HELOVIA || The Way to the Sun
[O] Winter Revival [Welcoming] - Printable Version

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Winter Revival [Welcoming] - Ciceron - 02-10-2016

Now the story's played out like this, just like a paperback novel. Let's rewrite an ending that fits, instead of a Hollywood horror.

The dawning of the frostfall season was upon them and along with it brought the dreaded snow and ice. The snow he could deal with but for him the worst part of the season was the horrendous cold temperatures that seemed to go along with it. Some nights he would literally feel as if parts of him would fall off they were so frigid. Kiara on the other hand seemed not to mind the temperatures so much with her thick fur coat, but if he had a coat that thick he probably wouldn't complain so much about it either. At least she wasn't opposed to sleeping next to him on some of the colder nights of the year which at least helped to keep some of the heat in on their bodies.

Hooves easily split through the snow drifts moving the snow aside like miniature plows with each footstep as the silver warrior followed the path back home. Things  did look quite a bit different under the touch of white but if you followed you nose you could easily pick up the familiar scent of the fresh flowing water and the residual scent of pine. Checking behind him on occasion to ensure that the latest addition to the herd was still able to keep up with his long stride, he paused at the borders to await Azoth's presence.

"Welcome to your new home Azoth. This is the Hidden Falls." He commented brightly motioning out over the abundance of land before them. This was home and would always be the only home he would ever know. He had tried living in the Edge for a period of time but his heart had already been captured in the mountainous sanctuary of the Falls.

@Azoth "Speechy speech"

RE: Winter Revival [Welcoming] - Azoth - 03-01-2016


The dappled stallion had lead Azoth across the world of Helovia. The pegasus was rather quiet, the view was enough to stop any talker from speaking. The terrains and surroundings that completed this world was astonishing, a sight that the stallion would not easily forget. He was glad for all the new scenery, no longer would he peer upon the same old pines, the same old streams, no the little part of this planet he had known had just gotten much bigger.

Every once in a while he would ask a question, and Ciceron was kind and thorough with his answers. He had asked about herd structures, helovia structures, wanting to be sure that his installment in this place was going to be worth while. It seemed as much, even if it didn't, Azoth had no other place to go. This was to be his home now, and Azoth would take advantage of this new start.

After a long, tiring travel, the dappled man finally stops. Ears perked forward as Ciceron introduced him to the borders of the Hidden Falls, their home. It was beautiful, his wings itched to be unfurled, to let the cool mountain air carry him over the rocky peaks. Containing his desire, he looked over at his herd mate offering a soft nod in thanks."It is truly beautiful."

got no reason, got no shame
got no family I can blame

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