HELOVIA || The Way to the Sun
shattering anything that has reflections of you - Printable Version

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shattering anything that has reflections of you - Imonada - 09-12-2015

(*OOC note: This is ridiculously long because it's an intro so I don't expect anyone to match it!)


The landscape drifts by dreamily and really, it was but a single landscape, a seemingly endless reel with each slice spectacularly beautiful and yet ultimately left behind in the fog of memory. The nasty, oily beast that sat upon the throne of her heart kept whispering silkily to her. Don't stop. It was not a voice, per say, rather an unpleasant prick in the back of her consciousness she could translate with her own lexicon of anxiousness- another thing in and of itself harboring a characteristic of life for the way it loomed over her psyche, its prickly roots reaching out like a vast nightmare throughout her core. The guts, the stomach, the lungs. It had power over her in the most insidious and unseen of ways, from the very private insides of her, her being. The only thing that ties me to this world.

She felt like an extension of her will, rather than the master.

It was not always with her. A time in her early youth was different, when all her mind ever fretted about were unwanted naptimes and how much she would get to play that day. Of course, the occasional monster lurked beyond in the teeming forests skirting the basin of their home like mammoth monoliths, but between her mother's legs and with father in sight, there was nothing that could touch her. Until she got sick, until they all got sick, until she realized the adults were afraid and this made her afraid, until she fell asleep for many days only to awaken to a field empty of foals, her cousin beside her, still dreaming, his breathing labored but steady- until she felt guilt and sadness and anger and confusion at an age far too young to be experiencing such a furious storm, until she tried to fly much too soon and glided and fell somewhere she would never again remember, until she could not wake much for a very long time. 

Then it was, as if it always were, having been hidden away. She only had to crack the egg, breathing precious life to a monster in the most tragically ironic of possessions. She told her deeply religious dam, the chieftess of a clan that worshiped their ancient dead, but all she got was a warning that she was ferrying the soul of an ancestor. At the time, still rebellious and young and eagerly forging her own identity, she had rolled her eyes and huffed like a petulant, disbelieving teenager. Still, she had always been secretly enraptured by the myths and stories, listening to them with a keen ear while hiding behind someone else lest the Speaker catch her gaze. Enamored, they enchanted her with their heroic deeds and majesty, making her feel an alien sense of pride that she came from such greatness, even as her clan was no larger than fifteen members- in one tale, there had been hundreds of them, emperors and kings and great warriors and poets and healers and seers renowned around the world, thousands of years ago. They clung to their history to a point that it did not matter if it was true or not anymore. It was their religion.

She ate up those stories like the hungry, needy child she was. She had heard every one their Speaker knew, living hundreds of lives in the time it took the tell the tale, traveling around the world in pilgrimages and through the eyes of the glorious. She knew about hope, eternal love, and sacrifice. About strength and morals, gods and demons. She knew all these things, and yet had not lived to truly know them intimately the way only experience can provide. She felt no connection to these lofty ideals. She tolerated her impediment, occasionally loathing it in bursts of depression and ineptitude; she had not overcome it the way her fore-bearers had overcome their obstacles. She had escaped death twice, but neither time felt victorious.

She wasn't them. She would never be them.

...It's nothing. It's just in my head.

Pausing for a break, she takes in her surroundings; the cliff-wall she had been following now stands two stories high, several meters to her right, its paleness stark in the bright spring day. The rest of the view was nothing but sparsely dotted trees, their foliage a rich emerald green, with the ground lushly carpeted in long grass that tickled her legs- she had been avoiding the worn paths, preferring to take higher ground. Ferns cluster around the base of the trees for their shade, while flowers and weeds sundry burst in full righteous bloom all about. Behind snow-white clouds, tattered and spread across the heavenly dome like moth-eaten flags, the sky is the most brilliant and bejeweled shade of blue. And she, a little black pegasus, poised and silhouetted against the soft-grey limestone wall that rises high above her. Compact but lithe, whatever god had wrought her had done so expertly in the name of speed and agility- even her wings were cleanly in line with her size and shape, with their hauntingly romantic flare and defined edges like that of a raven.

With a wince, she realizes her left one is roaring at her, some lava-breathing dragon spewing onto her nerves, making the appendage feel swollen and heavier. Although the hotbed of pain nests tightly in the base joint, it radiates out, both toward her body and its own wrist. Normally a dull ache fairly easy to ignore, her limb -even motionless- throbs in staccato beats of agony. The sun is high above, slipping into noon like one does a familiar old jacket, but her vision becomes filled with infinitely dark and elongated shadows crawling out from the underbrush. With an icy blade of panic peeling the skin from her spine, she realizes too that no birds sing sweetly anymore and the world has gone to a breathless standstill pregnant with an unknowable horror.

Something is wrong.
No doubt about that...

And then it hits her, stunning her momentarily with such an epiphany. The pain, the hallucinations. Withdrawal from the sweet comfort of Cobra's Tongue, that tiny red flower in the shape of its namesake with seeds that liberated her from the rushing of thoughts so loud and choking like being dragged into the violent embrace of a rip current. She had neither seen or, subsequently, eaten the delicate plant in what felt like a distant lifetime ago. Eventually, she'd break into a tremor and cold sweat, but many times attempting to break the habit had left her with a grim knowledge of how the process worked. She knew she was hooked. It would take another day or so before she'd succumb to visible symptoms. Still, the fact it had disappeared from her travels gnawed at her with barbed teeth with a sense of impending emergency, a scuttling sensation within her skull that sharpened her senses, graciously allowing her to recognize the tricks being played on her by her very own damn mind. She wasn't so beyond hope with her own nature, even as the endless struggle against it was fit for the very fields of immortal battle.

With a toss of her vaguely dished head, thick sinuous hair gleams in the sunlight, yet forever somber as it fans out like the flight of crows before drifting to shiver back into place draped down the side of her strong, elegant neck. She begins walking again, more slowly to account for the crying, forever-broken wound on her back, but it is only a matter of a few shaky steps before she is brought to the earth as if her marionette strings were suddenly snipped, the air sucked out of her lungs from the hard and unexpected impact to her side, suffocating her shriek to a muffled hiss as blinding stars burst behind her eyes. The pain is wild, rapacious, rabid, immobilizing her like a curse, pinning her down with invisible tacks through her wretched wing now beneath her own weight.

put to bed this dream

RE: shattering anything that has reflections of you - Brisa - 09-14-2015

Listening to all the joyous sounds that lit up the forest the pale girl sighed softly humming along with the musical tunes. This had to be one of her favourite seasons of the year with all the activity and new life, everywhere around her lay proof to that whether it be the peeps of the baby birds or the fuzzy squirrels poking their heads out of their nests. Already there had been many new faces showing up and it was the least she could do to perhaps help someone out here or there. Shaking the dust from her mane she couldn't help but notice that her white coat had begun to shed its winter layer to reveal a much lighter one beneath it. She would have to try and remember to pay a little more attention to her weight for the faint outline of her ribs could be seen once again. This was one thing that she hadn't had to worry about last year for the weight she had put on from her pregnancy had more than filled her out. Unexpected twins would do that to one though she mused a little sadden by the thought of it being almost two years now since her sons birth. Mist clouded her eyes momentarily before she hastily pushed the memories away. Dwelling on such  memories would not be any help to her for it would only draw her back into the darkness.

It wasn't long before movement caught her eye drawing her to a cautious halt craning her neck forward to try and get a view of who lurked up ahead. Meeting new people had never really been her favourite thing to do but she was learning to deal with it in order to help the herd grow. Long black feathers decorated the wings of the stranger as well as a pitch black pelt to pull it all together. Actually it was a little amusing to come across a mare such as this considering she was the exact opposite with the exception of not bearing any wings. Nickering in greeting when she finally drew up the courage she slowly tread closer wondering idly whether or not this girl might enjoy a home such as theirs. Well only one way to find out.

"Hello." she stated kindly tilting her ears forward as she slowed to stop a few meters from the blackened mare, her blues searching for any clues to indicate where the mare might have come from. "I'm Brisa. Who might you be?" Yes it was a rather lame way to start a conversation but it still worked as far as she was concerned. "If you need a place to rest I can help with that, but only if you want to that is. " Great, she was already starting to babble nonsense no wonder she was horrible at greeting newcomers. Why was it she could think of everything that needed to be said perfectly in her head but all her words seemed to get lost in translation making her sound like an idiot sometimes. Perhaps she should have just stayed home today after all...
Brisa talks

•• TAGS: Imonada •• NOTES: Hope you don't mind her awkwardness haha ••

Table by Moonstone Designs
Picture Credits: Here

RE: shattering anything that has reflections of you - Imonada - 09-14-2015

Intense discomfort and great annoyance with her predicament, feeling like a tortoise flipped onto its back in her helplessness, gives way to a creeping panic that steadily picks up speed- an avalanche threatening to swallow her whole, never to be heard from again. As the encroaching storm steals away the sun, casting infinite night, the shadows that grew from the trees from before begin to reach for her again in a relentless pursuit. Quiet fingers swarming her, their greed for her as heaven for the damned.

Thisisabsolutelytheworstthing THAT COULD BE HAPPENING TO ME RIGHT NOW.

A reluctant effort to haul herself up results in little more than a half-roll and a pained, inelegant grunt. The shadows, they were at her feet now, and up close they looked like a cloud of squirming locusts, thousands of tiny alien faces anxious to strip the flesh from her bones.

This is what you wanted, right? To escape reality.

She steals herself with a deep intake of breath- juxtaposed to the vast End only she bore witness too, the air still smells of dewy moss and the salmon pink azaleas she passed none too long ago. It grounds her senses just enough that another scent tumbles into the mix- something, someone, very much like her, although slightly different, but in no way she could name, particularly in a state about to slip into stupor. It had been so long since she had picked up anything like it, save a headless fly-blown corpse of a pegasus several miles back. She'd never seen someone opened up like that, and the stark contrast to the finality of death and a pleasant spring day jarred her, made her feel something queasy deep in her stomach. The faint, friendly nicker in the distance gave her a very similar feeling.

No, no. THIS is the worst. Gods, not right now, lady...

Sheer willpower encourages her to attempt standing once more, and this time she succeeds, grinding her teeth together against the pain of her left wing- drooping toward the ground as it were, her whole body shaking like that of an unsteady newborn. Stretching out the healthy frustratingly-functional right wing carefully, she works the joint before tucking the limb neatly into her side. Her focus on finding the source of the call draws her attention away from the illusions; it isn't long before Brisa comes into view, Imonada's gaze drawn like a magnet to the ghostly apparition. Narrow onyx eyes widen just a fraction, taking in the startling sight. This angelic mare before her, talking to her -Imonada isn't listening-, and the one thing that unfurls in her mind is her family's myths about the messengers of the gods.

She swallows thickly, swaying like a reed in the breeze, black eyes too-bright from delirium, as if trying to find her voice.

"Imonada," she says quietly, her faint rolling burr marking her as foreign. Exhausted from her travels, the withdrawal, and the tumble, she finds no argument in Brisa's offer. It does not seem she pays heed to the equine's slight discomfort; indeed, she blurts out her next words. "Can you get rid of pain?" With that, she begins noticing it again and sighs.

RE: shattering anything that has reflections of you - Brisa - 09-15-2015

Watching the black mare with caution the sudden jolt of movement causes her to jump at the unexpected movement. Dammit why did everything cause her nerves to pop like that! She had thought that she had done pretty well with the spookiness lately but apparently not as well as she had initially thought. Resisting the urge to groan at herself she pulled herself quickly back together hoping the mare didn't notice her jumpiness. It was something that had been ingrained in her since very early in her life making it that much harder to get rid of if that was even possible. 

Pushing past that little hiccup she regarded the mare thoughtfully as she stood but immediately knew something was off. Whether it be the mother in her or just the part of her that made sense of things she couldn't not help the girl now. Half reaching over to steady her as she wobbled precariously close to falling she wasn't sure what was causing all this to happen. Wait a minute... her wing! The way she held it out clearly indicated something was wrong with it, she needed to get someone to help her! Pain...pain... what did she know about pain other than the obvious fact that it hurt like hell. Willow! That's what she needed! Thanking the gods that she actually remembered something useful out of the many lessons she had had with Res she looked around for a source. "Imonada, just stay put for a minute I will get something to help you." She instructed not really sure if the other girl had understood any of which she had just spoken. With that she turned on heel to search for what she needed. Willow...willow..no not pine..willow.. Dammit where the hell were all the trees when she needed them! Bounding off a little ways her eyes finally picked out one of the few willow's still growing around here. Now just to get the bark... which was easier said than done.

Using her magic was no use as it would only set the forest up like a matchstick but what other way was there? Lifting her hoof to the tree she struck out a few times in an attempt to crack some of the bark away from the tree. Removing her foot she lowered her head down to search through the grass hoping something had broken off. She nearly cried out in joy as she pulled up a decent sized chunk of bark drawing it between her teeth ever so delicately. Silently apologizing to the tree for harming it she sprinted back to the Pegasus's side hoping she was still somewhat standing. "Here chew this it will help with the pain." She instructed placing her item down in front of Imonada and nudging it towards her. Now just to get her home... at least she was of similar size to her. Hoping that the mare had managed to follow her instructions she stepped forward ducking her head underneath what appeared to be her one good wing and moving up alongside her. "Come on I will take you somewhere that we can get you some better help." She commented gently hoping that Imonada wouldn't resist. Res could help her, that she was sure of! Now just to get there. Hopefully the willow would be enough to help with the pain at least so they could get back to the Fall's in one piece. "You can lean on me if you need to for support."  

•• TAGS: Imonada •• NOTES: ••

Table by Moonstone Designs
Picture Credits: Here

RE: shattering anything that has reflections of you - Imonada - 09-15-2015

The mare's unearthly presence has a surreal, detached affect on Imonada's weakened mind; in the chaos of addict-fueled pain, Brisa is a crack in the clouds, a sliver of glowing blessed light slicing through the darkness buzzing at the edges of her vision with surgical precision, a clean penetration that entombs her in a sunlit embrace. In comparison, Imonada was a bedraggled mess- once luxurious mane is now crumpled and frizzy, some strands plastered to her itchy and stale sweat-soaked coat. Her feathers, having not been preened in forever-long, jut out at odd ruffled angles.

Even the Monster lodged deep in her psyche was struck dumb into silence.

It's not enough, of course. It never was- a thread of explicit longing for a thing she yet cannot name worms its way through her heart with the onset of Brisa's illuminance, as if that shining light still threw shadows in the deep crags and hidden places as any other. Her startled expression subtly melts away, revealing a glimpse of pain that sunk deeper than even the one nested in the gnarled base of her wing would go, that territory reserved for the shattered spirit.

Instinctively, she begins to bristle with each step of the stranger--No, Brisa... Only to have that building tension slip away like a leaf in the current as the alabaster mare says something to her, in calm and reassuring voice, before running off. Gone. Not sure exactly what just happened, Imonada does as commanded, although her fumbling lack of grace keeps her rooted regardless. Once a spitfire, now a hollowed wisp with ribs glaring pointedly in a neat row at her sides.

She waits, willing herself to remain standing, patiently- without Brisa, she would be stranded, and the joy such a gift brings is tampered with wariness.

If she leads me off to be roasted, it'll a bit better than dying of dehydration. Watching the vultures circle.

Hope soars miles higher than she'd ever dream when Brisa returns. Sheer exhaustion spiced with curiosity and dumbfound, forces the gnashing demons at her doorstep to hush like humbled dogs. Imonada, pacified, lets her approach to drop the small, chipped piece of willow- but it's a good long minute of nothing but the gentle breeze before the pegasus carefully strains downward, scooping the bark up, letting it rest on her tongue and pressing it against the roof of her mouth. Instantly it begins to create a tingling sensation that floods her whole body. She sighs, inhaling like she'd never tasted fresh air before, and does not fuss when Brisa moves into place to support her. With a weak, sleepy nod, she waits for her to lead.