HELOVIA || The Way to the Sun
hello, my name is.... [Warriors] - Printable Version

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hello, my name is.... [Warriors] - Ktulu - 11-16-2015

when your eyes are red and emptiness is all you know
with the darkness fed i will be your scarecrow</style>

Everything seemed calm since the Earth God's battled on the island, but Ktulu couldn't help but feel a bit paranoid because if those deranged gods had gotten through the portals what else had gotten through? How could they trust that the refugees that had come through before the battle weren't bad, too? She felt that, as a group, her warriors needed to be on alert for anything that didn't look right or feel right. They needed to be prepared to fight should something else from this other world threaten them again. They needed to be able to come together as a group, to trust one another, to fight as one unit, and be prepared to make the ultimate sacrifice for their herd should they be called to do so. She hoped she was only being paranoid, but she'd learned as she'd grown older to trust her gut and her gut was screaming for her to be prepared.

She had chosen a small clearing in one of the Falls' forest as her meeting place because she desired the privacy it offered. She wanted to relay her concerns and worries to her warriors without worrying any of the other inhabitants of their home. She wanted to let them go about their daily lives ignorant to what the warriors talked about and trained for. "Warriors of the Hidden Falls!" The dark mare bellowed as she stood in the treeline of the forest she had chosen as their meeting place. "Come to me!"

Ktulu waited several minutes and she sighed. "Find them and bring them to me." She cast a glance at the bear at her side and without complaint Eytan took off in search of the warriors just in case they had not heard her call for them. 


time for a little meet and greet and a little discussion :D
And feel free to PP eytan finding your character if you want to :3


@Ciceron @Murtagh @Aaron @Ezital @Destrier @Daemyn

and @ all the other Falls warriors that i can't remember right now
this meeting is mandatory. failure to post will result in IC consequences unless there is a valid absence

RE: hello, my name is.... [Warriors] - Ciceron - 11-16-2015

Kiara was the first to spot the gigantic bear wandering around through the hills as if on a mission to gather something or another from the Falls. No sooner had Eytan passed them by did the feminine vocals of Ktulu spring to life calling forth all the Fall's warriors to join her for a meeting. The grey had been wondering when things would settle down after all the battles and loss they had all experienced over the last number of weeks but somehow things hadn't really seemed to settle. Their Earth God had concluded the last battle with the giant tigress but things just seemed to be unfinished, like there was a chapter that had not quite finished the way it was supposed to. Others surely sensed it but whether or not they just all believed it to be superstition or paranoia getting the better of them no one spoke of the biggest topic on their minds.

Most of his wounds had healed along with Kiara's but there were still the fading scars as remnants of what had been standing out along his shoulders and back. They would in time fade away just like the memories of all they had lost but slivers would remain forever. Moving swiftly to Ktulu's allotted meeting grounds the silver stallion dipped his head to her before coming to stand by her side. It still felt odd to be standing here when for so long he had only been a distant herdling that had never meant much to the greater purposes of the herd. Although if he had to admit it, he was actually starting to like the position and everything it enabled him to do for the rest of their warriors. No longer did he have to sit back and watch the corrupt versions of Oxy and Rostislav drink or drug themselves along and claim to do their jobs, no now he could make sure that there was none of that happening in their little bunch of ducklings in training.

Ciceron talks
Kiara speaks

•• TAGS: •• NOTES: ••

Table by Moonstone Designs

RE: hello, my name is.... [Warriors] - Ezital - 11-16-2015


 photo EzziHeadshot.png

The falls consisted of an incredibly vast network of sheer cliffs and rushing waterfalls. Perhaps even more vast than Ezital had imagined when he first laid eyes on the place several weeks ago. He'd kept to the lightly forested borders of the herd lands, where the water collected in calm pools. The soaring height of some of those cliffs had filled his belly with nervousness and kept him in the leveler areas. 

Recently however, he had a reason to venture into the jagged stone teeth of his new home. Ciceron seemed to be avoiding him. After their initial meeting, though admittedly it had gone rather awry, he'd hoped that Ciceron would teach him something worthwhile. The grey had displayed some admirable combat skills, though his mental state seemed to be questionable at best.

He would proceed with caution, of course, but he was no longer afraid of the stallion's greater height or strength, not when his hip bore the mark of Ezital's teeth.

Finally, he saw a flash of what might've been a silver tail catching the light. It was about damn time too. He'd been up all night looking, and it was probably at least midday by now. Trotting to catch up, he passed by a mass of brown fuzz.

"Hey, bear!" he greeted the creature without even halting his stride. Of course, Ktulu had to live around here somewhere too. The bear had been with her that night he'd arrived, but perhaps it was hunting or something. You know, bear things.

By the time he reached the stallion, he was a bit breathless and feeling a tad giddy from his success. "Ciceron, you're a hard horse to find!" He smiled brightly at him, best to start off on a positive note after all. It was then that he noticed who was standing beside Ciceron.

He'd been meaning to seek out Ktulu, but with everything that had happened recently, he'd had every intention of staying out of her way for a while. Had Ciceron told her about their little scuffle? He didn't know her well enough to say whether she would approve of his taking initiative in his training or scold his unprovoked attack on her warrior.

A glance at Ciceron told him exactly nothing. Perhaps he didn't know Ciceron that well either. Ktulu looked just as he remembered, like a vengeful demon with bright red eyes.

Ezital put on his best warrior face, though he wasn't sure how much he cared about impressing Ktulu anymore. He looked at the pair of them and let out a little yawn. "What's going on?"

RE: hello, my name is.... [Warriors] - Murtagh - 11-18-2015

Well! Murtagh had never had a day go so sour so quickly and he didn’t even know where any of his family or friends were. He had wandered off, just a little, after telling Lakota he wanted to run around for a bit. When you grew up under four sets of eyes you just sort of assumed that there was always someone watching so Murtagh didn’t think anything of it. Either one of the bears or one of his parents was sure to be lurking nearby, at least within shouting distance. There was some vague memory of a meeting that Ktulu had mentioned, but if all meetings were like the herd one they had a little while ago then Murtagh wanted nothing to do with them. So boring and he had too much to do to waste time being bored.

His adventures today had gotten a little bit more out of control than they had recently which was just fine up until the point where he was boasting some claw marks on his shoulder. It stung, and he kept trying to turn and lick it, and though he thought that he should find Lakota first, it was Ktulu that he spotted standing by herself. “Papa!” He shouted at her, working himself into a clumsy gallop to close the distance between them. The scratch was shallow, it barely even hurt more when he ran, but it came with a story and a story like this had to be shared right away.

So focused was he on his intended target that Murtagh skidded right past the two other figures that had gathered near his papa and stopped right beside  Papa there wasa this uh… this giant squirrel but it had a striped tail and it was waddling past me and when I said hello to it it SCREAMED at me and then it kinda got mad but I wasn’t scared of it only it started hissing and when I hissed back it reached out and scratched me only it doesn’t really hurt, Mama hurt me more once when he accidentally tackled me too hard that one time and I was okay then but look look it’s a scratch do you think…” Then did those lavender eyes trail to the other figures and he screwed up his face in confusion while he scanned them. One, a dappled stranger, was standing beside Ktulu. Beside his papa. And the other two horns instead of one.

Neither of them had bears, which was a little disappointing.

“Who’re you?” The colt asked bluntly, though there really wasn’t anything suggesting rudeness about the way it came out. He hadn’t realized that Ktulu had been standing with anyone… still hadn’t realized that he might have interrupted something.
Image Credit
table by Sevin

RE: hello, my name is.... [Warriors] - Areli - 11-19-2015

the flower that smells the sweetest is shy and lowly

She had been rambling along with Bee when they spotted him from a distance, walking below the ledge where they played. Papa! Areli’s heart leaped at the sight of her father, so rare these days. Though she knew that she should not bother him while he was patrolling, she had been so lonely these days—what good was Tallsun after all, if she had no one to share it with? And so she scrambled down the narrow path that ran down the side of the rock face in hot pursuit of her father’s retreating form, Bee at her heels all the while.
Wanting to surprise him, she hung back a good way, content to prance along in his hoofprints and let the pup trail the scent of the stallion and his tigress. Happy to be of service, the wolf put her nose to the ground self-importantly, leading the way with alert ears and wagging tail. However, Bee didn’t have far to track. They had only been following the trail for a short while when they caught up to Ciceron, who had stopped in the middle of a clearing…and he was not alone. At the sight of the two who accompanied him, the girl’s heart sank. If her father was here on official business, she knew better than to interrupt.
…Except someone else didn’t. A shrill voice caught her ear, and her eyes widened as a familiar form barreled out of the trees and straight towards the formidable-looking mare at her father’s side. Murtagh! she thought in wonderment, simultaneously amazed at the colt’s boldness and apprehensive of the scolding he was sure to receive. She listened incredulously as he prattled on about some wild animal that had scratched him (hadn’t his mama taught him better than to try and play with them?), but through it all, no stern voice interrupted. Perhaps this was just a friendly meeting then? She was still deciding whether or not to step out from the brush when she heard Murtagh’s chatter break into a question—who were the other grown-ups? “He’s my Papa,” the filly declared then, emerging from the woods and shooting a shy glance at Ciceron. She hoped that he would not be angry with her for appearing, but if the boy was present, then why should she not be as well? 

Image Credits || original coding by Tamme; tweaked by Shady || quote by William Wordsworth

RE: hello, my name is.... [Warriors] - Aaron - 11-20-2015

 i lit a fire that wouldn't go out.</style>

The call rang out, and we as one answered. It's our duty to answer of course. Though I mildy wonder what Ktulu needs of us. Not just of us, but of all the warriors. Then again, I am not sure just how many of us there are. Stop guessing and come on. Alanna scolds in my mind. She has been angry with me for the last few weeks. Of course, I understand why. I had left her behind to go run. She always hated when I did that. But coupled along with the events that had taken place that early morning in the meadow.... Well I can't really say I blame her. Darn right i'm still mad. I wanted to laugh, but at the same time I didn't want to upset my bonded any farther.

As we run toward the call, my mind does wander. The strange markings on that mare, Phantom I believe she called herself... I still wonder if she's related to Phi and Ktulu in some way. But then again, Helovia is a big place. Not everyone that is marked with red had to be related to them, right? Alanna growls softly, not liking the fact that I was even thinking about that other mare. She was still hoping for Cheveyo to come back. As am I.

As we arrive, a filly is declaring that Ciceron is her papa. Did everyone have kids but me? I glance to Alanna, and at once I can feel her emotions. She's smug, in the fact that I was thinking about Cheveyo more than the other mare.... But she feels guilty, as she feels the wave of jealousy wash over me. I wanted to be someone's 'papa'. I wanted to have a family too. Fianlly I spoke.
What's going on Ktulu, Ciceron? I had to remember that they both were Champions now...


image credits

RE: hello, my name is.... [Warriors] - Isopia - 11-20-2015

          i live among you, well disguised
Isopia attended the meeting more-so out of a desire to know as much about everything that was going on around her as possible, rather than out of any duty or loyalty to her herd. Others might have thought it would have been Ktulu's presence which pushed her away. If Roskuld was annoyed with her for being Hototo's replacement - and she was only his cousin - imagine the resentment that his mother would feel. But the thought didn't really strike Isopia as relevant. She knew that those around her had misplaced and over exaggerated emotions, and while Ktulu had never been anything near hostile towards her, Isopia likely wouldn't have been overly bothered if she had. Hototo had died, she had been conceived. That's all there was to it, at least in her mind.

On a flurry of blackened raven wings, Isopia followed the bear as it scurried through the Falls. Behind her trailed a small bronze dragon - who was still smaller than she was, even in this form. Hubris had taken to flying quite quickly, but Isopia found that he couldn't keep up with her much larger, regular wings. Given how frequently she slipped into her raven-esque body, the girl was more than happy to comply with the needs of her scaled companion.

"There will be a meeting." She cawed to the dragon gently, as he probed her mind inquiringly, wondering why they were suddenly following the bear. This statement meant little to him, but he glided along after her regardless.

The bronze dragon and the black raven landed on a high tree branch, looking down at those who had gathered. Both sets of talons gripped the tree branch upon which they sat, as they looked down at the meeting as it began. Hubris understood little of what was happening. He silently pulled words from Isopia's mind as she focused on the discussion which was unfolding.

RE: hello, my name is.... [Warriors] - Destrier - 11-25-2015

Suli & Merlin
never feared for anything, never chained but never free
I tried to heal the broken love with all that I could
The call from the Champion of the Falls was not easily missed. Standing at the edge of one of the many crystal clear ponds that dotted the Falls, I jerked my head up, droplets of water rolling down my whiskered chin and falling back down into the crisp body of water. Merlin, who had been lazily lounging atop a rock to soak in the sun, leapt to attention at the sound, and gave a shake of his head as though to further wake himself. Suli, on the other hand, well… unless it were an emergency, the little green didn’t care much for removing herself from her sun bed.

Come now, Suli… we must.’

For a moment, I was uncertain that the dragoness would respond at all given her stubborn nature, but with a sudden inhale, followed by an indignant, very over-dramatic huff,
Suli stretched out her wings before slowly dragging herself up to her feet, talons clicking against the smooth rock. The look she shot towards me was akin to a child that had been awoken much too early from their nap, and mine, the one a father might use to silently dare them to argue.

But she didn’t, and so we carried on.

She basked in the cover of the forest, standing in a small clearing. Others had already gathered, and with a start I came to realize I knew only a couple. Ktulu and Ciceron, of course, as well as Aaron, whom I’d known since first joined the World’s Edge several years ago. Had it already been that long…? Coming to stand beside the stocky, painted warrior and his hellhound, I gently bumped my nose into his shoulder in way of greeting should he allow it. A quick glance was given to the rest that were gathered then, bister eyes warming at the sight of so many youngsters, a soft smile tugging at the corners of my lips. There was a pain that began in the pit of my gut that recklessly tore its way to my heart as I thought of my own. Laila and Luken…

A sharp inhale in a futile effort to still my heart, to ease the pain, if only for a moment.

“My Lady,” the words were carried on deep vocals, hushed in a respectful way as I regarded Ktulu, and then Ciceron. “Sir.”

image credits

RE: hello, my name is.... [Warriors] - Soren - 12-01-2015

Run away with me, Lost souls and reverie, Running wild and running free, Two kids, you and me

A wave had gone over me, and thats how I knew it was finally over. I had been wandering lost in a headache that I swore would kill me, and plagued by hallucinations. I was a walking corpse, alive but not really. Speaking barely, but then again, not at all. When I did speak it was the mumbled nonsense of a dying lunatic. Or at least of a lunatic convinced he was dying.

But the fighting was finally over, and in a wave of relief it all cleared, and now I had nothing but bright eyes and a clear mind. However, the ordeal had cost me, and I now found myself sleeping the fatigue away. I had finally been brought back to normal when the bear arrived. My head turned to look at Eytan, receiving only a growl before he turned and lumbered off into the falls. I assumed that was meant as a "follow me".

And so I did. It took awhile but I eventually arrived in some sort of meeting. At the top my sister stood tall, waiting for the rest of us to finally arrive. A twinge of regret twisted in my gut. Thanks sis for forcing me in this.

But I had agreed after all. So it wasn't entirely her fault. Even if I wanted to pretend that it was actually, her fault. I looked around me, studying the faces of other warriors. but my attention is turned as a child calls out papa, and runs up to my sister. My ears flip forward, and recognizing the likeness of the little colt. Who was he?

I assumed he was my nephew, and I wanted so bad to go up and meet him, but I refrained. This was not the time nor place, and I was not going to make my sister hate me even more than she already did. But even so, the want lingered.

I instead nod to my sister, respectfully, and hold my place in the middle of the crowd. I looked at one mare who was certainly beautiful in her own... weird and dirtyish way. Not in the dirty way as in slut. But an earthy dirty. Like she was literally covered in it, and I was certainly curious. But yet again, now was not the time. Instead my eyes moved up, to watch my sister and another stallion, waiting for what was to come.

And I say, Hey, hey hey hey, Living like we're renegades

He's here, and I guess you can change his rank?

RE: hello, my name is.... [Warriors] - Kynareth - 12-02-2015

The sun was well up when the grey  filly awoke. She had had a long day the day before, waking on the beach of Helovia with no memory to being 'claimed' into the herd of the Falls. She had thought hard and long about seeking out a healer with Brisa and she had decided that she would. No matter what her memories held, she needed to know. But there was also the question of why she had no memories. Head injury? Did someone hide them? The thoughts had clouded her ability to sleep last night so she woke this morning still flat exhausted. She laid still though, completely flat in a nice patch of grass next to a bubbling brook. She loved it here. It was beautiful and calm, peaceful. She had yet to meet everyone but she knew someday she would. That's when a pang of excitement came rushing back to her. Ktulu told her that there was to be a meeting of the warriors today. She leaped to her hooves, aches throbbing. She tried her best to ignore it. As if on cue, she heard Ktulu's summon. Her head perked up and she hopped into a brisk trot toward the summons.

As Kynareth found the clearing from which Ktulu called, she moved to a slow and cautious walk. She lowered her head to peer through the tree branches and see who was there before she came barging in. There were many horses, of all various species. Nerves swarmed her stomach and she was suddenly sick to her stomach. Was she the last equine to arrive? Of course.. she noticed two young foals and suddenly didn't feel so bad. She turned her head to look behind her, almost too nervous to show herself. But she gathered her braves and turned back toward the meadow. Stepping out slowly, she raised her head and moved toward Ktulu. She was scared. She didn't know anyone else and her eyes darted from horse to horse, not recognizing anyone. Of course Brisa wouldn't be here. Brisa wasn't a warrior. She swallowed hard, her heart pounding in her chest so hard, she was scared someone would hear it. Kynareth knew she had much to learn about being a warrior but she knew she had to be brave in any situation. She raised her head and took a deep breath. Stopping near the group, she nodded to the dark mare she had just met the day before. "Ktulu..." she spoke sternly to her peer. She could hardy look at anyone else and she didn't dare.

ooc; xD Nervous nelly.


RE: hello, my name is.... [Warriors] - Vitani - 12-04-2015

When we look up at the stars, we see only the memory of light; and though they are distant we know they still shine

When the call rang out for warriors, I groaned. I may be young and not old enough to be a warrior, but I assumed the Champion Ktulu would expect me to be there. After all, she was making me go on patrols with her warriors now anyway. I rolled my dual colored eyes and got up from where I had been resting with Sarabi. Of course the pup stirred too. Come on, let's go. Without an argument we moved together toward the meeting. I was so not looking forward to this. This meeting was probably going to be full of more know it alls just like her. More outsiders that had come in and taken over after the invasion. Then again, Ezital had become a warrior too hadn't he? At least there would be one friendly face among the crowd.

As we arrived, I noticed we must be among the last to do so. Great, just great. I moved to stand next to the only one I knew other than the Champion. I cast a sideways glance at Ezital, and gently attempted to press against his side if he would allow it. It was more for my own reassurance than his, but it would offer a friendly face to him too if he didn't know anyone else but Ktulu. This meeting wouldn't be so bad, and it would be over before I knew it. Then I can get away from all the know it alls. Maybe, I could show Ezital around if he didn't know everything already like they all seemed to. Sarabi sighs softly at my side. So what, I am growing up and he's cute. No harm in making friends with one of the few guys I might have a chance with later on. Or at least, just simply making a friend that might understand how I feel...

Sarabi Talks

RE: hello, my name is.... [Warriors] - Ktulu - 12-06-2015

when your eyes are red and emptiness is all you know
with the darkness fed i will be your scarecrow</style>

One by one they arrived, but Ktulu was not surprised to see that Cicieron, her fellow Champion, was the first to heed her call. She nodded her head to him in greeting and she had every intention of speaking to him, but then Murtagh was running at her and chattering about a 'giang squirrel with a striped tail' that hissed at him and scratched him. Her head dipped down and she looked at the scratch on the boy's shoulder as he continued to chatter away. "Squirrels can be quite ferocious." She murmured to her son and she touched her nose against the scratch. "Your Mammina will want to have a look at that." A second child arrived then her warriors finally began to filter in little by little.

"Most of you already know me." The dark mare began once she thought she'd waited long enough. "For those of you who do not I am Ktulu the Constrictor, Champion of the Hidden Falls along with Ciceron." She nodded her head to the silver stallion who stood beside her. "Together we are the head of our class and as such we are responsible for each you along with keeping this land and everyone that lives here safe. Its a responsibility that we take with the utmost seriousness so if you are not serious or think your duties will be nothing but fun and games leave now because you have no business taking on the amount of responsibility that comes with protecting others." Her gaze traveled from one warrior to the next as she paused to give them enough time to take their leave if the wanted. 

"For those of you who are new or do not know what has been happening recently... Helovia's Gods disappeared and have been reappearing one after another. With them they brought horses from lands that we don't know. They brought monsters, gods from these other lands that Helovians were tasked with fighting. Many were injured in the process and some lives were lost. We don't know what else may have come over with them." She explained. "Because of this I am asking that you not shirk your duties. Be thorough in your patrols, report anything that strikes you as suspicious to Ciceron or myself. If you cannot find one of us tell Aaron and he will relay the message to us." She paused then and looked to Ciceron to allow him to speak and add on whatever he thought necessary or important to what she'd already said.


posting order is a lie ;D
also, sorry for posting late. i've been extremely busy at work to the point where its been giving me horrible headaches.

next round will be on the 20th or after everyone's posted. and please check the warrior board for your patrol/spar assignments! <3


RE: hello, my name is.... [Warriors] - Ciceron - 12-07-2015

Waiting for others to gather can be boring when everything seems to take forever but today was not the case. Ezital was the first of the warriors to appear from within the herd followed by a young colt ranting and raving about some squirrel that had scratched him. Unable to contain his amusement he chuckled softly knowing all too well the imaginations of foals and their adventures. It was a few moments before the colt Ktulu addresses as Murtagh seems to notice that there are others standing around him. Smiling down at the colt he lowered his head so that they could meet on a single level rather than the boy having to look up to meet his gaze. "Hello Murtagh, my name is Ciceron and this is Kiara. You better watch out for those squirrels they can be quite nasty." He joked gently as he nodded over to where Kiara lounged beside him watching the entire scene curiously. Another blur of activity and feathers bounced onto the scene this time in a face he knew well, Areli. Raising his head slightly to meet his daughter he wickered in greeting happy to see her even though it was in the middle of a meeting. Youth never knew the meaning of time and with his children he would always be happy to see them regardless of the time of day. "Areli, its good to see you." He commented motioning for her to join him at his side should she want to.

Finally after some time all of the warriors had arrived with the exception of the odd few which he wasn't all too saddened for them not showing up. Listening patiently as Ktulu addressed their platoon he nodded along in agreement with everything that she had to say. When she had finished he took his turn to speak a little more on the subjects of interest as to what he had noticed in his patrols. "Despite the gods return I will ask that everyone please be careful when out and about and do not take any unnecessary risks. Things have felt awfully strange as of late so I would not take too many liberties if I was you. Be prepared as there is a chance that another attack could be right around the corner." He commented wanting everyone to be safe while out doing their duties. Too many strange occurances had been happening since the unworldly gods had shown their ugly heads and with it he just had a bad feeling about it all.

"If anyone is in need of extra sparring practice aside from your assigned duties please feel free to seek me out." He added wanting to be there to help anyone who was struggling with the most basic of skill sets.

Ciceron talks
Kiara speaks

•• TAGS: •• NOTES: ••

Table by Moonstone Designs

RE: hello, my name is.... [Warriors] - Ezital - 12-09-2015


Ezital's emotions were a tangled mess in the pit of his stomach. The most prominent thread was anger, frustration, followed closely by a deep stab of anguish. In truth, he hadn't known what to expect from Ktulu, but Ciceron's failure to acknowledge his existence troubled him. He wanted to believe that it was a mere oversight, too distracted by his responsibilities and the appearance of the foals to pay any mind to an unruly colt that had bitten him.
Ktulu prattled on for a while about things that he didn't understand and didn't feel particularly bothered to try. She was waxing poetic about monsters and gods as if she didn't belong in their ranks. He felt quite certain that the mare could singlehandedly guard the herd from any threat that might rear its ugly head. What did she need the rest of them for? Cannon Fodder? 
Sure, he hadn't made too much effort to fully integrate himself into the herd, but Ezital's brief life before Helovia had been a lonely one. He didn't quite understand the herd dynamics in play, the politics behind it all, nor were his social skills up to par. He was excellent at saying the wrong thing at the wrong time, or completely misinterpreting another's intentions. 
He schooled his expression into one of extreme boredom, so that none of the other horses would see the emotion roiling within him. If it wouldn't have drawn too much attention he would have turned on his heel and left to wander the forest by himself some more. 
A gentle weight pressed into his shoulder and ribs. He glanced over to find Vitani, the filly that had met him in the threshold. The last he'd seen of her, she'd been walking with Ktulu into the depths of the forest. He'd half wondered if that was the last time he would see her, or if she might show up a few days later, a few bites marring her hide. Ktulu didn't seem the type to allow even children to disrespect her, but what did he know?
Still, he spared a moment to look her over and verify her wellbeing for himself. She seemed alright, if not a bit more subdued than he'd come to expect. That could easily be written off as a mere distaste for meetings, as he was feeling right now too.
He leaned over to nudge the side of her neck with his muzzle. Quietly, he murmured, "S'up, filly?"


RE: hello, my name is.... [Warriors] - Vitani - 12-10-2015

When we look up at the stars, we see only the memory of light; and though they are distant we know they still shine

My eyes stayed focused forward as I stayed next to Ezital. I am glad he did not move away from me standing so close. His presence along with Sarabi was helping keep my sarcastic self in check. After all, I was in enough trouble as it was it seemed. Let's not get me into any more. Sarabi was about to growl at both of the Champions when I stopped her short. Don't you dare. Don't you remember what happened last time? I no like them. I snorted softly. I know, but pretend you do, for me. Okay? Okay.... I could tell she didn't want to, but she didn't want more trouble for us any more than I did.

The Champions then began to speak, Ktulu first. I am surprised she has not annouced that I will be tagging along on patrols now, but maybe she's going to leave that for later. This seemed to be more of a get everyone up to speed on the goings on lately speach than giving her warriors orders on patrols and such. The stallion, I think his name was Ciceron or something spoke next. He basiclly echoed Ktulu, asking everyone not to take risks. Well DUH! He wasn't impressing me any more than she had. In fact, the only one i'm interested in here is the knight standing next to me.

The touch of his muzzle to the side on my neck made me want to smile. Sarabi moved in and out around my legs, mainly hanging to my backside. After my last run in with Ktulu, neither of us were exactly thrilled to be at her warrior meeting. But since she was sticking me on patrols with this lot, I had to show up too... I snorted softly. "S'up, filly?" The voice was lower, almost a whisper. My dual colored eye flashed to the side to try and catch his eye as well. "Oh the normal." I murmered back. Other than my run in with the Champion and then Brisa checking on me later on I had been on my own. Which for once I was glad of. It gave me time to think, to figure out how I was going to handle this business on being told I was going on patrols now. "I have to patrol now too, as a punishment or something... Which I guess means I have to show up to meetings too." I made sure my voice was low. Surely low enough only Ezital heard me. If anyone else heard, oh well!

Sarabi Talks

RE: hello, my name is.... [Warriors] - Murtagh - 12-10-2015

“Oh I’ll show her later it doesn’t hurt that bad.” He was already forgetting about the giant mean squirrel incident, especially now that he had noticed that there were others gathering around.

His question about who the dappled unicorn was earned him two answers. The first came from a familiar voice as Areli popped out of the bushes nearby and claimed that he was her Papa. “Oh!” It was good to see the filly again and he grinned brightly at her but was distracted when the dappled unicorn took the time to lower his head and introduce himself properly. Ciceron and his not-bear companion was named Kiara. He had been prepared to accept this stallion’s presence next to Ktulu already, since Areli had vouched for him, but greatly appreciated the personal introduction - as well as the warning about squirrels. “I will.” And then, encouraged by Ciceron’s kindness, added in a low voice he hoped Ktulu didn’t catch “but I bet I can take the next one.”

Comfortable with the company that Ktulu was keeping, Murtagh looked up to Ktulu and stated quite simply: “I like him.” as though Ciceron and the rest of the warriors weren’t standing right there. After that, he took his place beside Ktulu and watched as the others gathered - ears perked. This could very well be more interesting than the herd meeting.

Especially when Ktulu started talking about gods and monsters. Woah! No wonder they didn’t like it when he wandered off on his own - a habit which he had (mostly) kicked. This was definitely a lot more interesting than that herd meeting. There were horses from other lands? Monsters? He knew what game he was going to play as soon as this meeting was over - maybe Areli would be up for it. They could take turns being the god and being the monster.

But for now he had a question for his papa who he nudged gently when there was a spare moment. “Can I go on a patrol again?” It was a lot of fun the last time that they went out with Kaj, though he had mostly spent it playing with Eytan.
Image Credit
table by Sevin

RE: hello, my name is.... [Warriors] - Areli - 12-14-2015

the flower that smells the sweetest is shy and lowly

“Areli,” her father’s voice boomed, and the girl froze. Though interrupting had seemed like a good idea—Papa had just introduced himself to Murtagh after all!—she now grew unsure at the sound of his deep rumble. Ears splayed to the side, she lowered her head and her gaze, anticipating his reprimand…but none came. “It’s good to see you,” Ciceron finished warmly. The dark head shot up in delighted surprise, sending the flaxen forelock spilling over her eyes. Papa was glad to see her! Sensing her mistress’ joy, Bee whined happily at her heels, tail wagging vigorously. “’N’ you too,” Areli beamed. He gestured for her to join him, and she was at his side in a few bounds, snuggling as close to her father as he would allow. With all of the warriors circled around and awaiting Papa’s command, she felt her chest swell in pride. Areli had always revered her father, but it pleased her greatly to see that she was not the only one—even grown-ups had come to hear what he had to say! Unable to contain the warm glow of happiness, she rocked back and forth on her hooves before shooting a glance to Murtagh. His mama was obviously important here too—did he feel the same?
However, the feeling of triumph quickly soured at Ktulu’s mention of gods and monsters. With a small gasp, Areli shrank back, attempting to move closer to Papa. Could it be true? she wondered, contemplating the implications of this warning. Her adventures often carried her beyond the borders of the Falls, and while she had never felt unsafe…the mere idea of a monster lurking in the Wilds was enough to send shivers down her spine and a whimper from her throat. How awful! Areli thought, making a mental note to limit her expeditions to the confines of the herdland. Though she enjoyed her freedom, she’d rather not end up as a tasty snack for the monsters to find!
“Can I go on a patrol again?” a boyish voice piped up suddenly, interrupting her thoughts. The question had not been directed at her, but already Areli was spinning around with the most incredulous of looks on her face. “’R’ you crazy?” she squeaked, gold eyes darkening as she addressed Murtagh. “Didntcha hear anythin’ your mama jus’said? There are monsters out there!” 

Image Credits || original coding by Tamme; tweaked by Shady || quote by William Wordsworth

RE: hello, my name is.... [Warriors] - Soren - 12-15-2015

Run away with me, Lost souls and reverie, Running wild and running free, Two kids, you and me
The meeting seems to be going by quick, with some comedic relief thanks to my now confirmed nephew, and the daughter of the silver man. My eyes move to the faces of Ktulu and Ciceron, taking in their words, my eyes turning downwards at the mention of the gods and the monsters... And the war. I remembered clearly, having partook in two of the battles myself. Two battles. I had seen a girl die. To young for her life to have been taken from her. Not older than I. And rumors come to me, saying others had died as well. That she hadn't been the only one. There where many who had not lost their lives, but the innocence. The eyes in their skull dead... Their minds scarred. I closed my eyes, remembering the battles well, and remembering desperately trying to get to my sister. Hoping I wouldn't lose her as well.

My blue eyes look back up, hardened. The eyes that had seen war, and was not willing to delve back in. I didn't want to face the monsters should they come once more. But I had to. I had to because it was my duty. It was my duty because Ktulu had made it so. Because she needed warriors, yet at the same time, I felt that maybe she really didn't need me. Was this punishment? For my own rudeness to her after the Green Labyrinth?

The thought occurred to me that I could abandon, but it was pushed aside. I would not. I wouldn't make this relationship rockier than it already was. I wouldn't lose my sister, and I had promised. And that was something I wouldn't go back on.

And I say, Hey, hey hey hey, Living like we're renegades