HELOVIA || The Way to the Sun
[O] your angels speak with jilted tongues - Printable Version

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your angels speak with jilted tongues - Erthë - 09-27-2015

It was one of those rare days when she was back at the Basin. Even though her little family was supposed to shelter there, for the most part they had kept wandering and only returned when the need to rest and recover overtook the desire to roam. Her mother's desire, at least. Erthë personally preferred the climate in the northern mountains, because even though it was growing warmer here like everywhere else, the temperatures still weren't painful.

Where she stalked across muddy paths the girl reflected on everything that had happened in her short life. The early beginnings were gradually fading into the haze of forgetfulness and all she remembered was the pale branches of a tree nearly touching the face of the full moon. They had journeyed after that, wandered north to this place so that Mother could get help, and after that... after that came the wars. The Bear God battle in the Blood Falls forest, and some time later the Wolf God battle in the Green Labyrinth forest. Now a third location had showed up, but the Sun God had promised that there would be no fighting there. She had no reason do doubt his word, and so it was a rather content girl that explored the still unfamiliar paths of the mountainous vale.

An eventful life. Already she was older than her age suggested. Not even a year had passed, though to her it felt like much, much longer. Barely even two seasons into life she was a veteran, scarred and battle worn and rather full of herself for doing what the grown ups did. It didn't matter much to her that she barely understood the implications of what was going on. It was a puzzle she still worked on piecing together, using tidbits and stray words from others she met along the way.

Something was still missing though. A frame in which to place each piece, a layout against which to compare the many confusing colors. What she needed was information, a historical perspective, and it was for this reason the lass had moved away from her parents to roam among the rest of the herd.

Surely there had to be someone who knew more about the gods, about the Rift and Helovia and the past in general. She would have them tell her - and maybe then she would be able to figure out what might happen in the future.  

e r t h ë
in every lost soul the bones of a miracle
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Open to anyone :D

@Random Event - GLL

RE: your angels speak with jilted tongues - Ki'irha - 09-27-2015

The only thing we leave behind when we die
is fear.
The corporal rested. She was still, nearly statuesque, upon a jutting outcropping of rock that provided a lovely view of the Basin. Her breath floated upwards in small puffs, as despite Birdsong being upon them, her herdland sheltered the coldness till. Her tail coiled neatly around a cocked rear hoof, body still, shrouded in the earth’s silence. Her eyes fluttered shut, enjoying the quiet. The world around her seemed to be crumbling. War ravaged the wilds, with strange gods reeking havoc as their gateways were opened, pouring sickness and alien creatures into the safety of Helovia. But not here. The mountains provided shelter and safety, and provided harbor for her crowned brethren. Perhaps their sanctuary was simply an illusion, but she was happy believing it nonetheless.

Opening her eyes, she looked past the pines, scanned silver over the permafrost. Something white and pure stood where had previously been empty. She stepped gingerly forward on her precipice, making sure that a misplaced hoof didn’t lead to a painful tumbled down the rockface. The intruder was small, so much so that the starry warrior couldn’t imagine a watchful mother not being close by. This babe wouldn’t provide any challenge or danger, but who knew what body protected it from the cruel and unforgiving world. She inhaled, looking for a scent other than the cold and stone and pine that filled the air here. Scowling, she was unable to catch anything useful.

As the tiny filly walked closer towards the towering sentinals, more details presented. The girl was a hybrid, small white wings matching a body crowned with horns. Ki’irha had not seen this filly before. Where did she belong? ’Shit,’ she thought, looking towards the towering metal machines, realizing that if the filly didn’t belong, she would become pray to twisting and grinding metal, enchanted for one purpose alone.

She lept from her perch, sliding down the stony slope, before bursting into a gallop once cloven hooves hit solid footing. Her white locks flew like a banner behind her. “Wait!” she called out, her voice sharp and commanding. Worry gripped her heart. Any intruder deserved the action of the sentinals, but this stranger was just a child. The starry girl did not know what the sentinals were capable of as she had never seen them animate, but today was not the day that she would find out. She covered the gap between them quickly and surely, before slowing to a canter, then a trot, and finally to a stop. Towering over the filly, the warrior loomed, eyes stern, worry hidden deep in stormy pools.

“My dear,” she began, voice hard and cold like the mountains around them, “Do you have any idea what you are doing? You could have been in very real danger.”  She was quiet for a minute, ears pressed against her skull. A cool breeze ran it’s fingers down her spine. She sighed, body relaxing ever so slightly. Why had she been gripped so tightly by fear for a child who she had never met? She shook her head, dropping her head down to be at eye level with the filly. “Darling, where is your mother? Or father? This is not a safe place for you, not alone at least.” Her features softened, a small smile tugging at her lips. “I am Ki’irha. What might your name be?”

She waited silently, hoping she hadn’t startled the girl with her harshness. The mountains towered behind them, a wall of cold and stone and bitterness, but perhaps this girl needed what they all needed. Safety and shelter from a world with no forgiveness.  


RE: your angels speak with jilted tongues - Erthë - 09-27-2015

The voice calling out to her didn't so much startle the girl as it pulled her out of her absent state of mind. Half annoyed, half glad to find someone willing to talk to her the pearly dove did as she was told and stopped, the tasseled tail coiling lazily around spindly hocks as she waited for the guardian to catch up with her.

Noting the stern look on her face however, some of the peaceful dreaminess faded from her demeanor. Glancing first at the young warrior, then over at the sentinels realization dawned on the girl and shaped the tiny moth into a startled "Oh."

"Sorry" she said quickly, fearing that the stern expression was due to something worse than worry, something more akin to what she had felt radiate from a golden lord at the turn of seasons when she and her family had received permission to stay with the herd. "I didn't realize how far I had gone."

She looked curiously at the mare, taking in her dark coat and the star-speckled curves that defined her as both strong and pretty, the swell of pale hair and the long, sharp horn on her brow. Since she had come running Erthë assumed she was one of the guards... but it appeared she hadn't noticed that the girl came from within the Basin itself, rather than from the vast, thawing plains beyond the mountains. The girl smiled, the expression on her face so calm and understanding that it easily could be seen as eerie to anyone who didn't know what all the child had seen.

"It's alright, I'm allowed to be here" she tried to reassure. "Mom's inside, resting, and Dad.... I don't really know, but I think he's there too." It had been a while since she'd seen her father, come to think of it. He was as much a wanderer as the black pegasus he had mated, and the times the family spent together were rare and far between.

"I'm Erthë" she continued, choosing to answer the question before she was subjected to any cross examinations or were picked out as suspicious. "Say, why would it be dangerous to walk around alone? I wanted to find someone who could tell me stuff... though I got a bit lost..."

She mumbled the last bit under her breath, the downy wings ruffling and shifting in shy embarrassment.

e r t h ë
in every lost soul the bones of a miracle
Image Credit

Sorry, I didn't specify where she was either it seems. ^^; Also, she's got permission to stay in the Basin. Granted by Thranduil here, in the last post. :)

RE: your angels speak with jilted tongues - Ki'irha - 10-01-2015

The only thing we leave behind when we die
is fear.

She looked the filly over, and couldn’t help but feel a bit of awe and a pang of jealousy. How it must feel to wear a crown, but also have wings to gift you the exhilaration and freedom of flight? But still, wings were an abomination. Did that still count if they shared the body with a horn? The blue girl was unsure. But otherwise, the babe appeared healthy and well cared for, and not of one abandoned to starve or survive alone in the cold. So she needn’t be too concerned. Speaking up, the filly cleansed the corporal of any doubts she may have had. But still, ravenous and awful beasts wandered the outskirts, and the simple slip of a hoof or steep stumble in the freezing north could mean certain demise.

The little one had family here in the Basin, and was granted refuge here, along with parents that should perhaps have a more watchful eye. Her father never allowed her to wander from his or her mother's sight. She was not taught to fear the world, but instead was taught to survive and fight the world. Until then, she was never allowed to wander far. As her mother always said, the night sky was desperate to gather up its missing piece and steal her away from her family. She shrugged, the motion soft and unnoticeable, appearing like nothing more than a small quiver under the chilled bite of the air. The past was just that, a moment gone in the softest of breezes. She was not from the sky, but instead from the dirt. And this little filly was sure to learn for herself how to survive.

“It is wonderful to meet you, Erthë. Please excuse my sterness, we do not have many visitors here, and many who do come cross our borders in good faith do not know of our sentinels. But nevermind that.” She smiled, features soft. “I don’t blame you, there is so much to explore in this big world. There are all sorts of caves and and caverns to explore here, though one may get lost if they travel too deep.” The blue had much to explore still of this land, and she had been meaning to travel to the hot springs with a dear friend.

She scowled slightly at the next question from the child. How does one explain the evil of the world to someone who had not been around long enough to see all of the seasons? “Well,” she began slowly, considering her words, “There are some bad beings out there, here, even and unfortunately. I am sure you are very smart, but some of those with badness in their hearts are smarter. The world holds many tricks. Though, there is much beauty in this world if you are able to get past the thorns." Yes, that was sufficient. Truthful, but she did not want to shroud the girl's mind with negativity from a jaded warrior. The filly seemed to mumble something else before trailing off, but keen ears caught her words.

Frowning, she knew she was unable to fulfill the child's wishes. "Well, my dear, I do not know much about this land, nor do I have any fantastic stories. Not of this place, at least." The cobalt girl did have plenty of stories, but her lore belonged to rogue bands and outcasts who lived far from Helovia. "There are several here who are chock full of legends and stories, though, perhaps one of them can aid your desires."

She turned to leave, casting a look over her shoulder. "Come, perhaps we can find my friend who can fill your mind with whatever knowledge and lore you seek. And on our way, maybe you can tell me a story you've heard and added to your collection? I am one for hearing stories as well." Her eyes were warm as she looked at the unipeg, hoping to learn something from one who had much to learn herself.

OOC// Anyone want to share some AB stories?

RE: your angels speak with jilted tongues - Erthë - 10-03-2015

The near angry look faded from the face of the guardian and the filly relaxed, growing more confident still once she was sure she wouldn't be scolded. Smiling up at the unicorn lady she listened rather politely to the warnings, but couldn't really place the vague descriptions into context. She had yet to come across anyone that seemed evil like the dark creatures in mother's stories, the ones that were cruel and hurt others for the pleasure of it. The Monster Gods that came crawling from the Rift came pretty close, but according to both Isopia and Evaneska they were merely diseased and greedy, not evil evil.

"I'll be careful" she promised - an easy thing to say, harder to live up to but there was no deceit or lie in her words. Erthë really did intend to be careful... after she had found out what she needed to know.

Falling in beside the apparently rather kind and talkative older girl, she followed obediently as they made their way back into the Basin proper.

"I was looking for one of them" she confirmed as she tripped along, light footed and graceful even on the trickier parts of the trail. "But I don't really know anyone here, mum keep taking me away to other places so we haven't actually been here an awful lot."

It was disappointing that this person didn't hold any answers. Erthë had hoped that the search would prove to be an easy one, but apparently stories weren't easy to come by. Patience wasn't really her strongest asset, but it did help that this person seemed interested in knowing things too. It made it easier to ask questions - because who knew, the young spear-carrier might be wiser than she even knew herself.

She thought for a while before nodding, unsure whether she was supposed to tell a story she had heard or make one up herself. In the end she chose a middle path, and began speaking with youthful voice.

"One day, lightning struck in the snowy mountains. It made the mountain's guardian angry, because the stone had begun to bleed and colored the forest and the water red. So the guardian challenged the lightning to a duel, and the winner would be named king of the mountain. The battle raged back and forth for three days and three nights, until finally the lightning stood as winner. Happily it began to dance, over mountains and under clouds, and over the clear night sky. And that is why sometimes you can see lights like rivers in the sky - it is the lightning that dances to remind everyone of who the king is."

She blinked and fell silent, sparing a glance at the other to see her reaction. The story was really a convoluted mass of something Shadow has told her about the northern lights, the Bear god battle and the red forest, pieces of truth but not the whole story.

After all, real adventures weren't happy at all.

"Do you know any stories, miss... uh..."

She trailed off and blushed, realizing only now that she didn't even know the name of the mare.

e r t h ë
in every lost soul the bones of a miracle
Image Credit

@Ki'irha - sorry for the wait :3