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avis codes for you - Printable Version

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avis codes for you - Serenity - 12-17-2015

Hello!! So I figured instead of randomly doing tables for people I would go ahead and do one of these too! The following holds information about what kind of coding I can do and offer. I love helping people and making pretty things so request away ♥

Any examples can be found in posts made by Serenity, Cloak, or Isi.

Posting tables

❥ Free HTML tables that you can use for posting!

❥ Please try to provide me with an image you already have picked out, otherwise I'll use a placeholder image for the meantime (if applicable)

❥ You're welcome to be either very vague or very detailed when requesting a table!

❥ Just note that I might jump around the requests depending on the ease/complexity of each table, but I will get to yours asap!

❥ Use the code below for organization:

Type: if you have a preference for expanding or scrolling
Image(s) and position: provided image(s) and if you have a preference for top or bottom placement on the table
Colors/themes: provided colors if you picked any, or general themes if you have a preference
Other: anything else!

Type: <br>
Image(s) and position: <br>
Colors/themes: <br>

Profile tables (HTML)

❥ Free tables to use for your profile sections!

❥ Please try to be a little more detailed when filling out this type of request.

❥ Use the code below for organization:

Type: either one table for the complete profile or individual tables for each provided section
Image(s): any image(s) you'd like included
Colors/themes: provided colors if you picked any, or general themes if you have a preference
Other: anything else!

Type: <br>
Image(s): <br>
Colors/themes: <br>

Profile tables (CSS)

❥ CSS tables to use for your profile sections!

❥ These are more complex, detailed tables that include tabs.

❥ Please try to be a little more detailed when filling out this type of request.

❥ I do charge for CSS tables, so feel free to offer any trades you deem worthy (small trades! includes small items, markings, VOTG rolls, passes, art, etc).

❥ When offering a trade I prefer to do it through pm!

❥ Use the code below for organization:

Tabs: how many tabs you would like and the type of transition if you have a preference
Image(s): any image(s) you'd like included
Colors/themes: provided colors if you picked any, or general themes if you have a preference
Other: anything else!

Tabs: <br>
Image(s): <br>
Colors/themes: <br>

Profile Pages
Custom profiles

❥ Examples can be found on @Serenity / @Cloak / @Isi

❥ 100% customized profile fit to your liking, including banner, colors, etc.

❥ I will ask for slightly more in regards to trades for these, as they take a lot of time and coordination to make perfect! Trades are made on an individual basis, so offer what you deem worthy.

❥ I ask that this be discussed through pm only! ♥

RE: avis codes for you - Maren - 12-17-2015

Type: expanding
Image(s) and position: http://sta.sh/0dwtx7ktgxy, bottom please c:
Colors/themes: Preferably not anything vivid, as the manip is already. Something dreamy and peaceul would be nice <3
Other: I like tables that look simple but elegant, but feel free to give your own spin on it! <33

Thanks in advance! I struggled so much with making a decent table for this one, but looking at yours I'm sure you'll manage. ;v; but feel free to tell me if it doesn't work out for some reason <3

RE: avis codes for you - Caenan - 12-17-2015

Type: Expanding.
Image and Position: Image is here. I will leave the positioning up to you
Colors/Themes: Anything that suits the image. Rei is and always be her fun self. 
Other: Have fun with it! And thank you loads.

RE: avis codes for you - Sikeax - 12-17-2015

Type: Expanding
Image(s) and position: Image Bottom preferred, but if something else works better than go for it
Colors/themes: As long as it fits the image, it's fine
Other: A quote line or two would be awesome <3

RE: avis codes for you - Kairo - 12-17-2015

Type: Expanding
Image(s) and position: http://oi63.tinypic.com/5by15f.jpg at the top.
Colors/themes: Dark blues or even dark purple. Just dark colors really
Other: It would be awesome if it had kind of elegant feel to it. Thank you lots <3

RE: avis codes for you - Valhalla - 12-18-2015

Can I PM you about profile coding or are you too booked up? <3

RE: avis codes for you - Serenity - 12-18-2015

nope, go right ahead!! pretty much always open <33

RE: avis codes for you - Parelia - 12-18-2015

Type: Expanding please <3
Image(s) and position: Here I'd like the picture of him on the right with the white spot please! You can put it anywhere you want <3
Colors/themes: Teal and gold are awesome, but anything that will look good
Other: Thank you! <3

RE: avis codes for you - Ashamin - 12-19-2015

Type: Up to you!
Image(s) and position: http://aapricity.deviantart.com/art/We-d-Become-the-Flowers-578923050
Colors/themes: Blues, Greens, Yellows for him.
Other: Thanks so much! <3

RE: avis codes for you - Frost Fyre - 12-19-2015

Type: expanding pls
Image(s) and position: image - position doesn't matter to me!
Colors/themes: ermm yellow and blue? whatever you think will look best is a-ok to me :)
Other: many thanks <33

RE: avis codes for you - Tembovu - 12-19-2015

Type: Expanding
Image(s) and position: this one. Top or bottom, I have no preference.
Colors/themes: whatever goes with the image, though I imagine sunset-y colors :]
Other: I've tried to make a table with this, but just haven't been able to come up with a color scheme I like :| Thank you for doing this! <3

RE: avis codes for you - Parelia - 12-25-2015

Type: Expanding please
Image(s) and position: http://sta.sh/0hfiebicgr2 Top please
Colors/themes: Anything that fits <3
Other: Thank you!

RE: avis codes for you - Ashamin - 12-25-2015

Type: Up to you, think it lends itself to scroll but if you feel like both I would not complain. :P
Image(s) and position: http://neaqmir.deviantart.com/art/Feeling-Sublime-Gift-580150675
Colors/themes: Red, gold, black, and white for him usually. But whatever's in the image/whatever works.
Other: Thank you! Happy holidays!

RE: avis codes for you - Spice - 12-25-2015

Type: no preference really it's for @Madigan
Image(s) and position: this and under the text please! <3
Colors/themes: dark, black and white kind of things
Other: a place for a quote if you could? <3

RE: avis codes for you - Ki'irha - 12-26-2015

I desperately need some spice for Ki'irha's profile! If you can do this, that would be awesome!

Type: Individual tables for a profile
Image(s): None, I couldn't find any I liked lol. But I do like the subtle texture in the background of your opening post, so maybe something like that? Let me know if I need to find something like that, or where to find it.
Colors/themes: Dark blues, whites, blacks, and greys. For themes, anything night/stars!
Other: Script text would be nice for the header, with a serif type font for the rest of the info.