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[O] The Boys of Summer - Printable Version

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The Boys of Summer - Isopia - 12-22-2015


Isopia was feeling feels. She felt cagey, angsty, angry.

She felt unjustifiably betrayed, used, tricked.

She felt the manipulative side of her personality warping and twisting events, hiding the truths between the cold shadows of her logic. She hadn't ever felt anything for Volterra - the phenomenological aspect had been mis-categorized. The warmth she felt in his presence? Mere hormones. The rush in her gut, in her belly, the tightening and throbbing at the back of her throat which made her simultaneously want to scream and cry out in joy (or at least whatever Isopia felt that was near joy) - it was all just chemical explosions in her body.

The things she felt didn't map onto real events. It was like her body was hallucinating - misaligning feels with horses. With Volterra.

He is nothing to me- (because I am nothing to him) (You're a liar. You love him--) love is for the weak.

This schizophrenic argument continued in her mind, in her heart, in her soul. Blindly Isopia flew, throwing her amazonian-sized body through the air, beating her wings frenetically and paying little to no attention to where she was flying. It was to the Riptide isles, in fact. A place where she felt mildly comfortable. Isopia landed, her legs shaking and her flanks lined with sweat, but she barely felt it. As a cool breeze billowed past her, her body shivered and Isopia reveled in the frigid sensation. She wanted the cold, wanted the hurt.

If only so her mind could focus on it, and not the painful constricting in her heart. Because deep down, despite her logical fallacies to the contrary, Isopia knew precisely what had happened. She had been reckless, had fallen in love, had allowed her emotions to mask the reality of the situation. It was what had gotten Hototo killed - it was the misfortune that heralded her existence - and here she was repeating those egregious errors. 

Here she was being sad, about a boy - being a pathetic girl when she had a world to save.

She should have felt disappointed in herself, guilty, full of regret. But she didn't - because despite her massive body and godly appearance, she was just a girl. 

A girl who had just learned that love came fast and cheap.


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RE: The Boys of Summer - Nymeria - 12-25-2015

In the first week or two of Nymeria's time in the Hidden Falls, kis holló had weighed heavily on her thoughts. There were a great many things about the massive hybrid that didn't sit well with Nym, first and foremost being her name; Nymeria didn't want to make unnecessary or undeveloped hypotheses, but it was undeniably strange that somebody would be carrying around the name kis holló—a name given by one with a knowledge of her first tongue. Her curiosity had abated as time passed, being put aside in favour of more important ideas, but occasionally it gave a twitch in the back of her mind, a sudden impulse to know and understand what she did not know.

Despite the scents she now carried on her hide, she made frequent forays into the wild. Herd life, she was beginning to discover, was not quite as confining as she had thought it would be. Most times, horses didn't seem to care if she was there or not—she hadn't even had to attend a meeting yet. The flexibility suited her. So long as she didn't do anything utterly foolish, Nymeria had freedom, and, however distant from her they were, a new kind of family.

It was on one of these forays that she heard the thunder of massive wings overhead, accompanied by a blustering wind that tousled her curls and the sharp tang of fir and pine. Dark eyes darted upwards to observe the massive and instantly recognizable body of the Storyteller, cutting a black and bold silhouette against the cerulean sky.  Kis holló, Nymeria thought, the Storyteller. She recalled thinking that the title had suited her well, for more reason than one—and then her memories gave another erratic twitch, ushering forth a multitude of half-buried thoughts and uncertainties.

It was not entirely polite or trustworthy of her to follow (if she were caught stalking, it would hardly make a good impression) but she checked her GPS and plugged in a new set of co-ordinates. The possibilities outweigh the risks.

Nymeria followed on foot, and Lilómiel, well, he sat on her shoulders as to minimize the likelihood of being seen. They were fortunately close to the Riptide Isles, being slightly north of the Halcyon Flats, and it did not take long for them to cross the channel to the archipelago. It took less time for them to reach Isopia, who stood near the shore.

We'll need to be careful. There was something to the shape of kis holló now that was different than their first meeting, a hollowness to her eyes and her mouth (but her mouth was not hollow so much as hard and brittle and tightly bottled) that betrayed a distress or a darkness or a grievance private in nature—one that Nymeria was willing to exploit. Still, she did not make a beeline for the Storyteller; she drifted up the coastline in a well maintained picture of casualness, all the while thinking, all the while planning. Kis holló was not an easy one to put her figure on—she was perturbingly alien, short of word but not brusque nor rude; but more than that, she struck too close to home in her skull-faced marking and proud bearings. So naturally Nymeria desired to be know her; naturally Nymeria wanted to discover if she were friend or ally or enemy or villain, all of which felt possible around the Storyteller.

As she nears, her stride clips and she slows, head rising in curiosity; her nostrils flare a touch, and a smile flicks up the corners of her lips. Yes, she thought—there was definitely something awry to the Storyteller now as opposed to earlier. Or perhaps there was something... wrong with her when she first met me. There wasn't enough evidence, not enough fact to draw a conclusion.

Instead of saying hello she jumps to the meat of it, hoping that Isopia would prefer such a frank approach: "kis holló," she says courteously, "you seem... different, if I might be so blunt. Is something amiss?"
we don't need somebody to lean on

OOC: I hope the minor powerplay of Iso's location is okay!

RE: The Boys of Summer - Isopia - 12-27-2015



If Iso noticed Nym's foray up the beach or the beginnings of her arrival, she gave no notice. Her golden gaze was focused on the waves and the turmoil in her own soul. The forth and swell of the waves seemed to mirror her inner frustration and nauseating splashes of emotion.

kis holló-

The words made her blood run cold, and her gaze snapped harshly from the sea to the skull-faced mare. At first she had heard Volterra's lips saying that name - for he was the only one, up until now, who had used it. Then the articulation and tone settled between her ears, and she heard (and saw) the black mare she had met only a week or so prior. She hadn't even asked for her name, had she? No of course not, Iso rarely bothered with names, and yet she gave her that one. The mistake, the memory, and the way it incited emotions which often accompanied thoughts of Volterra flooded her system.

-you seem... different, if I might be so blunt. Is something amiss?

"Oh no-" She lie came easily and quickly. As much as she often judged and reprimanded others for saying and doing other than what they actually intended to do or say, Iso had found that lying was just so much easier. In all facets of her life, it seemed to be much more efficient to say and do the things those around her expected her to, than to be herself. She had learned early that who she was was fairly abrasive to everyone else. Her personality was typically not well-received. Lying seemed to be a way to compensate.

Besides, even if Iso were the sharing type, telling Nymeria that she was pining over her brother - a brother she had previously indicated that she didn't necessarily know - seemed inappropriate.

"-It was here that the final Riftian war was fought. My Father is responsible for these lands, and so I feel that I am as well. I was just remembering it."

It certainly sounded true enough.

"Did you ever find your brother?"


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RE: The Boys of Summer - Gull - 12-29-2015

never say die

Like a lonely seabird he sailed on the wind, circling the chain of islands that he had come to call home. Though the day was pleasant, there was a hint of a chill in the breeze—a subtle reminder of the winter to come. From his post in the sky, Gull frowned slightly. Frostfall had never been pleasant, and he expected this one to be no exception. However, that was not what was troubling the stallion: the thing that was on his mind was migration. He had been watching the birds fly south, and already the Isles were growing noisier with the din of flocks settling in for the winter. Them, he didn’t mind, but he had a sneaking suspicion that it wouldn’t just be his feathered friends who sought respite from the worst of the cold. Gull had an idea that soon more unwelcome guests would follow, and he now made it his business to keep a close eye on the beaches.

Speaking of which, as he passed one of the islands closer to the Flats, Gull caught a glimpse of two dark forms below who definitely had not been there on his last time around. Eyes narrowing, the stallion shifted his weight midair, deviating from his course.  The motion sent his frame into a banking turn, which gradually became a wide spiral above the pair who stood below. His movements were slow and almost lackadaisical, but Gull’s patrol was deliberate: he intended to keep these shores vermin-free for as long as his strength would allow it.
While he had been mentally preparing himself for the possibility of a fight during his descent, Gull instead found himself surprised  that he recognized both figures on the sand. The giant from the fire-caves and the pipsqueak from the ice-maze, he remembered, peering down at them curiously. Of course, the pipsqueak was not such a pipsqueak any more, but he recalled her nonetheless—both she and the giant had those creepy skull markings that had stared out at him like ghosts from the darkness of their respective caverns. Vaguely, Gull wondered what had compelled them to slink forth into the daylight. The memories were hazy, but in his mind, both Nymeria and Isopia were tied to the caves and the shadows that had blanketed them. Here in the sunlight, they seemed decidedly out of place. 

However, it held little interest for him. As long as they were only chatting on the beach, Gull had no time to waste with further investigation. Besides, the big one had given him the heebie-jeebies, he remembered. He'd rather avoid the small talk, please and thank you.

"talk talk talk"

OOC: Saw this was open and hoped you wouldn’t mind! Just Gull being nosy from above and doing some recon—if they pay him no mind, consider him as having flown off again.
Credits: Image by Schwartze @ DA