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[P] Young Ones - Printable Version

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Young Ones - Ashamin - 02-18-2016


The day was growing old. Ashamin and his two companions wandered the territory restlessly, all waiting for the moment when night would reign. For as long as they were alive these hours would be theirs; for as long as they were together, these hours would be the hours of their fraternity.

Frostfall's cold was unforgivable but not something they couldn't deal with. All three had warm and woolly winter coats that grew out eager and thick, so much so that Ashamin found himself surrounded by a blanket of his companions whenever the cold dawn rose. Even now as they wandered they all huddled close.

Though for a time there seemed to be no purpose, Ashamin did in fact seek someone that night: his son. Rein was growing fast but far from the Haruspex's sight, and the last thing that Ashamin wanted was to find Rein all grown without being able to see it happen. He felt a duty to raise the child well, just as his father had raised him. Rein was still young--there was much to do.

As he approached the border of the Northwestern woods, nodding to his companions to gather twigs and tinder as they went, Ashamin let loose a soft neigh. He had thought he'd seen his son's young hoofprints leading into these parts, and hoped he might find him near. Under the thin shelter of the evergreens, some of the snow that was drifting from above failed to land on the earth and made it a soft bed of only light snow and needles.

"Rein?" the father called, brushing against black tall trunks and casting a pale blue and gold glow upon their smooth surfaces, "Son, let's share the night." Nearby his companions gathered a pile, watching Ashamin with wide eyes in between their motions. The night, the hours of their fraternity, would open now to his son.
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Sorry this is a crappy starter but finally thread for them whew

RE: Young Ones - Rein - 02-21-2016

[Image: 56933a9cc0382]

He found that he was different from his mother in a single, major respect: the night called his name, not hers. Rein so often found himself restless at night, twitchy, unable to rest his head by hers. He annoyed her sometimes with this habit, falling asleep during the day, or when they were having heartfelt moments together. But he left her anyways, he did no harm as long as he stayed within the walls of the Basin.

So he wandered the herd's land, finding himself amongst evergreen trees and slowly falling snowflakes under little pools of moonlight. He stood silently, watching a bug burrow into the snow. He gasped as the bug became illuminated by pale blue and gold, looking over his shoulder to see the source of this phenomenon. A smile grew on his small, golden lips, happily recognizing the figure before him that called his name so benevolently.

"Daddy," He whispered affectionately, turning and striding towards the large stallion. He tilted his head upwards, extending his nose out to bump his father's in greeting. He had learned his manners. Actually, he had learned lots of things since he last saw his dad! He had learned about bats and bugs and pegasi and dragons and all sorts of stuff.

He nodded affirmatively to the Haruspex, more than happy to share the night with his father and his companions. He was rather fond of Lochan and Rakt. In fact, he secretly longed for a deer companion himself. He would have to ask about them. That was one thing he hadn't learned much about.

son of a thief and a priest

RE: Young Ones - Ashamin - 03-30-2016


His son had already grown so much. The sight of young Rein was enough to fill the haruspex's heart, and when the word "Daddy" came from his son's lips Ashamin thought it might burst.


Yes, Ashamin was a father. And he had every intention to be the best one he could be, to take after his own father in that respect. He saw Rein and saw a reflection of Rexanna, a young golden steed with the potential to grow and be great. If Ashamin could have any part in that, could in any way mold Rein to be kind and gracious of heart, he would.

But there was something immobilizing about the sight of his own progeny. It wasn't Ashamin who initiated his typical tactile greeting, but Rein. His son's soft golden muzzle touched his own bi-colored one with perfect gentility. Rein really had learned his manners.

"How have you been, my son?" Ashamin said, finding the words hard to speak and the heart in his chest to be quick and unreliable. His tail looped and arced, and without thinking he threw the sparks of its ornament towards the tinder his companions had gathered. Though a fire failed to start it urged his companions to move, and so Lochan and Rakt moved to Rein, pressing their sides against his as they would against Ashamin's when he rested.

"You've grown so much since I saw you last," Ashamin murmured, moving his muzzle softly along the boy's neck and down to his shoulder, inhaling the scent of Rexanna and himself combined, exhaling comfort.

It was good to see Rein again.

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