HELOVIA || The Way to the Sun
[O] Woke Up Still Drunk - Printable Version

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Woke Up Still Drunk - Cheveyo - 02-02-2016

A little bit of time had passed, and I still had yet to have been introduced to Aaron's son...Brendan. The small, jealous part of my heart raged as I wondered if he had changed his mind since our reunion that led to the confession of love from the both of us. Along with the horrid news that his heart was to be shared between her and his bastard child. Sun kissed harks pulled back, burying themselves into tangled flaxen tresses that draped easily over my spinal cord. Orchids rested easily on the horizon, knowing that just over the hill would be the border to the Hidden Falls, the home that I would soon be sharing with the stallion I loved. But I also knew that it was ran by two powerful stallions that didn't harbor the fondest of feelings towards me the last time I had ran into them.

If I didn't admit to being the slightest bit nervous at the idea of crossing the crest of the hill I was climbing to hopefully gain access to the herd that Aaron resided in, if not I wasn't entirely sure what either of us would do. Would we go find a new home? Or continue with our current arrangement of meeting up and spending a few precious hours together before he would leave to return to duty? A shiver passed over my painted flesh as I forced ivory dipped limbs to pull me closer and closer to the wonderfully bright future I held before me, maybe the two of us would be blessed with children of our own one day soon. I had already decided that I was done with the life of a warrior, rather this go around I would focus more on the path of a healer. Time to take care of those who were beaten down rather than assist those in the beatings.

My gaze shifted over my shoulder for a hesitant second, wondering if it was too late to head back in the direction I had came from. Back into the safe embrace the Rotunda had offered for the last year. But then I remembered the bay paint wishing me well travels once we had parted for hopefully the last time and a smile forced it's way across my white washed features, shooing away all negative feelings I had towards the life that was sprawled out before me. Harks flicked forwards as I trotted easily down the hill, stopping just shy of the border I knew all to well. Swallowing the lump that had been beginning to form in my throat I finally found the fortitude to call out to whoever was near by, knowing that Aaron would be here to greet me with a wide open heart even if there weren't many others who would.

Tag;; @Aaron  @Archibald @Kaj  & anyone who can accept new members <3
Words;; 469

x - x - x

RE: Woke Up Still Drunk - Aaron - 02-02-2016

 i lit a fire that wouldn't go out.</style>

The reason so much time had passed, is that Alanna and I had gone in search of my son. He was just as elusive as his mother unfortunately. I had been forced to return to the Falls to check in and make sure everything was still alright. However Alanna had stayed in the wilds to continue the search. I could still feel everything she felt. Her determination made me proud however. She wanted to find Brendan to ensure he was safe, just as much as I did. But not just safe, but to bring him to where he belonged. Not that I want to take him away from Phantom. That was not the case at all. But Brendan is the only one that is related to me by blood, and he's my son. I want to be able to protect him from the dangers that wilds could bring.

Of course, because Alanna was out in the wilds I remained close to the boarder. Should Alanna run into trouble, I would need to be able to get to her quickly. But I was also hoping that Cheveyo would come home. If she did, I wanted to be the first one to see her. When she spoke to Kaj or Archibald, I wanted to be at her side. After years of placing my heart in the care of those who had only shoved it back in my face, Chev had taken it and given me her heart to care for in return. At long last, I was going to be given the chance of having a family again. A family all my own. "Found him, alone. Trying to lead him back now. Going to be a while." I sighed softly. Is he safe? Where is Phantom? I could feel Alanna's anger at the mention of the unicorn mare's name. "No where to be found." Anger built up in me as well. Had she really thought so little of our son, that she left him to fend for himself against the wilds?

But I would not have long to think about it, as here comes my heart up and over the crest of that hill. I instantly surge forward to greet her. I think about calling out to Kaj or Archibald, or anyone really who could allow Chev to officially come home. But I would rather wait until my son was here as well. So that they both could come home at the same time.


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RE: Woke Up Still Drunk - Brisa - 02-02-2016

She fell, she hurt, she lived.
And through all the pain of her experiences,
she still had hope.

Enjoying the last days before frostfall would be upon them the pale mare lounged quietly in the fading rays. All was quiet except for the peaceful sounds of of the wind through the trees and the crunching of Hikari as she finished her not so lovely meal of a poor mouse who had not gotten away in time. Ok maybe she had a helping hand in it but it didn't make her feel any worse than she already did for helping to kill another being. What else was she supposed to do though, it wasn't like she could let her bonded perish because she was too squeemish to kill a small animal or anything for that matter. Shuttering at the memory she was quick to push it out of her mind at least until she would have to do it all over again. It would be even better when Hikari was old enough to be able to gather her own meals.

It was still an odd yet satisfying feeling to have someone so close to her heart and mind. While she had heard others describe the bond from first hand experience it was nothing like experiencing it for the first time for yourself. Completely lost in thought the presence of voices never caught her attention until her kitsune became intrigued by the new faces of a pair of familiar faces. Neither could really be considered close friends but she at least remembered them from past meetings. Turning to walk towards them she watched carefully as Hikari eagerly bounded through the grasses at her side with a small yip.

"Cheveyo, Aaron." She greeted with a smile nodding to each in turn. "It is good to see you both again."

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RE: Woke Up Still Drunk - Cheveyo - 03-19-2016

Luckily it didn't take long for my nerves to be settled as Aaron's painted frame broke the stillness of the horizon. A wide smile stretched my rosy lips as it took all of my will power to not step over the border to embrace the stallion who was the whole reason I was here, but I was likely still on bad enough terms with those who ruled over these hallowed grounds, trespassing was not another offense I would like to add to my list. Orchid eyes moved eagerly across his body, glad to see that he still seemed to be in complete working order as he moved closer, the only thing that seemed to be missing from the picture was his lupine companion. An invisible brow arched curiously as I wondered where Alana was, but words never formed as I glanced away from him for a second to see if there was some little Aaron look-a-like tagging along behind him.

But the foal was nowhere to be seen, for a second I worried that the stallion had changed his mind and didn't want to introduce me to his son. Did I blame him? If I were to run, it wouldn't be the first time I had ran out on this stallion, or on this herd and it's leaders even. But I stood fast, yellow painted hooves planted firmly in the dying grass, another sign that the cold grasp of Frostfall was on it's way. Sunkissed ears moved forward as the smile returned to my face and the bay paint was finally within earshot. "Happy to see me?" The words purred forwards without any guidance from my own brain and momentarily I wondered if the stallion would not be happy to see me as it had been a little bit since our profession of love towards each other.

There wouldn't be time for emotions to be shared between the two of us this time, or for my worries to be quelled by his gentle words for once he came to a standstill the presence of another became obvious. Hope flickered as I watched the familiar grey mare move closer to us, I had known her back in my days as a guardian for the World's Edge. Of course then, she was raising the twin son's of the stallion I had thought I loved at the time. Note quickly proved to be worthless to the both of us with his disappearance. Instinctively I leaned in towards Aaron, hoping that my shoulder would meet to his own as Brisa spoke up, her melodic voice filling the silence that came along with the end of the warmer seasons. "Cheveyo, Aaron. It is good to see you both again." A smile tweaked the corner of my lips as I reached out to the grey mare that I hadn't seen since we both lived at the edge of the world. "It's wonderful to see you Brisa, how have you been?" I would deal with questioning Aaron on the whereabouts of Brendan later, but for now, we would just enjoy each other's company and catch up with old friends. Until someone came along to decide if I would be permitted to stay within the protection of this herd. 

Tag;; @Aaron  @Brisa
Words;; 546
Notes;; I'm so sorry this took me so long D:

x - x - x

RE: Woke Up Still Drunk - Brisa - 04-11-2016

She fell, she hurt, she lived.
And through all the pain of her experiences,
she still had hope.

There were mixed memories of the painted mare that was standing before her. They had met at one of the worst times of her life just after she had given birth to her twins. While the mare herself didn't cause any bad memories the timing of their meeting had to naturally bring back the memories to the surface. Pausing to take a breath she had to remind herself that that time of her life was over, there was no way of going back. Note had left her and their sons to uncertain fate but they had somehow gotten through it, well two of them anyway. Poor Levex had gone missing shortly after that but that was something she could not think about or she would not be able to focus on greeting Aaron and Cheveyo.

Pushing what she could to the very back of her mind she carefully tried to extract the memory of their encounter without bringing anything else with it. Which she managed with little to no success meaning tonight would be a rather rough night. Their meeting had been so long ago she wondered what had happened to the mare after the invasion. She couldn't recall a whole lot of details but she couldn't remember seeing the painted mare anywhere. Had she stayed in the Edge? Had she gone else where? What had taken her so long to come back to her family? Well she assumed by the way Aaron and her were looking at each other that they were a part of her extended family at the very least.

Reaching out to meet the mare halfway she accepted the friendly touch perking her ears to catch her lyrics. "I have been alright. Things have been challenging but we are all managing." She replied happily. Hikari stood boldly at her feet like a little guard dog making her laugh softly. "This is Hikari. She loves meeting everyone." She introduced before the pup started making too much of a fuss about being ignored by her taller counterparts. "How have you been? Are you finally back to stay?"

tag; @Cheveyo
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