HELOVIA || The Way to the Sun
[P] But oh - those summer nights - Printable Version

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But oh - those summer nights - Shida - 01-15-2016

Delicate as FUCK

You know what's bullshit? Fucking er'thing.

Fucking patrols are bullshit, the rains of orangemoon are bullshit, fucking that time of the month is bullshit. But most of all - the kind of shit that puts all of those other things to shame, is that family drama is bullshit. Like mounds of it. Dump trucks spilling it, volcanos spewing it, and the heavenly host fucking raining it down, type of bullshit.

Quick re-cap, my Ma and twin sister just show up out of the fucking blue. Both of them, right here on these fucking sands. Like hey, sup; being all casual as fuck, as if they both hadn't hit the pavement as soon as shit went sideways during the Invasion. No big deal, I survived and all, did okay, ended up here with fire-balls and blue-tits, but like ... I'll be fucked if you think that showing up with a sorry bby and some liquid saline, is going to change things.

Like. I'm real sorry that you've been in stitches over this Ma, but I've just been fucking abandoned. But feel free to spin the wheel and see if negligent mother takes the cake over abandoned child. SPOILER ALERT, it fucking doesn't. As for Auri? Well. Who the fuck knows. She came here, all wet eyes and snotty nose, and then peaced out to go see Ma. Guess those two re-kindled whatever maternal bond Ma pretends she has with us, but I haven't seen Auri's smoking-ass since.


And so that's the tl;dr summary of how my brown robust (albeit voluptuous) ass ended up here. I barely used this bong I won from the Edge since Da disappeared. It reminded me of him, and in my younger days, I used to daydream about how we'd break it out, smoke a bowl, and just chill together. Yeah yeah yeah, lofty fucking dreams, I know. But when you're the kid of a drug addict and an ice queen, I'm not really too sure what you'd expect. I can explode shit and have a male hellhound named princess, for fuck's sake, cut me a break.

At my side, Princess is smoldering.

"You know what to do." I grunt, after stuffing as much cactus-weed into the glass chamber as I can. There's enough drugs in here to stone and elephant army. And while I'm not necessarily looking to leave the world, I'm certainly looking to forget it.

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RE: But oh - those summer nights - Morrigan - 01-20-2016


"I'm scared that you'll compare and I'll look a lifetime past repair"

'Funny smell.' My companion's voice startled me, jostling me from one of the light naps I frequently found myself having lately. I couldn't explain why I was taking so many frequent naps, I certainly wouldn't say that I felt rested afterwards. When I fell into a deep enough sleep, I would dream...And if I dreamed, they quickly transformed into the nightmares that repeatedly haunted me, vivid reminders of my past replaying. Usually I would be grateful for my small companion catching onto my approaching night terrors, the powerful mental bond that we shared showing him glimpses of what I saw. Often Pongo would wake me before they became too severe, even if it did mean that I got less sleep because of it. But tonight...

Tonight I would have rather dreamed...A beautiful dream where I danced across the desert sands with the shadow of a pegasus that was as much a mystery to me today as he was the first day I met him. It was a comforting dream that placed me away from the terrors, the abuse, of my past...But when my scarlet eyes fluttered open, reality came crashing down like a powerful wave. Bucephalus wasn't here, his disappearance had been sudden yet not surprising, and the disappointment weighed heavier on my shoulders than I would like to admit. 'Forget him.' Pongo's disappointment voice chastised me as I pulled myself to my feet, rolling my eyes at his thoughts. "Don't you think I'm trying?" The antelope only met my question with an unimpressed stare, before turning towards the strange scent that I could now smell as well.

The closer I got, the stronger the scent grew, and eventually I was led to a unicorn mare and her companion. She had...well, I didn't have a clue what she had actually. But I had a feeling that it was the source of the smell. "What is that?" Pongo's curiosity was strong as well, but as he eyed the hell hound nervously, he didn't bother trying to approach the bizarre item.


OOC - Girl talk and the start of Morri's corruption begins! xD

RE: But oh - those summer nights - Ampere - 01-24-2016

This is just a journey, drop your worries
You're gonna turn out fine
Gotta keep your head up
And you can let your hair down
It was a rare moment, when the twins were where they ought to be, when Zero was at home, and Gaucho and Mesec were nowhere to be found, that Ampere was truly and fully alone.

That's right, she'd never get that freedom ever again.

A blue eye slid to the corner of her dark face, watching with no lack of scorn as the green bird chattered to himself as he dug into a fresh berry. He flicked his beak back and forth as he ate, before discarding half of the morsel he'd just been savoring with a careless disinterest that continually confounded her.
That eye blinked shut as a spray of berry shrapnel sailed and splattered against her cheek, which elicited a raucous chatter from the devilish parrot. It wasn't on purpose, but it felt like it.

Disgruntled Ampere shoved off from the sands, doing her best to out fly the parrot as she launched into the skies, hoping at the very least the howl of the wind against her ears might sound like silence and loneliness again. It did, for a moment, until a streak of orange color buzzed behind her eyes. She would have closed them tight, but she knew that wouldn't help; seemed to intensify the bond if anything. Like her shadow, there was no escaping this bird. So the pair flew in relative silence, Kygo too busy keeping up to pester, so in the wake of his assumed kindness Ampere's thoughts drifted. Like the tide her ideas ebbed and flowed across her consciousness, scattering granules of memories as it went, tugging her and pushing her this way and that way with each beat of her heart. Like the firm beach her issues stood resilient, carved out slowly with time, but sturdy enough to remain unmoved by most accounts. Gaucho the high tide roared as pale foam came tumbling from the weaves and crawled like veins up the sand. Mesec the receding tide whispered as it pulled away back into the depths, taking tumbling shells with it into the unknown darkness.

Suddenly the ocean wasn't as soothing to Ampere any more.

Another streak of brilliant orange ended her momentary peace anyway. Actually thankful for a distraction from that endless battle with herself, Ampere left the beach of her mind, looking for the conure as he trailed after her. He shot past her like a screaming bullet, shrieking as he overshot and then looped around. "Show me!" she called to him, grateful for the noise; the silence had been suffocating.
Always happy to lead, Kygo set out the way they'd come, trilling happily when he found the smoke below once more. Curious, Ampere angled herself in lower, circling even as she recognized Shida (who given her magic, was not uncommont o find with smoke), and Morrigan.

Gliding in low Ampere landed with a ruffle of feathers and a whisper of sand. Kygo, less quiet than even Ampere, trumpeted greetings to the horses and their companions as he flew swift circles just above their heads. "Preparing for Frostfall?" Ampere asked with a simper as she turned towards the group, sniffing at the smoke and the aroma it set off. She wanted to say, "so this is what you do instead of spar", but she had enough battles to fight right now without picking one with Shida. Plus she wasn't gladiator any more, this was Einarr's problem now. Anyway, they all deserved respite from their duties.

Ampere had thought she'd wanted to be alone, but she gladly joined this company, however unusual it was.
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RE: But oh - those summer nights - Maren - 02-07-2016

Intriguing puffs of white smoke rose inside transparent, sluggishly developping clouds towards the sky. She had been silently judging the ongoing of white circles while also silently blaming whoever parent had let the kid do as she pleased.

Not my job, the diviner decided as she chewed on a lonely stem that had been affectionately poking her face, managing however without averting her eyes from the scene. She had been wandering underneath the dunes in search of decent food even though her second priority was, of course, finding a certain higher up she could talk business with. Unfortunately, pegasi tended to roam the skies, and she didn’t. Since that fact didn't really motivate her to look, anyway, she prioritized chewing raw grass to at least somewhat get her nutrients. Maybe at some point Ampere would want another therapy session and come look for the diviner herself.

In other words: Maren pondered on and finally watched a black mare approach Mrs. Puffer. Oh, look that must be her mother. She was certainly going to tell her to go waste time doing something else now. Good. She was about to turn her eyes and continue her chewing without any distractions, when she couldn’t help catch the black mare’s words: “What’s that?”  Surprisingly, she sounded rather curious. Not mad. Not at all. The diviner’s alabaster head arose from the patch of dry grass when she realized that, ears folded towards the two. At that same moment a familiar looking bluebird came falling from the sky. She watched them for a second, pondered for a bit in the meantime. For some reason it looked relaxed, carefree how they were standing together like that and that was an interesting thing to see - and, surprisingly, she wanted to be there too.

Fate had it that, coincidentally, Maren was in need of council from the bluebird, so she wandered over with a somewhat decent motive.

"Ampere, I wish to discuss the coming trip to…," she quickly turned to the chancellor, since she felt like she had been about to ask Mrs. Puffer for a hoist. As quickly as she had, however, there was yet another... thing ascending into her vision that could be called questionable. — “Oh...,” she noted first with a slight surprise as her eyes shifted from the bright green bird to Ampere and back. Then, as a conclusion, she curved her eyebrows into suspicious ripples. “I thought you were above companions,” she openly judged the chancellors hypocrisy. At least try to be subtle about it. She let out a puff herself in the shape of a sigh, turned around to Shida with standard cold eyes. Now that she had started she might as well go all the way. “That’s not Diviner's Fire smoke,” she noted in an almost whisper to the girl blowing off steam. Maren's glance fell on the black mare with the Bongo, who she didn't quit know either. However, she couldn't help but think this mare should've said something a little less supportive than she had. Wasn't she a healer? Close enough to a mother-figure, anyway. After all, Maren really had no right to judge or was in no position to say anything about drug-abuse. Who was it after all that had a night’ with the King of Fireflies after getting high on berries?At least my mouth didn’t smell like shit afterwards. On the other hand, this was the Dragon’s throat, so burning your throat to get stoned might simply be the only good way to do it.


RE: But oh - those summer nights - Shida - 02-20-2016

Delicate as FUCK

I look up. I've already inhaled once, and so my brain is currently re-calibrating into drug mode. Or you know, as my Da used to say, real life. So currently, Lacy-McBack-Lace is lookin' a bit like a spider, and the thing next to her sort of looks like if a dog got into a fight with an etch-isketch. But I mean, i'm not here to judge.

"Fuckin' forget-me-nots" I sort of slur. I dip my chin to my chest, burp a little, and then relax into the sands. "This uh... you know. Does what you need it do. Need to forget some shit? Done. Need to clear you head? Done. Got a weird boner you can't get rid of?" I pause. Somehow not all the things Da has told me about this stuff seems relevant. "Uh.. you know. And it's all natural. uh. Celiac, and glutton-free, and biodegradable." I confirm with a confident nod.

"Just inhale-" Princess sparks the glassware again, and a stream of beautiful smoke trails towards Morrigan.

And then.

Oh shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit. It's blue-tits.

Immediately I expect her to squawk (funny how I think that of her, rather than her parrot), but she seems ... chill?

Holy shit the drugs have kicked in fast. Ampere has no chill. And with that thought, I immediately decide I need to get this bitch stoned tonight - if anyone needs the edge taken off, it's blue-tits over here. And if I know half the shit that was actually going on in her life, I'd have no idea just how right that was.

"You know what they say. Healthy mind, healthy body." I say with a wink, knowing Ampere could call me out in a second on my bullshit and inhaling another large puff of smoke, and slowly letting it out. I was trying to make a flower, but it was more of an oval. Still, purdy good given my lips are like 3 inches long.

"Come on-" I urge as casually as possible, offering the glass stem towards my blue and fearless leader.

My mouth formed a / shape as Maren sauntered over. I hadn't really chatted too much with our diviner, but she seemed like the type to have her chastity belt on a little too tight, if you know what I mean. Like, cutting off all the fun times, not just the sexy ones?

"YO!" I tried to interrupt, shaking my skull in a wide arc as Maren mentioned companions. "You're harshing our chill, yo. She's got a companion. You've got wings by your ears. Chiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiill. And you're quite right-" I comment with a graceful nod of my head - and, if I had been wearing a top hat, I would have taken it off  and done an epic bow - "-it isn't. But it's basically just as good for the mind. Go on, you did walk all this way -"

And for the third time, I offer up the glassware, meant to be a present to my long departed traitorous addict and asshole of a Father, to someone else.

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RE: But oh - those summer nights - Ampere - 02-27-2016

Ampere watched with unbridled curiosity as Shida prompted Morrigan to inhale. She'd only caught the tail end of Shida's explanation, but everything she knew about smoke said you weren't supposed to breathe it. Though, admittedly, this didn't have the same dark and acrid qualities of most smoke she knew - until now she hadn't really known there could be other types. She might have pondered into this further, but honestly she didn't care enough, and whether she knew it or not she'd already inhaled some of the smoke (especially with Shida puffing attempted flowers). Already effects were settling inside of her, slow, but continuous.

Kygo perched suddenly on her head, his little feet grabbing onto her mane between he ears as he leaned forward on the tips of his toes to inspect the glass, smoky, barrel that Shida proffered. His neck stretches way out, and his feathers begin to puff up as he tries to compete with the bong's size, though he's unsuccessful. He takes in some whiffs, as does Ampere who inhales it as her upper lip stretches out in inspection.

She's cut short however, and her head turns suddenly at her name, throwing Kygo off balance; he tumbles down into the sand with a short, complaining squawk. Smaller than everything, his eyes dart around quickly, and he runs for shelter beneath the legs of the nearest object, the hound. Bigger, but no so big as to crush him like all the horses - so he assumed.

Meanwhile Ampere's attention has settled on the diviner, whom she greets with a slow nod. She's surprised Maren would be seeking her out, so with interest piqued she puts her full attention on the tiger-mare, but bristles instantly as the conversation shifts from subtle business to teeth in her heart. Ampere's mouth parts, ready to return fire as her body still recoils from its burns, but Shida interrupts with a loud shout that startles the Mother of Companions. She turns, her head already getting foggy, towards the buttermilk girl as she slips in, bong in tow. Another waft drafts towards Ampere, splashing across her nares.

Her feathers resettled on her sides, and she grappled for what it was that had set her off, the feeling already lost. She remembered the words though, and slogged through her conscious to find them again and mount a response. "Me too," is all she manages with the equivalent of a shrug of her wings and a lofty sigh from her nose which scatters the smoke. "The Moon knew better though," she muttered, trying not to think about that awful day again, which of course only made her think about it even more.

The violet bitch, the terrible feeling of the bond as the shell broke around Kygo, the blue lava of the veins pouring heat and ridicule all around her... "Gaucho saved me," she drawled, wandering amid the memory. She nodded at that, as if confirming that yes indeed he had. "Can't unbond though," she admitted after a moment, her body noticeably sagging, though weather from grief or because it felt incredibly heavy all of the sudden, she couldn't tell. Laying down seemed nice... she dropped her nose to the sand to inspect it. "Shoulda stuck with the sun - maybe that's my answer." What was the question? Shit, she forgot.