HELOVIA || The Way to the Sun
[P] first star i see tonight - Printable Version

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first star i see tonight - Asavvi - 11-16-2015



From the moment she had been born, Asavvi had been remarkable open to wonder. She had been blessed with health a loving family, and a safe place to grow and explore. She had spent every moment of her first weeks taking in everything she saw and to her open heart everything was beautiful.

Her explorations had certainly been more cautious than her brother’s but that could be better attributed to a greater share of patience than any true sense of danger. True enough, her mother and father had said to be careful, said that beyond the borders of home might dangerous, but the words meant almost nothing to a little girl who had never truly experienced fear, or pain or sadness. In her experience the world was simply good. Someday, perhaps, she would learn better.

She had crossed the borders of the Throat in the late afternoon having filched the bridge key off her mother on the pretense of cuddles. If Nizho could sneak out with Mordecai then she could too; it might even be a tad easier as she was so much quieter than her twin ever was. By the time she found the meadow, dusk had fallen and the warm day of late tallsun was drawing to a close. Little cloven hooves carried her in a happy little prance through the swath of purpled-tufted thistle. She stopped when she came to the fist stream ad was just thinking she out to head for home when a bright little speck winked up at her from the reflection rippling in the flowing water. Asavvi gave an astonished gasp of pleasure  and lifter her eyes to the sky where the first star of the evening twinkled in the sky of purples and blues and the fast-fading orange of the sunset. ’Make a wish!’ she reminded herself.


the stars set bright fires in her eyes

teach her to live honest in a world of lies
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RE: first star i see tonight - Jaeger - 12-01-2015

after the war's won, there's always the next one
i'm not bulletproof when it comes to you

Though the land was supposedly safe - not that Wrath trusted anything anyone said in this wretched land, or anywhere ever - the behemoth had been unable to shake the tendency to travel beneath the cover of night. It was a time of shadows and silence, when the darkness aided his own personal camouflage and only his cracked and molten hide could betray him. But he'd learned to shroud himself, even in his enormity. The nighttime embraced him as it always did, leading him away from where Kratos drowsily stared off into the middle distance. Rules had to be changed as they'd entered Helvoonia - what the fuck kind of name was that anyways? - reluctant though Wrath was to tempt fate after being thrust into the land literally swinging. 

Rounds needed to be taken, Wrath setting a designated radius in as perfect a circle he could manage with Kratos the center point. There were no borders to patrol, not guardsmen to set to their tasks, no armor to help his soldiers don. Wrath was alone, solitary in his efforts, but he would die before he allowed this land to sink its fangs any deeper into Kratos. It was a tiring, exhaustive effort, but Wrath was nothing if not stubborn and consistent. Kratos...he was everything. The new generation, his charge, the innocent colt he'd met so long ago only to foster and help him grow into a stallion worthy of name and prowess. Though he did not hide it as well as he liked to think, Wrath loved him. A sensation he did not like to admit to, as he'd never imagined even being capable of it. In a way he'd loved his men, his troops that he'd stormed into battle with too many times to count. But he had loved nobody and nothing else.

So he showed it in the only ways he could. Protecting Kratos, making sure they stayed safe in this jungle with its yet unseen traps. No land was safe, and Wrath was not stupid enough to believe he was worthy of such salvation. Kratos, perhaps, deserved it. He was still untouched and pure in ways the Rift had not stolen from him, mostly because of Wrath's protection. But himself? No. He was unworthy of this illusory world, and he did not trust it. Miracles did not happen, and certainly not to him.

His rounds had been quiet, mostly. Nobody ever encountered, nothing to raise his hackles or set his teeth on edge. It seemed the pattern had ended however, with a tiny body hidden within the folds of dry, whispering stalks. He was a beast in comparison to the little foal, something of nightmares to prey upon her, glowing with lava cracked within his hide that seeped into his blood and bones. Softly glowing eyes, vessels that were illuminated insidiously by his blood until they glowed orange in the night as they gazed upon her. A wraith, a bloodied figure that loomed above her, only the scariest parts of him visible. But no harm would befall her, not from him. Still he lingered away from her, reluctant to scare her. These Hellvoonians were so much more sensitive than Riftians. 

If Wrath had any weakness, it was the innocence and purity of childhood. He ventured closer, quiet and as unassuming as his frame could manage. "A foal should not adventure unattended in the wilds," he rumbled with his deep, primordial voice, softly glowing eyes staring disapprovingly down at the foal. But they were soft, nonetheless. She would not have lasted a moment, alone in the Rift. And he swept closer to her with that thought, seeing spindly Kratos in her young frame, in dire need of protection. He could offer her that, at least.

Image Credit
Code: Time & Neo

RE: first star i see tonight - Asavvi - 12-04-2015



As she made her little wish on the first star of evening the soft-hearted little girl wished only for good things, and not just for herself but for all. Every creature in this world deserved good things, or so at least the child thought. She sighed in a dreamy sort of way, knowing she should turn for home before much longer and yet wanting to stay precisely where she was and watch the evening fade to night and see each star as it was born.Her mother always said day was best, that the Sun was the great source of life and light, but Asavvi had a special love for the stars. Each on was a little mystery, a little wonder—like people, she thought—and so each could be counted a friend.

So engrossed was she in the contemplation of her heavenly companions that Asavvi did not heed the approach of another earthly being. The deep voice rumbled behind her and she gave a little jump and a soft gasp of surprise. The company was unanticipated but not by any means unwelcome and her little lips were already pulling back in a smile as her head turned toward the source of the voice. She enjoyed meeting new people, never having met one she didn’t like, and though some might have trembled before the figure that loomed over her in the dim light Asavvi merely turned her body to face him while he spoke, even taking a tiny step in his direction.

What reason did she have to be afraid? His fire? His size? The traits he exhibited were all too familiar and the girl had not yet learned to fear them. His dark form was tall and powerful, but then so was her father’s and so was the Sultans. They were some of the most fearsome and intimidating figures in Helovia but neither would ever cause her alarm. The tracks in his back glowed with heat and the liquid fire of the magma underneath but why should that be fearsome? She had been bathed in fire when she had been born and those flames had been healing and warm, It had been like a christening in the light of the sun for her and her brother—though Gaucho’s magic had been used to heal their mother, Asavvi had never been told that her birth had almost cost her mother’s life. Flame was warmth and familiarity, it was watching for visions at the Diviner’s Fire while cuddled close to her mother, it was the emblem of home.

’Not adventure unattended’? Why ever not? Asavvi thought it was strange, her mother had said something similar but had never explained why. Completely misunderstanding the stallions’s meaning she gave what she thought was an assuring smile and shook her head. “No, it’s alright, I wan’t lonely, and I always know my way home.” Because those was the only two possibly negative outcomes, right? She quickly remembered her manners, and gave the beast a guileless little bow of respect and introduced herself properly, though for a moment forgetting that not all spoke her father’s tongue. “M’athchomaroon, kazga lajak. I am Asavvi, khalakki of Dragon’s Throat and I am pleased to meet you.”

It did not occur to her that he might not understand the first few words, it often spilled her mind that some would not understand her father’s tongue. She had grown up speaking the two languages was so used to using them interchangeably among her family that she often spilled in and out of them. She glanced around interestedly but soon saw that the stallion was also alone. I wonder if he was here to watch the stars to. “I do hope I haven't disturbed you.” It was really a mystery where she got her manners, neither of her siblings had any to speak of, but Asavvi adopted a gracious formality as easy breathing. She was a lamb in a pride of lions but never felt out of place.

 M’athchomaroon, kazga lajak - Greetings (with respect) dark (in color) warrior
khalakki - princess, daughter of a khal


the stars set bright fires in her eyes

teach her to live honest in a world of lies
image credits