HELOVIA || The Way to the Sun
[O] Meetings With the Moon - Printable Version

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Meetings With the Moon - Caenan - 01-10-2016

"It's the heart and the soul and the body and the brain
Driving me insane
But the wind and the land and the fire and the rain
Always stay the same"
-Roll With the Wind

Caenan stood on the shore as the shadow of night overtook it. The stallion stood completely still. The rising and falling of his sides was the only sign that he was a creature of flesh and bone rather than one of stone. Darkness swallowing him and the sands before it touched the sea's waters. The sun held onto the water's surface for as long as it could. It cast vibrant reds and oranges into the water. The sun was vain and had to go out with a grand show every night in worry that it may be forgotten to the beauty of the moon and stars.

The moon soon took its rightful turn in the sky. Caenan's lips lifted at the corners and whenever he noticed that the moon was full a broad smile came to him and lit up his face. "Well 'ello there," his voice held the breathiness of wonder. He was the son of the sea and she would always have his heart but on this night he had not only came to see her. Caenan had also came to visit the moon. He was a part of her herd. He was Protector to her people. It was only appropriate that they spent time together. "Showing off on the night that we meet?" He teased the moon for her fullness. "Or are you just that happy to see me?"

Here you go @Ming Yue !

Credits: Whit's tables were an inspiration | Coding by Schwartze | Image

RE: Meetings With the Moon - Ming Yue - 01-10-2016

Ming Yue
Showing our pale light in the moonlight.
Why had she come here? She had followed the sounds of the shore lapping on the sands whilst everything lay quiet in the dark. It was her favourite time: night. The darkness and watching the heavens open up to stars and the brightest, most beautiful thing of all, the moon. She gazed wonderingly at its beauty in the hope that something would speak back down to her but nothing came. With a sigh she rested her neck back into its standard position and continued to let her dainty little pillars take her to the new land.

Ming Yue got closer with the moon facing away from her but allowing enough light to reflect a glow onto her bodice and glass horns. She was a beautiful creature when the grace of moonlight showed it, but she knew that soon she would look ragged and look like a soaked rat. Soon she saw the reason she came and it glittered and sparkled in the darkness like crystals. The edge of the earth as she had heard people call it. Once more a sigh left her softened velveteens and she whipped her tail tassles against her rump to almost subconsciously egg her on to continue down to the shores, knowing that soon she would counter-act the moon and pull the salted water over her bodice and trail past her. With orange pools lit of ignorance to this the azurine fae dipped herself into the sands as they became deeper and softer. Even in Orangemoon the Endless Blue was not cold, it retained a sea breeze but nothing worse.

And then she heard another voice, a dark voice of a brute from the near distance. She had not noticed any other creature around her. Hearing him speak to someone gave her the impression there was another, but as she began to follow the noise (taking care to avoid being too close to the water) she spotted a single brute, dark in hue like the night with a large knife-like horn and lighter patches. She wandered up even closer and felt humorous in her greeting to the stranger,
"The only show off is the creature to speak out loud to an empty space," the fae laughed sweetly and spoke again to the stag in the hope she had not offended him, "Good evening. I'm Ming Yue, it's nice to meet you, ...?"

" . "
image credits


RE: Meetings With the Moon - Caenan - 01-10-2016

"It's the heart and the soul and the body and the brain
Driving me insane
But the wind and the land and the fire and the rain
Always stay the same"
-Roll With the Wind

"T'is a fault of mine." The stallion's deeper laughter rumbled from his throat to mingle with her much softer, much sweeter, laughter. Her laughter was addictive. It was the type that once heard it is longed for after. "Caenan." His laughter had quietened to a smile, "Caenan is my name." Already he planned on making his a name she would remember.

A quiet moment passed over him and his emerald gaze returned to the moon and the stars. The sound of laughter had faded away but the stars seemed to twinkle brighter. Caenan imagined that they too had joined in with the laughter. If the Moon Goddess ruled over the stars then he was sure that she must have goodness in her or at least a good sense of humor. Of all of the Helovian Gods she was the most intriguing. The moment was not one the stallion wanted to spend thinking about the goddess though, so he turned his eyes back to Ming Yue.

The mare was not a goddess but it would not surprise him if she claimed to be something magical. A sprite. A nymph. A messenger from the moon. Anything but a mere mortal. Moonlight kissed her twin horns and wrapped its soft glow around them. Ming Yue's coat was splashed with a shade of blue the sky could only imitate and his own eyes did not find it easy to move on whenever they met hers.

"Back to this creature that you spoke of," he lowered his voice as if not wanting another to hear his words, "If a beautiful stranger noticed him would it be okay for him to show off?" His eyes sparkled and a grin played on the expression he had initially planned on being one of mock seriousness. Caenan was not sure why or how but the mare made him feel more comfortable than what he felt around most others. Ming Yue's presence made a stallion already known for his flirtatious  personality feel all the more playful.

@Ming Yue

Credits: Whit's tables were an inspiration | Coding by Schwartze | Image

RE: Meetings With the Moon - Ming Yue - 01-27-2016

The deep laughter ommitting from the brute rumbled and quaked within his chest and Ming Yue could almost feel the vibrations in her own bodice. The mahogany creature was gentle in his stance and he replied with his name: Caenan. It was a strange name to her, but then again everything in this place was. Helovia was still not becoming her home, and for that she could only owe to her past, and with a distinct nostalgia thought back to the Blood Falls and the Rift. It all felt so long ago, so long that she had almost starved. And where were her rogues now?

Shaking her cranium from these thoughts she got back to the situation at hand, and replied to the brute with a half-smile after his introduction,
"A pleasure, Caenan."

She watched as his pools turned their attention back to the moon and she wondered what he was thinking of the moon. The heavens were lit up perfectly that night, with the stars gazing down on them like the moon's children, all of them each as beautiful as the next. Ming Yue sighed and allowed her pillars to relax as her thoughts once again wandered but this time to the idea of meeting the Goddess herself, one day... But those thoughts had to be put on hold as her body tightened back up once Caenan had turned his attentions back to her azurine frame.

His flirtatious nature spoke out from his words and his pools sparkled with what looked like a playful nature. She could do with some humour tonight and Ming Yue was relieved that the gentle stag was there to flatter her and do that at the same time. She laughed gently with little shrills inside the tones as she spoke back, "Then I would have to congratulate the beautiful creature for doing so. Showing off could be welcomed," her pools too glittered with the playfulness of a filly, and her cool nature was soon being replaced by a mischevious one. For the first time in this place she had a playmate! "So tell me about you, Caenan, I'd like to know. Her voice was gentle yet still littered with the playful tone and her velveteens quivered into a genuine smile, eager to find out more about her companion.

@Caenan [Sorry for the late reply!]