HELOVIA || The Way to the Sun
[P] Brother where art thou? - Printable Version

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Brother where art thou? - Rhoa - 02-04-2016

Like ships in the night


Maybe he will see the sign, maybe not.

When we were younger we used to meet here, signified by a pile of rocks near the diviners fire either being stacked, or not. If they were, it was a sign to meet. I don't know what made me stack those rocks and come here, don't know what possessed me to think that after all these long years, that the distance and turbulence between us hadn't erased what those stones meant but ... I needed him now. He was the only one I could go to with this, save for Mother. But I had long ago given up my optimism that she would return. 

And so I stood, solitary. I was trying to ... savour wasn't quite the right word, for it wasn't as though I was dreading what was to come. But certainly it weighed heavily on my mind. I knew that being alone was something that I had run from for so long in my life, and yet here I was, on the verge of the impossible, wishing for what I had. For years I wanted Ivezho to return so that I wouldn't be alone. I had also wanted ... a someone, and now I had that, and more. But I didn't want it - at least ... Not in the way I thought that I would.

Wasn't that always the way?

My wings burned with a pale soft light against my flanks as my gaze scoured the sea, as if the answer to my dilemma was hidden out there, beneath the waves.

Please come.. I wished to the wings, and waited.

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RE: Brother where art thou? - Ivezho - 02-06-2016

To truly understand the beast,
one must meet him,
and unlock that which beats within his glowing chest.
Ivezho came.

He hadn't seen the sign, but he had frequented their meeting ground in the time he had been alone. Not quite daily, but certainly regularly, on the off chance that a solitary figure of midnight hues would be waiting for him there.

Why did he always seem to be the one keeping his brother waiting?

Today was the day that his check would finally yield the results his heart so desperately yearned for. As his wings cupped the air and he approached his brother's dark (yet always glowing) form, he let loose a low greeting, not trumpetous and loud, but quiet, pleasant, welcoming, happily surprised.

"Gaezo," he said warmly, as his limber legs reached out for the sand below and smoothly transitioned him from flight to trot. Brother, he had said, what are we doing here?

Ivezho thought on all that had happened - he recalled with some clarity the announcement that was made at the Meadow, the stunned expression on his brother's face. Ivezho had done what he could for his brother - even coming across his 'sister-in-law' and attempting to comfort her as she went through her pregnancy woes (it was quite the learning experience for him, really, as it made him wholly more grateful for two things; one, being that he was a male and would never have to experience pregnancy first-hand, and two, that pregnant mares were not an overly common occurrence).

He was to be an uncle - and he wasn't quite sure what that might entail. He had hardly been a brother to the vast majority of his siblings, he didn't know how to be an uncle - but, he promised to himself, he would at least try - especially if that's what Rhoa wanted.

What did Rhoa want?

"Fin melikh?" What's happening? he asked, as he closed the distance and stood, brothers on the beach, questioning everything and anything, as only brothers can do.
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woohoo :D
ps; apologies for any typos or random words appearing that don't make sense, legit wrote this half asleep and caught myself replacing words with completely unrelated things SORRY

RE: Brother where art thou? - Rhoa - 02-19-2016

Like ships in the night

Ivezho appeared with the easy grace that always seemed to follow him around. Familiarity too, it seemed, also buffeted on his wings, for I scarcely even felt my breath hitch at the sound of his voice.

"A yalli..." A child - My words tumbled out of my mouth before Ivezho could even get himself situated. I of course don't know that he is aware - that he put the pieces together in the meadow, and even found Glacia afterwards. And so my tone sounds more like an undertaking delivering bad news, than a brother wishing to rehash some old information. "Glacia mi loshat-" Glacia carries my child. But ah, he won't know her (I wrongly assume). I shake my head, as if removing the word and its misuse. "A mare I met only once ... once in a world that felt like a dream. That is to say, it didn't feel real. I know of course how absurd that sounds now, and I don't mean to excuse myself of the consequences but -" My sharp sea-green gaze rose to find Ivezho's. I searched in his eyes for something that would make this better, something that could ease this anxiety and near-regret. I couldn't be a father. I wasn't ready. I was still a boy, and Glacia a girl. We had been for each other what we needed in the moment, but now?

"I can't be a father gaezo. I'm not ready. I-" couldn't even finish my sentence. The grief and weight of what I had done and what was to come was upon me, relentlessly holding me within the grip of responsibility and something which felt very similar to doom. 

What was I to do?

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RE: Brother where art thou? - Ivezho - 02-20-2016

To truly understand the beast,
one must meet him,
and unlock that which beats within his glowing chest.
Ivezho might have spent considerable time apart from his brother, but he still knew him, he could still read him and predict, with fair certainty, what he was feeling, what he longed to say - he guessed that Rhoa felt the same about him, for they were brothers, twins, after all. Rhoa's entire form seemed to exclaim anxiety - his dark siblings' nerves were clearly frazzled, his thoughts scattered - and Ivezho had a fair idea as to the reason, the cause for it all. But he had to hear it from his brother - he had to know, what did Rhoa feel? Did he want this?

Apparently not.

The pale grullo steed nodded lightly with each sentence Rhoa spoke, encouraging him to keep talking - his attention was focussed sharply on him, on his brother, on the father-of-his-future-niece-or-nephew, on.. this boy, who was hardly ready for fatherhood, who felt little or no love for the woman he bedded. The story he had written with his actions was one that any young, foolish colt could have done - but he had done it, the perfect son, the better brother, (and Ivezho did wonder just what their father might make of it, would he be proud of Rhoa's virility or ashamed of his lack of foresight?).

Ivezho couldn't take the shaking, rattled sight of his brother any longer, so he stepped forward to press his warm maw against the dark skin of his shoulder, hoping to calm him with his own stillness, his solidarity, his quiet confidence (which he didn't necessarily feel). "You're not ready, not now, not yet - but you will be, brother." You will have to be, he thought, thinking on when he found Glacia in tears not long after their dramatic display in the Meadow.

Rhoa was looking at him, to him - and Ivezho had to wonder, for what? Ivezho was nothing more than the unworthy, lesser brother, the one who had left (and returned) without a word, and yet here was Rhoa, seeking his advice…

"Besides, I'll be there, to be the best uncle I can be - hopefully I'll be a better uncle than I was brother. I can at least try - and so should you." He offered a smile, a glimmer of hope which he wasn't sure he actually felt - but he was honest with his words, he would be the uncle, the father-figure he wished his own father had been, especially if Rhoa had no intentions of being there. Glacia.. She had divulged with Ivezho, the love she felt for Rhoa, and that Rhoa felt that she was only a temporary thing.. He didn't know what to do with the information, and so he did nothing with it for now, except promote the care and love of the foal-to-be, and hoped that would be enough to solve all the other problems too.
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RE: Brother where art thou? - Rhoa - 02-21-2016

Like ships in the night

"Why? How?" I exclaimed almost immediately, allowing my thoughts to roll back in time to Mother and Father. They seemed ... well, surely more mature. But just more ready, in all sense and interpretations of the words. They had it together - and were together - in a way that I can only hopelessly reach for. I'm not ready. I don't love Glacia. I don't ... I don't want this.

I snort and shake my head as he mentions that he will be a better uncle than a brother. He will be a wonderful uncle - for his heart has always been one that cares for others. But he needn't have said that. He is my only twin, and while we have a younger brother (3 in total, though 2 we aren't necessarily aware of), in that, he has been the best. There is no other standard to compare him to, and so despite our mutual heartbreak and struggle of finding each other again, it is all just apart of our journey.

"I will try.." I agree restlessly, my heart feeling as though it is going to leap out of my chest. Gods, I don't even know how long it will be until the child is born! I don't know where Glacia lives, what I am to do ... how is it that I am supposed to try, when I don't even know what I'm meant to try at!

"While you and Mother were gone ... you didn't - " I swallow hard, and look to him. Could it be that the reason he knows he will be such a good uncle, that he knows what advice to offer and is seemingly so sure that I will be successful at this, is because he's done it before"- you don't have a.." The word trail off of my lips, because I'm not even sure what I'm asking. Am I accusing him of something? Do I wish that his answer is yes - selfishly, or no?


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RE: Brother where art thou? - Ivezho - 02-28-2016

To truly understand the beast,
one must meet him,
and unlock that which beats within his glowing chest.
It was a reality check, really. They weren't boys anymore, young colts who could play and dance with their female counterparts and expect nothing to ever go wrong. They weren't young and carefree anymore - responsibilities were slowing stacking up, consequences for their actions were becoming more pressing - it was time for them to grow up.

His brother's words and general disquiet unsettled Ivezho - concern only grew as he realised just what Rhoa was almost proposing, what he was suggesting - did he want to abandon Glacia and the child that would be his? Was he suggesting that just because he didn't love her, that meant that he should turn his back on her completely?

Ivezho wanted to slap him, to shake him, but there would be little point in adding his own punishment to the one Rhoa was no doubt delivering to himself. He nodded as his darker sibling spoke of trying - that much was all anyone could ask for, really. I will try too, Ivezho promised silently, I will try to be better, to be present.

Rhoa's next question surprised him a bit, but he supposed he would have felt similarly had their places been swapped. "I've.. been with a mare," Ivezho said slowly, "but to my knowledge, I have no sons or daughters." No mares had shouted at him across a crowded meadow to announce such things, anyway. That wasn't what irked him the most about the question, though.

Did Rhoa think that he was with their mother all this time?

"Rhoa.. I haven't seen mother for many seasons.. years. You didn't think I was with her that whole time, did you? I thought.. I thought she was home still. With you. And father." When Ivezho had returned to the Throat, he had seen that she was no longer there, and had assumed.. Well, he didn't really know what to assume. "How long has she been gone for?"
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