HELOVIA || The Way to the Sun
Dust & Gold - Printable Version

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Dust & Gold - Faeanne - 01-02-2016

I have hovered at the edge of the Threshold for some time. I would be unable to say for how long if asked. Time passes differently whenever you are by yourself. Time spent by yourself also grants you further knowledge of yourself. There is no one else to tell you who or what you are so you have to decide for yourself.

"For how long am I in debt?" I imagine that my question is small nothing once it finally reaches the sun. My face is upturned as though I could actually see my question reach its destination. My lashes reach for one another attempting to shield my eyes from it. They are all of me that is willing to stand against the sun. The rest of me is simply thankful for the chance at life he has given. For the first time in my life, thanks to the fiery god, I had experienced the thrill of running until I could no longer. That exhilaration is what had carried me away from Helovia. I had ran until my legs trembled and I had then flown until my wings could carry my weight no longer. 

I did not know what land it was that I found myself in but I had made myself a temporary presence in a place where my heart troubles were never known. It was a place where I had been known for my own actions or lack of them. I had made friends that never regarded me with curious pity or concern. To them I was quiet and distanced from most things but I was normal and to them I had always been normal.

But I had lived with fear always in the back of my mind. Fear of my condition returning. The God of the Sun had healed my heart in return for living in his domain. Does he know I left the Dragon's Throat? Does he know that living in the land had started to feel as though I were imprisoned in the clutch of a dragon? Would he care? Or was I just another member won to him? Would he take his gift back now that my hooves and wings insisted on carrying me to new places?

A sigh leapt from my lips and trembled in the OrangeMoon air. The question seemed to constantly repeat itself; for how long will I be indebted to the God of the Sun? I hover on the edge of the Threshold where I have hidden myself away to think since my return but now I know that it is time to move forward. Obligation and fear calls for me to return to the Dragon's Throat and my love for water pleads for me to go anywhere but the desert with a puddle of an 'Oasis'. I could remain an Outcast but I yearn to be something more than I am now. Something called me back to Helovia for a reason. I am meant to do something here. I will make my choice as to where to go and then I will seek out my family and friends.

Evangeline. Ruske. Erebos. They are names that have not faded from memory. I wonder if Evangeline still lives in The Edge? Has Ruske returned? Erebos. My first friend. Am I still in his memory? By now Erebos would be a young stallion, a two year old like myself. My water walker. A soft smile comes across my lips led to existence by the memory of our meeting. Reminiscing I flap my wings a few times bringing fire to life under my wings. We'd had such fun showing our magic to one another.  

NOTES: Here it is! My very first Faeanne post. Why is it that she was easier to write than some of my characters that I dreamt up myself? I hope that I live up to how wonderfully she was written by Semper.


RE: Dust & Gold - Murtagh - 01-02-2016

“AHHHHH!” Murtagh practically jumped right out of his skin when he saw the compass start to spin. This was not a drill! He forgot what he was supposed to be doing he was so excited, waiting as it twitched a little before finally settling in a direction - south. Further hesitation was caused only by his complete disbelief that this was actually happening, that there was someone that finally needed his help. He didn’t want to let the Earth God down! And his bear cub needed him! He didn’t even wait to see whether one of his mothers was coming with him on this journey, though he imagined he wouldn’t be left alone for very long. He usually couldn’t even play in the Falls without one of them popping up.

Not that he minded, of course.

Trembling with excitement, the colt took off in an unstable run - pausing occasionally to check and make sure that he was heading in the right direction. Whenever he did stop for such checks he was never still for very long, dancing on the spot before moving off again. Every step was taking him closer to someone that needed his help, even though he had no idea how he could possibly help them - but that was a problem that he would solve upon finding them.

He had never been here before - the trees that were looming around him were utterly unfamiliar - but there was far too much to do to slow down now. In Murtagh’s excitement, he ended up whizzing right by the mare that the compass had been pointing to. The blue roan colt ended up having to backtrack and then he circled her a couple times, just to be sure, before stopping in front of her with a wildly large grin on his face. This was it! The someone that needed help! “HI!” He was panting from the run here, from the sheer amount of excitement, but finally managed to get more words out while he caught his breath. “My... name’s... Murtagh,... canIhelpyouwithsomething?”


permission from Tier for the compass to point toward Faeanne!

@Lakota or @Ktulu if you want to tag along <3

RE: Dust & Gold - Destry - 01-03-2016

I forced myself to leave, to go beyond the borders of the Throat and into the world I'd run from, that I'd feared. I'd been avoiding leaving because I am afraid, I fear that I will find Aurelia and the gods know I cannot handle such a fateful disaster, because my brittle heart has not yet recovered. So with help from Yseult (a stream of encouragement, what would I do without you? Probably waste away, you are very lazy and blue.) Shahrokh pursues me, refusing to let me walk away from him, his velcro personality bringing me mixed feelings. I am his mother, I should feel the need to take care of him, to show (that really isn't the appropriate world for this. To explore with him? Perhaps.) him the world outside of the Throat, bring him up to be kind and patient and gentle. I should be loving him, not ignoring him for being a bastard child (No father to begin with, right. Motherless? Still one mother, start with two. We'll call him a bastard child for now,) who bears gold like his irresponsible mother, he is a grim reminder that I lied blatantly to the Earth God, proved my own foolishness and ignored his warnings. Warnings that I should've heeded, shouldn't have cast aside because I was running through the world with rose coloured lenses. 

I made a mistake, a terrible one but that doesn't mean Shahrokh deserves to get crushed under my self-loathing, he doesn't know why fury and hatred burn in my being for him, for his existence. He is unknowingly the physical entity of a promise, a sacred promise whispered within silent walls and under dirtied sheets, beside a sweaty companion. I can't imagine the strain I've put on him, that this situation has put on him. To know you have been born with another half, a permanent friend bound by blood, flesh and bone, only to have it ripped from your side. 

I've decided to take us to the  Threshold, gaze lowered as I guide Shahrokh through the trees, my wings clenched tightly against my sides as I trudge along. I haven't been here in a long time, if at all. Perhaps I should frequent it more, start carrying my weight within our herd. It's quiet, the occasional rustle of dead leaves the only sound for miles, our breathing accompanying the silence. Everything seems still and bitter, like the world is in a phase of free falling, breaking from the grasp of spring and beginning its descent into a frigid frostfall. I hear footsteps beyond ours, Shahrokh's face hitting my hind as I halt, a surprised gasp stuttering from his lips as he stumbles (Boy reckless. Yes, I know. Need to know where going.) 


I rush forward with desperation, tripping and panting as excitement and fear and an all consuming anger grips me tightly. Shahrokh tries to keep up, elegantly long legs trudging after me in desperation as I work my way through the trees, eyes wide. (Aurelia? It's her! I know it is! What if not? It is!) My heart is pounding as I focus on the place where I'd spotted it, that familiar colour that brings so many mixed emotions to my plate, piling them up and pushing it in my direction like I was supposed to handle all of them. "Aurelia!" I cry, tears welling and a smile crawling across my face. I wanted to touch her again, to beg to know where she'd been and then kick her for being such an inconsiderate shit and leaving me alone. My hatred and rage towards her disappear at the prospect of seeing her again, proving that this hate wasn't rooted into me with its nails deep in my flesh, that it was just a fly clinging desperately to me. 

I come to a brutal stop, trying to catch my breath and looking up, eyes widening when I see what's before me. It isn't Aur, (Told you.) no, it's someone who just so happens to bear similar golden, alabaster tresses falling over hauntingly familiar features. I can't muster anything out, swallowing the knot in my throat and letting my expression drop. Shahrokh nudges me, his laboured breathing concerning. There's a little roan beside the girl, energetic and full of life, exactly how a foal should be (Why isn't Shahrokh like this? Disabled, no fun when he can not see.) This boy is roughly the same age, much more sociable and already he is wildly different from Shahrokh. Shahrokh was quiet, melancholic and firmly rooted to the corner, hidden and introverted. His inability to see seems like a barrier to him, something to keep him from being a member of society in the way I or this boy was. (I think I heard him say he was Murtagh? 

"Ah—" I hesitantly open my mouth, clearing my throat and searching for something to say to the duo. "Hello." "Who is it?" I look back at Shahrokh, watching him drag his nose along the length of my body and tucked wing as he settles beside my shoulder with his cheek pressed against me. He looked concerned and frustrated, perhaps because he did not know if there was actually someone there, or how many bodies there were before us. I look at the two, hoping they would introduce themselves to us or merely leave us out in the dark. 

"blah blah blah." "shah goes blah blah blah." 

ooc: casually decides to crash C":
word count: 904 aka almost a light novel ahhha

SquirrelyTodd.deviantart.com | TwiWolf.deviantart.com

RE: Dust & Gold - Tilney - 01-04-2016

and oh, there is more to this life

Recruiting from the threshold had become one of Tilneys favorite things to do. It took him exploring for days; sometimes he would take long detours over unexplored parts of the meadow that separated the threshold form his homeland. Having rested overnight in the eastern outskirts of the thistle meadow, Tilney spent half the day getting lost and then getting back on track again in the deep forrest before finally reaching the threshold. Who will I meet today?

He began the dance. The careful trace between each tree, over the fallen logs and across the creeks and rivers. At least the water wasn't high; he preferred to not get his belly wet. Orangemoon must already be freezing the mountains water up again, only leaving just enough to run calmly through each brook. 

Middays adventures took him back to one of his favorite spots in Helovia. It was a small cave he had made many memories in, the most recent being the time the entire grottos floor gave out from underneath him and he had to be rescued. Tilney could also recall waiting in here with two quirky individuals; they had waited not so patiently for a storm to pass.

It was outside the cave he heard voices though; a mares, a young mans and another does. Stepping from the grottos mouth Tilney turned his cranium to face the sounds beofre his marble clefts took to the moss. Striking in good time, he cantered softly between trees and over one or two fallen firs to reach them. Not one but two pegasi took their place among the threshold floor and one other unicorn; a colt. Stepping forwards form behind the trees, Tilney cheered his greeting "Salutations!"

It was quite remarkable how much the dark pegasi resembled the small colt; he would assume they were related, but he could be wrong. The opposite fae on the other hand was the most intriguing colour. Dusted in gold much like his friend Rexanna, only her underlying coat was dark and hazel. Her golden eyes were quite enchanting, her wings ntohing short of magnificent. "My ladys, how do you do?" tilney bowed his crown out of respect for the females before he straightened up, verdant gaze tracing over each of the charming creatures present. "I am tilney of the Worlds Edge, Which of you crosses the threshold this day?"
Perhaps they had all crossed over together, or perhaps one or two of the group were recruiting also.

image credits


RE: Dust & Gold - Faeanne - 01-04-2016

"HI!" I blink down in confusion at the boy who so suddenly placed himself before me. I cannot fathom how one so small can be so unexpectedly loud. "My..name's..Murtagh.... CanIhelpyouwithsomething?" Oh youth, to be so trusting of strangers. He had no hesitation in approaching me and offering his aid. Yet with his age the colt is still living at the mercy to much of what is around him. I eye him in concern as he pants. The sound of his ragged breathing takes me back whenever my own breath had gotten short even from the slightest physical exertion.

My eyes close tight stealing away my sight in the way that I wish I could so easily rob myself of hearing; sight is not the sense I wish to be without right now. Murtagh's breathing brings too many memories forward to jab into me like the the insistent gnawing of a wolf's teeth. I almost wonder if the boy was sent by the God of the Sun to remind me of what he saved me from. A reminder of what he could return me to if I do not follow his command. If Murtagh is a messenger to the god it would explain the lack of a mother nearby.

Eyes still closed I shake my head trying to free myself from my own nonsense. The boy is no more than a young thing that has ran a little harder than his lungs were prepared for. Completely normal. I ease my eyes open slowly. First one then the other. I ease back into reality. I ease back into the present.

"No. I do not require any help. But where is your mother?" I eye the colt warily. The last thing that I need is for a protective mother to launch at me for being too close to her young one. I scan the Threshold for the movement of another. I am eager to search his mother out and alert her of Murtagh's whereabouts. A sigh passes from my lips whenever no one is spotted even after several moments pass. "What is it that you have?" I try to soften myself to him. It is not his fault that I am so tense. I lean in closer to Murtagh and his strange device that, even as his movement jostles it about, insists on pointing to me.

I stiffen once more as I hear the hurried approach of someone else. Their movement is not carried by the quiet hoof falls of a casual walk by. Whoever it is, is either Murtagh's mother, father, or it is someone who is no good. I step around Murtagh just in case it is trouble that comes. My ears pin sharply against my skull and my neck arches smoothly. I imagine myself to look like a formable foe and I cannot help allowing a self satisfied smirk to grow.

Both my expression and stance change whenever I set eyes on the who it is that approaches. The similarities are there! Surely she is Murtagh's mother. I throw my ears forward presenting a friendlier expression and I drop my neck lower. I make myself as small as possible.

"It is okay. He is --" I step from in front of the young unicorn allowing her to see that he is safe. "Aurelia!" Once more confusion is thrust upon me. I pull myself back to my normal stature with a furrowed brow. I had been about to tell her that her son was here and that I was certainly no threat towards him but it was not Murtagh's name that she called. "Here." my sentence had too much momentum to be stopped and the 'here' falls rather flat.

The name she calls stirs some strange ghosts of memories long dead within me and her strong emotions pile upon the ghosts morphing into a monster that makes me want to do nothing more than flee. Out of instinct my feathers ruffle and my wings strike against the air twice; it is just enough to stir up my magic that gives birth to flame beneath my feathers. I wince as I snap my wings shut quelling the flames. My sides burn from the magic being activated twice in such a brief time.

"Ah--Hello." I fidget as she struggles with our shared awkwardness of the moment. "Who is it?" It is a small voice beside her that puts the first crack in the ice.

"I know not who Aurelia is." I wonder if Aurelia is Murtagh's mother but that does not explain why the dark mare's face fell so sharply. "But I am Faeanne." I allow Murtagh to handle his own introduction if she does not already know him. I am puzzled by this situation and I do not care to speak anymore than what is required. I do not want to get too heavily involved either. I do my best to ignore the broken expression the mare now carries. For the briefest of moments her face had contained such joy that my own lips had itched with the desire to share her expression now, in such a split moment, that has changed. It makes my heart ache to see how quickly feelings can change.

"Salutations!" A stallion joins our group and am already lost as to how to respond to those that have already gathered around me. Young blood flows in my veins and it yearns for the company of stallions but I still want nothing more than to be left with my own space. The closer my hormones call for me to be with stallions the more I distance myself from them. It does not help that this one is so intriguing. My golden eyes follow the swaying of the lantern attached to his antler. "My lady, how do you do?"

"I am fine. How are you?" I return his question not only to him, but to all here. I direct my eyes to each in turn in an attempt to hide the turmoil that surely shows in my eyes. My attempt is likely in vain.

My pupils of ivory trace the marking that so closely resembles a tree. If my coat makes me one of the stars then he is one of the Earth. I am the sky. He is the ground. There is so much space between the ground and sky; perhaps they prefer it that way? Or maybe the sky never gave the ground a chance. "I am Tilney of the World's Edge, which of you crosses the threshold this day?"

"I would be your target for recruitment." I smile tightly at the stallion. I am out of my element whenever dealing with strangers but it is not because I want to. With time I would open to another. I just need someone to give me time. "Once I was a member of the Edge. Evangeline acted as my adoptive mother." My smile loses its tightness and grows soft at the thought of the mare. "Is she still among your ranks?"

I wonder if I miss The Edge? This could be my opportunity to follow another to the herd and to rejoin those I had known there. I know that I feel fond memories of the place but I do not know if returning is what I wish to do. I miss the Edge in the same way that a weaned foal misses the warmth of their mother's milk. Would returning to the Edge flow warmth throughout my body or would it taste bitter to me now that time has passed? Neither my adoptive mother nor the herd stilled their lives in my absence.

I wonder where the others hail from. I turn from the stallion with the lantern to Murtagh with his strange device and the mare with the colt who has attached himself so closely to her side. My eyes linger long on the other mare. I yearn to comfort her but I feel as though my life has me in no position to console another. Wouldn't someone who has life figured out be more capable?

Leave it to the young to see through adults so easily. Murtagh had kicked the pebble. I need help. But I have to thaw myself more easily to others if I am to ever receive it.

NOTES: 1,387 words (Counting dialogue of other characters). Wow. Well hello there muse. I love this thread! All of your posts were so wonderful. I am so excited for these character interactions. I am sorry if most of this reply is rambling. I couldn't stop myself. Blame Fae.

I also tried to do an equine equivalent of the phrase "___ hit the nail on the head" with the phrase "___ kicked the pebble."

Please ignore any grammar fails or anything that doesn't make any sense. I read through a few times but I have looked at this for so long that I don't even know anymore.

@Murtagh @Destry @Tilney


RE: Dust & Gold - Murtagh - 01-06-2016

Everyone always wanted to know where his mom was. Murtagh shrugged at the question - motioning with his dark head in the vague direction he thought that the Falls laid in. “Oh, one of them is around I bet. Don’t worry, they usually send one of their companions out to keep an eye on me.” Murtagh was so used to having one of the bears or one of his mother keeping an eye on him that it would be entirely strange for him to spend a long period of time without them.

Then she was asking about the thing that he wore, with the arrow that was clearly pointing toward her. He beamed with pride as he answered her. “It’s a…” Oh shoot, what did the Earth God call it? Did he even call it anything? “A conbass!” His young memory entirely butchering the word ‘compass’. “It tells me when someone needs help.” He explained, pointedly, eyeing her with his lavender eyes as though to make sure she understood that even though she had said that she did not need help, he knew better. He doubted that the Earth God would give him something that was faulty!

A shout interrupted them and then the golden mare was moving around Murtagh as though to defend him even though he was here to help her. He could’ve told her that wasn’t the voice of either of his mothers if she had asked, and he peered around her to see who it was. Another winged mare, and just as Faeanne thought she looked like Murtagh’s mother he was thinking that this new red-starred mare could be the golden mare’s mother. They had the same stars, after all!

“Hi!” He called out enthusiastically to the colt that he spied - lavender eyes bright with a smile at seeing someone close to his own age. “I’m Murtagh.” He chased Faeanne’s introduction with one of his own. Wondering if this new pair needed his help too, but the arrow was still pointing stubbornly to Faeanne so he wouldn’t abandon her just yet.

Another shout! Though this one was more friendly and no one had to step in front of Murtagh to protect him from this newcomer. A horned stallion came in, all friendliness and smiles (at least towards the mares, Murtagh noticed with a pout that he had not been grouped in with the ‘ladies’ greeting). This guy, Tilney, was from the World’s Edge and seemed to be a recruiter. Oh! They were in the Threshold! No wonder this place looked so strange, the colt had never been here before.

With nothing else to say, he simply looked back to Faeanne, waiting patiently for her to admit that she needed help. Like it or not, he wasn’t going to leave here until he helped someone. His bear cub and the Earth God were counting on him!

