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Plotting - Printable Version

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Plotting - Ciceron - 11-03-2015

Plots and threads are needed for my dudes

Looking for ones for:

Kalona is in desperate need for something to happen in his life cause he is just wandering currently as no one has tried to recruit him. I would also love for him to have some experience with mares as he currently is an emotionless blob that knows zero about love or romance.

Rhea needs more threads to expand her character and is seeking anything you might be able to come up with. Spars, love interests, one night stands, general conversations etc..
I do want her to eventually get knocked up but with her it isn't going to be that easy. It will only likely be with a unicorn, +/- hybrid, for she has to be way to biased for her own good and they would have to have a similar demeanor to that of herself. I would love it to be a warrior type character to win her over or to force her into acceptance because it would be downright hilarious to see her pregnant. She is alright with losing the baby, miscarriage, no strings attached kind of things but if the foal survives it would be interesting to see someone who would stick around for the kid. (not sure what type of mother she will be yet)

Brisa needs friends, friends and more friends so anything you can throw her way would be amazing.

Ciceron needs bits of everything since he is still quite a emotional disaster with all his personal discoveries of his past and the trainwreck of a relationship he had with Pare blowing up in his face. He could use potential love interests, anyone just to help bring him around and see things in a different light again. Spars are always welcome for him as well as anyone who just wants to meet him or flirt with him.

Aeolus needs everything from enemies, love interests, crushes, friends, the whole shabang. Toss anything at him and he will do it XD.

If anyone is interested just let me know and we can start a thread.

RE: Plotting - Morir - 11-03-2015

Dropping this here for Kalona! Depending on how it goes, maybe it can lead to recruitment?

RE: Plotting - Ciceron - 11-03-2015

Awesome I will post him to it <3

RE: Plotting - Riel - 11-03-2015

throws Riel at Ciceron

RE: Plotting - Ciceron - 11-03-2015

Definitely up for a thread if you wanted to start one :)

RE: Plotting - Riel - 11-03-2015

I will do this thing, as soon as I am fully accepted. Yay! :)

RE: Plotting - Ciceron - 11-03-2015

Your going dragons throat?

RE: Plotting - Tiamat - 11-03-2015

Rhea and Rohan? I can see them doing a spar that gets pretty hot and heavy xD he's a warrior for the Edge. If you want him to be a baby daddy, I'd like to hash out details and whatnot first, because I'm willing but I don't want him having kids left and right xD one-night stands (with no babies) are 110% okay though.

ALSO. Rohan and Kalona need to meet at some point so they can become bros! No rush on that though.

Tia can meet anyone! She can become friends with Brisa, talk to Ciceron (I know she'd like to thank him for defending Enna in the last SWP battle), or any of your other chars that you'd like to throw her way ^^

RE: Plotting - Calista - 11-03-2015

-shoves Calista at-

RE: Plotting - Ciceron - 11-03-2015

@Tiamat - Definitely want Rohan and Rhea to meet up and a spar would probably be one of the easiest ways for that to happen since she isn't exactly the easiest to get along with haha. Cic is definitely up for meeting with Tiamat and it would be a good lifter up for him to be noticed by someone for a change. He will meet anyone. Rohan and Kalona is a must -nods- Tia you are welcome to throw at anyone.

@Calista - anyone in particular you feel would be good together?

RE: Plotting - Tiamat - 11-03-2015

Awesome! Rohan started a spar on Oct. 30th, so I believe he can start another on Nov. 6th (I'll actually be on absent for that weekend, but you're welcome to start it! If not I can put one up when I get back on Monday or Tuesday). Did you want to just do a spar thread for them? Or a before and/or after thread as well?

Let's do Tiamat and Ciceron first! Once their thread is done, I can throw her at someone else ^^ did you have a preference where/who starts it?

RE: Plotting - Ciceron - 11-03-2015

Maybe a before and after thread might be good just so we can get a feel of them beforehand. Plus if they start to argue over something or another its a good lead up to the spar haha
Also no preference :)

RE: Plotting - Calista - 11-03-2015

@Ciceron Not really, but I think she'd get along with Aeolus, and maybe it would be fun to see her meet Kalona!

RE: Plotting - Riel - 11-03-2015

Yes, she is most likely going to DT.

RE: Plotting - Ciceron - 11-03-2015

Sounds good to me :) Any chance you might be able to start a thread for calista and who ever you want to start first :)

Pffft -steals Riel to the Falls- XD

RE: Plotting - Calista - 11-03-2015

Sure Nickel!

RE: Plotting - Aaron - 11-04-2015

Ciceron and Merida or Calypso. Both are kinda younger than him, but no harm in some flirting and see where it goes?

RE: Plotting - Ciceron - 11-04-2015

Sure we can throw them into a thread together and see what happens :) Would you like to start?

RE: Plotting - Vitani - 11-04-2015

If you could start and tag me, that would be great. Ive got a few posts to catch up on first

RE: Plotting - Ciceron - 11-07-2015
