HELOVIA || The Way to the Sun
[O] [REJOINING] Breathe and Be Calm - Printable Version

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[REJOINING] Breathe and Be Calm - Rei - 01-29-2016

“In a world filled with hate, we must still dare to hope. In a world filled with anger, we must still dare to comfort. In a world filled with despair, we must still dare to dream. And in a world filled with distrust, we must still dare to believe.”
― Michael Jackson

Maybe I had needed a great nap. Or perhaps I had needed a fantastic meal. Whatever it was that had sent my moods into such downward spirals has been fixed and I am who I once was. Since I left the Dragon's Throat I have seen more of the world. I do not live in the same state of permanent blissful happiness that I did before. I have grown in maturity. I have came to terms with a lot of things that I had previously refused to accept. I have lost and gained friends. Africa. Nasreen. Kvothe. Ink. I miss them each dearly. Each of their names is a blessing and a curse upon my heart. I have no physical reminder of most of them. I only have the glass feather that Nasreen crafted for me and the glowing acorn Ink had given to me.

Anka hops and skips throughout our walk to the Dragon's Throat. While I overturn memories from my former friends Anka overturns every rock that catches her interest. Sometimes she drops off behind me and other times she dashes ahead. I smile gently whenever she scoops up an insect in her paws. I stop to watch her as she stands on her back legs and waddles over to show me her new friend. Carefully she lifts the top paw to give me a view of the beetle. Words still cannot be passed along our bond but I can feel her wonder at the beetle. I nod to her in agreement that what she has found is cool but before I have even finished the nod completely she stuffs the poor insect into her mouth.

I snort in surprise and my nose wrinkles in disgust as she eats it. The otter chirps at my reaction and bounds in circles around me as I begin walking again. "What am I to do with you, Anka?" There is laughter in my voice. My heart is warmed by the affection she sends through our bond and I send the same message of love to her.

Anka's running about wears her energy down and soon she is sending images of my back to me. I halt long enough to lower a wing for her to climb across and to give her time to get settled and then I move into a smooth canter. We are close to the Dragon's Throat! I do not bring a new member as apology for my absence; only myself and my companion, but I don't want to stay away from the herd for any longer. If it is as I remember I will be accepted as I am. I am ready to move towards making something of myself.

Anka holds on tightly to my music box collar and I fly across the gap that separates us from our home. I land on the other side and I stand patiently. Despite being an old member I will wait to be accepted once more to prevent any possible hostility.

Credits: Thank you Shady and Tamme!

RE: [REJOINING] Breathe and Be Calm - Einarr - 01-29-2016

He descended like a terrible storm, all feathers and muscle and darkness, with eyes a blaze like molten lava, digging into the dotted one who dared cross their border without invitation. "WHO GOES THERE!?" Einarr boomed, landing hard just a few meters before the stranger and its companion. The stag lifted his head, looking straight on to the intruder. Massive, dark wings folded against his tough sides as he strode forth on cloven hooves, confidence erupting from each imprint into the moist shoreline. Einarr's white-kissed face was composed like stone, hand-chiseled and perfectly intimidating. While Ampere or Megaera might have treated this stranger amiably, Einarr met them with a wall of contempt. Who where they, anyways, thinking they could just fly on over the sea bridge into their home!? If he had the vocal cords capable, the warden might be heard growling in this moment.

"This is Dragon's Throat. You seek refuge?" He asked, finally stopping just a horse length from the spotted and the otter. The woman was so small compared to him, so fragile and unassuming. Einarr knew, however, that a warrior could take no intruder lightly: any misstep on these sands could mean invasion. As the tall stallion eyed the woman he suspected he could best her in the art of close combat. She was tiny, delicate, but also light like a dancer. She might be able to hold her own in maneuvering around him, but she did not quite look like she could dart away from him and leave him standing in her dusty wake. "What your name, stranger?" Einarr asked, his question leaving little room for rebuttal. His entire demeanor seemed to imply that if her answer was not what he was looking for, she would have to pay for it in blood and bruises.

bright lights swing across the road
but no one seems to know just where I’ll put my feet down next
brown eyes, come with me tonight
you could be my Bonnie and I will be your Clyde

RE: [REJOINING] Breathe and Be Calm - Rei - 01-31-2016

“In a world filled with hate, we must still dare to hope. In a world filled with anger, we must still dare to comfort. In a world filled with despair, we must still dare to dream. And in a world filled with distrust, we must still dare to believe.”
― Michael Jackson

"WHO GOES THERE!? This is Dragon's Throat. You seek refuge? What your name, stranger?" A voice booms from the sky and the body that it belongs to follows soon after. I jerk away from the harsh tone and stony expression. Anka responds in stark contrast to my own fear. Even as I back, wide-eyed, from the stallion my bonded springs towards him exploding with the sounds of wild chattering. I do not know what the sounds she makes mean but I do not imagine them to be anything friendly.

Anka's indignation and my desire to protect her from an oncoming aggressive stallion gives me the bravery to come forward. I thrust my ebony wing out to prevent the otter from going any closer to him. I do my best to ignore her attempts at slipping through my feathers; wincing whenever she twists a feather the wrong way.

"I am Rei. I do not seek refuge. I seek my home." He is much taller than I so I crane my neck in a vain attempt to look at him eye to eye. "I am Rei of Dragon's Throat." Even the cool presence of my water droplet charm does little to calm me as it usually does. Adding to fuel me in this moment is the shame I feel for backing from a threat. I can only imagine the reaction my father, as a general, would have had. "I am returning after having to take a leave of absence." That is a stretch. My leaving the Throat had never been discussed. I had simply gotten wrapped up in Anka's hatching and then in my own sorry moods.

My bonded gets the idea to dart around my wing so I stomp a hoof to squelch the idea before she can act upon it. I send Anka a thought of a dry lake bed. She has learned that this is a warning, it is my way of punishing her; if she disobeys me in some great manner she will go without her morning swim. The threat of the dreaded punishment is enough to prevent Anka from running around my wing. It is her favorite swim of the day, after-all.

What reason does this stallion have for such a greeting? I am obviously not out to create a threat. Eyes narrowed I run my gaze over his body. Is he someone that I had met previously? "Where I come from," I look at him slyly, "there is a story that an imp runs about stealing happiness." The imp is the king of the fairies and he spreads the happiness to all of his subjects. Like the bees with pollen the fairies make delightful snacks from the happiness that their imp king, Dokkaebi, brings to them. "But he is terrible at judging how much to take and how much to leave. Perhaps he paid you a visit and left you as no more than a grouch."

Anka does not understand my words but I send her memories I have of one of my grandfather's books that illustrated the stories of Dokkaebi the Imp; beloved King to the Fairies. She puts the images together and she too relates the story to the pegasus that looms over us with fire burning in his eyes. The realization sets her to ending her attempts to confront the stallion herself and instead puts her to rolling around on the ground in a fit of laughter.

I turn my gaze from the brute to my Anka and everything in me softens once more. A soft smile slips onto my mottled lips. Whenever I turn to him I begrudgingly offer a forced smile. "Perhaps I could officially be accepted among the herd once more and we both could move forward with our day?" Surely he has something more important to be doing.  

Credits: Thank you Shady and Tamme!

@Einarr is a character I am so happy to finally have a thread with! As usual, the post that you just did with him was wonderful to read. Let me know if you want to be tagged or not after this!

RE: [REJOINING] Breathe and Be Calm - Einarr - 02-07-2016

Even as she balked away from him, Einarr's stoic face gave no impression of an emotional response. He just stood before her, large and intimidating, listening to her words. She had shied away at first, her companion ready to throw acid on the warden, but her fierceness came through as she spoke of how the Dragon's Throat was her home. "If true member of Throat once, you understand respect. You not show it. You fly right into the lands, do not wait across the waters for invitation or acceptance. You confident we want you back?" He asked her finally, not to be rude but in an attempt to cause her to truly begin to think through her actions. If she had respected their borders and stayed on the other side of the water, Einarr would have greeted her much more kindly. She, however, had the audacity to come into the lands. While it was not that far into the heart of the territory, and it appeared that she was waiting for someone, it was still enough of a curious move to raise caution within the primitive beast.

The spotted mare went on to weave a tail, and Einarr's brows knit together as she spoke. She finished her story with announcing him grumpy. The stallion snorted, a cloven hoof digging into the moist sands. His children called him grumpy when he made them awaken early and accompany him on patrols, especially Mordecai. The word had escaped her mouth more as a youngling than her siblings, but Einarr knew her to be more stouthearted than the twins--or, more fiery of mouth. The twins kept their tongues tied quite often, out of reverence or misunderstanding was usually unsure, but the warden liked to believe it was out of reverence. "I allow you to come back to Dragon's Throat. You left before--that mean you must prove yourself worthy to stay. What rank you want to serve?" He asked shortly, tail lashing some behind him as his patience grew thinner and thinner with this woman and her tapestry of tales.

bright lights swing across the road
but no one seems to know just where I’ll put my feet down next
brown eyes, come with me tonight
you could be my Bonnie and I will be your Clyde