HELOVIA || The Way to the Sun
Unanswered Questions [open/Paladin] - Printable Version

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Unanswered Questions [open/Paladin] - Hector - 10-12-2012

How can we win? When fools can be Kings
Hector roamed about the Foothills, his feet steady on the bumpy surface of grass with his wings tucked neatly into his sides. The brute did not know why he was brought here from the Throat but the place wasn't that bad. He remembered the little Kimber telling him of this herd and he was almost swayed if it wasn't for the offers made by Kri. His leader. It was surprising to think another leader like Paladin would want him, what on earth for? Did they need help pushing a boulder or something? That was the only thing Hector could think of, few ever saw past his brute strength. However, the inhabitants of Helovia had been different and so the huge stallion waited patiently. Wondering if anyone was going to come out and explain it to him.

He watched the clouds flitter across the sky bringing with them a chill in the air, Frostfall had most certainly arrived. It ruffled against his fur that was becoming thicker, since leaving Arcanthano his orange mane had been left to it's own devices and was becoming longer day by day. It's length was beginning to make Hector feel scruffy, even his tail hairs were growing. An image came into his mind of himself as nothing but hair with a pair of wings and horns. He shuddered from the image and reminded himself that he should do something about it's growth soon.

Sighing, he took a few crops of grass and chewed it absently. Hoping someone would turn up soon.

RE: Unanswered Questions [open/Paladin] - Paladin - 10-13-2012

The sound of iron shocks is stuck in my head

Paladin exhaled a breath of frost and trotted toward the bright, orange and chocolate figure in the distance. The great, horned pegasus towered over the rather tall unicorn, but Paladin was not intimidated. He smiled kindly and shook his charcoal, crested neck, the short mane on his neck bristling with the movement. He noticed that the stallion's mane was chopped short like his own, but the orange tufts were growing longer to the point of falling over.

"Hector," Paladin said as he finally stood face to face with the giant brute, a warm expression in his crimson eyes. "I am sorry for summoning you the way I did. The Lady Kri ordered me from her borders." That fact had made the stallion's expression sour, but he sighed heavily. "I would have come to you sooner, but the influx of newcomers escaping the frostfall have been many, and I found that I was busier than I had planned."

Paladin rested his healing hip subconsciously and blinked a scab crusted eye. "My siblings fought for the Edge," he said, explaining the barely healed wounds on his body. "No matter. You are no doubt curious as to why I asked you to come here." The stallion glanced to the south. "I am unable to leave my herd to face this weather alone right now, but if you would, could you ask Mirage to speak to Kri on my behalf?" he asked politely. "The Dragonheart has offered to explain to your lead the reasons why I took over as Chief of this land and Indy the Righteous will be joining. I lack your quite useful appendages that would make such travel a breeze."

The charcoal and crimson stallion was tempted to snerk at his own joke, but he held his tongue and simply smiled. "Once you go ask Mirage to speak on my behalf, you may stay in your herd. If you do not want to go, you do not have to. Consider yourself free to do as you choose."

RE: Unanswered Questions [open/Paladin] - Hector - 10-16-2012

How can we win? When fools can be Kings
The steed watches with interest as Paladin appears at a swift gait, his mane now cropped short like his own with spikes of red tingeing the ends. Even though the Chief was his captor Hector still rather liked the obsidian soldier that now stood before him, orange eyes staring into the others crimson. Overly large ears tweaked as he zoned in on his words, picking out his name and dipping his head in greeting. A small laugh escaping his dark maw and the mention of Kri and her ordering him. He could imagine that well.

The more the unicorn spoke the more melancholy he seemed to become, Hector watched him sceptically and wondered if he should lend a wing to pat his shoulder. War was harsh and he'd of gone with the Throat's warriors too had he known how to fight in a battle. His meagre 3 years had been laced with spars but nothing close to a real battle and he found it hard to put himself in the hooves of Paladin. Maybe one day, when the years had laid down their experience on him, he would understand the trials of warfare and the means to lead.

He didn't get chance to comment as the Chief moved onto to the real reason he had been summoned to the Foothills. As the explanation came a small smile began to play on his lips as he finally understood what he was doing here. He was to be a messenger. Hector turned the words over in his mind and thought about some more until coming to a decision.

"I will do as you ask, the Worlds Edge is not too much out of my way. I'm also curious about this new leader to the north of our herd, although I cannot guarantee Kri will be all ears." He almost chuckled through the last line.

"I would suggest you go find yourself a Healer, Paladin Sir. Those wounds of yours look like they need some attention." With that he smiled and nodded his head in respect before turning and flexing his wings for flight.