HELOVIA || The Way to the Sun
[O] Not a good man - Printable Version

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Not a good man - Ulrik - 11-03-2015

Death and destruction waved as a flag over the claiming of new land, black robes stuck on a stick over bones of gods and their own alike. He couldn't say he was too torn up about it, honestly. Maybe that made him an asshole, but he had been called much worse. The world was real when there were consequences to such bold destruction their gods had wrought on other lands, but he was glad they had a bigger, better nation because of it. He wasn't some wilting flower, cowering at the thought of violence. The strong would survive and take over. It was the way of things

So he swam the channel and returned to the World's Edge, still finding it strange that he was back here after all these years. This was their home. This was the land they lost so long ago when he, Mauja, Deimos and d'Artagnan stood as one against the forces of Mirage and her group of 'peaceful' pricks. He snorted audibly, angered by his thoughts and the hypocrisy of the Dragonbitch and her actions. She claimed so much yet proved so little and still the rest of Helovia seemed to flock behind her as if she was righteous. They wandered the wasteland of snow for so long only to get the Basin as a consolation prize.

Too cold for his blood. The World's Edge was finally theirs again, and much to his surprise, Deimos didn't want to go rule their old home. That, and he made the golden prince of lies king so he could yell some more at everyone. Reasons stacked on reasons for him being here now, but he was enjoying the change. At least down here it was warm and insulated with the trees, and he held no ill will against the moon goddess. His cousin lived here as well, so the choice was easier to make than he thought.

Ulrik leaned casually against a tree, yawning a bit as he curled his lion tail around his long legs. The fluff along his chest and neck were still dripping, but his beard was mostly dry by now. He was sleepy, and he closed one eye, a single bronze orb watching the dark places of the forest for strangers.

He was not a good man. Eventually someone would figure that out.

table by tamme | |art by lunarblues

@Iona and/or others!

RE: Not a good man - Iona - 11-09-2015

"It can turn the whole world upside down, shake it 'til the sky falls to the ground. 
We don't have to reap the fear they sow, friends, as long as we hide our love away, 
In the good they'll never know."

Iona didn’t know what the hell to think anymore.  It was evident this place was so seeped in history and bloodlines that she both knew nothing of and cared little about.  Everything that Aly had told her was true, but she hadn’t mentioned anything about battles gods from other worlds, dangerous glass walls, and god knows what else.  Obviously, she should have come sooner.  After what she’d seen since she’d set foot in these borders she was even more proud of her quiet sister for learning to thrive in these lands.  
The pegasus let out a soft huff as she flew just over the shoreline, casually dipping lower to drag a single hoof in the foamy water as she went. She felt like everything about her screamed ‘outsider’ even though she felt that, all things considered, she had adapted rather quickly.  The Edge wasn’t just Aly’s home anymore - wasn’t some mythical place that her twin had disappeared to.  It was real and it was just as much her own home now.
The only allegiance she had in this new world was to the Edge.  This was the land that she had committed to memory from Aly’s stories  - the memories she had treasured most when she found herself missing her twin.  These cliffs that contained all that remained of her family.  So, she supposed, this is where her loyalty was bound now.  The Edge grew so much larger in her memories than in person, though she found that reality was not disappointing in the slightest.
Iona angled as the wind shifted and made for the shore, stepping back to the earth as casually as ever.  The painted mare folded her black wings tightly against her sides and made for the forest with a soft huff.   She was surprised to find another dark figure hidden in the shadow of the tree.  Iona’s guard was up immediately (but when wasn’t it, really), when she drew nearer to the stallion.  She couldn’t quite make sense of what she was seeing, she didn’t know many that could safely navigate these waters.  She’d flown over them enough. “Did you fall in?” she asked, with basically no decorum, and a gesture to the water back over her shoulder.  Her bright green eyes were wary, but not cold. “I’m Iona.  Who are you.”  She watched him closely, gauging his reaction. It had been some time since she'd seen a creature like him.  It's not that unicorns were a rare sight in Helovia, but he certainly seemed built for a different climate entirely with all that hair.  Maybe she'd misjudged him entirely - maybe he hadn't accomplished an impressive feat of cliff-diving like she'd first suspected and was more into grooming all that hair, if you know what I mean.  She'd just have to wait and see.


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oh god. so sorry. so weird.