HELOVIA || The Way to the Sun
[O] breaking me, completing me - Printable Version

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breaking me, completing me - Cirrus - 01-03-2016

Cirrus the WindDancer
Sweat darkened the otherwise white, cloudy hide of the mare. The sky above was a lighter, brighter hue, not dampened by the perspiration that made the mare's dark points almost black.

Cirrus climbed, for she did not wish to fly. She climbed, because the stupid tokens she held within her feathers would likely be lost into the abyss if she flew. She climbed upon four strong, sturdy limbs, because it was the least she could suffer in her repentance for the death she had dished out.

Five, I killed five…, she carried their deaths within her breast and upon her wings, the guilt weighing her down. Each footstep was taken as if she were carrying an extra tonne upon her shoulders, the strain upon her soul visible. They say death breaks one soul… my soul was already shattered when.. when..

Tear tracks were evident upon her cheeks, though her eyes were relatively dry as she made her ascent. Cirrus had cried, for every death blow she dealt, she was reminded of all the death in her life so far. It plagued her, the death, the memories, and now the God thinks to make me his Grim Reaper so that I might relive it anew, over and over..

Cirrus did not know how she felt about the Gods. Born and raised within the Throat, taught to revere and respect the Sun God, she had approached the Earth God's call in the Meadow that day as a polite spectator. He had singled her out, he had given her this task - she barely knew him, and she wanted to hate him for doing this to her. Who was she to deny him his quest? Cirrus has seen the Sun God throw a tantrum - she did not want to think what the kindly Earth Lord might be capable of should his temper turn. She shivered as her ascension neared its completion, with images of the earth shaking, of waters rushing over the lands, of cliffs rising and lakes forming all at the whim of a God.

So she had obeyed him, she had killed for him, not once or twice or even thrice, but five times. It tore her soul apart, for a piece of her fled with each soul she aided in departing this land. Cirrus wanted to blame the God, she wanted to hate him, to scorn him --

But she couldn't.

Weary, exhausted, the girl bowed before the Sun God's broken shrine, eyes looking but barely seeing the charred remains of it. Then she turned to the Earth God's vined and flowered shrine, and knelt into a bow, sweeping her tiara low beneath her breast, feeling the dirt move from the nearness of her velvet lips. Staying low, Cirrus opens the wing that holds the token he asked of her, tokens from their corpses, aye, she recalls, lipping each one gently and placing it before the ruined shrine.

Why did they have to die? I wanted to heal them, I wanted to help them, why did they have to die? she asked as she looked at the meagre pile of offerings.

Lastly, she pulls her father's spear from within the depths of her wing, and planted it before the tokens, before bowing her head once more, and letting her tears finally fall free of her cerulean eyes once more - in remembrance of the death of her father, and companion, that she had already borne before becoming the Earth God's Grim Reaper.

Cirrus didn't hate the Earth God.

She hated herself.

Healing rain: Light x Water | Able to imbue the rain with healing powers. Healing occurs through the touch of the water onto a wound, or if drunk, can also purify/heal the body from the inside-out.

Wishlist: http://helovia.net/showthread.php?tid=7030

Quest Drop
"You are to find five creatures who are suffering and purify their bodies in waters to help them through this pain." He watches the winged mare for a moment later and then smiled. "Once their bodies have been purified collect a token from their corpse." The Earth God gazed at the winged mare before finishing. "Return to me when you have completed this quest."
You may use NPC to play the animals or tag RE should you not be able to find anyone with the time. Each animal should be a separate thread.

One: http://helovia.net/showthread.php?tid=19744 Endless Blue, helped a beached orca return to the ocean to pass into the next life, collected left behind skin flaps from the beach. | successfully obtained token
Two: http://helovia.net/showthread.php?tid=19745 Secret Grove, meets a malnourished, injured fox. Convinces him to drink the water of the grove before killing him and collecting his paw. |successfully obtained token
Three: http://helovia.net/showthread.php?tid=19746 Deep Forest, drowned a dying mare in the ruby pool, collected strands of mane. | successfully obtained token
Four: http://helovia.net/showthread.php?tid=19747 Frostbreath Steppe, a strange creature approaches, dying in the snow before, but Cirrus flees before executing anything. | unsuccessful
Five: http://helovia.net/showthread.php?tid=19748 Heart Caves, met an ancient alpha male wolf, who had lost all his fight and will to live. Cirrus challenges him to one final fight, where he met his doom. Collected a canine tooth. | successfully obtained token
Six: http://helovia.net/showthread.php?tid=19749 Thistle Meadow, drowned a dying vixen in a stream, collected its tail. | successfully obtained token

- Patch of skin from an orca
- Fox paw
- Strands of mane
- Wolf canine tooth
- Fox tail

Could I please ask that Cirrus be given the "Circlet of Earth (crown of gold leaf and green stones)" from my prize list from the Earth God?

ALSO; this quest REALLY messed Cirrus up. I would not be opposed if the Earth God (or if the Sun God wanted to make an appearance also lol) removed memories of exactly what she needed to do (kill) to complete the quest but leave the lesson intact. However, I understand completely if this is not possible! Thank you admin <3 C:

eagle-cry-designs | larfsalot
on deviantart

@Mythical Request

RE: breaking me, completing me - God of the Earth - 01-03-2016

The GOD of the EARTH

waves and rocks, sticks and leaves

The earth beneath the shrines began to shake.

It was only slightly at first, a dull murmur - as if somewhere, very far below, someone was turning over in a bed. The particles of dust and dirt and dying leaves began to dance slightly, covering and obscuring the tokens that Cirrus had deposited, and then revealing them again.

"What have you done?"

The voice was a whisper on the breeze, but it sounded damp and heavy and full of the musky scent of earthworms and wet dirt. It sounded confused and wounded and disappointed. It sounded the way a Father might when a child explains that rather than cleaning a fish tank, they have simply dumped the fish into the toilet.

But this was not a fish.

This was more than a handful of lives.

"WHAT HAVE YOU DONE" The God of the Earth's voice was now a resounding boom. It was as shaky as a sapling in a storm, and just as nearly-broken. Thunderclouds formed overhead as his massive form hauled itself from the earth. Bits of grasses and roots clung to his heavily tangled mane, while clods of dirt fell from his wings. Yet all of this was inconsequential, for his eyes blazed with sadness and the paternal desire to take it back. To take back whatever it was that made Cirrus think he had wanted her to kill. He, the God of life and prosperity and growth. He who merely asked her to sit with the dead and dying, to give them water or other water-based comfort, and to wait with them until their time passed. To stroke their hair (or blubber as the case might be), to sing them songs, to tell them of the heaven that they were headed to. All these things he had wanted Cirrus to do - to understand that water was already a source of healing, as was Cirrus, so that she might properly understand that the magic she had asked for to be an extension of herself.

He had wanted her to help them through the pain that would end their lives. 
Not be the cause of it.

The God moved towards the discarded remnants of lives - some of which left the world naturally, others who were ushered through by Cirrus herself. His nose lowered to them and he inhaled deeply. He could smell their lives, their pasts, their memories. Closing his rustic gaze, a single tear fell as he exhaled an incoherent prayer onto the body parts.

Without raising his voice, he raised his head and regarded Cirrus. The storm overhead had slowed and was beginning to break, for his wrath had already been tempered by his want to understand. To mend whatever it was that was so broken within the winged mare, that she had thought murder was the task she had been saddled with.

"Cirrus. What did you do?"

And then he fell silent, all the while thinking, this is going to hurt me, more than it has hurt you.


RE: breaking me, completing me - Cirrus - 01-04-2016

Cirrus the WindDancer
It wasn't the first time Cirrus' nightmares had come to life. When her father died, she would dream of the only thing left to her being taken from her - Sitka. She remembered the fitful sleeps, the vivid dreams - and the soul-crushing reality of when her nightmare came to life. The wrenching, shattered, hollow feeling had been with her ever since.

Any scrap of hope left within her sunk into the darkest depths of despair as the earth tremored below, the voice that followed reduced the mare to nothing more than a shivering, broken pile of feathers. As it was, as the Earth lord's voice boomed louder and louder around her, echoing, repeating the question she asked herself. She could feel the storm he summoned with his disappointment, it rolled across her hide, a bitter and difficult pill for her to swallow - and yet one she expected. For what else had Cirrus ever brought, but disappointment?

The cloudmare cowered before the Earth God, holding her head low to peek through slitted eyelids up at him. He was so huge, a towering thunderhead, a stormfront, and she was barely a raindrop amongst billions, falling lower and lower beneath him. Though the Earth God's storm was already dissipating, Cirrus felt the clouds shift further as her own magic reacted to the simple, sudden blast of emotions that roiled and toiled within her.

The clouds above churned and grew dark, and her pelt copied. A rainshower brewed, fat drops making the clouds look pregnant and heavy above, before they eventually fell from the sky, just as Cirrus bowed her head to the loaded question the Earth God gave her, and wept out her answer.

"I never… I'm not.. It was my father who wanted me to be a healer. I never.." she didn't know what she was saying - she didn't know why the Earth God had tasked her with something, under some assumption, some guess that she wanted to be a healer again - did he see something in her she could not? No, she thought with despair, for I have failed even him, I have proven that I am unworthy, that I am nothing, nothing but a killer.

I am nothing but a harbinger of death.

"They all drank, they all.. they wanted to.. but I wanted to .. but I couldn't.." The rain thickened, sheets of heavy droplets pelted down to the earth, and the rainmare shivered beneath it.

Then suddenly, the rain stopped.

Clouds still churned above and upon her coat, but everything else was eerily still.

Cirrus was a warrior, a soldier - she was broken, her soul fractured and shattered, poorly pieced back together for time, but now… now there was nothing left of her. Cirrus had heard that she needed to collect tokens from corpses purified in water, and so that was what she did, the only way she knew how. She was a broken soul, a half-being - could a God even fix that?

In one smooth motion, Cirrus was holding the spear again. In another motion, she was swinging its sharp, pointed tip towards her breast - she wanted to end it all, she was done, done with living this failure of a life…

eagle-cry-designs | larfsalot
on deviantart

@Mythical Request

RE: breaking me, completing me - God of the Earth - 01-10-2016

The GOD of the EARTH

waves and rocks, sticks and leaves

The God was listening.  He would give Cirrus all the time that she needed to collect herself, her thoughts, her way of being.  Without prying into her mind, the God couldn't quite tell whether or not her killing had come from a misunderstanding, or whether it had come from deep inside of the girl. She was a warrior to be sure, like her Father before her.  But even warriors for the most part, did not enjoy senseless killing. Of course some did, but for most, the deaths dealt by their hooves were necessary. Looking at the shreds of lives that Cirrus had ushered from the world, the God wondered if some of those weren't mercy killings. Was the cloud mare's desire to relieve pain so strong that she couldn't bare to see the creatures suffer?

Or was she merely too weak to endure the pain herself, and so cut their lives short?

He waited for an answer, but what he received instead was an ultimatum.

Stop me or I'll do it, her hollow-breathing chest seemed to scream.

The God's ears flattened against his skull, and immediately a shield of stone hovered between the point of the spear and Cirrus' breast. "Stop this now!" The God demanded, his voice sounding ragged, the way a Father's might whilst scolding a child who had drawn on the walls with crayon. "What do you think you're doing?" The shield pressed against the spear, pushing it farther away from Cirrus with its magical might.

What was it the girl expected of him, in this moment? Did she expect him to give her life purpose? Did she expect him to ease the suffering that she had inflicted upon herself? She, a warrior, who would give up on life this quickly? Or perhaps she merely was weary of this world. Did she then, expect the God to aid her in leaving it, and she had aided those whose pelts, and tooths and other scraps lay at his hooves?

Since killing the animals herself was not part of the quest, the God(s) won't remove those memories (or at least, you'd need another VOTG pass and quest for one of them to do it). As for the circlet, it'll depend on how this thread goes IC :)


RE: breaking me, completing me - Cirrus - 01-11-2016

Cirrus the WindDancer

It hung, magically, disobeying the laws of gravity and disabling the rainmare from reaching her father's spear, the weapon that had killed so many, not excluding members of Cirrus' own family. Her teeth clacked painfully against the God's stony wall, her jaw banging abruptly shut, her resolve to end it all withering and dying much like the clouds in the sky above them were now dissipating.

She was Cirrus the Unworthy, Cirrus the Inept, and the God of the Earth wanted her to explain that to him.

Cirrus could not look at him, could not handle to bear the weight of his gaze upon her own pools of shimmering, teary blue. She had failed, and not just here and now, but at everything. She had failed to stop her father from dying, failed to stop her mother from leaving, her sister from becoming estranged to her, failed to stop the boar's mighty tusks from ending her Sitka's life, she was a failure, -even at taking her own life.

She didn't know how much time had passed. Everything seemed very still, very slow and yet Cirrus was left alone with her thoughts for what felt like an eon. Somewhere in this time, the rainmare found her voice.

"Death follows me. Whatever it is who takes souls from this land, stands by me, refusing to take my own soul but instead feasting upon all those I come near." She began, not sure how else to explain herself, except to simply say everything.

Silently, she prayed the Earth God's renowned patience wasn't just some fable, told to comfort foals who sought a pleasant image of their Lord of Earth and Water, because she was about to push her own patience, her own resolve, to its very edge.

"I couldn't save him." Tears sprung behind her eyes anew. "The Ardent. Ázzuen. My father. He was dead when I found him, dead, and there was nothing I could do. Sitka sang, he howled and a pheonix came and took his body away." She wondered if that pheonix was death, disguised as something wonderful and beautiful so that Cirrus wouldn't see it for what it truly was. "I changed then.. The weather bent to my will. I became stronger but I still couldn't stop.. she left me, my mother, I wasn't good enough, strong enough. I.." a hiccough interrupted her words. "I did everything I could to be better. I became a Healer. I liked healing." It was said almost as an afterthought, a realisation that had just come to her.

"But I.. The herd changed. So much happened.. I couldn't keep up. I went exploring and, and… Sitka.. He didn't come back. He's gone, I couldn't save him, he's gone…" Her voice broke once more as sobs shook her, her tiara bowed deeper as the pain of the memory settled across her entire body, the shattered remnants of her soul bared for the Earth lord to see, if he would only look.

Time passed again, as the girl bore the pain of Sitka's departure from her soul all over again. Tears spewed freely over her eyelids and streamed down her chiselled cheekbones in dark rivulets, shudders took hold of her body as she fought against the emotion and lost, time and time again. It took as long as it would take for her regain some composure, but it did happen, even if she spoke now with a deadness in her tone, a monotonous, inflectionless drawl that was evidence of the weariness that was the husk of a soul left inside her.

"I tried to come back. I tried to be a warrior, a defender of the herd." Death followed her around, she may as well try to use it to her advantage in killing those who might harm her home. "Then I heard you, your call, your strength and might, in the Meadow. So I came, and you said I wanted to heal, but I don't know if I am a healer - how can I be a healer if all I've ever done is kill?" It was a question asked to no-one, a rhetoric she only gave consideration to for a second before plunging onwards. "You told me to purify - I don’t know what purify is, but everyone I saw had a deep drink of the water we were near. You wanted me to collect.. tokens.. From their corpses.."

Her nose scrunched at the memory, as she remembered hearing the God's instructions, and immediately trying to puzzle them out. Cirrus was not stupid, but she chose what was the most logical to her - and when all the creatures she had come across begged her for death, what was she to do?

"I wanted to heal them. But I couldn't. I wanted to help them, and they all wanted death. They asked me to, every one. I didn't want to, but they asked, they wanted it, and you wanted their corpses…" And there it was, the connection Cirrus had made, from the instructions given to her.

What else was the girl to do?

Just FYI - I'm looking for an excuse for Cirrus to go join the Falls, so if Earthy would like to add 'joining the Falls' onto the list of things Cirrus can do to redeem herself (because obv she didn't do the quest 100% right), I would be OK with this ;D

eagle-cry-designs | larfsalot
on deviantart

@Mythical Request

RE: breaking me, completing me - God of the Earth - 01-24-2016

The GOD of the EARTH

waves and rocks, sticks and leaves

Sadly the God shook his bearded head. That Cirrus was so horrifically misguided - that she felt she bore the company of death constantly - saddened him greatly. It was both naive and self-centered in the most heart-crushing of ways. Death followed those whose time on this planet had run out. That Cirrus thought her relationships or proximity to others somehow influenced their death was foolish, and yet he could see how she truly believed it to be so, and how it waxed and weighed on her. As she spoke of her Father, the God exhaled softly, nodding his giant head. At her mention of Sitka, a weary chill shook the God's frame. The girl really had encountered so much loss, that her reactions were not entirely unexpected. And yet ... yet she had given in to this weakness of mind. This self-determined hatred of herself, pinpointing her existence as the cause of so much pain. Perhaps Sitka's death was on her shoulders, but her Father's was not, nor her mother's disappearance. Nor anything else. Yet, the ever diligent warrior, she bore their names and their fates.

"Cirrus, death follows us all, but it takes only those whose time is up. It has nothing to do with you. You do not bear its mark, because it is not your time. Death is not vindictive. It does not punish. Only you punish yourself for the progression of time." He offered kindly once her speech had paused momentarily. The God was an unmovable as a mountain, and yet he did appear soft somehow, despite the hard ridges and muscular contours of his body.

"Do not mistake the ability to heal, with being a healer, Cirrus. That is why you were given this quest - so that you would see that the ability to heal does not necessarily come from magic, but from patience, companionship, and the strength to watch the life bleed out of another's body and to remain with them during that time. Allowing that process to take the time that it needs requires strength. A strength which your background as a warrior should have afforded you. Hurrying it ... unless done for the mercy of the animals, rather than your own desires and weaknesses, is not healing. It is murder."

The God sighed and shook his horned skull, weary of being angry with Cirrus. Now, all he felt was pity and sadness. "I am always here Cirrus - you need only have asked of me what to do, and I would have clarified. The token from their lifeless body was only to demonstrate that you indeed stayed with them until their lives were gone. It was not an instruction to take their life. Never would I ever - even on the darkest days of Helovia - ask for such a thing. But - " Another sigh, "-your heart was not full of malice." A gentle and warm breeze stirred around them. The smell of lilac and moss filled the air as the magical currents held within the breeze slowly infused themselves into Cirrus soul.

"You can now heal, Cirrus. But that does not make you a healer. Being a healer is a state of being, an outlook. Until you dispel the illusion that the death you find all around you is your fault, you will never be a healer."

Congratulations! Cirrus has been granted her magic. Please post in the records updates.


RE: breaking me, completing me - Cirrus - 01-25-2016

Cirrus the WindDancer
He heard her, every word she spoke, he took them from her. What he would do with them, how he would react to them, she almost didn't want to know - fear gripped her, it shredded the remains of her heart, it hammered and battered and beat her up, until there was nothing left. Within, Cirrus was vacant, empty, exhausted - she wasn't broken any more; there was nothing left of her to break.

He spoke, and she heard him then, it was her turn to take his words, to let them fill her - he spoke of death, of how it followed us all, but not in the way she had feared. He spoke of how she was punishing herself for that which was out of her control - and she nodded, numbly, doing her best to cling to that information, to let it fill her, bit by bit, piece by piece. Cirrus endeavoured to fill herself up again with the Earth God's wisdom, with his patience, his presence, his power. Cirrus was once a broken vessel, then empty, and now she would be refilled - for he prevented her from shattering her vessel completely, he, with his floating stone, his orders, his words.

Cirrus clung to whatever words he had to offer, she grasped at them with shivering, frightened hope, blind faith in his word, his existence - he was all she had now, all that anchored to this world, for her heart and soul had already departed, eons ago, when a boar's tusk ended Sitka's life.

Slowly, life seemed to return to her. Selfishly, she hoarded each syllable of intonation that dropped from the God's mighty lips, she stored it away and rebuilt herself on it. He spoke of what it was to be a healer - he named traits that the girl had never possessed, and yet she had seen them when she studied healing beneath Onni - the Illuminant, she would have known what to do. She wouldn't have failed, she would have.. But Cirrus stopped, she turned away from the self-depreciating, destructive thoughts.

Cirrus tried to change, to grow, for him. Sitka, her father, the Earth God - maybe she tried for one of them, maybe for all of them - maybe they were all one and the same now, in her mind, her heart, her soul - she tried to be better, to improve, to be the healer that he described (because no matter how hard it was for her, wouldn't it be worth it?).

Your heart was not full of malice, no, it never had been full of anything since Sitka left - it had been broken, shattered, then dissolved away into dust, into nothingness. Cirrus was misguided, but she had never meant to be a killer - no joy filled her when she remembered watching the light leave the eyes of those who had perished by her hooves (they had asked for it, begged for it, every one), no thrills or excitement drummed her heart beat to higher rates when she witnessed death's final stroke - no, only sadness, sorrow and regret had darkened that empty cavern that was her, Cirrus, the Broken, the Vacant, the… the-


It was impossible to describe, the sensation of the Earth God's magic touching her, melding with her, infusing with her body, mind, heart and soul. Cirrus felt like she was enlightened, like there was something new filling her, replacing that which had crumpled, blown away into an abyss. She was not completed, for the gap in her soul where Sitka should be sitting would always be there - but the broken, battered pieces were fewer, they were… they were… gone. Her body shuddered as the sensation rolled over her, as her nerves felt alive again, as numbness was overthrown by the tingling caresses of the breeze stroking her mane, her nostrils overpowered by the scents of life and magic, her eyes open and beholding within their tear-filled, glistening depths, the kind, wise façade of the Earth God.

She would always miss Sitka, she would never be complete without him, but she would live, she would live on now and she would heal.

"I.. thank you, m'Lord." Cirrus blinked at the tears that fought to drip free of her eyelids, letting one or two fall before swallowing back the rush of emotion that flooded her. "I am sorry, for the wrong I did." There was no point denying her fault, to one who so easily saw all the perfections and imperfections of all creatures at all times. It was time Cirrus faced her faults, her imperfections, time she made amends - time she lived.

"I will do my best to learn how to use this gift. I.. if you would have me and my prayers, m'lord, seek your guidance, on how best to prove myself worthy of it."

eagle-cry-designs | larfsalot
on deviantart

@Mythical Request

RE: breaking me, completing me - God of the Earth - 01-31-2016

The GOD of the EARTH

waves and rocks, sticks and leaves

Like the way the sea shines after a tumultuous storm, the God could see the beauty shining through Cirrus' new understanding. Perhaps this lesson, perhaps the hardest she had ever had to bear, would not be dowsed by time. Let her not forget.. the God silently prayed as his stoic and stoney gaze kindly fell upon the mare.

A changed mare.

"Let this be a token of this day-" From behind his wing, he offered her a circlet. It was marked with his siguls, so that she would never forget this talk, and this new found understanding.

"I know little of the healing practices that occur in the herds of my siblings ... I only know what happens within my own borders. Yet all of the healers within the Hidden Falls are skilled, and might well be able to offer you a path towards becoming a healer. And it is far enough from the prying eyes of the Throat, that you would not need to feel as though you had to live up to who you were before. But the choice, as always, is yours."

His lips quivered into a smile, and he hoped that the rays of optimism that he believed he saw breaking through Cirrus' cloudy exterior, would indeed be a sign of things to come. Waving a wing, the scattered tokens of the lives Cirrus had taken disappeared into the earth, and in their place small white flowers arose. They crawled forward on stems of ivy, covering his shrine in lacy tendrils. "All is forgiven Cirrus." His voice was once again rich and warm, even as his body began to waver. His smiling eyes were the last thing to be seen, before his body completely disappeared and melded once again with the earth.


RE: breaking me, completing me - Cirrus - 02-05-2016

Cirrus the WindDancer
Cirrus was renewed, rebuilt. It was like when one lost a tooth and ran their tongue over the hole left behind - sometimes the vacant space would become infected, it would become diseased, unwell, and cause general havoc across the host's entire self. But, the infection had finally been washed away, the jagged edges of the abyss left behind had smoothed over - it had taken years and the intervention of a God, but then, her bond with Sitka was meant to last forever (- and surely it would pass the test of time and death, surely she would see him again when her time to depart this world came, she would find his soul again and they would be bound when they existed in the same dimension once more). And the scar was still there - the hole would never fade, never be filled, but at least it would not continually chip away at the edges, at least it wouldn't infect the rest of her with its abysmal darkness - at least now, she felt like she might have a chance at living, even if without Sitka by her side.

The sun seemed to be restored back in the sky, the weather cleared, as she looked to him, hope shining through the clouds above and upon her face. He bent a great wing out towards her, and she was shocked, surprised, to behold the gift he had there for her - it seemed to be spun from gold and earth, borrowing colours from the Earth Lord himself, with delicate leaves and stones that clearly signified who had crafted it. "M'lord," was all she could say, as the God affixed the precious token to her tiara. It sat upon her crown, the gold and green catching the light of the day and yet also blending smoothly with the blues and darkness of her pelt - it became her, just as she would endeavour to become what he saw for her - a healer, not just in practice, but in name, in belief.

He spoke of his herd then, and considered his words very slowly, very seriously. To not return to the Throat, to seek out the Falls instead? It was an idea she had had before - it was sanctioned by the God who built the land - and she nodded more to herself than him as something within her settled into place. Yes, the Falls, she would at least go there, and see, perhaps the Stornbringer still ruled there (how she hoped he was still alive, still the strong, kind, loving creature she had ridden a wild tornado with) - there was no time like the present to check (and she even smiled at that, for the thought was not chased immediately by a wave of guilt, a desire to punish herself for ever possibly thinking about something that might be good for her..).

The absorption of the tokens was not something she missed. She watched each one disappear, leaned down and breathed in the scent of the flowers that replaced them, in silent reverie. Cirrus would never forget their sacrifice - she would hold onto their faces forever, for they were faces who had carved her into the creature she now was, standing before the great Lord of Earth and Water, accepting his gifts, his lessons, his advice, with a tempered crown. All is forgiven, he said at last, and the sound washed through her in much a similar fashion as she suspected her new magic might affect a wound. It was refreshing, enlightening - tears sprung behind her eyes, though they were tears of joy and revelation. "Thank you," she murmured to his vanishing form, clinging to the feelings his presence, his gifts, had raised in her( - hoping they didn't fade with him -)

Cirrus bent low to scoop up her discarded spear, tucking it safely to the folds of her feathers, before encouraging the wind to catch her, as she leapt out, over the flowing blue lava, and headed north.

eagle-cry-designs | larfsalot
on deviantart