HELOVIA || The Way to the Sun
Plots for Kiuaji - Printable Version

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Plots for Kiuaji - Kiuaji - 01-15-2016

I'm in need of all kids of plots and threads for Kiuaji once he's made his home in the Edge!

An old childhood friend of Tembovu, and also the shadowed hand in the fall of Dorobo beneath the Elephant King, it's safe to say that he's not a stallion you want to get on the wrong side of unless you like choking on your favorite snack or watering spot.

Dry humored, level headed and often weighted with a witty quip. Kiu's words are cryptic and thinly veiled in their threats, his actions are ruthless and blunt when they come to fruition. He keeps his cards close to his chest and to those who have earned his loyalty and respect.
He specializes in poisons and assassination. Many have mistaken for a mare with his air and mannerisms, (and his style of dress/jewelry that will come later) which are all crafted illusions and distractions by him, all done in order to get close, slit throats and slip away from the crime.

I'd love to get a bunch of plots for him going, which can be on the premise of:
  • stallions mistaking him for a rather pretty mare, which can either be shot down by him rather amusingly or be allowed to carry on into budding one-sided romance until Kiu shoots them down (or has obtained the information he needs) after a substantial time has passed.
  • assassination targets, want a character dead? or maybe your character is on their last legs. I'd be excited to get that going again for him here, a good game of cat and mouse or him simply snuffing out their light.
  • Enemies, it goes without saying that he'll be popping up everywhere and anywhere at the right moment for him (and the wrong moment for others), I can imagine his actions and words would irritate and downright anger some members of Helovia.
  • Friends, Tembovu is the only person he explicitly trusts and considers a true friend. But Kiu is nice enough (in his own way) to branch out and make acquaintances & friends. He needs others that are on some kind of same wave length as he is in terms of personality and humor, as he can get quite catty/sardonic and intense. People who can put up with bluntness one minute and cryptic the next are also quite welcome.
  • Lovers, Kiu isn't a one stud/mare kind of guy. His way of life makes it tricky/dangerous for him to keep long term lovers and possibly sire foals (he's not very fond of foals, tiny things that cry and whine for attention while getting under your hooves). His personality is also a cause for why he doesn't settle. He often only extends his reach that way when he wants something, or wants to know of someone. So flings, secret loves for the sake of him fulfilling an end would be A+. They may bloom into something else, possibly, but it would take awhile for him to realize that he could probably settle down. If he would want to.
In the end, I'm happy to plot with everyone! I'd really love for some wild plot rides and twists for him, so feel free to bring your own to the table.

RE: Plots for Kiuaji - Eldala - 01-15-2016

Eldala could be an acquaintance. I'm always wanting to get her out for character development.

RE: Plots for Kiuaji - ali - 01-15-2016

tosses eva at. do what you with her what you will

RE: Plots for Kiuaji - Sialia - 01-15-2016

-chucks Sialia aggressively at- THEY NEED TO BE LOVERS BECAUSE HE'S PERFECT.

RE: Plots for Kiuaji - Eira - 01-15-2016

He can have a fling with Eira! She doesn't believe it commitment. He's welcome to mess with Jahzara since she's so sensative, which should cause some interesting drama for Temb/World's Edge. ;D And Panzram is welcome to be an enemy!

RE: Plots for Kiuaji - Rottie - 01-15-2016

-shoves Naerys in- She's an aspiring spy. Maybe he could teach her some things once I catch up and close out some of my old threads? Regardless, I think they should thread once he's out of the threshold. ;D

RE: Plots for Kiuaji - Rexanna - 01-15-2016

Rex ofc for the great Temb drama that could ensue xD

RE: Plots for Kiuaji - Iona - 01-15-2016

um he should prob meet iona if he's coming to the Edge. and then there's that other pony that's not a thing yet and will be soon. yes.

RE: Plots for Kiuaji - Chan - 01-16-2016

Erthë is going to acquaint him whether he wants to or not x3 A friend of Tembu's is a friend of hers, after all. She's a bit young for anything else, but who knows what the future might bring ~

RE: Plots for Kiuaji - Kiuaji - 01-16-2016

Ahhh thank you so much for replying, all of you! <3

@Eldala — for sure, Kiu's just had his rank changed so he's free to roam, when you've got the time we can get a thread up for them bumping into one another and see how they go.

@Ali — woo, herdmate plots. I can see them clashing a little bit because Kiuaji's personality/what he does, but also had periods where they might find good ground and get along. I'm sure he'll have a welcoming thread to the Edge up shortly, so maybe they can first meet there?

@Sialia — WOO YAAS. LET THE PRETTY STALLION WOO YOU and then break your heart Sia ;_; ;D

@Eira — for sure, we can get something going with them, since they're non-committed unicorns in a world full of magic~, wonder and disappointment.
Kiu would also totally enjoy commenting on Jahzara's emotional state, lay on a rock and commentate what she's doing every so often while nibbling something. Once he finds out that she's got some issues rolling around in her brain, of course.
Panzam would def. also make for an interesting enemy for him to play around with/goad and generally play a game of cat and mouse with him.

@Rottie — yaaas bring sweet Naery's to Kiuaji, let him corrupt guide her with his teachings and show her a whole new world~ He's out of the threshold for now, so when you're free just prod me and we'll get the show on the road.

@Rexanna — how could these two not have a plot, especially after what's gonna happen in the threshold thread. I mean, Kiuaji is going to continue to shade and be horribly blunt to her because that's him and he's not sorry if he's offended your feelings, so that's going to take them on a wild ride of action and reactions. Poor Temb is going to be run ragged by them both xD

@Iona — he will meet her! He's joined the spy ranks and is all about power climbing up that ladder to a cozy spot in the high tier. Do super secret spy things together and what not.

@Chan — He'll begrudgingly grow to love her, since Tembovu is fond of her and if she's got the okay from Tembovu he "guesses" that she isn't going to be so bad. He could teach her a thing or two about certain poisonous flowers/grasses/animals if she ever fancies dabbling in the darker side of life?

RE: Plots for Kiuaji - Chan - 01-16-2016

Oh she would love that :D All the knowledge, always! They can be sassy together, he can teach her to be mysterious and dangerous despite being small <3 I sense the need of a thread, asap

RE: Plots for Kiuaji - Kiuaji - 01-16-2016

@Chan — he'll be so proud once she's learned everything, it'll bring a tear to his eye. Let them be sassy and mysterious together, little tag poison partner. They do need a thread asap, he's free of the threshold so a thread can go up when you like!

RE: Plots for Kiuaji - Iona - 01-16-2016

Actually now that there are more sleuths there will def be a meeting SO THEY CAN MEET THERE. :D


RE: Plots for Kiuaji - Sialia - 01-16-2016

@Kiuaji I dunno if she would get heart broken, cause she screws around but, it will be amazing,

RE: Plots for Kiuaji - Cloak - 01-16-2016

ahhh him and cloak definitely need to have a thing because their personalities are perfect together!! it can be short/long/whatever-term but i'd love to see how threading with them goes if you'd be interested c: