HELOVIA || The Way to the Sun
Welcome to Wonderland - Printable Version

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Welcome to Wonderland - Chester - 10-12-2012

You are now invited to the other side of sanity

’Twas brillig, and the slithy toves did gyre and gimble in the wabe…” The nonsense words were sung cheerily, drifting over the land and confusing any who may chance to hear them. If any cared to investigate, the most curious sight would await them. A miniscule unicorn pranced through the trees, and odd gait that was a mix between skipping and slinking. His coloration was shocking as well, an oddly pink coat of roan marred by large stripes of purple. Lamp-like yellow eyes almost glowed in the dimness, more like the eyes of a cat than that of a horse. A spiraled horn of pink and purple emerged from the little creature’s forehead, and he swung it about as he continued singing his little ditty. Chester was obviously touched in the head, but it seemed to be a harmless insanity.

OOC: Sorry for the incredibly short post, it's past 2 in the morning and I'm running out of muse.
Walking the walk
Talking the talk
Thinking my thoughts

RE: Welcome to Wonderland - Lucius - 10-12-2012

"What is that nonsense?! " a deep voice rumbled, like thunder rolling over the sky.

The voice belonged to an obsidian giant, adorned with black bull horns sprouting from the sides of his head. He was a percheron unicorn, tall and muscled with a slightly wavy mane and sulfur-yellow eyes. He was Lucius, one half of a bulldozing couple of twins who were identical except for the color of their eyes and the white tips of Lloyd’s horns; Lloyd being the other half of the team of course.

Due to his weight and size it was unlikely that Lucius arrival had gone unnoticed and the thunderous voice would probably not be the first thing the little steed heard of him. But he had been moving at a quick trot through the forest, trying to cover as much ground as possible in his search for newly arrived unicorns he could sway into joining the ranks of the outcasted group of horned horses he belonged to. And so it was not completely impossible that he’d surprised the little stallion, if only just a little bit.

"What is that your singing?" he asked again, lowering his head to the little roan’s level. The two of them had to look quite funny together. The giant and the dwarf.

"Talk. "

RE: Welcome to Wonderland - Chester - 10-12-2012

You are now invited to the other side of sanity

The striped beast slunk forward, undaunted by the bull’s size. He circled the other stallion, gait changing to hold more slink than skip, eyes roving over the jet giant analytically. The insanity seemed to have vanished, leaving behind something more akin to a hungry tiger. The sharp tip of the candy striped horn glinted in the faint light, and the tiny hooves left sharp-edged prints in the snow behind him. Despite his earlier demeanor and the laughable thought of this miniscule creature doing any harm, the little one seemed almost menacing.

As quickly as it had come, the dark mood wore off. A crescent shaped grin spread across Chester’s maw, almost too large to be possible, as if it might crack open his face. The diminutive stag ceased the predatory pacing and resumed his happy skipping. “Was I singing?” His voice was high and lilting, but obviously not that of a colt. The glance he threw at the massive bull held a genuinely confused expression, like he truly was unaware of his previous song, though the smile that came after screamed awareness. Without waiting for a reply, he spun away, new lyrics ringing from his muzzle. "'The time has come,' the Walrus said, 'to talk of many things: of shoes and ships and sealing wax—of cabbages and kings—‘"

Walking the walk
Talking the talk
Thinking my thoughts

RE: Welcome to Wonderland - Lucius - 10-14-2012

Lucius raised a brow as he watched the little, striped stallion slither around him. He had a weird gleam in his eyes, the little one, his eyes that mirrored the bull’s in color. Was he going to attack?! Lucius was almost certain the fallabella’s horn would snap against his sturdy legs, if not, well at least it would be stopped by his thick bones. So Lucius remained still, following the the little steed as his behavior changed once more.

The bull sighed. He had no patience with people who just wanted to be weird for the sake of weird, this creature however seemed to be off in the head, but still Lucius felt like he was wasting his time with a loony. And maybe he was. But he wanted to at least try and offer this weird little steed a home. Well the Steppe wasn’t much of a home, but at least the Plague was a family and this little maniac would have a friend in his own size there. But he had a feeling even Aurelius would find the company of this steed a bit eerie.

"Look, you loony, my name is Lucius and I hail from a unicorn group recently outcasted from our home at the Edge, you’re welcome to join our ranks if you want. We’re like a family and we protect each other." At his small size he would surely need protection here in Helovia… well maybe even more so if he caught on the smell of Mauja and his gang. Lucius shook his head, thinking that it wasn't even safe for him to wander about alone.

RE: Welcome to Wonderland - Valentine - 10-14-2012

A flash of red and black walked through the brightly lit forest. He wanted to go back to someplace similar, some place warmer. He knew he couldn’t travel to World’s Edge, since the Qian where still there. So he went to the first place that he remembered: The Threshold. He wondered and wondered, feeling the sun against his skin, ignoring the light. He felt peace, and for once, happy. He didn’t know why, but he just suddenly was, and he couldn’t help but smile. He suddenly heard singing. He couldn’t make out the words, but they were happy sounds, so he knew the horse must not be dangerous. Then he heard voices, and he started to get closer he could make it out. One voice was similar to the singing, and another was deeper, darker sound. They both sounded male to him. When he walked through some shorter trees and shrubs, he saw who was talking. One was a tall, large dark unicorn that he recognized. He was from Edge and was now in the outcast group with him as well. His name was Lucius. The other was new to him. He looked very strange, and he was very bright against the green background. He was pink with purple stripes, had bright yellow eyes. He was the size of a pony, and he had a little horn protruding out of his head. The most interesting thing about the pony to him was the smile on his face. It took up all of his face, and it made his look slightly insane. He didn’t unnerve Valentine, because things that were interesting to him did not fear him. He heard Lucius offer him to join Edge, and he agreed.
“Hello little one,” he said, standing beside Lucius. “I am from the same group as him, and I think it would be best if you join us.” He took a step closer to him. “Say, what is you name, and more importantly, where do you come from?”

(Thought I would join the conversation :D )

RE: Welcome to Wonderland - Chester - 10-14-2012

You are now invited to the other side of sanity

Dark, shuddery laughter rang out at the bull’s words. “Loony? Of course, we’re all mad here! I’m mad, you’re mad, and so is all Wonderland. You speak of family Tweedledee, but you’ve lost your Tweedledum.” The pony broke into a sudden canter, looking absurd as he plowed through drifts of snow almost as tall as he was. Tiny hind hooves left the ground, and somehow the little creature managed to balance that way for a moment, regarding the jet stallion upside-down before gravity forced him back to all fours. The peculiar crescent grin still rested unnervingly on his face, so incredibly out of place that it seemed fake, a cutout smile pasted to his mouth.

The new steed approached, and the grin widened as he pranced in place. “You didn’t tell me the Knight of Hearts had come too! How perfectly delightful!” Striped frame bounded at the newcomer, eerie yellow eyes riveted on the small red heart that graced the stag’s left hindquarter. Mirth disappeared a split second later as he glared at both of the larger beasts sternly. “You should have known better than to trust a pack of cards. The queen will surely have your heads.”
When the Knight asked his questions, the bright little one kicked his heels in the air, cheerful attitude restored for no obvious reason. “Surely you recognize the Cheshire Cat, Knight. Alice may have fallen down the rabbit hole, but I fell UP!” The maniac chuckles returned, lingering in the air longer than they had any right to, echoing among the trees long after the tiny unicorn fell silent.

Walking the walk
Talking the talk
Thinking my thoughts

RE: Welcome to Wonderland - Lucius - 10-17-2012

The little loony kept speaking gibberish and Lucius found himself quite frustrated. Tweedledee and Tweedledum? TweedleIdon’tgiveafuck! The bull turned to leave as the little creature stood on his front legs in a way Lucius thought impossible. But as he turned he was faced with a white steed with red and black mane. He remembered seeing this stallion the day after the Battle of the Edge, but he couldn’t recall his name. Anyhow he felt a bit obligated to stay now that another of the Plague had joined him and the crazy falabella.

The bull gave the tricolored stallion a sideways glance as he parked his heart-marked ass beside Lucius. The obsidian unicorn felt uneasy with anyone except Lloyd standing so close beside him. But he fought the urge to move because he had a strong feeling this stallion war very loyal to the cause.

After both the tri-colored stallion and the small loony had stopped speaking Lucius smiled a crooked smile and with a gleeful spark in his yellow eyes he murmured: "Should we just grab him and carry him home?"

[Ooc; Would you allow them to grab Chester? ;D]

RE: Welcome to Wonderland - Chester - 10-17-2012

[OOC: Haha, yes I would :) ]

RE: Welcome to Wonderland - Valentine - 10-18-2012

Valentine chuckled at the response. This little stallion was interesting indeed, and he was very amused by him. And a Knight of Hearts? Hmph. He thought about it, and kind of like the ring of it. “Valentine, the Knight of Hearts.” It made him smile, thinking how ridiculous it was, but he could see himself as one, wearing a helmet with hearts on it and a sword in his mouth, looking over a hill, waiting for battle. Silly me, daydreaming, he said to himself. He turned back to the matter at hand. He called himself the “Cheshire Cat”, which was unfamiliar to him. He nodded his head. “Of course I recall you, old friend, but you seem to have a different appearance than at home.” He said. With a sideways glance at Lucius he quietly spoke to him. “I’m just going to play along, no use in upsetting him, we’ll take him back and see what Mauja has to say about him.” Turning back to the Cheshire, he quickly said, “Come on smiles, lets go, we have to go home.”
(Rather short post sorry, but I didn’t want to add further details that I couldn’t think of, and I just wanted to post)

RE: Welcome to Wonderland - Chester - 10-18-2012

You are now invited to the other side of sanity

“Home?” Once again the random madness faded, replaced by a shrewd creature filled with dark knowledge. “Home is where the heart is, Knight, and therefore home is wherever I choose to be.” Another mood swing, the unnerving grin revealed, crazy light reappearing in the yellow eyes. “Of course, everyone’s heart doesn’t beat the same. Then there are the black cloaks with no hearts at all. Seeking, seeking, but never finding.” The last sentence was delivered in a sing-song tone. “Lead on, Knight and Dee. We’re as late as the rabbit and the tea is growing cold. The hare and hatter will be waiting, and we can’t disappoint them. Or perhaps we can. Which would you prefer?” Chester knew perfectly well that neither stag were who he called them, but the names amused him, and why shouldn’t he create a new family here? There was no reason at all not too, and the easily distracted pony quickly lost interest in the thought. A flash of movement behind him immediately drew his attention and the little stallion turned and lunged. The lunge morphed into a tight circle, pink and purple moving in a dizzying pattern as the insane one whirled, either unaware or uncaring of the fact he was chasing his own striped tail.

Walking the walk
Talking the talk
Thinking my thoughts