felt this light hearted and more of her true self. It was a nice change, and Eveleen defiantly noticed the difference.

The trio continued on their way and soon enough Areli stopped, and with a sweep of her wing, introduced Eveleen to her homeland. When she saw the land that was lain before her, to say she was shocked would be a tragic understatement.

The land rose and fell with its many cliffs and valleies, while torrents of water fell from the high peaks to the pools below. The vibrance also added to its beauty, and Eveleen has never seen anything of its like in her travels. The over all beauty was mesmerizing. It's beautiful, Eveleen spoke, but didn't know if Areli heard her above the rushing sound as the water tumbled down the cliffs. She finally turned her attention to Areli hen she heard her speak.

At the mention of meeting others she internally cringed at the thought. Although she was deffinatly curious about the inhabitants here, her shy nature refused to let her be excited about the idea. And when Areli went on to explain the possibility of meeting one of the Kings, she glanced over at her bright coat out of habit. It wasn't that she was trying to make an impression, more of the thought of her mother telling her that if she didn't look 'perfect' she wasn't worth the space she took up.

While she was fretting over her appearance, she didn't hear the approach of another mare until she was standing right in front of her. Eveleen shifted her weight from foot to foot, and her wing feathers twitched ever so slightly out of nervousness. 

The other mare seemed to recognize Areli, so Eveleen hang back and tried to just stay in the background, not wanting to cause any trouble.

RE: There's no place like home. [JOINING] - Areli - 09-09-2015

Do you still believe in love, I wonder?

Sure enough, it was not long before someone spotted the winged pair atop the cliffs. Areli and the angel mare had only been admiring the view for a short time when Brisa emerged from the brush. Though they had never formally met, the filly recognized the equine mare as one of her mother’s friends—another mason, if she remembered correctly. It was a wonder, really, that they hadn’t encountered each other more often, but she supposed with all of the time she had spent away from the Falls lately, it hadn’t left much opportunity to socialize with Mama’s friends. As nice as they were, adults could be boring, and for the time being the mystery of the unknown places in the woods appealed to her more than idle chitchat at Mama’s side.
Nevertheless, Areli’s small ears pricked forward as Mama’s counterpart nickered a greeting. She was sure to know where Mama was, the girl thought, and her features lit up to see help arrive so swiftly. “Hi,” the smoky filly called, moving forward so that the roar of the falls wouldn’t be so loud as to mask her voice. “Have you seen my mama? I’m Areli, Parelia’s daughter,” she added, more careful with introductions when it came to Mama’s friends—heaven forbid that she accidentally offended to someone who might tell her mother. Parelia was patient, but she did not tolerate rudeness, especially when she had made a point of teaching her offspring better. “This is Eveleen,” Areli explained, sweeping a glossy wing toward the shy mare who hovered behind her. “She’s looking for a home, and I said that we could help her. I knew that Mama would know what to do.”
Tilting her head, she surveyed the wingless mare. “You’re a Mason, aren’t you?” Areli asked, the curiosity evident in her eyes. She had always been fascinated by Mama’s crafting magic, and if this mare possessed it too, then she was no different. 


Image Credit || coding by Tamme


RE: There's no place like home. [JOINING] - Brisa - 09-09-2015

If Love Were Food, I Would Have Starved On The Bones You Gave Me.” .

It still felt odd to be in a position of such responsibility for before this she had barely ever wanted to stand out above the others too afraid to speak up. While the fear had not faded away it was a matter of forcing herself to try and be social and make friends for she was sorely lacking. In a way she was glad that a mason was more of a laid back type of duty for not a lot of others paid much attention to those in the practice. Blending into the background was what she had always done best so the transition was still taking a lot of getting used to. What Kaj had seen in her would always remain a mystery as to why she was promoted in the first place. Then again he seemed to be one of the few who actually chose to notice her in the first place helping her to feel like part of the family. The thought brought a smile to her face which seemed to be few and far in between these last couple of months. 

"Areli, its good to finally meet you. Your mother has always spoken of you." She commented warmly as her eyes swept briefly over the filly's beautiful coat and wings. Oh what she would give to have a set of those and be able to fly right alongside her son. It would be a life changing experience that would be for sure. Turning her attention towards the mare Areli introduced as Eveleen she dipped her muzzle in greeting. "Hello Eveleen. As I am sure Areli has already told you all about the Hidden Falls's know that you are more than welcome here should you wish to stay. We are happy to have you. Make yourself at home and if you have any questions or run into any issues just ask we will help you out."

Turning herself so as to look over the view she had to admit that it was absolutely beautiful. The way the water cascaded over the stone creating the thunderous rush you could hear, the birds singing, the freshness held within the air, it was all so calming and peaceful. While she still missed the forest and mist of the Edge this place had its own beauty and secrets. Realizing only now that Areli had asked questions she had yet to answer she turned back to the pair. "Have you looked down by the cells? I haven't seen her so far today but she could be down there. We are hoping to figure out what to do with the unfinished piece down there. You are also correct, I am a Mason just like your mother." She commented brightly trying to remember if she had come across Parelia earlier and just not realized it. In your travels have you happened to see Aeolus around?"

@Areli , @Eveleen  

Credits: Whit's tables were an inspiration | Coding by Schwartze | Image