HELOVIA || The Way to the Sun
[P] !! Roots - Printable Version

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!! Roots - Resplendence - 10-17-2015

I'll be the bright, in black that's makin' you run.
Okay. For real. Where on this God-forsaken earth was her freaking daughter!? Rue may be old enough to survive off of grass, but she was not old enough to survive. She couldn't fight back. She probably couldn't run. Why. Why was this always happening to her!? Was she really that bad of a mother? Was she doing things so wrong that karma had to take away all of her children, all of her family?!

She was moving fast - Valiance flying above her and trying to find a way to calm her down. No. This was not okay. She would not slow down. She wouldn't find Rue if she stopped. She had to search every little crevice on this earth while Quilyan searched the air. At least, she assumed he was searching the air. He better be searching the goddamn air and trying to find their child from above.

Oh, this was the worst thing possible. She shuddered, her body finally starting to give out from exhaustion. Eyes teary eyed as she slammed to a halt just before the rotunda where that lynx had found her. Her body shook, until she finally waded into the brook nearby. She had to cool off before she continued. She was no good to anyone dead - and Valiance was about ready to yank on her until she stopped herself anyways. He was not okay with this in any form.

"We will find her. If we don't, Quilyan or Kaj will. She won't die. You've done nothing wrong." He was insisting the best outcome possible, but Resplendence could no longer really believe in that outcome. So, as she allowed the water to seep into her bones she stared blankly out at the horizon - maroon glitter floating atop the water around her as her tail swept in brilliant patterns across the water. An image of beauty, yes - but always broken…

x - x

RE: !! Roots - Kalona - 10-24-2015

Was there ever going to be a battle on this damn soil where he would walk away without getting his ass burned by some stupid corrupted god?! Ignoring the heat and painful burns down the side of his cheek the stallion just concentrated on walking. First a damn crocodile and now a tar like beast that had no business being in the middle of a damn forest leaking flammable tar. Of course the logical thing to do would be to set the tiger on fire but how soon did we forget that they still needed to get close to the creature to kill it! Mumbling unintelligibly to himself as he stalked along ranting about all the things that had bugged him it was finally the appearance of a mare that drew his attention. Stopping beneath one of the shaded conifers he watched the mare pace around almost madly obviously distressed by something or another. Was it everyone around here that had problems?

The original plan was to just ignore anyone who happened to cross his path and just carry on his way but something instead brought him closer to the brindled girl rather than away. Here he was storming through yet another unknown land and just happens to find a distressed mare standing within the water. What did they expect him to do? He couldn't very well just pass on by now, could he? Lowering his head to try and brush away some of the tar from his burns he only managed to cause himself more pain by peeling some of the skin with the tar glob. If there was any more of their gods here in this Helovia he had half the mind to just let the inhabitants deal with them instead of sticking out his neck for those who obviously hated his presence. Each and everyone of them looked upon those of his land as disease filled idiots that were useless. Why they lifted a finger to help he would never know but if they wanted to get their feet dirty why not let them. It would have saved the unsightly burns that never seemed to heal upon his neck, shoulder, sides and now his beautiful face.

Giving up on removing the black debris the golden strode over to the brook purposefully with his eyes scanning over the mare's petite frame. Now what caused  her distress he wondered silently meeting her eye with a polite nod before dipping his muzzle to the water's surface.

•• TAGS: @Resplendence
•• NOTES: Sorry for delay ••

“We who are immortal, we are chained to this life by a chain of gold, and we dare not sever it for fear of what lies beyond the drop.”
Table by Moonstone Designs   Image by click <3

RE: !! Roots - Resplendence - 10-24-2015

resplendence ,
hold me now and leave me never

She hadn't exactly been expecting anyone else to show up, that much she knew. It was Valiance who warned her first, of the newcomer. But, she doubted he would come close. Why would they do that? It was stupid. Still, the water seemed to lull her into a false sense of calm. Every inch of her was surrounded by the massive amount of hair that she had with the glitter that it shed. Magical, some might say, but she couldn't bring herself to concentrate upon what she might appear to be.

Magical, and forlorn. Aye, he would leave her alone, right? But, he didn't. He came in closer - covered in splashes of tar that would no doubt tear at his skin and agitate burns underneath. She gives a gentle sigh before he comes in too close to notice it and then carefully begins to pull herself out of the calming liquid. One. Two. Three. Her eyes meet his gaze as he gives her a polite nod. Four. Five. Six. Rowan had counted to calm herself down, to tear her thoughts away. Seven. Eight. Nine. Oh how she missed Rowan. Ten. Eleven. Twelve. How she missed everyone who had suddenly vanished.

Thirteen. Fourteen. Fifteen. Breathe in. Breathe out. Sixteen. Seventeen. Eighteen. He was going to probably need medical attention. Nineteen. Twenty. Twenty-one. Oh, she had too soft of a heart. Twenty-two. Twenty-three. Twenty-four. "Can I help?" She whispers, eyes lingering upon the blotches of tar that were matted against his coat. "I'm the Earth Medic of the Falls…" Twenty-five. Twenty-six. Twenty-seven. Too much death. Too much pain. Too much suffering.

ooc stuff here/tags here/etc ©

RE: !! Roots - Kalona - 10-26-2015

Pulling down a gulp or two of the cool liquid the golden stallion lifted his head slightly catching sight of the pools of gold glitter swirling around the mare's feet. Glitter? Was this some kind of makeup that women fussed over endlessly? Either that or he had just happened upon something totally foreign to him, well either way I guess you could call it not in his repertoire. Women confusing the hell outta him at all times of his life and sometimes it was better not to know what those crazy creatures were thinking. Pawing once more at his face he shook his head when only pain insued. There seriously had to be someway to remove this crap without peeling off half his face and neck with it. Ya the skin underneath was burnt all to hell already but the tar only kept the heat in making it constantly burn.

Flicking an ear to the female's voice he drew his eyes back up to find her staring at him or rather staring at his mass array of burns. Great now she would not only see him as an alien but also as a cripple that couldn't take care of himself. Was there any other surprises that this land could throw at him? The last time he had declined help had been back when that old man Lace had offered to go get some other to take a look at the nasty burns. They had healed.. for the most part anyway or until that damn croc reopened every single one of them. Her title really didn't mean too much to him with his very little knowledge of this Helovia so what reason did he really have to trust her? Would she wind out giving him something to make them worse or to poison him? One could never tell but he guessed that he would have to try and trust someone eventually as nothing he seemed to be doing was much help. "I doubt much can be done but if you want to try go for it." He replied watching her with curiosity. Hopefully this girl wouldn't be like those he had met who had been more intent of trying to kill him than help.

"So what's your story? Why are you all the way out here by yourself?" He asked trying to gain some knowledge about just who he was dealing with. " My name is Kalona, what might yours be miss?"

•• TAGS: @Resplendence
•• NOTES: ••

“We who are immortal, we are chained to this life by a chain of gold, and we dare not sever it for fear of what lies beyond the drop.”
Table by Moonstone Designs   Image by click <3

RE: !! Roots - Time - 11-30-2015

Unarchived per request

RE: !! Roots - Resplendence - 11-30-2015

resplendence ,
hold me now and leave me never

One. Two. Three. Shift eyes upward. Four. Five. Six. Yep, he was burned. Seven. Eight. Nine. Focus on his voice. He won't hurt you. Believe that he won't hurt you. Eleven. Twelve. Thirteen. She offers to heal. He says that she can go for it. Fourteen. Fifteen. Sixteen. A simple nod as she pulls the vines from the ground and allows them to begin to coat his body and burns in a layer of river mud. It should numb the pain as it knitted the flesh back together beneath the tar.

Seventeen. Eighteen. Nineteen.  He asks for her story. Twenty. Twenty-one. Twenty-two. She swallows. His name. He requests hers. Twenty-three. Twenty-four. Twenty-five. "Resplendence. And Valiance," she manages to say, still counting the deep intakes of breath. One of the few ways she had learned to calm down over the years. Twenty-six. Twenty-seven. Twenty-eight. "I'm. I… I am looking for my mate… for my child…" She feels like she's choking. Twenty-nine. Thirty. Thirty-one. Oh, what would he know? This was stupid. Thirty-two. Thirty-three. Thirty-four. Death might be a sweeter embrace for her loved ones than fending alone. Thirty-five. Thirty-six. Thirty-seven. The vines begin to attach to the mud on his coat. Thirty-eight. Thirty-nine. Forty. Carefully, they begin to peel the mud off, taking pieces of tar off as it went to reveal brand new flesh. Forty-one. Forty-two. Forty-three. If he was not burned too badly, he might not even have bald spots, or sections of white hairs where it shouldn't be. Forty-four. Forty-five. Forty-six. Gently, she nods her head and takes a step back - to give him space to look at the healing which had just happened. "I'm sorry you had to suffer the burns," she whispers - eyes flickering between the ground and him.

Forty-seven. Forty-eight. Forty-nine. Always shy. Always wrong. Always tired of fighting.