HELOVIA || The Way to the Sun
[JUDGED] Digging The Trenches [Cic x Ezital] - Printable Version

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Digging The Trenches [Cic x Ezital] - Ciceron - 10-13-2015

It was unsettling to think that there was still so much that they did not know about, other worlds, and other lands that were apparently parts of Helovia. Where would the line be drawn?  When would enough be enough? Would there ever come a day that everyone could just get over their issues and move on with their lives?  Centuries had proven that the world was incapable of living in peace with one another, there would always be bloodshed and tears and at what cost? Tempers would flare up over something stupid and there they would go again, a never ending cycle where only death could free you. Shaking his head at the thought of each of the Rift gods and their corruption it made him begin to question their own gods. Each of them said that they were doing it for Helovia's best interest, but were they really? What were they leaving out, what were they not telling them?

Over the last couple months things had changed drastically in his life leaving him barely coping as each moment replayed vividly before him. Nothing had been said to make things official but it had been made clear that what he had shared with Parelia was long gone. The distance she had placed between each other had said all that he needed to know but the truth was a bitter pill to swallow. His first born seemed to hate him for a reason he would never know but he had his suspicions as to what actually went down. His only remaining family was his daughter Areli who had thankfully remained within the herd and seemed to love him as much as he did her.  She had kept him from losing all hope and from losing his life to the pain that still burned with every beat of his heart. He was managing for now with the help of his beloved feline and his ability to throw himself into his latest role as conscript, if not for this his body would already be deep down in Davey Jones locker. Life moves on one way or another regardless if you are ready for it or not and he had never understood the meaning of this until his fate had been sealed. Life was a carousel that would never stop turning, you either went along with it or forever be known as the one who failed, there was no stopping , no redo’s and there was no way you were getting off.

Memories were what would destroy him but keeping those locked away was anything but easy. Sometimes he felt that it would be easier to just forget it all and move on but there was no way he could leave his kids, he would not be the one to fall into his father’s footsteps when he had worked so hard to get away from them. Needing something to burn off some excess steam the stag turned to the grounds before him, green pasture extended out to either side of him decorated with the occasional mottling of thick greenery and the tree tops. Overhead the night was breaking apart to reveal the dawning of a new day which filled the sky with vibrant pastels for all to see. Ground level brought along its own unique challenges as a thick blanket of fog consumed the lands lowest points giving the greenery a rich coat of morning dew. It could be slick but he needed this distraction more than he cared about falling on his ass here or there. It was all just practice for when the stakes turned into life and death instead of just fun and games. “DESTRIER! COME OUT AND WE SHALL DUEL!” He trumpeted hoping that his vocals would reach his opponent. “Kiara you know what to do, please be careful or else it won’t be Destrier you need to fear. “ he joked playfully nudging her side affectionately. Chuckling as her paw brushed against his skin playfully he watched as she disappeared into the mist.

Stretching his muscles to relieve any tension that may have built up over the night the grey warrior pulled his head high, squared his shoulders and prepared himself for battle. Still standing atop one of the few slopes he would have a full view of the entire meadow, well with the exception of the parts shrouded in mist. “Do not forget about the dragons.”

Setting/Time: Thistle Meadow at Dawn

Weather: A typical fall morning, cooler temperatures, mist covering majority of meadow with exception of hills. Dew on grass.

Word Count: 738

Intro: 1/1
Attacks: 0/3 (You can have first attack)

Use of companions and magic are alright with me, if you agree as well.

Ciceron talks
Thinking/Speaking through bond
Kiara speaks

•• TAGS: @Destrier •• NOTES: ••

Table by Moonstone Designs

RE: Digging The Trenches [Cic x Des] - Ezital - 10-31-2015


 photo EzziHeadshot.png

Ezital had given up trying to stay within the borders of Hidden Falls, and had taken to wandering about at night. It seemed far more likely that Ktulu would try to find him during the day if she had some task for him. If she had to wait for him for a little while, well he certainly wouldn't be losing any sleep over that. 

Not that he was still bitter over their last encounter. If he were that petty, he'd still be calling her bear a giant beaver in his head, and imagining her tripping over tree branches. Which of course he'd stopped doing by now. He'd been hoping for some sort of instruction in fighting, but he would've settled for acknowledgement at this point.

Tonight's restless wanderings took him further than usual. Generally, he tried to be back in his secluded area in the falls before dawn, but he'd been distracted by some fireflies and followed them around for a while.

He wound up walking through some ridiculously thick mist, obscuring his vision of the fireflies. Sighing, he started to turn and head back to the falls, when a stallion's bugle broke the quiet of the night. Or dawn, rather. He looked up to see that the sky was starting to lighten and grey. He was long due back, but what were the odds that Ktulu would come to visit today? He had time.
His curiosity drew him forward to the edges of the fog, where he dropped to his belly in the wet grass. A grey stallion was standing on top of the rolling hill before him, surveying the misty field like some sort of conquering hero.

He snorted softly. All of these horses took themselves so seriously. What had he supposedly conquered? There was nothing out here but some fog and fireflies.

The stallion's back was turned to him, but he looked vaguely familiar. Perhaps he was from the falls as well? He thought Ktulu had mentioned something about there being other warriors. The stallion certainly carried himself like a fighter; perhaps he could give Ezital some pointers. Better yet, he could get Ktulu's attention if he showed her that he could be an asset to the herd.

Rising to his feet, he carefully calculated the distance between them. He coiled like a snake and leapt forward, rapidly closing the space while keeping his footsteps light and careful. The fog had a further muffling effect on any sounds he might've made.

Mere feet from the other horse, he made a mistake. He rocked back to pounce on the stallion's back like a jungle cat, but the dew covered grass slipped from underneath him. He crashed to the earth in the most ungraceful fashion and slid the remaining distance. The fall startled him so much, he wasn't even certain whether or not he'd collided with the stallion.

He smiled weakly at the grey horse.


So do I count attacks over here? I'm counting the slide as an attack. :P

RE: Digging The Trenches [Cic x Des] - Time - 11-01-2015

Please include word count for each attack or closing defense post, as well as an indicator of the attack set.

Above post is attack 1/3.


RE: Digging The Trenches [Cic x Ezital] - Ciceron - 11-02-2015

Standing tall awaiting Destrier the grey soldier replayed their carefully planned battle strategy over in his head looking for anything that might need revision. The crisp morning air was refreshing and helped to soothe his overly active mind enough to let him focus on the coming spar. The black warrior would be challenging to say the least considering he had not one but two dragons to contend with along with his own arsenal of tricks. There was never anything easy about trying to battle with another warrior for you knew that there was a likelihood that each and every tactic would be used to the fullest extent. Laughing softly in amusement he tried to think of what some of the earliest tactics he had managed to make work way back when. When he was younger he could remember being more of a straight in straight out kind of guy preferring to just charge into the forefront of the battle field just to get things over and done with. As he had matured he had started to take a more reserved demeanor preferring to think things over before running in blindly only to miss something important. He was not as young as he used to be and reckless behaviour now could cost him more than just the battle, there were far better ways available to accomplish the task it just took patience.

Scanning the field in front of him the grey had failed to notice the smaller statured stallion approaching from the rear until it was too late. As the beast leapt towards him he tried to spin away only to have the stallion fall on his ass and slide into him hindering his forward momentum. Pain swelled up into his right hind hock from the impact causing him to stumble and half trip over the moron who had decided to jump him from behind. Finding his footing instinct curled his hind hooves as he rocked his weight forward to strike out with both hind legs hoping to send the jerk a message of disapproval. Pinning his ears he rounded on the black reindeer horse (quite literally considering he couldn't tell if it was a equine or a buck with the antlers sprouting from his forehead) the silver stud curved his neck down aiming to take a chunk out of his hide with a efficient snap of his jaws. At this point he really could care less what he was aiming for just as long as it hit the poor sucker still laying upon the ground.

Glaring down at him through silver orbs he scrutinized his newest opponent to take in what all he needed to be concerned about. His initial thoughts of the young boy were that he must have some guts for barging in here and trying to take him on out of the blue like this but others included his short stature, odd antlers and again his shortness compared to his own height. Had he really thought it would be possible to successfully jump him? The possibility was actually quite comical so he decided to keep Kiara in on the loop by shooting her a few select images of their new opponent. Her silent snickering at the images was enough to make him smile before he turned his attention back to Ezital. Had Ktulu set him up to it? At the thought a soft chuckle escaped his lips as things began to make sense; of course she set the boy up to this. “On your feet!" He commanded shaking off the discomfort in his hind leg the best he could (trying to unsuccessfully). "I am Ciceron, who might you be?" He asked picking up a purposeful walk as he circled the lad awaiting an answer to his questions. It was so like Ktulu to decide to change things up at the last minute like this leaving him no doubt as to who was behind the black deer boy’s sudden appearance.

Flicking his tail casually the warrior lowered his head brandishing his sword in case the black stallion decided to get anymore ideas, well at least until he got his answers that was. It was difficult not to walk without the slightest limp as the pain still spasmed where there would likely be bruising later on but he did his very best to hide what he could. “Well was that the best you got?” He taunted gently with a lopsided smirk. Might as well see what the kid was made of.

Ciceron talks
Kiara speaks

Word Count: 752/800
Attack: 1/3
Summary: Startled by Ezital's attack and tries to jump away only tripping over him. Sprains his right hind hock in the encounter. Retaliates by bucking in an attempt to ram his hind hooves into Ezital's side or head as he spins around to attempt to take a chunk of flesh between his teeth. Kiara is in hiding still.

•• TAGS: •• NOTES: ••

Table by Moonstone Designs

RE: Digging The Trenches [Cic x Ezital] - Ezital - 11-02-2015


 photo EzziHeadshot.png

The stallion didn't fall on top of Ezital, thankfully, but he certainly was startled by the impact. The look on the other horse's face drew a breathless laugh from his chest. That would teach him to expect the unexpected. Unfortunately, the moment was short lived. As soon as the stallion leapt clear of his tangled limbs, he struck out with both hind legs and caught Ezital full in the ribs.

His laugh turned into a wheeze as the air left his lungs. He scrabbled his legs in the long grass as he struggled to process the pain suddenly erupting in his side. Surely his ribs were broken. The rushing sound in his ears had to be some internal organ bursting and filling his insides with corrosive acid. He briefly closed his eyes and waited for the inevitable death that waited on the horizon.

The pinch of teeth on his neck snapped him back to reality.

"Ow," He groused. His ears pressed to his neck and he flicked his tail in the grass. "That hurt."

The stallion smiled suddenly, as if this whole thing was very funny to him. It would have been a pleasant smile if Ezital hadn't detected a slight manic gleam in his eyes. Perhaps there was a good reason the grey had been standing out in the middle of a field all by himself. Surely that didn't say good things about his state of mind?

He rose to his feet reluctantly, as the stallion directed. His side ached tenderly, but the damage likely wasn't as extensive as he'd originally imagined.

The stallion introduced himself as Ciceron, and Ezital thought that sounded vaguely familiar. He arched his neck to display the little muscle definition he had. It didn't seem like a good idea to come across as easy prey with this horse. "My name is Ezital. Are you from the falls as well?"

Ciceron began to circle him like a big grey shark, scenting for weakness and blood. He tried to put the comparison out of his mind. The stallion was an ally, a member of the herd that had taken him in. Still, he met the critical gaze glued to him in kind, picking up on a slight weakness in one of the stallion's hind legs.

Though he lacked some of the refinement Ciceron showed, much less size and age, he'd never had the comfortable life these herd horses had. He'd survived harsh conditions and he'd had to fight off the occasional predator that lurked in the wilds beyond Helovia. Once, he'd woke to find a wild dog in his den. The scuffle was brutal but brief, ending with Ezital's jaws clamped over its broken neck.

Ciceron offered a mocking challenge, coupled with his strange smile.

"You kick like a mule," he informed Ciceron sourly, if only to distract those sharp eyes for a few moments. "Is that how you defeat your opponents; simply turn tail and they run the other way?"

He lunged forward suddenly, hoping to take the stallion by surprise once more, after remaining still for so long. Tossing his antlers to the side, he tried to knock away Ciceron's most dangerous weapon after his feet. He reared up to clear the height difference between them aimed his teeth right for the jugular.

The screaming pain in his side stole his strength and dragged him to the ground once more, teeth still clamped on whatever they could reach.

Words: 574
Attack: 2/3
Summary: Ezital sustained heavy bruising on his left side from Ciceron's kick (no broken ribs, drama queen), the bite was glancing. Ezital retaliates by rushing Ciceron and trying to push his horn away with his antlers before trying to grab his throat with his teeth. The momentum of his lunge makes him fall again (clutz).

(Sorry Time! I swear I'll get the hang of this eventually. <3)


RE: Digging The Trenches [Cic x Ezital] - Ciceron - 11-02-2015

The resounding whoosh of air filled his auds as pain shot through his sore hock at the extension of his extremities and the force of impact against the poor lads chest. Gritting his teeth in an attempt to force through the pain he stumbled slightly when his hooves hit back into the earth once more. Dammit! Of all places that he could have hit him, it had to be there! Grumbling silently to himself the grey moved to follow through with the rest of his actions, teeth sank splendidly into flesh filling his mouth with the coppery taste of blood.

Watching the young lad like a hawk as he circled he made note of the many different things playing across his features. From the surprise, the pain to the anger (at least what he supposed to be) he was beginning to get the feeling that there was more to this boy then met the eye. Was this some training task that he had been thrown into or some drill? Either way was fine with him but he would like to know which it actually was, come to think of it he would talk with Ktulu after this to figure out just which it would be. Turning an ear to catch the rest of the words Ezital managed to spit out in between his gaspy breath he couldn't help but be surprised as the first sounds were a complaint. Eyeing him quizzically he pondered what would pursue this guy to actually take to life as a warrior if he couldn't deal with a little pain? Battle was no butterflies and caterpillars it was real live pain and suffering, the sooner he realized that the better.

"Aye, I have earned the rank of Champion alongside Ktulu." He replied proudly not expanding too much more on the subject. He was proud of his position but he was not about to boast about it just for the hell of it. His rank had been earned by lots of hard work and by earning the respect of his fellow comrades. If he knew one thing for certain though it would be that this stallion needed to toughen up or else he would be eaten alive in the instance of a real battle, either that or Ktulu would beat them to it. He had watched the mare battle fiercely in the invasion and of anyone he would hate to have her and Etyan as opponents. Not that he was scared of her or anything...

A smile curls the corners of his lips at the rather lame insult followed by more questions. As if on cue the deer boy again tries to launch himself forward only to be taken down again by what he assumed to be pain. Watching him drop like a fly he tilted his head to see what the stallion was up to if he was actually just bluffing to cover up another tactic. Nope... he was serious... Ughhh..Right... "If a mule can do that much damage I will take that as a compliment."

"You ready?" He asked silently trying to see where about his companion had stashed herself only for her to send him snapshots of what she was seeing. "Doesn't look like need help?" She mused obviously entertained by the battle thus far. "Let's see if we can motivate him a little shall we?"

Having enough of the sliding penguin routine that seemed to be becoming a habitual fall back for this unusual stallion he stepped forward as electricity began to snap to life around him igniting the drops of moisture in a loud crack. Leaping forward to pound his hooves into the grass he initiated war stomp hoping to send the stallion on a little adventure should he finally decide to join him on his feet. The second fun fact of the morning would have to be the likelihood of water conducting electricity, with spending so much time down on the ground he was bound to be covered in water by now. This little fireworks show just might get him in the mood to battle he thought silently to himself as massive cracks of electricity shot all around him as he landed only feet from his opponent only to continue forward until he was out of range of Ezital. On cue the moment the electricity faded a intimidating snarl broke through the silence drawing his attention to his beloved companion. Turning on heel as gracefully as possible (well not really gracefully with a bum leg) his silver eyes locked onto the airborne tigress as she descended upon their opponent with claws and teeth bared aiming to rough him up a little bit more. If this didn't spark some life into this poor boy he wasn't sure what would.

Ciceron talks
Silent Speech
Kiara speaks

Word Count: 797/800
Attack: 2/3
Attacks again while Ezital is down this time charging him in the hopes of electrocuting him with his magic as he is likely soaking wet from the dew. Uses war stomp to hopefully hinder Ezital's attempts to get up. When the electricity fades Kiara launches herself at Ezital's back hoping to sink in her teeth and or claws anywhere she can.

•• TAGS: @Ezital •• NOTES: ••

Table by Moonstone Designs

RE: Digging The Trenches [Cic x Ezital] - Ezital - 11-04-2015


 photo EzziHeadshot.png

Ezital's lunge crashed and burned quite spectacularly. He opened his eyes to find himself sprawled on the ground once more, with not even a mouthful of grey flesh to show for it. In fact, the owner of that grey flesh was staring back at him like he was the most absurd thing he'd ever seen. The ache in his side intensified as he got to his feet, more cautiously this time. He would have to be a little more creative if he wanted to leave a mark on the stallion. The wounds in his ribs would heal with time, but his pride would be far more deeply damaged. 

"Champion?" he snorted. "What have you done to earn such a title? There is nothing out here to guard against. I've slept on the fringes of the herd lands here for days now; the most frightening thing I've encountered was some fireflies and now, you. Not exactly something to write home about."

His frustration may have loosened his tongue a bit, but he didn't say anything he hadn't been thinking. The herd horses were soft. The only reason he was losing to Ciceron was his privilege of being considerably taller and heavier. Ciceron couldn't survive the way he had all these years.

The air suddenly felt charged and heavy around them, much like it did before an electrical storm. He had the presence of mind to look up at the clear sky before it hit him. His teeth clenched tightly as every muscle in his body collectively spasmed. Tremors rolled through him, even as the heavy grip squeezing him vanished.

"What the fuck was that?" He spat at Ciceron. His anger finally boiled over and he leapt forward to grab the leg the stallion was favoring in his teeth.

A weight crashed into his withers, stabbing needles of pain into his crest and shoulder. He loosed a high pitched squeal before rearing nearly vertical, returning to earth with a great crash. He struck out with every hoof or antler available in every direction, hoping to hit something, whether it be the stallion or this new attacker.

As soon as he was free, he bolted, tearing across the open field as fast as his hooves would take him. "Come get me, you fuckers!" He screamed over his shoulder.

Between the blood running down the side of his neck, his heaving flanks, and his aching ribs, he should probably feel quite frightened. As much as he searched for the fear, all he found was endless endorphins and adrenaline, topped off with something akin to joy. Distantly, he was aware of himself laughing. Ciceron probably thought he was crazy. 

He halted and spun in place, squaring off to the grey stallion, and awaited Ciceron's next move.  

Words: 461
Attack: 3/3
Summary: Ezital is electrocuted by Ciceron's magic, he's upset and tries to bite Ciceron's bum leg. Kiara hits him in the back and neck, causing superficial scrapes over his neck that are bleeding. He rears to try and shake her off and starts doing the bronc thing and strikes out at both Kiara and Ciceron with hooves and antlers. He then runs around acting crazy and taunts Ciceron.


RE: Digging The Trenches [Cic x Ezital] - Ciceron - 11-07-2015

As the battle progressed at a steady pace the fact that the stallion had many issues with self control became quite apparent. Not only controlling his actions but also holding his tongue on topics he knew nothing about. Hardly the kind of warrior you wanted to send into battle for they would risk the blabbermouth spilling secrets directly to their enemies with only the slightest pressure. Stomping his foot as his ears swivelled back momentarily he glared at the young boy wanting to show him a thing or two about respecting those of higher ranking. "Better watch that mouth of yours or it will get you into trouble someday." He warned sternly pulling rank over the younger stallion. "Rule number one: Respect for those who outrank you! Ktulu and I can really make this miserable for you if we wanted, so I suggest you put a filter on before you say something you might regret. Remember you are the one who came to us for helping your training."

There was definitely something amusing about watching someone being electrocuted especially someone who was getting on your nerves. Between the tremoring, uncontrollable twitching and the jerky movements it really seemed to animate the victims to some sort of comedic level. As the effects slowly wore away a smug smirk found his features as yet again the young lad questioned him. What the hell did he expect? If he couldn’t deal with what was thrown he best be thinking about a different choice of career. Perhaps he would be better suited for the herd jester? Catching the stallion's movement from the corner of his eye he swung his hindquarters around in an attempt to intercept the attack before it could make contact. Despite his efforts ivories tore against his thick hide painfully drawing blood to the point of his right hip but other than that Kiara's attack successfully thwarted majority of the damage. Her claws tore into his flesh drawing the body’s lifeline to the surface as her teeth sank into the thickened flesh upon his neck anchoring her in place. Lashing his tail against his sides in anger he throws in a rounded buck to maybe hit the boy square in the face if he is still close enough. Pain again flares into his right hock as his hoof crashes back to the ground causing his limp to become more pronounced for the next couple strides.

As his eyes fell upon the sleek tigress his heart skipped a beat only now realizing how hard it was to watch his bonded in battle. This was one of the first battles they had fought together and it would definitely be the hardest. Every movement had him on edge fearing for her safety but he was helpless to do anything more than watch in horror as the stallion spun around trying to kick her off. They had been over this many times but no amount of talk could take away his worries for his best friend's well being. Her body was designed for taking down prey and her instincts drove her forward but to him she was still that small little fuzz ball he had raised, so small, and so vulnerable. Gritting his teeth as the torrent of activity ensued to turn Ezital into a rodeo tyrant he couldn't just stand by any longer. “Kiara!” Lunging back towards the stallion as Kiara got thrown sideways skidding into the grass with a furious hiss he set his sights on the retreating form of Ezital. "Now it’s personal." He growled sharply pinning his harks along his skull. What the fuck was wrong with this boy? Staring after Ezital in total disbelief he wondered where he had learned such atrocious battle techniques. Scenting the crimson droplets from his open wounds upon the wind he spurred himself into a headlong gallop aiming to once again use his body as a battering as he curled his head in towards his chest aiming his sword towards the stallion’s chest. No one hurts Kiara and gets away with it! Sparks once again erupt around him as his anger fuels his every action driving him faster and faster until the stallion finally turns back. In his rage he had not noticed Kiara streaking behind him after her prey intent on finishing the job.

Word Count: 720
Attack: 3/3
Injuries Sustained: Badly strained right hind hock, superficial bite wound to his right hip. Kiara sustained some bruising from getting thrown forcefully to the ground.
Ezital manages to take a chunk out of his right hind hip before Kiara attacks. Ciceron tries to intercept the attack by throwing his hip in towards Ezital and bucking. Kiara gets thrown to the ground, Ciceron pursues Ezital keen on payback. Aims to ram into Ezital's side using his weight and his horn, also using his electric magic to electrocute him as well if possible. Kiara pursues Ezital as well in an attempt to land another attack.

Ciceron talks
Silent Speech
Kiara speaks

•• TAGS: @Ezital •• NOTES: You can write a summary if you want to :) ••

Table by Moonstone Designs

RE: Digging The Trenches [Cic x Ezital] - Ezital - 11-08-2015


 photo EzziHeadshot.png

The electric jolt Ciceron had given him seemed to have shut down Ezital's higher thinking. He was faintly aware that he was yelling at the stallion, and that his hooves were pounding into the earth at even intervals. He couldn't recall exactly when he'd started running, but it must've been long enough to make him this out of breath.

He drew to a stop, shaking his head to clear it. A nagging feeling in the back of his mind made him look around the meadow that spread in every direction. The fog in his mind cleared pretty quick once he registered the heavy grey mass of muscle galloping straight for him.

Oh shit.

Ezital's slender legs scrambled underneath him as he dove out of Ciceron's path. He was almost too slow, scant inches between them as the stallion blasted past him. His tail might have a few less hairs than it had moments before, thanks to Ciceron's gnashing teeth. The wounds must've slowed him down a bit.

He was forced to do some more acrobatics to twist out of the way of the other attacker, which he could see now was a big silvery cat. Her hide was lashed with deeply black whip marks. Tiger, his mind supplied for him.

The thunderous expression gracing the grey stallion's face gave him pause. Whatever Ezital's intentions were when he'd ventured out here with Ciceron, he hadn't meant to anger him. But no, anger wasn't quite the right word. There was an undercurrent of something in his fearsome gaze that Ezital couldn't understand.

He suddenly became aware of the copper tang of Ciceron's blood coating his mouth and lips. The stallion had been pretty clearly toying with him, perhaps giving him a chance to flex his muscles a bit. That's what he'd wanted, right? The only real damage he carried was where the stallion had been startled by his appearance and struck him. The rest of his wounds were superficial and would heal quickly.

Perhaps he'd gotten a bit carried away when he'd bitten Ciceron. It was difficult to tell from this distance how deeply he'd torn him, but it was still bleeding freely. There was a good chance that he would bear a crescent shaped scar there for the rest of his life.

A flicker of regret poisoned the triumph he felt at besting a horse like Ciceron. He considered running again, this time to leave Helovia for good. Hadn't he come here to learn to fight? How much more was there to learn, after he'd landed a solid hit on the bigger stallion? Surely there was little out there that would be bigger or more formidable than him.

But even as he considered it, he knew that his bite had been more luck and good timing than skill. There was still much to learn. When he returned to the wilds, he didn't want to scrape by like he had, he wanted to thrive.

"Truce!" He called to Ciceron and his tiger, while they were still regrouping. He cocked a hip, as if to prove that he wouldn't try to jump the stallion again. "Let's go back to the falls."

Words: 528
Injuries Sustained: Heavy bruising on left side, superficial lacerations on neck. 
Summary: Dodges Ciceron and Kiara's attacks, then offers truce to them. :)


RE: Digging The Trenches [Cic x Ezital] - Official - 11-27-2015

By my verdict: CICERON is the winner!

Realism [-1.5]
I think you had some really great moments during the fight, like taking the risk of slipping early on, but only doing that because of the dew on the grass which was your fighting terrain - this added some great realism. However I think you need to spend some time studying how horses fight, because there were a few instances, like trying to pounce on Ciceron like a jungle cat and going for his jugular that were jarringly unrealistic. Similarly fog doesn’t muffle your footsteps and I’m unsure about you saying he laid on his belly in that first post? You fell again in your second post with less explanation so it read unnecessary and unlikely (horses do not fall easily, generally) nor did it even read to me as you falling down until Ciceron’s response made me re-read it - you stated you fell in your summary but judges do not read summaries, so do your best to be clear within the 800 word limit.

You also seemed to struggle a bit with translating the dice damage into proper injury, because when you were rolled a critical hit you didn’t sustain enough damage. That you took a kick to the ribs was perfect for that, but you didn’t go on to say how much injury was born of it (mild bruising you seemed to say later) nor did it seem to hinder him as a fighter in any way - that should have been the worst damage possible and I expect a description and injury to go along with it! Similarly when you were electrocuted in the third post with a damage of 5, not only did your description for being electrocuted lack realistic explanation/detail of injury, but it didn’t slow him down at all making what would have been a good injury for a damage of 5 seem too low because of the way you wrote it. You also failed to note Ciceron’s war stomp in that attack making it seem ignored. Lastly in your closing defense you mention Ciceron’s teeth barely missing you but Ciceron was using his horn not his teeth, read carefully!

There was also a time of mild power play in that first post where you declared that Ciceron had his back to you - you can only attempt to say Ciceron’s back is to you since that’s not your character so it’s not your decision to determine how they are placed/will react to your presence. Otherwise though as mentioned nice inclusion of the terrain and I even saw a point where you reared up specifically as a way to overcome Ezital’s short stature, just try to consider more terrain and stat differences into your writing to make it more plausible, and take the time to expand on what you’re doing so it makes more sense and becomes more realistic, as with injuries.

Emotion [+0.5]
There were times when Ezital definitely made me laugh, but more because of his antics and his speech than any emotion he was portraying. Most of the feelings I derived from this fight were limited to just on the surface, never giving me a chance to get to know Ezital better and understand the motives behind all his antics and the real reactions to everything happening to him during the fight.

Prose [+1.5]
Your posts were enjoyable to read, just try to expand more on detail to bring in more imagery to your writing. There were also various regions where the writing was choppy, jumping from one action to the next with minor or no flow.

Readability [+2.5]
Overall well proof-read and easy to read!

“...difference between them aimed his teeth....” (needs an ‘and’ or comma after “them”)

Finally tally: 36+(3*2)= 42 HP


Realism [-1]
Your attack and defense strategies all work rather well realistically, but I think you could benefit from explaining yourself and more thoroughly detailing your sustained injuries. For instance in your first post Ezital slides into you and hurts your hock, but you do not really explain what the injury is aside from it hurt and made you jump forward (and then instantly used that same hurt leg to kick), so for a damage roll of 6 which is very high this did not seem sufficient. I did like seeing you bring up that leg again in the next posts, but it never really inhibits you from fighting. On the opposite spectrum you take a bite in your third post and say it draws blood when you only rolled a damage of 2, so a small bruise would have been more than sufficient and more realistic.

You’d do well to watch your phrasing, there were several instances that I counted as mild power play because you seemed to declare something your opponent was/still was doing when that’s not for you to decide.
“...as long as it hit the poor sucker still laying upon the ground.“ (Ezital could have gotten up by now)
“... filling his mouth with the coppery taste of blood.” (Ezital did not specify that it bled)

In your second post you rolled a 0 damage because Ezital missed, but you wrote it as if Ciceron just stood there and Ezital utterly fell, unable to hit him. True, Ezital did fall, but he also made attacks that should have been responded to, rather than ignored. Just because he missed didn’t mean those attacks weren’t still happening and needing to be accounted for.

Overall really well, just explain yourself more and try to bring in terrain and stat differences to improve the general realism.

Emotion [+1]
There were times when Ciceron had some great one-liners (so much shade thrown!) but otherwise I felt generally cut off from his real emotions and motives. I was only getting the surface layer of his feelings and I’d love to know more about what his reactions were and why. I did like the way you played his companion bond though!

Prose [+2.5]
Your posts are well written, just try to expand your vocabulary and bring in more imagery to help the reader be drawn into the scenes.

Readability [+2.5]
Well proof-read and easy to read, but you had some tense changes here and there and some sentences in need of commas.

“...a intimidating snarl…” (an)

Finally tally: 50+(5*2)= 60 HP