HELOVIA || The Way to the Sun
LOST GOLD (everyone!) - Printable Version

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LOST GOLD (everyone!) - Rift - 10-09-2015


This is something
All or nothing


We'll build a fortress up in the trees, climb after me, climb after me.

He guessed it was about time. 

Rift had never thought that he would end up fleeing the Argent Veldt, though truthfully, he had never seen himself as a leader of anything, let alone other equines. So he assumed that his relocation must have been for the best. The sunkissed brute had poured his love into the vibrant earth that made up the Veldt and his bonded, he had felt himself heal and become part of the land. But, life never seems to pan out the way we assume and here he was, upon the precipice of yet another country; he was merely a refugee once more.

Hooves sinking slightly into the cushioned earth, Rift wondered at what could have been if only he had been strong enough to stay in Pantheon, if only he had not been so weak as to run from his own past. He supposed that it was for the best, this relocation, this constant fleeing what would rend his soul in two; self-preservation was an undeniable urge, and if it made the scarlet lad a coward, then that was not new to him. He sighed, the thoughts floating around within his head like so many stars he couldn't quite fathom. 

Pausing on the edge of a pool filled with still green waters, the lanky stallion considered the cacophony of lilypads, cattails and mosses that had grown in the pond. Emerald strands of ivy snaked up the trunks of ancient trees and the sun filtered down through the boughs to paint lattice-like shadows over the earth. Birds chirped and squirrels chattered, their voices echoing in a symphony of nature throughout the forest. Life abounded here at the roots of trees and within the murky waters, this was a place of healing and growth; a land of opportunity and purity. 

A small smile tugged at the edges of the young rogue's mouth as he surveyed his surroundings, yes, he could make a home of this place. He could start over here; he could find his way.

His wings expanded and swept out to brush against damp trunks and mossy boulders, the heartbeat of the earth shuddering its way into the lad's soul. Shaking his head as his smile grew wider, Rift felt the pulse of magic seeping into his bones; this country still had it's hold upon the old ways, it was ingrained into the very soil. Passion bloomed and ignited like an inferno within his chest, scarlet eyes glinting with excitement for the future. Flicking his thin crimson tail, the lanky brute folded his wings loosely against his side and dipped his head to the waters, running his lips over the leathery smooth surface of a lilypad. 

"I'd love to make a home of this place. I'd love to make a home of you."

We'll make our living out in the trees and we'll grow old, searching for Lost Gold.

words: ### | tag: @ everyone c: | notes: hello everyone, you're all welcome~

RE: LOST GOLD (everyone!) - Brisa - 10-09-2015

Having spent most of the morning searching for new recruits without any success the grey mare was nearly ready to call it a day and return to the Falls. She hadn't the faintest idea if she had travelled all of the trails and pathways throughout the threshold or not but with the sun beginning to peak overhead it was better to quit while she was ahead. Stretching her neck forward and rolling her shoulders she worked on easing much of the tension endless walking seemed to take upon the body. Perhaps if she was of much larger descent the extra muscle mass would help to even out the strain. From the elegant shape of her head down into her well proportioned body, striking blue eyes, clean legs, long snow white hair and the coat of an angel the girl was quite a sight to see. Years of hardship had done quite the number on her self esteem so it was not uncommon for her to criticize various aspects about herself. Her weight had always tended to run on the leaner side but with how chaotic things had been this past year her frame had started to lose any extra weight. If you looked at her closely you could see a relatively well muscled torso and extremities (as per her lineage) but if you looked closer the faint outline of her bones could be seen along her sides. Despite the slight change in appearance not much else had swayed from her normal even tempered personality.

Following the trail otherwise known as the way home she couldn't help but chuckle softly as a stranger caught her eye. Go figure that when she was heading home did she find the one thing she had searched for half the day. Pausing to observe the stallion for a moment or two to try and get a feel of what he could be like she tried to keep herself out of sight. Finally gathering herself together she stepped from the path to saunter over to where the stud seemed to be talking to a lilypad. Ok did she just happen to run into the one and only crazy loony who had clearly escaped the asylum? It would just be her luck she thought shaking her head as she walked. Clearing her throat in the hopes of alerting the dude to her presence she crossed her theoretical fingers praying that this one was actually sane. Everyone had their moments.. maybe this was just one of his?

Directing her path towards the water a little ways up stream she stopped to call out to the ebony stallion. Well at least if he tried any funny business she could burn his butt all the way back to where he had come from. "Hi there, Welcome to Helovia." She said kindly pausing to see if she would get a reaction before continuing. "My name is Brisa who might you be?"

Brisa talks

•• TAGS: @Rift •• NOTES: Hope you don't mind :) ••

Table by Moonstone Designs
Picture Credits: Here

RE: LOST GOLD (everyone!) - Laedere - 10-09-2015

i can tell your heart's cold -- like a fallen angel walking in your sleep
Laedere began to move back toward the Threshold. It would be simpler if she had a purpose for the herd. Aye, but perhaps the purpose was to bring others into their helm, to ease them that way. A new home, a new member. Bring in the refugees, even if she wasn't sure what others really saw her as.

Ardere floated forward, searching the trees and winding through the branches. She was amused, at the very least. It was almost as if she were trying to dance through the woods and to offer a way for Laedere to break free from the mundane thoughts that always seemed to course through her head. Still, though, it never really seemed to work, and she never really managed to snap her bonded into a happier frame of mind. It seemed as though she were getting harder lately, as if her soul was boxing up - trying to find a way to really emerge once more, to force the traditions

Still, Laedere kept her wings pressed tightly to her sides. The bandage looping around and swaying ever so gently as she moved. It was only as she stumbled near the edge of the water that she noticed the other creature before her. Pale eyes flickered, taking in the stallion who was a little bit taller than she was. Instantly, she backs up - forcing herself to keep her gaze low, so as to not accidentally meet his gaze and look as though she were asserting dominance.

Of course, Ardere didn't care. So, as her dolphin accidentally ran into the stag (and then dove back into the water and tried to splash it around), Laedere instantly blurted out, "Mine sincerest apologies, sire…"

Oh…. How she really wished Ardere wouldn't do that. And, it was only after the complete embarrassment that her companion had tossed onto her that she even noticed the other mare part-way up from the water source.

Welcome to Helovia! :D

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table by: niki

RE: LOST GOLD (everyone!) - Naerys - 10-10-2015


The girl had slipped away from home again, this time with Petyr gripping her shoulders with his tiny talons. By now the bird is nearing his adult size; about the size of a crow. His fluffy green pinfeathers have been replaced with the sleek adult feathers of green, teal, yellow, creamy white, rusty brown, and a black mask over his pale eyes. Petyr is quite the sight to see with his vibrant colors - something both he and Naerys take pride in. The girl moves with a sense of purpose, rebelling against her mother's wishes to remain at home, especially after the little stunt she pulled down in the Halcyon Flats. At only just a year, she'd been foolish to throw herself into the battle against that massive crocodile but like any adolescent - she didn't even think of the potential consequences. Didn't even think that she could be killed and then what? The girl didn't want to think about the pain she could have caused her mother and father if things had gone horribly wrong.

And she'd be lying to herself if she even so much as hinted that she wasn't disappointed by her lack of prize after the fight concluded.

Sighing softly, the girl wanders through the woods near the threshold, the pain in her skull coming and going at rather random intervals and keeping her in the shadows as much as possible. Her teal eyes had become unusually sensitive to the light. With her wings loosely folded at her sides and Petyr preening her rather short mane, the girl peers through the trees, her eyes narrowing to slits whenever they met with a light patch. Her slender body is long and lean, rather awkwardly so as she's still young and still growing. Her coat is mostly a pretty brown, broken up by patches of pure white. The blue blood from the crocodile still stains the white fur on her knees but thankfully the stiffness has dissipated, allowing the girl to move with a far greater ease. The few shallow scrapes on her side, just in front of her hip, have scabbed over and are well on their way to being healed but the rather large bruise remains - causing her discomfort with each step.

Naerys snorts softly as she pauses beneath the shade of a rather large tree, clinging to the shadows as though they were her only friend. Her vibrant teal eyes sweep over the trees before her and that's when she sees the lean and lanky stallion. He seemed a bit older than the last one she'd brought home and for a moment, the young girl hesitates. She doesn't want to cause her mother any more grief than she already had but hadn't she left again, without her permission? Isn't she already causing the poor mare grief by being here in these woods again? In her hesitation, she watched as two others approached. A gray mare that looked vaguely familiar somehow, though she couldn't quite place where. The other pale mare, though, is a complete mystery.

The girl approaches with an excited bounce to her step, carefully choosing a shaded spot close to where the stallion stood in his small clearing. A small smile curves her soft, dark lips. "Hi!" she says jovially. "I'm Naerys." she adds warmly, focusing most of her attention on the male as he's the only one that smells... foreign. That was when she noticed the dolphin, though, and she fails to hold back a gasp. "Wow!" the word merely bursts from her parted lips, a curious gleam present in her youthful gaze. "What is that?" she blurts out in a rather typical, adolescent fashion. Naerys doesn't quite have a fully functional filter yet, and it is especially faulty when she's excited or faced with something very new. Petyr's curious, pale eyes peer over Naerys' shoulder to gaze at the strange creature playing with the water and floating in the air. It seemed out of place somehow, but it seems happy so the girl quiets down and tears her gaze away from it to return her focus back to the task at hand.

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@Random Event for Halcyon Flats Headache D:

RE: LOST GOLD (everyone!) - Random Event - 10-10-2015

Rift has contracted GLL.

RE: LOST GOLD (everyone!) - Rift - 10-12-2015

This is something
All or nothing


His eyes were half-closed, fiery depths calmly studying the delicate scrollwork of the lilypads surface, his hot breath creating tiny ripples in the murky water's surface. In his mind's eye were hopeful visions of the future; laughter flitting amongst trees with the birds, soft foot-falls muffled with the morning mist while the injured took their first steps alongside a tidal wave of calm, healers and the healed exploring their talents.

The borders will sit with us instead of standing between us.

A new smell entered the scarlet stallion's nostrils and his ears swiveled to catch the faint hoff-falls of another equine. Normally, the winged rogue would have panicked at the sound and the anonymity of the creature, but here, in this place of healing and safety, Rift knew no harm would come to him. Opening his bright eyes fully and slowly straightening as the low sound of a cleared throat passed through the air. Rift found himself gazing into the soulful eyes of an ivory mare. A grin smoothed the worrisome lines that crinkled his forehead, serenity and a welcoming warmth apparent on his slightly dished features. "Hello," his voice was as soft as the downy feathers that coated his wings and shoulders, "Thank you for your presence."

Only a few minutes later, the muffled sound of heavy hooves filtered through the trees and Rift shifted his attention to the creamy pegasus that stepped into view. Mouth opening to speak a greeting to the newest stranger, Rift was surprised by the sudden contact of what looked like a dolphin to his chest. His brows shot up in mild confusion, but he stayed otherwise silent; his travels had all but prepared him for even the strangest of occurrences. As the sleek mammal dove about within the waters of the pool, Rift took a moment to consider the lilypad floating before his hooves, now rocking and undulating upon the pool's disturbed surface.

He'd be tossed around before he would find stability as well.

Straightening and bowing his head, the gangly young man listened to the honeyed vocals of the winged lass, a smile toying with his lips. He bowed his head again, a shallower bob this time, meeting each of the ivory splashed mares' eyes before adding his own voice to the sounds of the forest, "My name is Rift and there is no need to apologize, dear soul." Eyes sweeping the emerald expanse of the wood with an almost childlike wonder, Rift nodded to himself, "Helovia? It's beautiful here. The old magic still stands. I can see the gods here, every facet and every face."

As the words fell from his lips, into the small company entered a chocolate splashed filly with a small and colorful bird companion perched at her shoulder. She chirped a greeting then marveled at the strange dolphin, her jovial innocence reminded the stallion so strongly of his youngest sister, Avarice, that he almost cried out for her. Swallowing the urge to reach out and embrace the beautiful child, Rift blinked back the tears that had flooded his eyes and steadied his worried heart.

The left side of his mouth quirked up as his eyes glittered with a bittersweet joy, "My name is Rift and it's wonderful to meet you, Naerys." The name was sweet as honeysuckle as it rolled from his tongue and his grin stretched ever wider. "I believe that the creature is a dolphin, it came along with the winged lady right there," he motioned with his delicately dished profile toward the bandaged lass.

Suddenly, during an inhale, Rift felt the odd sensation of a runny nose and sniffed quickly to dispel it. Sniffing again for good measure, the rogue assumed that the sensation was merely due to the stress his body had underwent during his travels. Flicking his tail and smiling widely at each of the mares that had emerged to accompany him in turn, he nodded silently; he had never been around many others at once and felt the slightest sense of anxiety creep down his spine.

"Your company is very much appreciated, ladies." Shifting his attention toward the bandaged stranger, the lad cocked his head and studied her for a moment before speaking once more, "I don't believe I caught your name, or that of your charming companion."

What sort of company would these women prove to be?

words: ### | tag: @naerys @brisa @laedere @random event c: | notes: Hi guys! thanks for replying!

RE: LOST GOLD (everyone!) - Ranjiri - 10-12-2015

in this world full of people there's one killing me
and if we only die once i wanna die with you

Wow. I was definitely late to the most recent gathering of Helovia's herds on the most recent newcomer. As I stepped through the trees into the gathering I couldn't help but smile because it was funny. The herds were like vultures on a carcass when it came to the newbies that wandered into our home. All of us, myself included, were so focused on making our herds stronger that I don't think we really took the time to really be friendly. It was strictly business.

I took a quick survey of everyone that was there, some of them I kind of recognized. The only one that really stuck out to me the only other winged mare and that was only because of the herd meeting not too long ago. "Hey." I said as I naturally gravitated toward her because of her being my herdmate. Then, at last, my eyes drifted to the stallion that had drawn so many girls from the forest.  My ears tilted forward as he spoke to the youngest one among us and my head tilted as I caught his name. Rift. How strange that his name would be Rift when we were fighting rift gods over and over again.

He turned his head toward my herdmate and her companion and asked for her name, and while I waited for her to answer him I took my time to study his face. It was his eyes that made my heart leap into my throat and stick there like mud on the bottom of my hooves. Those eyes were the mirror image of my own and I'd never seen anyone else with them before. "Hi..." My voice drifted and I continued to stare in shocked silence before I finally forced myself out of it with a shake of my head. "I'm Ranjiri... welcome to Helovia." I tilted my head toward Laedere. "We're both from the Dragon's Throat to the south. Where are you from?"


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RE: LOST GOLD (everyone!) - Brisa - 10-12-2015

What had originally started out as a quiet meeting had certainly gone from quiet to a gathering of many, not that she minded. Competition seemed to be heating up lately as more and more occupants of other herds flooded Helovia's gateway to welcome the newest arrivals. With one general purpose it was just a matter of luck should someone choose to follow you home with all the other offers on the table. She had never been great with words or anything else for that matter but she was here and she was trying her best, that is all that counted. A couple lone travellers had agreed to come to the Falls with her but the latest stranger she had met declined her offer over another as he wanted to "stick with his own species". In a land full of unicorns, pegasus, equine and whatever else was out there she would have expected there to be more than just race influencing the decisions. In her eyes everyone was the same regardless if they had wings or horns or even both. It did not make someone better than another but it was still frustrating to see so much racism in the incoming arrivals. It had been quite a long time since she had lived outside these borders and quite honestly if people were as ignorant and rude she never wanted to leave Helovia.

Scanning her bright blue eyes over the stallion she did have to admit he was quite handsome, not that he would ever think something like that of her. No one wanted her sorry ass hanging around them and she had a feeling it was from something more than her just being ordinary. Anyways back to the gorgeous stallion standing right in front of her, she wasn't going to let him just get stolen by one of the others while her mind was elsewhere. Politely greeting the others as they arrived one by one to gawk at Rift and express their joyful greetings it was the creamy pegasus and her companion that pulled her attention. Was that a dolphin? How was that even possible when land consumes so much of Helovia? Taking a couple steps forward to stand closer to the group she lowered her head towards the fascinating creature as the others slowly followed. After a minute of observing the girl's dolphin she took a step back not wanting to block anyone out should the wish to take a look.

Just as things quieted another pair of hoofbeats signalled the arrival of yet another to greet this boy, he sure was becoming quite popular it would seem. His way with words and the kindness he seemed to pass off in waves definitely added to his charm. If only... Shaking her head as she realized where her mind was going she stopped herself before she said something stupid that could be misinterpreted. The entire time a warm smile had naturally lit up her face at the surprising comfort these strangers had provided. "It's a pleasure to meet you as well Rift." She said offering him a warm smile as she pulled her eyes to his. "I come from a place called the Hidden Falls which is not too far from here. Should you wish to rest after your long journey and just see what this land has to offer I would be more than happy to show you around." She replied sweetly figuring she might as well extend her invitation while she had the opportunity. It was not a normal situation but in a way she hoped that she would be the one to take Rift home, it would at least give her an excuse to get to know him a little more. Normally these brief gatherings tended not to last all too long which meant there was not really time to get to know them. From what she had gathered from him so far the boy seemed like quite the gentleman, which was a pleasant change from some of the others as of late. Now it was only a matter of if he would turn her down or actually give her a chance to show him what Helovia was like.

Brisa talks

•• TAGS: @Rift , @Naerys , @Ranjiri , @Laedere
•• NOTES: ••

Table by Moonstone Designs
Picture Credits: Here

RE: LOST GOLD (everyone!) - Laedere - 10-12-2015

i can tell your heart's cold -- like a fallen angel walking in your sleep
Things were good at getting creepy. Her eyes kept shifting back and forth from seeing skeletons and seeing regular horses. It was slowly eating at her sanity, and as all of the new creatures came in the skeletons seemed to pop back into view. The stag before her seemed to bow his head, straightening a little as he said that there was no need to apologize. Still, she kept her eyes trained low, hoping that the tar which lingered and occasionally dripped from her eyes, mouth, and nose. It didn't drip often, though, so hopefully if no one looked closely then they wouldn't notice it.

He stated that the company was nice before inquiring Laedere and Ardere's name, alas, before she could answer another Dragon's Throat herdmate was at her side. There was a small nod of recognition from Laedere to the dark mare before she offered her name to Rift. "Mineself hath thine title of Laedere, and mi nne companion's title tis be Ardere." A quiet explanation that included the shuffling of her feet as the bodies returned to normal (for the most part) and she could finally make out the colours and builds of their hides. Ranjiri offers their location and inquires as to where everyone else is from. The one who had gotten here before Laedere speaks next saying that she came from the Falls and would be happy to show him around.

Hesitantly, Laedere glanced at Ranjiri - hoping that the mare wouldn't be mad that she had offered for the pair of them to also show him around. "Aye, ye be welcome to accompany Ranjiri and mineself. Tis be mine pleasure to assist in ye's look at thine lands…" Yeah. Hopefully she didn't get mad.

image credit
table by: niki

RE: LOST GOLD (everyone!) - Naerys - 10-14-2015


She hadn't really known or understood exactly what it was she was walking into, but when her eyes fell on the gangly russet male she couldn't suppress the curiosity swelling in her petite breast. She hadn't expected so much competition but to turn away now, to give in before she'd even tried, would be a complete waste of time. The last two she'd brought home had been guaranteed. There had been no need to sell them on her home, no need to declare how wonderful her home was and why they should go there instead of elsewhere. The first had been her aunt and the second had been a stallion younger than this one, though even still it had only been one on one. This one wouldn't come easily, especially with her distinct lack of experience.

The pain in her head intensifies, glazing her teal eyes before they snap shut. She squeezes her eyelids together, trying her best to hold back a cry. Nostrils quiver as she tucks her head in towards her chest. Ow, ow ow ow, ow! Do not wince... do not wince. The thoughts ring through her mind, feeble in their attempts to dull the pain or redirect her attention elsewhere. Petyr, in his concern, turns his attention to the filly and begins to preen the pale ends of her mane. In desperation, the girl focuses on her breathing which, after several breaths began to calm her racing heart. With her head still tucked, she slowly opens her eyes and stares unblinking at the passionflowers growing and blooming around her small hooves. The large blossoms are her center. They ground her, in their own small way. Exhaling a warm breath, she lifts her head once more to gaze at the stallion - her expression is soft and sweet, hiding the pain from her face with all of the will she possesses.

"It's nice to meet you, Rift. Welcome to Helovia." she speaks warmly, pulling her best 'I'm an adult' act. At only a year old, she's a mere baby compared to the rest but her determination alone wouldn't allow her to dwell on it. After a moment, though, it falters as she realizes that - in her pain - she'd forgotten that the kind stallion had answered her question about the foreign creature. "Oh." she adds, flustered despite herself. Naerys shuffles her hooves anxiously, ruffling the bed of flowers she now stands upon. Some would get trampled by her hooves but she'd simply grow more. The girl then turns her head to the bandaged mare and offers her a soft smile. "That's a special companion you have there."

That's when her eyes drift to the dark mare by Laedere's side, and her tender heart sinks. More competition. More odds to stack against the chocolate splashed filly. Her expression shifts, growing more stoic by the second, in an attempt to hide her disappointment. The dark mare speaks her own introduction and then, mere moments later, the pale mare throws her own introduction into the mix. Teal eyes return to Laedere, almost expectantly waiting to hear her pitch. Once everyone else has spoken, the young girl turns her attention back to Rift. "My home is the World's Edge. A misty forest bordered on the west side by a sharp cliff plunging into the ocean below. It's rather pretty." she begins, though she does little to hide her own fondness for the Edge. It isn't just her home. She was born there and she's explored every inch of it with a keen eye for detail. "I could show you around, as well, if you'd like." she concludes, almost sheepishly, keeping her bright orbs pinned on the stallion.

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@Random Event for HFH
Summary: Doesn't touch anyone, stays in shadow. Looks at everyone but only talks to Rift and Laedere.

RE: LOST GOLD (everyone!) - Rift - 10-15-2015


This is something
All or nothing


The grin that perched so carefully upon his lips grew wider, settling there upon his face in a declaration of his comfort and care. Eyes remaining focused upon the bandaged lass for a moment before switching back toward the lovely cyan pools of Naerys, the scarlet lad almost didn't notice the arrival of yet another mare. Carmine eyes tracking her movement, Rift noted that the charcoal femme sported wings and a horn dipped in gold, a combination of appendages that the lad had yet to see in Helovia. Tilting his head to the side, curiosity apparent, the gangly stallion couldn't help but notice how the nightshade miss' demeanor was awash in confidence, a trait that Rift immediately found himself wishing for. 

The newest stranger spoke a greeting to the bandaged lass and moved to stand at her side, the pair existing in striking contrast in both color and demeanor. As his lips parted to issue a greeting of his own, she turned her face to address Rift directly and the stallion found himself awash in a violent tide of emotion. Her eyes. His eyes. The eyes of his father and of his siblings. 

The jewelled eyes that existed only in tandem with death. 

His heart fluttered spastically, a lone sparrow desperately attempting to flee the bonds of it's cage. His breathing sputtered to a stop and the earth seemed to shift beneath his hooves, tilting precariously toward the unknown. Spindly legs began to tremble ever so slightly as visions from his childhood assaulted his senses; who was this woman with the garnet eyes? Where did she come from? Was she even real?

Questions and panic flooded the brute's mind and he was forced to close his eyes, forced to take control of his existence and refuse the weakness that threatened to consume him in that moment. The chestnut stag focused on the even sound of the newest mare's voice, consciously hooking onto the comfortable timbre as if it were the only thing anchoring him to the earth. 

After a few breaths, Rift was able to open his eyes, though he avoided the gaze of the mare - Ranjiri, if he had heard correctly - as he replied, focusing upon the less familiar face of Laedere, "Thank you for your welcome, Ranjiri, it is well received." His strangled voice fell from his lips like so many prayers for deliverance, the tone and tenor only barely masking the confusion that he felt, "I guess I'm from a few lands, if I am being honest. I was born in a vast canyon upon the continent of Unbridled, though that realm is no more." He did his best to hide the pain in his face, but knew that he had never been very skilled at stoicism. 

Just as the silence was becoming thick, the first mare to approach him, Brisa, spoke. Her voice was as sweet as the grin she offered, causing Rift's lips to curl upward in return; he would forever feel indebted to the angelic mare for breaking whatever spell he had been under. Her offer of rest and discovery was very tempting, for he was near exhaustion from his travels and the blue-eyed mare seemed just the sort of gentle to help him heal. But the reply died on his lips as Laedere's lilting vocals rang out tentatively over the emerald waters. 

Another offer of rest and discovery, this time with the possibility of being accompanied by Ranjiri and her eyes that echoed his own. The proposal was not lost upon the rogue, as his head was nearly overflowing with questions that he intended to ask the multicolored mare, but his attentions were suddenly drawn to his side where the winged child stood with her head tucked carefully against her neck. He scanned her small frame, noting the tension in her muscles, how her bonding was preening at her short mane, and the flowers that had sprung up beneath her tiny hooves. 

Pain. She had been in pain and he hadn't even noticed, too wrapped up in his own pathetic concerns for the past. 

He stepped toward her then, nodding attentively as she spoke with a voice that hid what pain she had experienced; a sort of internal torture that the scarlet lad knew all too well. Her offer of receiving him in her home faded into the sounds of the forest and he didn't reply, instead moving to gently drape a wing over her thin figure; the action all at once protective and nurturing. Dipping his head toward Naerys, Rift bumped his velvet nose against her cheek ever so softly, hoping with all of his heart that she would understand that she was not alone in her experiences. 

He let the silence hang between the company, he let it become thick and tangible, like a beast hovering in the atmosphere waiting to pounce. His mind was racing and he felt the weight of his decisions pushing down upon his spine. At length, he straightened, wing still draped assuringly over Naery's shoulders, and when he spoke, his voice had taken on a certain sense of stubbornness while still retaining it's careful courtesy.

"I thank you for your offer, Brisa, and while I do wish to spend time within your Falls and learn about you, I must respectfully decline. I do hope that we may be able to continue contact in the near future." He nodded toward the lovely mare and prayed that she wouldn't be hurt by his rejection. Turning his gaze toward that of the Dragon's Throat pair, Rift forced himself to meet Ranjiri's ruby stare, "And I thank you, Laedere and Ranjiri. I would be more than glad to accompany you to the Dragon's Throat, as I have many questions for you. Yet..." He trailed off, his attention pulled once again to the chocolate painted child tucked at his side, "Naerys..." his voice was but a murmur, but the way he uttered her name seemed to hold his heart within it. He stared unwaveringly, almost challengingly into the gazes of Laedere and Ranjiri for a moment before breaking the silence yet again. 

"I will not leave her." There was a steel to his manor that he had never truly experienced and found himself almost surprised at his actions, "I wish to escort her back to her World's Edge, to her mother and her herd. I will find whatever entrance there is to the Dragon's Throat and there I will wait for you, but I will not leave Naerys until I know she is safe within her borders."

He had not protected Avarice, and he had paid that price as she took her life.
He refused to take that chance now. 

words: ### | tag: @ranjiri @naerys @laedere @brisa c: | notes: woah okay rift calm down wtf chill

Sorry for how long this is! definitely feel free to reply with like 250 words if that's what you get out! There was just a lot of stuff going on. Sorry!! dont feel pressure!!

RE: LOST GOLD (everyone!) - Brisa - 10-16-2015

It had been the moment that the others showed up that she had pretty much counted herself out of being the one to showing Rift to his new home. Ranjiri when she spoke seemed to have something about her voice that she couldn't quite figure up, but when Rift started with the same anomaly ya she knew the Falls wouldn't be getting a new addition. Listening to the others talk amongst themselves her attention fell to Naerys as pain seemed to strike her. Immediate concern rippled through her as she watched her curiously trying to figure out what could be wrong. Seeing no physical injuries on the girl the next option was something internal... The way she was squinting her eyes and the slight head tilt made her best guess go to something to do with her head. While the mother in her wanted to immediately jump in and do whatever possible to help relieve the pain she stopped herself. Rift was going to take care of her now, she would be in good hands.

Ever since the battles that had been popping up along with these new lands she had heard talk of strange illnesses that seemed to go along with them. While she had not personally observed the symptoms she believed she had heard something about a headache or something. Was this what was plaguing the girl? Was it contagious? Not knowing was what scared her the most and this was definitely unfamiliar, making a note to herself she would have to go see what she could find out about all this. Despite not being a healer anymore she still couldn't see something and not try and do something about it. Looking up as Rift spoke directly to her she listened quietly before responding. "I understand, but if you change your mind later on down the road my offer will still stand. Hopefully we will meet again sometime." She replied with a small smile and a nod of her head.

Yes she was disappointed but by now she was used to the rejection of others, it would just get pushed into the back of her mind in the ever overflowing closet of pained memories. "Oh, if I may suggest something. Along the path towards the Edge there will be large willow trees, stop there and get some of the bark and get Naery's to eat it. It will hopefully help with the pain until Alysanne can look after you." She instructed both to Naery's and Rift in the hopes the knowledge might help them out even a little. Managing a smile she turned to address everyone. "It was nice meeting you all, hopefully we will meet again." With that she turned away with a soft sigh before disappearing into the trees.

Brisa talks

•• TAGS: @Rift , @Naerys , @Ranjiri , @Laedere •• NOTES: They definitely need to catch up later <3 ••

Table by Moonstone Designs
Picture Credits: Here

RE: LOST GOLD (everyone!) - Random Event - 10-18-2015

Brisa has contracted GLL.

RE: LOST GOLD (everyone!) - Ranjiri - 10-23-2015

in this world full of people there's one killing me
and if we only die once i wanna die with you

It seemed that Rift had a similar reaction that I did when he saw just how similar our eyes were, but there was something else in his expression that made me frown. Fear? Sadness, maybe? While I stood there and pondered what it was that I saw in his expression Laedere spoke up, her speech as strange as ever as she invited him along with us. Then it was the youngest of us gathered, the little winged girl, invited him to go to the Edge with her. Honestly, I didn't want him to go to the Edge. I wanted him to come back to the Throat with me and Laedere, but that was mostly because I wanted to talk to him and figure out why we had the same eyes.

My gaze shifted over to Brisa, the white mare that had invited Rift to the Falls, as he declined her offer. When he looked to Laedere and me I was expecting him to turn us down as well because he seemed quite fond of the filly he had his wing draped over, but then he said he wanted to accompany us home. (Yay, victory for us!) "Yet...?" I prompted when his voice trailed after he said he had more questions for us.

 will not leave her. I wish to escort her back to her World's Edge, to her mother and her herd."

"Oh." I said, but he continued on saying that he would find whatever entrance there was to the Dragon's Throat. "There's .... really no entrance." I said. "I mean ... there was one that connected the Throat to the main land, but its not there anymore... but since you have wings you can just fly in..." And I was babbling. I turned and looked at Laedere, for some kind of support, though I doubted the pale mare would tell me to shut up and stop babbling. "Or we could go with you." I ended up offering.


i'm a horrible, terrible person and i'm so sorry for the wait D:

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RE: LOST GOLD (everyone!) - Laedere - 10-24-2015

The young foal turned her head back to her before saying that she had a special companion. "Tis mine other half," Laedere returns with a gentle smile to the young and sick one before Ardere floats near her, offering a few gentle clicks of comfort and tries to rub herself up against the mare's side. Perhaps the distraction would offer some relief for the small one - or at least Ardere believed so. Laedere had no clue what to make of it, especially with her vision still consistently switching between skeletons and regular bodies.

Aye. He wished to follow us back to the Throat! This was great! New members, though no one really seemed to realize what it was that  drew all of them to the hot desert. Oh well, it didn't exactly matter. Still, as he said yet Ranjiri echoed it before his explanation came.  He wanted to stay with the sick foal. How… noble and yet so… so against everything that was her tradition. It was the mares which cared for the foals - the stags who left to fight and do much else. She offered a gentle nod as Ranjiri began to babble on.

Twas almost endearing to see someone else continuing on in long tangents and sentences. "Perhaps tis better that we accompany ye as well." Laedere said, adding onto Ranjiri's offer to go with. "Another form of protection for ye and Naerys - if ye shan't mind thee company of a flightless bird…" she whispers, pallid eyes peering at the others. Tis true, she would probably be far more of a burden to them when she was incapable of flying.

@Naerys @Ranjiri @Rift
Sorry for the wait!
Image Credit

RE: LOST GOLD (everyone!) - Naerys - 10-29-2015


"I understand." she says sweetly in response to Laedere. And indeed she does, the green bird on her withers is proof of that very special bond. She'd wager, though, that Petyr is the younger of the two but whether that has any bearing on the intensity of the bond, the girl can't say. The dolphin moves towards her then, swimming through the air with the same gentle ease she'd expect to see underwater. It clicks gently at her before moving to rub against her side. The distraction has its desired effect on Naerys, no matter how briefly it lasts.

She hadn't been expecting him to approach her but he did. Petyr's pale eyes watch him, careful and observant, from his position on the girl's withers. With every step, the green bird hops up her neck to settle in on top of her head. It was a strange perch for Naerys. To say that she enjoyed the feel of his pointy claws pricking the skin between her ears would be a complete and utter lie. She wanted to tell him that what she had could be contagious and that perhaps he should stand back but before the words could fall from her lips, he was beside her with his wing draped over her back. Naerys had never been this closely embraced by any male other than her father and the kind yet simple gesture sent a flood of heat to her face. The heat radiating from his body, his side seems close enough to hers that she doesn't dare to try to move. If she did, she feared their sides might touch and the mere thought of that sent unfamiliar shivers down her spine. It wasn't bad, not entirely, but at only a year old she hadn't really been touched so familiarly by anyone outside of her family. All at once it set her on edge and, somehow, reassured and comforted her. His velvety nose touches her cheek softly, the gentle gesture erases some of her insecurities.

Yet she remains still, tense. For awhile he doesn't speak and without conscious thought she averts her gaze to the flowers that persistently grow around her hooves causing Petyr to hop back to her neck because the alternative - falling off her head - is unacceptable. The girl is too caught up in her flowers and too sick from the pain to notice. She doesn't really control the flowers but their appearance and growth is entirely dependent upon her touch. Once that's gone, they die; slowly absorbing back into the earth. The phenomenon is both beautiful and depressing but most importantly, it is hers. Rift's voice snaps her attention back to the group, though she is slow to lift her head once more. Her ears swivel, listening carefully to their words though nothing really registers until her name falls from Rift's lips. The girl lifts her head then, slowly and deliberately until her teal eyes find his russet face. He wants to escort her home, to keep her safe. "Oh." the single word is hardly more than a breathy whisper. She hadn't been expecting his answer. Hadn't been expecting it at all. "I... um... thank you, Rift." she finally manages, both wanting to relax in his embrace and wanting to flee. Her emotions are jumbled, mostly due to the illness but also because of the way Rift draped his wing over her. He was like the big brother she'd never really had and secretly, she delighted in that fact. The girl listens carefully to Brisa's suggestion, flashing her a friendly smile. "Thank you, Brisa. I'm sure mother would love to see you again soon." and with that she returns her attention to the rest. Her private escort, it seems, has jumped from one to three and though it made her a bit uncomfortable, she knew there was no talking them down. Still nestled beneath Rift's wing (though now more compelled to cuddle into him), she sighs. "I suppose we should all get going, then." though she doesn't really want to know what that would entail; doesn't want to leave the safety of his wing. So instead of taking the lead, she simply waits.

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So sorry for the wait on this and the lack of proofreading (it's late and I'm falling asleep at the computer so I'll check it over later).
@Rift @Brisa @Ranjiri @Laedere

RE: LOST GOLD (everyone!) - Rift - 11-09-2015

This is something
All or nothing

The world was melting.

Trees folded soundlessly, gelatinously, into the earth. Leaves dripped crystalline melodies that struck invisible chords deep into the planet's core. Sounds grew wings and flew into the realm of visibility, inflections and accents ringing out and grabbing at the thin stallion's attention. Gazing up at the sky, Rift watched as the sun burned itself away, leaving a bleached white skeleton slowly shattering into dust. His face was frozen in horror, his expression deceptively calm as he watched the universe crumple around him.


And just like that, the world was whole again, bright and warm with lattice-like shadows sprawled over the grasses and the quartet - no, the trio - of mares around him. Blinking slowly and giving another half hearted sniff at the vague sense of dripping in his nose, Rift wondered at how long his attention had been lost to the hallucination. Sifting his focus to the slowly retreating form of Brisa, the lad nodded at her back before letting his gaze drift downward to Naerys.

A sigh escaped his lungs as he found the cherubic youth still tucked securely beneath his wing, her kind eyes radiating a trusting warmth that he had only known in innocence. Scarlet eyes fell closed for a moment in relief; he had not harmed her during reality's lapse. In his relief, the rogue couldn't help but brush his lips protectively over Naerys' small, tulip shaped ears. The tension drained from his frame in a slow exhale - whatever these strange new lands had done, they would not take him away from his convictions.

Looking up as Ranjiri's voice broke the thin silence, Rift's worried expression broke into a grin; the more the merrier!

And the more, the less danger Naerys would be in if Rift's reality decided to splinter again.

Before he would answer, Laedere's voice rand out as well, offering escort in her strange, lilting tongue. Casting his gaze to the heavens, a small gesture of thanks to whatever gods were listening, Rift felt his heart swell. "I thank you kindly for your offer, ladies, and I gladly accept. I fear that despite my good intentions, without your and Naerys' assistance, we would find ourselves hopelessly lost." A wry grin twisted at his lips, but the gesture held a small measure of melancholy as the brute recalled a time in his lie when getting lost was an adventure, not a death sentence. As Naerys spoke, Rift forced himself from the unexpected reverie and summoned a grin to curl the corners of his mouth; today was new and young, no sense in dwelling upon days long turned to ash.

Dipping his head respectfully toward Ranjiri and Laedere, Rift took a few steps toward what he hoped was the South, glancing at the trio of ladies periodically to make sure his sense of direction remained accurate. "Brace yourself, ma'ams and misses," He chuckled with a lightheartedness that took him by surprise, "you are in for a world of confusion if I remain in the lead." Flicking his tail and catching Laedere's eye, the fiery chestnut motioned forward with his dished skull, "Best take the lead, our patterned crusader, I have an inkling that you are more familiar with the terrain than our flight-spoiled hooves could ever hope to be." He tossed a cheeky wink in Ranjiri's direction, awash in a sudden sense of giddy excitement.

And as they moved, the four of them strangers united beneath a causeless banner, Rift felt the grin that stretched his lips become real.

words: ### | tag: @ranjiri @naerys @laedere @Brisa @Random Event c: | notes: c:

SORRY FOR THE CRAPPY POST AND LONG WAIT! But here it finally is, we can end it here if you would like or your pons can reply with their own ending post c:

ALSO IF YOU WERE WONDERING, Rift and Naerys are gonna have a thread at World's Edge pretty soon that is the heppi party taking the heppi ponpon back to her heppi family and you guys can totally join in c: I'll tag y'all when I make it~